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Star fortress


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Whichever dev designed this crap fest needs to be fired.

The gear you get from beating it is crap considering the gear you have to have to stand a chance soloing it and the liar dev who said its solo able needs to be fired as well because multiple deaths pray you do not get knocked back while he spams that heal he does on the end fight faster than you can even interrupt it and melee yeh stay in range and die.


Edited by Nategray
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Whichever dev designed this crap fest needs to be fired.

The gear you get from beating it is crap considering the gear you have to have to stand a chance soloing it and the liar dev who said its solo able needs to be fired as well because multiple deaths pray you do not get knocked back while he spams that heal he does on the end fight faster than you can even interrupt it and melee yeh stay in range and die.



Punctuation. All the cool kids are doing it. :p

Keep working at it, I soloed all of them, so its definitely doable. Just keep raising your influence level and be judicious with your interrupts.

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Punctuation. All the cool kids are doing it. :p

Keep working at it, I soloed all of them, so its definitely doable. Just keep raising your influence level and be judicious with your interrupts.


Yeh I do not really care about punctuation at around the 10th death

Companion influence is rank 24 all 208 gear with couple pieces of 216 still a crap mission and the reward is a slap in the face.

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solod it in 204pvp gear easy without any 10lvl buffs from alliance.


Well aren't you just the special little snowflake.

I am a casual player so I am not so leet as you and my other point you ignored is the reward is crap for completing it for the difficulty and time required to complete it.

You can defend crap all you want its still crap.

Edited by Nategray
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And don't pretend its not buggy as crap.

Like how they can knock your companion over the edge and they die while if you knock them over they just come back, or the elevator that goes down once or a host of others I could mention but whats the point when you think its just fine...

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You can do it in 216 comm gear with a level 17 companion. I did it on my sniper pre-nerf.


I don't have all 216 gear, all 208 with 3 pieces of 216 and again whats the effing point of doing something for 4 common crystals and a piece of gear obsolete for what is required to complete it.

And that's if you are lucky and get a piece you can even use which most times you don't

Edited by Nategray
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Well aren't you just the special little snowflake.

I am a casual player so I am not so leet as you and my other point you ignored is the reward is crap for completing it for the difficulty and time required to complete it.

You can defend crap all you want its still crap.


wasn't my point to brag about it so no need for that passive/agressive whatever it was.


my point is that you are wrong about that it's too hard because it is not, perhaps You are just doing something wrong and need to improve your tactics. gl!

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wasn't my point to brag about it so no need for that passive/agressive whatever it was.


my point is that you are wrong about that it's too hard because it is not, perhaps You are just doing something wrong and need to improve your tactics. gl!


Yes I realized what I was doing wrong around the 5th death on the main boss still took several more deaths to be able to actually finish it.

That was also after the first robot boss who knocked my companion over the edge on two separate occasions which equals death.

His heal is op and should not be spam able faster than you can interrupt it and it is. he can already knock you back , which he does before he kicks it off, and lets not forget the red circles of death and if you have lag then even more fun deaths occur.

And again its buggy and the reward is crap for the time and difficulty, aside from teeth gnashing to say you completed them whats the point, I did not find it fun in the least bit .

And the rewards are a piece of gear that are pretty much crap that if you just do planetary dailies you can get as good as...

And still have 5 more to complete just to say wow I did them all oh joy....

I apologize about the snark your post did come off as elitist though and I would bet more people struggle with this on Marauders than breeze through it.

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This is simply just to share what my experience has been like and in no way is meant to come off "elitest" or looking down on your experience. I recognize there have been many complaints about the soloability of Star Fortresses. With so many complaints one must consider the reason there are so many.


First off, just to get it out of the way, I am an end-game raider. I have absolutely no issue with anyone's level of play whether casual or NiM die hardest [sometimes all the shyt talking pvpers make me wanna bash their skulls in tho =] ].


That said. as a carnage marauder I have soloed the Star Fortresses mostly because I can sell some of the purple drops and make some nice change. I must admit initially, my reason for soloing was because of all the hoopla over the issue and I wanted to see how I would fare, so basically for the challenge of it.


