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Everything posted by Iserahn

  1. so how have the 5.0 changes affected our specs in PvP? is there a 'go-to' spec and/or a lackluster spec or are they actually balanced?
  2. i have no idea what you're talking about really, i can survive in the arena with something like 2 PTs and a sniper bursting me for a very fair amount of time... maybe survivability seems low because our dcds require some anticipation to use?
  3. why exactly people say that maras are squishy? like posters before said our dcds are the best or tied for the best in game, there are situations in which we can outlast juggernauts... the idea tha maras are glass cannons is just a misconception, we can last for long if we anticipate incoming damage, now if you go down to 40% and then use ward and cloak, ok then you won't last very long... but that's just bad play, not a class issue, mara dcds require a bit more anticipation than Jugger's as for the guy above describing mara as a kamizkazee whos aim to take as much people with him before he dies, i guess he RPs too much, the class fantasy does not mean one has to adopt it in his playstyle, maras want to live as much as anyone else, you're just mellee so you can't keep a safe distance AND do damage and most of the time you wan to hit things... sometimes people focus you, but if this happens you'll live longer than a dps PT or assassin would in your stead and about as much as a jugger would (for ranged i'm not even compared it goes without saying that you're more durable)
  4. our defensive cooldowns are the best or tied for the best in game the problem is that Maras can't regain life (anni heals are nothing outside Berserk) so whatever you lose is gone, so you can be worn down without healers, also we're pretty limited at CC which is fair considering that in Fury we get CC immunity and are practically impossible to kite, with mostly uninteruptible burst not complaining ofc every class has some form of drawback, Mara is about brute force and on that department we're solid, the class is perfectly viable both for PvE and PvP
  5. answer back?nothing to be afraid of here, because someone is more skilled in a video game does not really give him any authority over you personally i always take pleasure in surprassing such people in meters (which gives me authority in their head...) and then bashing them for holding the team back due to 0 leadership/social skills
  6. Hello there! i've been experimenting with pvp builts in my marafor quite some time now and i while i've reached a conclusion about where i want to be in terms of spec( fury) and utilities, i cannot make up my mind in regards to the otpimal stats so far we've had some pretty comprehensive itemisation guides about PvE and max DPS but they definately do not suit competitive PvP, too much accuracy, kinda heavy in alacrity, favor sustained over burst etc empirically i'm leaning towards 0 accuracy (i only care about obliterate/despatch and the last tick of ravage missing so...), as anni and carnage i went up to 5% but as Fury the appeal is kinda limited as much of the total DPS is force based, do you agree? 0 alacrity, i do not see the benefit of having something like 8-12% alacrity in pvp settings in which you are constantly stunned,rooted,chasing moving targets etc, also pretending to play in a 1 MS and 100 FPS setting is not really representative of my situation at least, there is some reasonable lag which can limit the effectiveness of alacrity imo, as if you do not manage to get in extra hits it's almost worthless crit up to 40%, and the rest in power, i cannot really decide between those 2 but i'm leaning more and more towards crit, the point is that every stat has a sort of 'diminishing returns' and i don't know how high is too high, also i cannot tell whether 35% or 40% or even 45% is best, i only know my built works but not whether it's optimal so assuming all i care about is how hard my Raging Burst and Furious Strike hit what's the right mixture? also when you actually crit, will a max crit rating built hit harder than a max power built (i assume yes?) or is there some sweet spot in the middle imo the question essentially is a simple as this, how to make your Raging Burst/Furious Strike hit the hardest, sustained DPS hardly matters, so any insight?
  7. looks cool and is full of kidos so it's easier to be the first of your class in terms of damage +you have no healing and taunts which means you can focus on killing stuff rather than helping annoying teamates do i need to say something else?
  8. maybe it's the republic's problem and not pvp in the whole game... maybe...
  9. what about it really? just use a healing companion, i originally soloed this with my pvp geared mara as fury, can it get worse than that? all i did apart from smashing mobs was use my heroic moments for the final fight, there's nothing hard about itm if you have issues just respec as anni/watchman and melt them with a healing companion as back up
  10. Iserahn

    4.0.3 patch

    engineering was actually the highest parsing spec, higher even than annihilation mara (also nerfed) as for the 30% crit dmg going to 10%, that's same will all classes (arguably only PT needed it though)
  11. So no numbers are included in the patch notes so what do they mean? we have one buff and one nerf, my first guess is that they nerfed burst while keeping sustained DPS same, but do we have any info on numbers?
  12. sorry but i feel that those complains are exaggerated to a degree: the lack of pvp content is very dissapointing sure pvp balance is not that bad, ok sorc healers are over the top and PT burst is too high sometimes, is it that tragic? no, traditional underdog classes like mara,merc and sniper are more viable than ever though and that means alot, for the first time in swtor i can play my mara and i am not a smash mokey or just a filler for some better class, i for one really appreciate this matchmaking is not really good, but to say that all matches are faceroll is an exaggeration too, i often see arenas getting 1-1 and then into a 3rd game, the only issue is that damn healers, which is only an issue in unranked and lastly as for gear what you are asking (more expensive pvp gear) is just contradicting your point about uneven matches, many players are decent in terms of skill but cannot really invest time in this game due to real life priorities, if you do this you are dooming them, especially the first tier of pvp gear should be as close to free as possible because anyone not equiped with it is just dead weight, if you increase the cost drastically half the team is going to be dead weight, and if in random games one team is geared and half the other is not, it;s going to result in horrible games
  13. Iserahn

