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KOTFE, how do you think it will end?


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Kneeling or not and using his power or refusing to will obviously lead to some ultimate story fork. What i hope/think might end up happening is at the very end if we chose to kneel, use his power, and always do things he approves of that we will end up with Valkorian as a Force ghost companion. How ever if we don't kneel and not give into him, we will end up with Darth Marr as a Force ghost companion instead. I think it would be cool and even awesome if we could have a Force ghost as a companion.


What do you think? How do you think it will end?

Edited by Joefjr
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Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?
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Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?


I have re subbed to help prevent the above, so much hate and anger. I guess we all know where that leads!


(Hi Stol BTW)

Edited by twpotter
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I suspect that if we decide to use Valkorion's power too many times, he'll eventually take over our body. We will become the new vessel for the Emperor


I also suspect Koth or Senya will eventually betray us, if we act not as they imagined.

Koth already doesn't approve DS choice in chapter 3 (not repairing the reactor). If we decide to act against Zakuul, not just Arcann and Vailyn he might switch sides.

Senya will probably not let us kill her children. She hasn't decided yet as this crazy fortuneteller (and Valkorion) suggest.


Vailyn might kill/betray Arcann, or even join us if we're DS enough (I cant imagine LS character accepting her as companion)


I just wonder at what stage the outlander will realize they are just puppet and figurehead, while the real boss is Lana and perhaps Theron.

It was Lana who planned all this, who got allies, found Odessen etc. It is all her doing really. The only real bonus she got from the outlander is the Gravestone.

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Vaylin will betray her brother and become Empress.


Player will be forced to use Valkorion's power to defeat Vaylin, Senya will be present and possibly want to deliver the final blow to Vaylin.


Thexan will turn up in Arcann's dungeon of frozen dinners.


Valkorion will try to assume direct control.

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Han Solo is out in space just spacing around with Chewbacca as usual, throwing kickass oneliners around when they encounter a derelict space craft. Han Solo boards it alone and is accidentially sent through a worm-hole into another dimension and ends up on Earth in the 1930's where he assumes the identity of Indiana Jones. To escape this dimension he starts gathering ancients artifacts scattered around earth that were left by the ancient Rakata, all whilst dropping kickass oneliners and pistol whipping soldiers from the earthen galactic empire (the nazis). All the time he gets the nicest girls and the best whisky and wears a cool leather jacket and a WHIP 'cause nothing is more cool than whip+gun+oneliners.


Then when he has sired many bastard children because let's face it women love them some SOLO JONES he finds the last artifact but the ritual doesn't send him back to his time and space but into the heart of the fallen empire.

In the last chapter you meet Han Solo, fall in love because let's face it he is what everybody wants, and then he embarks on an epic journey in space and pistol whips Arcann, Thexan (because he can pistol whip beyond the barriers of mortal life), Vaylin, Senya, that *** Lana, and he also becomes best buds with Bowdaar because Bowdaar really is the great x1000 grandfather of Chewbacca.

Then Valkorion comes back and Han draws his pistol so fast that you couldn't even say scruffy looking nerf herder before it was done. Then he shoots Valkorion in the knee, pistol whips him in the face, slaps him with his 1930's bull leather whip and wins the day all whilst dropping kickass oneliners.


The final cutscene is Han Solo walking in slowmotion through the atmosphere to space from Zakuul as the entire planet blows up behind it because it can't handle so much awesomeness in one place which is plausible 'cause Han Solo doesn't need trivialities like oxygen to sustain himself.


Edit: I don't exactly remember but I think Lo Pan might be there too and maybe also Kurt Russell.

Sry for spoilers guys, don't know how to make spoiler tag

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I have re subbed to help prevent the above, so much hate and anger. I guess we all know where that leads!


No hatred at all. Resignation to the stupidity of the business decisions that appear to have been taken by Bioware executives. Resignation to the stupidity of the communication decisions that appear to have been taken by Bioware executives. Resignation to the stupidity of the data interpretation decisions that appear to have been made by Bioware staff.


It is inevitable that this game will one day shut down; all MMOs eventually suffer that fate. What is not inevitable is the section of this community that is interested in multiplayer content atrophying so much that it essentially ceases to exist. That is what will happen if Bioware goes down their current path. That is not in and of itself fatal to an MMO. Look at LOTRO which has gone without proper multiplayer content for a significant length of time.


