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FAILED - 3 strikes Star Fortress Heroic Solo as Sage


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As Sages ?


I did it as healing sage, using a healing comp. Never played a DPS sage, so I don't know if it would be easier or harder. Mostly in 216s with the occasional 220, aug'd up with old 186 augs because I haven't bothered to regear yet. Don't remember the companion rank, high 30s or so. Wasn't easy, per se, and involved a lot of annoying kiting of the kind I'd hoped to never do again after playing a bard in EQ for years, but I got it done, got the title.


I think it was the Alderaan one.


Never doing it again, LOL.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I had same problem on my madness sorc. companion died about 1/2 way through fight. I had to kite the boss around and keep him dotted up. It took a while but finally killed him.


Mahrdol and a couple of others have mentioned this, kiting, dotting, Rejuve and bubbling yourself can see you through that last 50% if your companion goes down.

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Do this on a Balance sage (madness sorc) And a healing companion, i did this on a madness sorc with a lvl 10 healing companion. The healing from your DOTS will help keep you up. your companion should not grab agro. use the shield gen thing you pick up that prevents you from being pulled in on the way to the final boss. and use your heroic moment. start the thing with your heroic moment.


i dropped to 60% once and that was it. use your stun break, and all of your abilities, it should be easy enough.

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They are indeed one of the strongest classes. Without seeing a video, none of us can see what is going wrong.


Bahahahahahaahaha XD


Good joke man/woman


So strong for being #15 and #13 of the 17 DPS classes XD


Heals are pretty good though but DPS specs on the other hand..... Good luck getting top raid DPS without fluffin :)

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Bahahahahahaahaha XD


Good joke man/woman


So strong for being #15 and #13 of the 17 DPS classes XD


Heals are pretty good though but DPS specs on the other hand..... Good luck getting top raid DPS without fluffin :)


When absolute DPS isn't important, it's true though. I did the other achievement last night, the one where you use all the crates and buffs, and I don't think I ever went under 85%.

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Bahahahahahaahaha XD


Good joke man/woman


So strong for being #15 and #13 of the 17 DPS classes XD


Heals are pretty good though but DPS specs on the other hand..... Good luck getting top raid DPS without fluffin :)


Don't try to use logic and metrics...everyone knows Sorcs / Sages are OP and players of these classes should be ashamed of themselves and all be forced to roll under-performing AP PTs as punishment. :p

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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first.


PS sorry run on sentences.


Would you mind posting a video of your gameplay so that we can be certain that you are using optimal damage rotations, cooldowns, companion control, et cetera?


also, they said you could complete the flashpoint, not get the hardest achievements.

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I was wondering if a ranged comp would be better for the OP.


I tried both rangedand melee.. but I think when I try it again this week-end I will change my discipline to balance .. although I've only done tk so far so I only know how to play tk.


Would you mind posting a video of your gameplay so that we can be certain that you are using optimal damage rotations, cooldowns, companion control, et cetera?


also, they said you could complete the flashpoint, not get the hardest achievements.


Hi, I could do a video if I knew how. I do own Something called fraps but haven't used it in years. I never used it on a game but I could learn. I plan to try again sf solo sans buffs again this weekend. I have completed all the star fortress flash point achievements except for this one and only without buffs and ungrouped.. also haven't done the achievements for companions but did everything else. I was wondering if for the hard achievement does that mean you have to be ungrouped during the entire FP or only during boss fight? I was curious since the achievement says defeat him ungroup but doesn't clairify if that also means ungrouped during entire run.


Thanks again everyone for comments, tips, advice and information.

Edited by Savyl
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Today I tried it as Balance with rank 50 companion and then again as Healer but had more success as Balance.. had him below 50% health this time before I died. I guess I'll give up for now. I just cannot do it.. and yea maybe it's just me the player, no idea but did try all the suggesstions other than not having time to get all the datacrons yet but I would think that part shouldn't matter if devs said normal players should be able to complete this with companion. I know some have but also many cannot and I also think it dépends on the class too.


Thanks again everyone. Have a nice weekend.

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Sagas should get more buffs?? Really?


Aren't they like, the pub's side sorcs? You know, the OPest class around? The class with the best movement advantages, stuns, heals and so forth?

Yep :rolleyes: I had very little problem running it with my Sorcerer so.. And I DPS spec. "Lightning".. Edited by Legolose
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I just completed my first Heroic Star Fortress solo, rank 37 companion, only found 1 of the caches, and used the buff, Lightning sorc, but switched to Corruption for the exarch since Lana died when it was about 60%, ended up kiting it for the remainder....its a challange, but its doable. It was the Belsavis. I was bummbed because I didnt find all 4 caches for the acheivement so I have to do it again
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Voss will remain the though one out of the star fortress my question is are you able to do the unlocks for the extras things, that makes the different.


Keep moving when possible, even if your npc falls just keep with the small attacks laying down dots if possible and doing your instant attacks, you will nail them eventually.


I found running in a circle once the npc falls and laying down instants and dots helps, so do those unlocks.


Also get yourself the heal bubble, when going solo into star fortress saves yourself some headaches, run heal bubbles for somethings on both my sorc and sage

Edited by Talosred
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Don't feel bad, I've given up on the Heroic Star Fortress. I got tired of being a pinata. If it's a requirement for the game, then I'm simply wasting my time. I guess I should unsub and go back to Star Trek Online.


Or wait a couple of months for them to make the heals from npcs more doable again, they still need to do the balance for that and not go to far either way

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Or wait a couple of months for them to make the heals from npcs more doable again, they still need to do the balance for that and not go to far either way


i think the are as balanced as they are going to get. The companion heals are not as good as they were before the patch, but substantially better than they were when nerfed to hell. I suggest raising alliance, raising compapion influence, keep grinding the planet heroics for crystals, gear up, then going back.

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