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Please keep the taint that is episode 7 away from the the old republic *spoiler*


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You mean the guy loaded in cybernetics and armor was able to take a shot from a Walker, while the guy dressed in cloth got hurt by a powerful blaster? That is odd! :o


What is stopping Ben from being loaded in cybernetics and armor also you wanna be strong as your mentor then you should buff yourself as he did.

It bothered me that he does not take the steps to be as strong as Vader.

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Ben said he wants to be as strong as Vader and Vader was as strong in no small part because of his cybernetics. So cyborg is the way to go.


Or would he have been stronger in the force without the cybernetics?


If one got stronger by being cyborg, we'd see storm trooper being made into cyborgs.

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Or would he have been stronger in the force without the cybernetics?


If one got stronger by being cyborg, we'd see storm trooper being made into cyborgs.


Well that may not be something that was not done. Also making them cyborgs is expensive they already raise them, feed them train them then equip them. In legends there where troopers made into cyborgs they where quite strong but again very expensive so there where a limited number to them.

Vader as the cyborg he is had very very very very high tolerance to pain and to add that he was stronger psychically then what a normal human can be and a quite high resistance to blaster attacks that can level a building. And endurance he had incredible endurance very very high one.

Now Ben does not have to lose a hand and his legs to have those and will not limit his force powers not that it matter anymore that choice is gone.

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I gotta say, I was also pretty damn disappointed with the movie. I get that Kylo Ren is still what would amount to a padawan or acolyte, but even a trainee as it were, is a force to be reckoned with. He went through some level of force training, as well as lightsaber training.


You can tell from his few examples, he is able to force information out of people, stop a blaster, and move people with ease. He isn't a master, but he doesn't have to be in order to be strong. Even injured, he would be a formidable person.


I will say, I liked Rey's overall character, what I didn't like was her ability to use the force in 15minutes, I mean, this is a massive damn plot hole. Why even bother with Jedi training, or sith training, when a 15min video would be sufficient to get everyone up to speed. Think about the original movies? It took Luke a long time to get some level of control and that was training under Yoda. This girl just kind of figures it out in a few minutes? What a joke, this is lazy writing is what it is, forcing the story along without wanting to invest in building up the character.


JJ Abrams cuts corners to fit his narrative big time (and this isn't the only movie he does this in). Even injured, why would Kylo Ren even need to fight Finn? Could he just force push his *** into a tree? He had no troubles before. He might be an acolyte, but he has still had years of training compared to 15minutes that Rey had.


Injured or no, he should not have had any trouble with Finn. I can see Rey putting up a fight with the saber sure, but not with any force control elements. There could have been a better way for her to be freed, perhaps her technical knowledge or something.


This entire movie was ****, it was entertaining, but from content and writing it was terrible. The prequels were bad because of terrible acting, and CGI, this movie was terrible because of a **** story, plot holes, and complete disregard for the Star Wars Universe. JJ Abrams needs to be stopped before he ruins anymore iconic movies/shows...

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I gotta say, I was also pretty damn disappointed with the movie. I get that Kylo Ren is still what would amount to a padawan or acolyte, but even a trainee as it were, is a force to be reckoned with. He went through some level of force training, as well as lightsaber training.


You can tell from his few examples, he is able to force information out of people, stop a blaster, and move people with ease. He isn't a master, but he doesn't have to be in order to be strong. Even injured, he would be a formidable person.


I will say, I liked Rey's overall character, what I didn't like was her ability to use the force in 15minutes, I mean, this is a massive damn plot hole. Why even bother with Jedi training, or sith training, when a 15min video would be sufficient to get everyone up to speed. Think about the original movies? It took Luke a long time to get some level of control and that was training under Yoda. This girl just kind of figures it out in a few minutes? What a joke, this is lazy writing is what it is, forcing the story along without wanting to invest in building up the character.


JJ Abrams cuts corners to fit his narrative big time (and this isn't the only movie he does this in). Even injured, why would Kylo Ren even need to fight Finn? Could he just force push his *** into a tree? He had no troubles before. He might be an acolyte, but he has still had years of training compared to 15minutes that Rey had.


Injured or no, he should not have had any trouble with Finn. I can see Rey putting up a fight with the saber sure, but not with any force control elements. There could have been a better way for her to be freed, perhaps her technical knowledge or something.