I'm just being honest when I say that I have been able to solo them at all phases since they were first introduced in 4.0 and through each subsequent patch. [with OP comp healers, nerfed to hell, and than the somewhat rebuffed versions]. My comp level range was between 20 [initially], and in this last week having gotten my comp 5O. Also I was able to clear them even when I don't have all four Alliance buffs.


I've died a couple of times and once or twice found the exarch fight difficult [but only the Voss one, I'm sure due to the self-healing].


If I said I found any difficulty at any other stage before exarch other than the exarch from Voss, it wouldn't be true. I haven't found the rest of the Star Fortress parts difficult. Heroic Moment is a tremendous asset when facing greater odds and numbers of opposition and can be a life saver with aoe damage.


It may just be that because as a raider [ one of the dreaded Maras no less! =p ] I've sort of learned how to operate and fight in a hostile environment, after bulo circle hell, that damn melee-hating wookie, and the Walkers in ToS, the aoe hell of the last sequence before exarch fight seems manageable.


I don't need proof that some people are having difficulty with soloing SF, that some people are saying they find it difficult to contend with sometimes is all that I need to know and take it at face value. In raiding, one of the essential skills every raider needs to learn is "raid awareness". Fighting in hostile enviorments when contending both with environment dangers while at the same time dukeing it out with the baddies is something you have to learn to be a successful raider. The situation you're facing in SF at certain points is quite similar. I absolutely sucked at it when I started raiding and took me a while to get my "sea boots".


Moral is, sometimes it takes a while to learn how you need to operate in certain enviorrnments, especially those that you are facing in SF. Some of us might simply have more experience than you do at this point, and that is why some are able to solo them and some find it difficult.


Give yourself some time and keep going at it, you'll get your "sea legs" before ya know it. Above all, don't buy into the "Mara plague". Maras are some of the most assripping charatcers you can play, and anyone who says a mara cant hold his own in any part of this game is an idiot. The thing about maras that is important to keep in mind is that they are not designed to be inpenatrable, they are designed to destroy everything that gets in there way. Despite the "can't dps when you're dead" mantra [which is true], survival is a secondary concern to maras. A marauder who lives to see old age is a marauder that has failed at his calling. They don't try to survive so they can live, they try and survive so they can kill more people before they bite it.


Use your defensives. Make a plan of attack before you go into the fight. Use you're environment to offer you as much cover as possible from ranged attacks, don't be afraid to use your defensives, worse comes to worse you hang out a bit in between fights until the cd of a used defensive comes around again. Use adrenals and med packs.

And don't forget to kill everything you see =]


But most of all, don't be afraid to die. Everyone dies sometimes, no matter what they say. After all, you come right back =]


The more experience you get, the better you will do. Just know that this is doable. - Failure IS an option. It's also your best teacher.

Keep at it and I gaurentee you, you will be able to solo these too. There's no rush, whether it's next week or next month

Post us back when you get you're first solo clear of heroic Star Fortress. There will be a pat on your back waiting for you. You can do it. Good luck.


P.S. Please excuse all the spelling errors. I wish I could say English wasn't my first language, but, it is, I'm just an idiot =]

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Whichever dev designed this crap fest needs to be fired.

The gear you get from beating it is crap considering the gear you have to have to stand a chance soloing it and the liar dev who said its solo able needs to be fired as well because multiple deaths pray you do not get knocked back while he spams that heal he does on the end fight faster than you can even interrupt it and melee yeh stay in range and die.



Make sure you are utilizing all your abiltiies, specifically your DCD. Dont blow your entire load at the same time, stair step it, start with cloak, still taking damage? Obfiscate. More than 1 enemy? Saber Ward. Need to give your comp some time to catch up on healz? UR or Camo. Plenty of ways to draw a fight out.


Which companion are you using? if is a Tech healer like Nico consider switching to a force healer...for some reason they preform 10X better in that instance.


Learn to quickly switch targets. Dont blow your biggest hitter on a target with 2% life.


You only need your companion on healz( You are using him to heal right?) for the bosses or the Knights if you dont have any DCD's up. The entire thing is easily soloable with 204 pvp gear.


The rewards are pretty sweet actually. Hard to get Stabalizers outside of a flashpoint or op. the Purple Mods you get sell for alot of money(may not be the case anymore with the ban hammer swinging) on my server so 1 run can net anywhere between 500k-1 mil a run.

