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NiM Loot Issue / Update


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Dear Eric and/or any other Bioware employee that might read this.


I have been playing this game since the thursday of early access. Ever since I started this game I have had one great passion: raiding. I have raided at the highest level from SOA to world 2nd on Brontess NiM, and I have a question for you regarding the statement in the opening post:




Good luck on getting your reply, it won't happen......ever, not from Eric or from the rest of the doggy and pony show performers.

Edited by Nomaad
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What probably needs to happen is for everyone who is pissed and on the fence after 4.0 to schedule a boycott for a week. No logging in ... no CM activity ... no forum activity ... nothing. Take a vacation. I vote for Fiji. That would hopefully get somone's attention. If it didn't then the single player nerf society would win the majority player voice award, and the rest would know exactly where they stand.


Too bad coordinating something like that isn't realistically possible.


They don't care if you play, they only care that you pay. I guarantee that if all the people upset by this constant barrage of stupidity unsubbed for a month shiz would get corrected.

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Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest


anyone can explain to me, why nightmare doesn't drop 224er gear, like the highlighted hm? what kind of a weird logic is that?


anyone can explain to me, why they need about 2 month to correct an loot percentage bug?


Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest


for someone that doesn't play swtor actively, that got carried through 3.0 "harder" bosses and being in a guild that barely kill NiM bosses.. how does this matter for you ?





Edited by Xzelsius
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Only way I will ever resub is if Kephass is the last boss on the next op.


what you wrote ^


what i read: "i will sub if you give me kephess companion with requirement to subscribe for million years and re-enact Full Monty movie at my aunts funeral".

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That sure sounds logical, lets make the easier mode have garunteed drops but the harder one not garunteed. You guys should add 228 gear that only drops in story mode since this is your thought process now.


Yeah, but if they did that, then what gear would drop on flashpoints? 234 maybe?

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for someone that doesn't play swtor actively, that got carried through 3.0 "harder" bosses and being in a guild that barely kill NiM bosses.. how does this matter for you ?




I think it's just a HUGE signal about how much BW cares about raiding community.. just a signal to all raiders, NiM tier or not. It's just.. I can't even.

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for someone that doesn't play swtor actively, that got carried through 3.0 "harder" bosses and being in a guild that barely kill NiM bosses.. how does this matter for you ?







shots being fired :rak_03:

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either its is just a "typo" in the whole Eric post or.......someone REALLY has been using forbidden stuff.


I do not do NiM raids, but I haven't seen more stupid idea.




it could be an attempt to force people to leave because Bio and EA got really tired of this game.


Either way, it's just RIDICULOUS.

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I can understand why people want the best gear to drop from the hardest content, I guess I'm just surprised at the delayed backlash. You've know for over a month that the best gear was available in even the easiest hard modes at times and the outrage was extremely minimal. Honestly, my expectation was that 224s would be needed to do NiM for most people at this point, so to me, the idea of dropping the gear you need to complete the content sounds pretty ridiculous as well.


And gearing would be entirely too fast for NiM groups if every one dropped 224. Maybe the better idea would have been potential 224 drops in highlighted hard modes, potential 224 drops in NiM, and guaranteed 224 drops in highlighted NiM operations. But ultimately, I think the problem was the ease of gearing in EV/KP compared to every other highlighted hard mode. Those definitely should have been excluded or been buffed significantly.

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Well, i'm pretty sure everybody has said n times the same thing about it... Anybody with basic sense of logic will see the huge flaws in this.


So let's sum up.

- We first have the SM FP (starting from low heh ? yup). Most of the times 4 dps, from 10 to 65 (*** ?), chaotic as hell and the lower the players are the hardest it is. I mean... Only use of these now is some tiny boosts for conquest and that's all.

- Next step we have the HM FP... How to say... Blood hunt spawns adds faster than lemmings, False emperor is being told bugged -- not counting the 2+ hours waiting. That would be some useless detail if with a team full of 220/224 raid gear (coming from HM/NIm... woops, no Weekly target HM ops right ? right ?) a team like that can barely go through, for example, Lorrick HM in Lost Island. To get what ? 208 blue stuff. Yeah, sure... Thank gods i farmed the achievements on these long time ago.