This entire movie was ****, it was entertaining, but from content and writing it was terrible. The prequels were bad because of terrible acting, and CGI, this movie was terrible because of a **** story, plot holes, and complete disregard for the Star Wars Universe. JJ Abrams needs to be stopped before he ruins anymore iconic movies/shows...


I and a vast majority of people completely disagree with you, sorry.

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You and a vast majority of people are also not that bright. Sorry.


Contrary to your belief, disliking something that is popular does not make you smarter than the masses. It makes you a hipster.


It would be great if you could find some other way to manufacture your identity. Were talking about a pretty bad *** awesome movie here, pal.

Edited by SaibotLiu
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Contrary to your belief, disliking something that is popular does not make you smarter than the masses. It makes you a hipster.


It would be great if you could find some other way to manufacture your identity. Were talking about a pretty bad *** awesome movie here, pal.


To be fair, the masses said that about TPM when it came out, and then later, they changed their tone :p At least the masses on the internet.

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I didn't have time to read the whole thread got to like page 3.


People seem to be forgetting that there is a big possibility that Rey did have training. Her flashback seemed to indicate that she had encountered Luke before. Very possible Luke wiped her mind (jedi mind tricks anyone?) when the turmoil with Ren occurred during Luke's training of Ren and other pupils (was Rey also a pupil?). Luke gives up training others and decides to throw her on Jakku. It's possible that the "force awakening" in Rey was previous training coming back + strong in the force. That's how I saw it when she first starts using force persuade on the trooper while captive.




Ren was injured.


Ren is not fully trained.


Ren isn't trying to kill Rey through most of the fight but trying to convince her to join him.


Ren is conflicted himself in terms of dark/light.



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One thing I didn't quite get or may have missed is, what was the catalyst for r2d2 to power back up? Anybody know?


I'm not sure if the book says what it was, but the movie doesn't. He just turns back on. At first I thought it was the lightsaber being near by, but it was nearby earlier.

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The minority is quite literally desperate looking for reasons to disparage the movie. (im guessing to keep the OT on a pedestal) So desperate that they ignore things that the movie itself presents.


Yeah Ren lost. He was powerful sure, but he wasn't anywhere near 100% in his fight, unless you forget the bow caster which the movie made a big deal of about 5 times and the fact he was wounded which the movie points out to you another 5 times. But hey lets ignore that because he was powerful in the beginning when nobody hurt him right.. makes sense /sarcasm


He got cocky with Finn because he wanted to make that traitor suffer. After getting injured Finn finally hurts Ren back and Ren then obliterates him 2 seconds later (and it was such a nice jacket too) and leaves him unconscious for the rest of the movie.


It made way more sense than Anakin vs Obi-wan for instance. (high ground? just go around Anakin)

Edited by maxetius
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I gotta say, I was also pretty damn disappointed with the movie. I get that Kylo Ren is still what would amount to a padawan or acolyte, but even a trainee as it were, is a force to be reckoned with. He went through some level of force training, as well as lightsaber training.


You can tell from his few examples, he is able to force information out of people, stop a blaster, and move people with ease. He isn't a master, but he doesn't have to be in order to be strong. Even injured, he would be a formidable person.


I will say, I liked Rey's overall character, what I didn't like was her ability to use the force in 15minutes, I mean, this is a massive damn plot hole. Why even bother with Jedi training, or sith training, when a 15min video would be sufficient to get everyone up to speed. Think about the original movies? It took Luke a long time to get some level of control and that was training under Yoda. This girl just kind of figures it out in a few minutes? What a joke, this is lazy writing is what it is, forcing the story along without wanting to invest in building up the character.


JJ Abrams cuts corners to fit his narrative big time (and this isn't the only movie he does this in). Even injured, why would Kylo Ren even need to fight Finn? Could he just force push his *** into a tree? He had no troubles before. He might be an acolyte, but he has still had years of training compared to 15minutes that Rey had.


Injured or no, he should not have had any trouble with Finn. I can see Rey putting up a fight with the saber sure, but not with any force control elements. There could have been a better way for her to be freed, perhaps her technical knowledge or something.


This entire movie was ****, it was entertaining, but from content and writing it was terrible. The prequels were bad because of terrible acting, and CGI, this movie was terrible because of a **** story, plot holes, and complete disregard for the Star Wars Universe. JJ Abrams needs to be stopped before he ruins anymore iconic movies/shows...