The massive difference between the model that LOTRO has adopted and the model that Bioware seem to have adopted for SWTOR is subscriptions. LOTRO is a game like SWTOR was before KotFE, with a subscription which removes restrictions placed on players. KotFE requires a subscription for access to its new content and Bioware are desperately trying to keep people subscribed through vast content droughts. Look at the Nico Okarr stuff over last summer. Look at the HK-55 stuff coming up over the next few months. Nothing more than distraction mechanics to try and stop people realising that crushing lack of new content in the game. Why are Bioware desperately trying to keep people subscribed? To me the only sensible explanation is that they are approaching the break-even point for the ROI on the product, ie the point where the suits at EA look at the product and deem it is not making enough money to be worth continuing funding and that the working capital of EA should be invested elsewhere.


The problem that they are now dealing with is that they have burnt their bridges. People have been over-hyped to too many times. People have been lied to about getting answers for feedback and questions too many times. People have suffered from deafening silences when it comes to communications too many times. There have been too many content droughts, lasting too long. Goodwill takes a company through a certain amount of this sort of thing. Mistakes can be and are forgiven. However as Blizzard discovered at the start of this year and Bioware appear to be discovering now once things reach a tipping point and people lose that goodwill things go south very, very quickly and very sharply.


Bioware have lost or are very close to losing their community influencers and leaders. Prominent members of the community no longer trust Bioware. Prominent members of the community are now complaining visibly and stridently to Bioware. It is no longer sections of those people who are complaining like watchman sentinel players during 3.0; it is people from right across the community who are complaining. Theorycrafters are not happy. PvP players are not happy. Operation players are not happy. Podcasters are not happy. Bloggers are not happy. Fan site producers are not happy. Data miners are not happy. Heck Bioware even managed to piss off a very large section of the single-player story-is-everything community with the recent companion nerf/buff yo-yo situation.


Of course there are still players who are happy with what is going on or are largely oblivious to what is going on. However the bredth and depth of the animosity that Bioware have managed to generate over the last few months is almost unprecedented in the history of the game. I wasn't around for the initial massive drop in subscribers having started to play just after F2P came out in late 2012, but that is the only thing in the history of the game that could rival the current situation in seriousness. The differences this time that potentially make it even more serious are that Bioware are starting from a much, much smaller player base and that they don't have the option of going F2P this time to save the game.


Make no mistake this is an existential crisis for the game and potentially for Bioware Austin itself.

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Can you refute any of the substantive points that I have made with logical, reasoned arguments? If not go away.


Can you refute the ONE point I just made? People like you have thought this game is 'dying' literally every single patch since it BEGAN.

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followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio


Don't tease me like that! EA closed down so many great studios, I'll never get why Bioware of all was allowed to endure.


As for the original question, as some have already mentioned, Vaylin will have taken over by now, probably by abandoning Arcann in a moment when he needed backup. Being left alone Arcann will fight you and finally die right after having declared that all he ever did was what his father taught him to do.


When going for Vaylin, Senya will make sure to be ahead of us to confront Vaylin herself, thinking she's her resposebility. However Senya will once again fail to kill her daughter, but this time is killed by her in return while we rush to stop her. In the following duel Valkorion will already be too weak to take over and we will not be able to defeat her. With us as his biggest hope failing, Valkorion choses the last option he has left to stop his child, by leaving our body and destroying himself, taking either Vaylin or at least the darkness within her with him in the process.

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Can you refute the ONE point I just made? People like you have thought this game is 'dying' literally every single patch since it BEGAN.


Wrong answer. I am not trying to refute that point because I agree a certain section of the playerbase has always been doom-laden. However considering what happened to the game shortly after its release and its near-fatal nosedive, those doomsayers actually do have a substantive point. This game failed spectacularly and nearly completely after its launch. It was only rescued when F2P was released. Now Bioware are repeating many of the same mistakes from the launch period with the two crucial differences I pointed out in my previous post of a much smaller player base to cushion things and the fact that they cannot go F2P a second time to save the game.

Edited by davidp_newton
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. LOTRO is a game like SWTOR was before KotFE, with a subscription which removes restrictions placed on players. KotFE requires a subscription for access to its new content


I don't see the difference. The subscription in SWTOR removes the restriction of not being able to access KotFE.

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Wrong answer. I am not trying to refute that point because I agree a certain section of the playerbase has always been doom-laden. However considering what happened to the game shortly after its release and its near-fatal nosedive, those doomsayers actually do have a substantive point. This game failed spectacularly and nearly completely after its launch. It was only rescued when F2P was released. Now Bioware are repeating many of the same mistakes from the launch period with the two crucial differences I pointed out in my previous post of a much smaller player base to cushion things and the fact that they cannot go F2P a second time to save the game.


maybe you didn't notice, or didn't read the OP

This is fun thread, to speculate about the story.