- Then the SM ops including group finder. What's really the point ? Reach 50, go REALLY naked and you may drop 216 stuff... I mean... what ?

- Then we got the HM ops... 16 pages of people saying the same, not gonna throw some more rocks. But, you know, who hasn't pressed ev and kp to the core until it has no juice left at all so one can stockpile 224 gear - including mainhand, relic, earpiece and chest ? For many of the raiders most -if not all- the HM content is just repeat what you now know fully by head.

- Nightmare ops... Argh... You do really hate Pve, don't you ?

I don't know what's worst ? That your official line is to make people angry about it, that you are going to shoot yourself a bullet in the foot - and i'm sorry for you, pay hard for it - ? Or you let such an idea slip through every checkpoint until it become official ? Unless you may really want PvErs to leave on a bad note... but i'm going conspirationnist again, my bad. Cause yes, most have the mounts/titles already, and those who still do it are looking for some challenge AND should be rewarded according to the level of difficulty of it in case of success. Doing any other way shouldn't even be in question.


Oh well, enough of this nonsense, i think all you are gonna have is dozens of page of people talking with the same voice about this... "By design", maybe ?

Whoever had this idea don't even know the basics of Pve... or even Pvp, you know... imagine you put ranked comms for unranked warzone matches and regular comms for ranked... ahem ?... See what's going on ?




"Fixing" HM fp, i suppose can wait till at least february, okay... Then... oh wait chp XI is coming soon™, uh oh... nice try folks see you next time...

I've heard about Ravagers not dropping any dark matter catalysts... hem, lol. That's another loot table to fix.

Nim operations... 'nuff said about it but my 2 sents about the situation: you don't want to touch anything about the HM ops ? Fine. Make Nim drop one guaranteed 224 piece, and two if it's the weekly target. Yes... no ? No ? Dang, i've tried... Or maybe you need some motivation to definitely get rid of nim ? After what you said, maybe you should...

What about this rotfl-ing craftable nightmare buff ? You know, the ONE TIME use, ONE per person buff that actually wears off if you accidentally hit go to med center or need to fetch some stim from your stronghold... And need to be crafted with an insane amount of ship encryptions (isn't that supposed to be GUILD mats, not personnal stuff btw ?)... 15, right ?

Long time running problems from 4.0 ... nobody either ? well...

Makeb achieves or the gree weapons ... no one ? Dang...


Looking forward to see what you call by "crafting will reach new heights"... as many suspect it, imo it will make 224 stuff craftable and probably with more than 6 comps... not gonna smooth things, on the contrary. Guilds who can do HM content on farm (means, many) are probably already stockpiling dark matter catalysts. Not even need to raid at all to be full 224, WHEEE ! Then when you're finally fully geared up with shiny stuff what to do ? heroics ? the story you've skipped so far ? Don't make me laugh.


About the story... i'd like you to find one player that actually want to do the story on 20+ toons. With my luck this may actually exist, ha !

Cause for what i've heard around me it's more like, first time "wheeee, new content, i'm gonna see that !", second time "well it's my opposite faction main, need to be done", then 3rd time "tough stuff but well ok i'd like to have this special comp with me", 4th time "Meh... not again, it's worthless", and if there's even a 5th, something like "Never again !", you may add here some sounds about a head banging on the walls.


Sorry for the wall of text and my not-so-good english (french here ^^), Twitter and its 140 characters is definitely not for me and i seldom post here.


Pavimentum Caesar, ligaturi te salutant !


From Shadowlands, with <3 .

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You all whine too much. Who cares if you don't get your precious drop?

Who cares if this doesn't get fixed for a couple months.

Not me, I don't care, this doesn't affect me at all. I don't do raids. I'm in for the compelling stories.

So you're telling me you only do these things for the drops?

Not for the sheer fun of doing them and the great time you have playing with friends? No wonder I don't do raids.


Blah, blah, blah.

I just thought I'd be one of those bastards that comes into the middle of a thread and offers an opinion that has no merit at all. Now you Raiders are all PO'd about something so it's fun to see the other side get mad.

BW has managed to upset PVE'rs, PVP'rs and now Raiders.

Who else they gonna upset before the end of the year?