I'm curious to find out what many think of the film once the dust has settled and the hysteria has died down.

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When Genuine Class (aka Obi-Wan) died in Episode IV, did Luke suddenly force pull his lightsaber to himself and proceed to kick Vader across the Death Star? Luke had even had some minimal training by that point. Yes Kylo was injured, but Vader is essentially a dying asthmatic encased in a life support unit. Even with further training from Yoda, Luke still gets his lunch handed to him in the following movie.


Here we basically have the tough female protagonist from Harry Potter/Hunger Games/Divergent/generic Young Adult dystopian novel etc. yet again. Who can do no wrong, going from backwater scavenger to jedi master in 5.0 minutes, using nothing but the power of positive thinking, stares, closing eyes and thinking, and more stares.


I guess she is the hero of the rising generation and represents their greatest hopes--"I don't have time for job training and rising through the ranks! Just make me a VP of the company already!"


PS-JJ did the exact same thing on Star Trek. Kirk is promoted from Academy Cadet to Captain, and basically given command of the Navy's new top of the line aircraft carrier, because of sheer awesomeness.


PPS-Prediction for Episode IX

Luke: You cannot escape your destiny Rey, you must face Kylo Ren again.

Rey: That wimp? No problem. I could do it in my sleep. Maybe I will:) In fact, I will do it right now. Check out this force trick I developed while you were talking just now (uses force to reach across half the galaxy and cause Kylo's poorly constructed lightsaber to detonate, obliterating him). Done. What is next?

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If you put it like that you are right. But lets be honest nobody wanna work to be awesome they wanna be awesome without work and this movies give us that fantasy.


That is a good way of putting it. And it does make for a nice entertaining film. Just don't pay too much attention to the man behind the curtain.

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Quote from cs_zoltan:

"That's a hella lot smaller list than TFA:


Movie starts on a desert planet. Check.

Force sensitive young adult lives on said planet. Check.

There's a droid on that planet with vital information to the Rebels/Resistance. Check.

Said droid finds his way to the young adult. Check.

Young adult escapes the imperials on the planet with the Falcon. Check.

Young adult finds a mentor in a shape of an old man. Check.

The main villain of the movie is a black armored, masked sith. Check.

The main villain is not actually in charge. Check.

The man in charge is a disfigured humanoid who appears over a huge Holo. Check.

The villain has a history with the mentor. Check.

The villain has family relation with one of the main cast. Check.

The empire has a superweapon. Check.

They use the super weapon to destroy planets without provocation. Check.

The girl of the main cast is being held on the superweapon. Check.

Rest of the heroes go rescue her. Check.

The Rebels/Resistance makes a quickly put together plan to destroy the superweapon. Check.

They use a small weak point to destroy a big *** superweapon. Check.

The heroes manage to rescue the girl. Check.

The mentor and the villain meet after a long time. Check.

The villain kills the mentor in front of the young adult. Check.

The villain is defeated and gets away from the superweapon's destruction in the last second. Check.


Could find more too if I'd bother."

Personally, I was disappointed in TFA. To me it looked liked a combo of episodes 5 and 6. The Death Star, father theme, fallen student, reclusive Jedi Master, all repeat themes, no new content or expansion of the story imho. Even bb-8 was an updated version of rd-d2. cs_zoltan hit all the major points concerning repeat themes. Han and Chewwy were the only redeeming qualities. Leia looked like she had a plastic face. At least Luke did not fall to the dark side. Where did Snoke come from? Its only been about 30 years since RoTJ, so I would think Snoke would have been around somewhere at that time. Snoke / Ren don't seem to be on par with Palpatine / Vader. I figured Disney would botch it and they did. Yes, this movie did introduce the new blood and maybe Snoke / Ren are not yet "all powerful evil" yet. We'll have to wait and see how JJ moves the story along.

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I just saw TFA and was also disappointed. There was so much potential for a great movie and there ruined it. I see I'm not the only one that thinks it's a rehash of ANH, I think Kylo Ren is one of the worst villiens I've ever seen. Vader was a force to be reckoned with. Maul was a cool character and came across a bad *** in my opinion. Ren just came across as a wimp. I like most of the new character but the story line was so weak. I wish Luke would of showed up about half way though the movie. I
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