Wanna talk about the state of the game? Cool, but you could create your own thread to do it

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Vaylin will usurp her brother. Her brother will end up actually joining forces with you take her down. He will die in the process. Senya will take over Zakuul and peace will be restored. The spirit of Valkorian will retreat into the netherworld and bide its time, until he returns one day in the form of Jar Jar Binks, to wreak havoc on the Star Wars universe.
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Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?


For sure that will happen. :mad:

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maybe you didn't notice, or didn't read the OP

This is fun thread, to speculate about the story.


Wanna talk about the state of the game? Cool, but you could create your own thread to do it


Or even better, he can take that crap to one of the hundred other threads predicting the end of swtor. :rolleyes:



On topic....


Vaylin will betray her brother, and pledge herself to my Sith Warrior. She'll rule Zakul at my side....right after I holla at my Sith inquisitor and get him to show me

how to use that Rakkatta device he used to free Khem from Zash. I hear voices in my head, and they think I'm stupid enough to give a psychotic spirit control.


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Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?
+1 slow clap
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Massive loss of subscribers, causing massive loss of revenue for the game, followed by massive job losses at Bioware Austin, followed by closure of the studio. How's that for an ending to KotFE? More in the spirit of the original question, I do not believe that they will finish the story off before the above happens. Is that optimistic enough for you?


Are you also secretly hoping the game will die?

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Are you also secretly hoping the game will die?


Oh dear you're one of those are you? Assume that people want things to go badly. There is a substantial section of this playerbase that simply does not get it. Those who are being vocal in their complaints about where Bioware is going with this game at the moment with perhaps one or two exceptions have no desire to see the game come to an end. It is a desperate attempt to stop the game from ending. It is a desperate attempt to get Bioware to take one of its final chances to see sense and save the game.


That is an opinion of course, not fact, but it is an opinion which is backed up by substantive and logical reasoning, and not emotional appeals and hyperbole. It is a sad indictment of sections of what passes for a community in this game that the troll posts about "haz your stuff" and similar sentiments come up. That is extremely sociopathic behaviour, but unfortunately not surprising on the internet. Keyboard warriors are always more ready to cause trouble when they can hide behind pseudonyms.


I was being entirely serious when I said that I believe there is a substantial chance that the game will close before the KotFE story ends. The subscriber "promotions" smack of desperation on Bioware's part to try and bulk up the subscriber numbers. The most logical reason for them doing that is because they are under serious threat of having the game closed if its financial performance does not improve. What they have done with KotFE will indeed boost subscriber numbers in the short term, as the Nico Okarr stuff did over the summer. You can see the bump in activity at TORStatus which the Nico Okarr promotion caused. You can also see the larger bump in activity that the expansion itself caused. There is still a bit more server activity than there was before the expansion, but it is pretty marginal. We are just over a month after the launch of the expansion pack and the bump from it has pretty much disappeared. Shows how much lasting appeal KotFE has I think. It will be interesting to see what, if any, uptick there is in server activity when The Force Awakens releases. Personally I don't think the film itself will cause much if any difference to the game.


Still time will tell who is right and is wrong. I just hope that the trollish and sociopathic behaviour exhibited by some on these forums is tempered by Bioware forum moderators. If the game does continue at least let us have a forum where courtesy and reason rule rather than trolling and complete lack of empathy.

Edited by davidp_newton
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I hope we do get ride of Valkorian in the end . Although the way the story is going...if you dont take his powers , he end up saving you (when arcann stab you...that azz!) and apparently , Valkorian is getting weaker .

Honestly...it doesnt matter .


What matter is :

1-Valkorian doesn't end up a Martyr Daddy and they make you say 'Awww he was being honest! I shouldve taken his power!!' Dude was evil!! Keep him that way!

2-If you do take his Power , then make it show . I want more then pushing Arcann from a building . Stabby Stabby back !

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No matter which choice, Revan comes to free us from Valkorian, and an epic fight ensues. Revan and our side wins, because the player character has to be able to continue on to fight the next big bad...Kephess. :D


Though I used a bit of silly, I really do believe Revan will come to our aid to split us from Valkorian, just as he split himself. Maybe with help from the beyond, Darth Marr maybe, and our cast of heroes.

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