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This is pretty horrible, first we get no new operations for over a year despite solemn promises that that would never happen again. Now the loot from NiM gets removed as well, making it even less rewarding to run.

Some of the old ops are great designs but we've done them for years. I've enjoyed this game for years, but you're making it harder and harder to stay. The only thing keeping me in at the moment is the community and the friends I have in the game, but with this kind of demolishing of all endgame more and more of them are leaving.

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It's just the tip of the iceberg, this "bug" is not the real problem.

The nightmare is quite hard, it's really not easy, some DPS checks are hard. Which is all fine and fun. The fact that highlighted HM even exists reduced the motivation to do NiM for Loot by 99%. Even if NiM would drop 224, you wouldn't do it to gear up. It would just be a byproduct. For a lot of NiM groups, if NiM would drop the same as highlighted HM, it would just save a lot a time, and save a lot of farming raids in sometimes stupiditly easy HMs (Karagga /Soa). But loot would still not be the motivational factor to raid NiM.

Which in itself is broken. A big part of the psychological aspect of MMO is to get a reward for your hard work. Loot/Gear has always been the catalysator to raid motivation, always has been, always will be. People are SERIOUS about their gear :D . Give them a hard boss with some nice shiny new mainhand (or even just a silly title like Revan HM) and they will at least try a while to get there. Some will fail and eventually give up, others will continue to try.


So right now the situation is completely ****ed up. No new raids, and the existing raids have loot tables and difficulty scalings that end in 99% of the people doing just farming raids. The no-224 "bug" or non-"bug" in NiM is just a detail, wouldn't actually change a lot to "fix" it.


(not defending BW here , don't get me wrong, they are destroying this game)

Edited by tonatoprice
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I've tried to be quiet and optimistic, but I am actually angry now and want to give feedback. Please, if you are going to stop supporting entire segments of your player base, at least ask permission from your superiors to TELL us that raiding is over and done with, instead of letting us fester and stress out over the future of this game. There is no sign of new ops (or pvp or gsf) areas anytime in the next year, after waiting for over a year already. Now you are telling us that we will continue to be punished for choosing to run harder group content.


We just keep hoping that someone will come in and give us a glimmer of hope that this will change, but instead all we hear about are solo content updates, while our friends get bored of doing the same easy HMs over and over again and leave. Its stressful and drama-inducing, and discourages people from logging in.

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It is by design that the best and most consistent way to gear up in Operations is to run the highlighted Hard Mode each week. Although they did certainly want to make sure there was a chance for greater reward from Nightmare!


Could you expand on this design decision please? Short explanation or something because people who typically used to run nightmare now have the choice of doing something easy for better rewards or doing something harder for less rewards?


I could imagine the logic going something like this...


Nightmare operations are primarily there for the people who want to test themselves against the hardest content in the game. Not the people who are just there to get better loot. We've tuned the bosses to still be as difficult in full 224 gear, meaning that boss kills are a reflection of the player's skill rather than the gear they are wearing.


Player's rewards from NiM operations will be shifting from gear and achievements (that they probably already have anyway), to unique mounts and titles so their accomplishments are obviously on show to anyone who wants to display their rewards, effectively for bragging rights.


Perhaps that's even what cutting edge progression raiders want to separate them from the people who just raid to gear up.


I'm not that level of progression raider. So I can't answer. What I am though is an old school raider, who sees gearing up as the right of passage you need to progress through to the next boss. Each boss tuned to be harder than the previous one. Where an expansion is something a guild can work together for as a team. Something that is achieved over weeks or even months, rather than days or weeks.


Gear is a non-issue this expansion. They may as well put a chest just inside the zone-in entrance and let people skip that boring killing bosses mechanic.


I'm sure this is in keeping with Bioware's design philosophy. And I'm sure they aren't actually telling us in detail what that is because they want people to keep subscribing while we wait for things to get better. After all, if you've got nothing good to say - say nothing.


At the end of the day, what do expect them to say? : "Great things are coming... please sub, please sub!!!" or "We're gutting everything you enjoy slowly over the next 9 months so you don't actually notice how bad it's getting, but we'd really like it if you kept your sub going despite our announcement, because our shareholders demand it".


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