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I'll just leave this here:

  • Heroic Star Fortress – Challenge Level: High. At this point we expect players to really understand their class, their companion, and their gear. Players should have sought out gear upgrades, as well as increased their companions’ Influence level. These are meant to be challenging and difficult to do solo.
  • “The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.




And this as well:


I know this is the mara forum, but keep three things in mind about this video: My gear, that is shown in the beginning, my Lana is influence 26 or 27(also shown somewhere) and that this was done during the companion nerf.

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Thanks everyone for your replies, I do apologize I was extremely frustrated when I posted this last night .:(


I had done the fight with with my shadow previously and found it hard but was able to get through it and the big difference I found was he has some range abilities that help when i had to run out of the red circles of death.


With my Marauder that end fight threw me for a loop maybe it was the lack of a range outside the red circles or that I was definitely doing something if not most of it wrong obviously my own fault from the posts here.

I do love my Marauder though :D

Not sure after beating it if I will go back we shall see but I do appreciate the tips.

I am thinking maybe my skills may need tweaking and the lag I had last night didn't help one bit either and still think it should maybe drop 216 augs at least for the time and difficulty, just my two cents.



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Solod it after the big companion nerf with a kinetic combat shadow in itemlevel 192 tokengear and a level 7 influence Companion which I switched from Heal to DPS, depending on the Fight. Don`t get your point. Edited by Ferigan
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what about it really? just use a healing companion, i originally soloed this with my pvp geared mara as fury, can it get worse than that?


all i did apart from smashing mobs was use my heroic moments for the final fight, there's nothing hard about itm if you have issues just respec as anni/watchman and melt them with a healing companion as back up

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Before I had the gear (when, like you, I was in mostly 208s and some 216s) and post-companion nerf, I relied on the tactic of burning bosses down as quickly as possible. I set my companion to Damage, used Heroic Moment, Unity and other defensive CDs, and the Level 10 Alliance buffs on all major encounters. Of course, in order to do this you need to work on leveling your Alliances (and most likely your companion to around Level 30), among other things.


Oh, and don't solo Star Fortresses for the gear. By the time you can clear the place in a timely fashion on your own, you won't need any of the equipment drops anyway. I'm done with recruiting the Star Fortress followers, but I still pop in there from time to time for the Weekly and to farm for another walker mount.

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You can do it in 216 comm gear with a level 17 companion. I did it on my sniper pre-nerf.


On an annihilation/watchman mara/sent it can be done with a level 20+ companion and 204 PvP gear, and is not particularly hard to do if you are interrupting the right stuff and moving out of the puddles. Also need to make sure to keep the absorbs up for the sun blasts or whatever they are. But basically, if you are doing everything correctly it is pretty easy to do solo.

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I did it on my Fury Mara in full exemplar with mastery augs with Lana at about 9 and no buffs. I got the one and only achievement without even trying. I died a couple of times trying to understand the fight mechanics, but other than that it is not a problem.
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I went in to try and solo the heroic version to see if it was doable (208 vendor crap), didn't even know about the alliance buffs and just went in there with lvl 10 influence healing comp. Way too easy if you ask me. You can't really die if you got your healing companion out (unfortunately). Yes it might take a bit longer if you're dps'ing by yourself, but I don't think there even is an enrage? At least I haven't seen it.


Not usually the one to say this, but this is definately a l2p issue if you ask me...

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Solo ones you can easily do with 186 gear and an Influence 10 healer companion.


Heroic 2+s you can easily do with another player, and at least one level 10 healer companion.


You know, Heroics 2+s are now solo single player weeklies.

But heroic 2+ star forts on the other hand are still "2 player" content.

Devs aknowledged that this is misleading. You could see the Star Forts as Heroic 4+ (2 player 2 comps) .


So get another player, it was not supposed to be soloed by any except the most hardcore raiders. And if you can't do Solo than derp, read articles on Dulfy about your discipline.

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Honestly? This is just wrong. It's hard and you should know a bit about your class/spec but it's in no way exclusive to hardcore raiders.


That offends you? oh dear Lucas.... It is exclusive to raiders than, or at least people who are good enough for a raid.


I'm not saying its as hard as Nightmare ops. I'm just saying that casual players should rather team up for it.

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