    DPS class in PvP?

    mara is fine but PT even more so imo PT's toolbox and burst give him an edge against most classes in PvP, especially ranked Jugg is viable as well but if having a saber does not mean much to you i'd say go with PT
  14. all kidos roll mara due to it's obvious ******ness it's dark and red and evil and cool and has 2 damn sabers obsfucate is mostly there so we maras can screw each other tbh, multiple maras always result in dps race, i guess we are the barbarians of this game
  15. the classes that goy nerfed to 10% surge like maras have huge rotational autocrits, meaning that they can crit for up to 250% dmg with the current gear classes like assassin that maintain 30% surge do not have autocriting abilities so you are asking why 250% isn't 270% ? my guess is that it would be too strong, especially when higher Ilevel gear is introduced in the next patches, that could easily mean up to 300% crits, aka killing people in a couple of gcds
  16. that proves everything yes sorc healers are overperforming, so? haven't you played any other MMO? wasn't there a couple of overperforming classes and a couple of underperfoming ones? same here, the only alternative is to make all classes different skins of the same mechanics, wow tried it it sucked so that's all, if sorc healing and pt burst get a SLIGHT nerf everything will be cool
  17. Iserahn

    Arena pvp...

    like it or not it ends fast and rewards you the same, no need to whine about it if you noticed you get in arenas mostly late at night, as there are not 16 ppl available for pvp at 3-9 am, you'd have to wait for along time if it wasn't arenas
  18. it's a good spec to kill healers/tanks with and the dotspread against teams full of other maras and pts shines, it also seems to have 1v1 potential definately viable
  19. assassins have an extremely powerful execute that's why you see 11k crits, it does not mean that their DPS is good overall, they just have a single hard hitting ability (refering to tanks here, the DPS specs have high DPS but that;s normal) btw 11k is nothing, powertechs and snipers can crit above 25k on fully pvp geared players rotationally, sniper and merc DPS is totally nuts if you leave them to do their thing, yet both 2 classes are not even that strong in pvp
  20. just find some half decent people on your side and fight back what do you expect them to do? to play a class they consider weak or show mercy at your pixels?
  21. what nonsense is this? people are playing warzones to win, so unless the game is already dramatically in favour for one team you have no right to ask something like that, farming solo kills does nothing to win the game, the faster the target goes down the faster you can both move to do something more meaningfull, like objectives after all one can argue, 'i want to top the meter' why is that any less important than your solo kills? you are not more inportant than anyone in your team, you are just one among them, as we all are.
  22. Iserahn

    Not Enough Stuns

    sounds like you are part of some low skill ganking squad you jump into people when in advantage in numbers and you just have trouble killing them due to 'them running around' by far the least fun way one can die in pvp is getting form 80-0% while stunned and classes with double stuns exist, they can coordinate to chain them (deception assassins for instance have double stun, whirilwind,incapitate, slow and the interrupt all classes have making them very disruptive to the opponents) now if you are into a team full of the new fotm which is marauder it's natural that you feel you have no stuns, maras have no stuns
  23. Iserahn

    Please Fix healing

    still a healer is more important than anyone else and while the 8k hps is indeed based on healing multiple targets so is the 5k DPS, i've seen 5k dps plenty of times but almost always it was a dotspread class who pointlessly attack mellees (since they were stacked) rather than go for healers/snipers also the best DPS requires the target to stand still like a dummy and you not to be taunted/cced (specially about taunt you can do nothing it solely depends on the tank's skill, choice) as a Fury Mara, fully pvp geared with 40% crit, 4.99% accuracy and everything else on power, i can easily deal 35-40k in 2 gcds, yet still killing a healer is not even possible despite crippling him (-20% healing received) and i definately need a minmum of 1 DPS to coordinate bursts, we could kill anyone in such a fashion and above all, healers are UNFUN, that's teh strongest arguement against them it sucks to play one, it sucks when one takes all your kills away
  24. huttball is actually surprisingly well designed and greatly rewards teamwork and players who use their brains rather than pick a target and go berserk
  25. testing certain utilities takes an awful lot of time and there doesn't seem to be a guide anywhere to clarify some stuff, so i thought we might try to answer a few questions: T1 utilities seem to be like 2 must haves (inexorable and brazen) and 1 free slot unless Carnage when overwhel is a no brainer, considering how hard Ravage hits T2 is really what confuses me the most, as i cannot evaluate Defensive Roll, seems great on theory but... lacking tools to track damage taken by type it's really hard to estimate how much this saves you in pvp settings Relentless seems very important too, obviously a must have for Fury, but i hate playing without Phantom as Anni and especially as Carnage... Incisor is cool but no chance to ever fit it in T3 on the other hand seems to have an auto-include in Unbound and a flex spot, which is usually for survivability? how does Blood War fare vs Undying?
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