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Nothing you can do about the Ninja Looters...


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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...

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I don't understand what you are saying, really.


On the subject of ninja looting, though;


Would a system of "personal loot" work for people?


For example: everyone who participated in a boss kill would have a personal token that may or may not be awarded based on RNG. They could take the token to an NPC vendor to buy a piece of gear they wanted. No ninja looting, no having to take the chance that something you needed would be "stolen" from you.


Would that work? Would people still bother with raids if "real loot" didn't drop? Any thoughts?


I haven't dealt with this issue in years, since I don't raid anymore. Just curious, is all.

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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...


I am not quite sure what you're talking about?

If someone votes "need" on everything in a flashpoint? When you're still fighting the golden lurker standing on top of a sensor node on Yavin IV and someone else clicks it, for example?


Neither is really forbidden. Even if you always votes need it's still a vote. The best thing to do about it is that all others in the team always vote need as well and then distribute the items amongst each other as they see fit.


Or, as a final possibility, someone who's harvesting resources (either scavanging or bioanalysis, depending on the mob) from mobs you just killed, while you're still fighting others of the same group.


The latter can in most cases be avoided by interacting with the glowie first. You see, just because there is a mob standing on top of and you're fighting it does not make it yours. It's rude, it's impolite, but it's not forbidden. It's just not possible to forbid people to be a jerk. It can be a bit annoying, but I've come to not think too much about it. It's not like it would ever cause a delay of more than a handful of seconds.


If I see someone lurking around me and I am on my Infiltration Shadow I actually engage the enemy first, Force Cloak as they move in and use the opportunity to turn the situation around - they get the aggro, I get the glowie. Doesn't always work, of course, you have to be very precise and anticipate the actions of the other correctly.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Getting ninja'd sucks but what do you expect BW to do about it? If the loot is there to be taken then it is there, some peeps are just greedy/rude but there is nothing to prevent them from needing if they chose that path.


I pass most of the time personally because my inventory is always full of crap hahaha

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I don't understand what you are saying, really.


On the subject of ninja looting, though;


Would a system of "personal loot" work for people?


For example: everyone who participated in a boss kill would have a personal token that may or may not be awarded based on RNG. They could take the token to an NPC vendor to buy a piece of gear they wanted. No ninja looting, no having to take the chance that something you needed would be "stolen" from you.


Would that work? Would people still bother with raids if "real loot" didn't drop? Any thoughts?


I haven't dealt with this issue in years, since I don't raid anymore. Just curious, is all.


WoW has personal loot, how it works there is when you down a boss you get a roll for loot, and if you win that roll there's perhaps another roll if there are more than one item on his loot table for your class/spec. So sometimes if there are two of you and you're both lucky you both get the one thing he has for you.

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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...


Not against the rules. Its open world and that's it. BW have nothing to answer for ,you know full well this can happen.


If you are on about loot in groups they have as much right to it as you do even if they don't need the item, they can sell for credits, they have done as much work in the group as you and are no more untilled than you. It go's to who had the highest dice roll. Lockboxes and stuff like that as said its open world so allowed even if its underhand and a bit mean. Its still allowed.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Not against the rules. Its open world and that's it. BW have nothing to answer for ,you know full well this can happen.


If you are on about loot in groups they have as much right to it as you do even if they don't need the item, they can sell for credits, they have done as much work in the group as you and are no more untilled than you. It go's to who had the highest dice roll. Lockboxes and stuff like that as said its open world so allowed even if its underhand and a bit mean. Its still allowed.


This attitude is pretty much why people avoid grouping in this game.


At least the ninja's cant use the "I need it for my companion" excuse anymore.

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easy pplz easy...

if u dont wanna lose ur hard earned loot...simple as that i give ya a solution.

only run ops with team speak or what ever....

u will see that there are some ppl always the same, that will join ur ops group.

then u find someone u can trust by talking in ts^^....its like a circle of good fellows. too bad u cant make circles with other players like in wildstar, i love the system there and all the good stuff they made....wish swtor would take a look at that and would copy some stuff from them to swtor..like the outfit wardrobe ^^^....


i always and only run random..(currently in full 220 token gear with some 224 )....

i´m without a guild...cos i dont wanna be chained by others :D

and i never have probs...and even if,....i put the worst and stealing ppls in my friendlist with a comment.

when they join again my raids, i´m on status "red alert". and i keep em tracked.

and i always give away the lootmaster....cos my bags are always full with stuff ( i love the regen items so i have em all in my bag when i do raids and the jawas are always with me :p ).

i never had a lootmaster in my ops going away with all loot....

and it also depends on my age and the age with the ppls i do raids...i´m close to the 40th.....and i do raids with gamers in all ages or if they are noobs to the game or not...it doesent matter! but when i see ppls stealing or something like that...i have my friendlist and i can keep an eye on em.


and with all this u will find some mates that are always commin if u call for raids and have trusted folks around ya ...so simple!! :cool:

Edited by ShinDoRai
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I'm not sure how ninja looting even works in this game outside of an operation leader changing to Master Looter at the last second.


For open world content, there's not much out there that you can't click on yourself while fighting. See a chest or node you really want? Just run up and click it then fight whatever you need to fight. And for those rare nodes that you do get interrupted from (of which I can't think of a single example, other than some mission objectives)? Send your companion in first, then run in immediately after and loot. If someone else still beats you to the prize, you were going to lose anyway, so they're not the ninjas; you technically would have been.

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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...


Just replace voting greed with voting need, best way to solve the problem. make it clear from the start that everyone should vote need. best way to inconvenience and eliminate ninja looting.


Problem solved


I would even go as far to say that ninja looters would be the first to complain or leave the group.

Edited by Deamandred
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The only real answer I've ever found to work 100% of the time is for people to get individual loot that the game itself hands directly to us.


We never, ever have these arguments and woes in games that aren't irrationally clinging to the archaic tabletop practice of rolling to see who gets the sword +1 and who gets the pile of gold pieces.


Personal loot systems are beautiful. It's been nice to see Bioware moving away from Gygaxian solutions a little bit, though I doubt they'll ever throw rolling for loot permanently into the trash where it belongs in everything no matter.


I've heard some people speak of it like it's a cherished tradition that they'd rather die than raid without.


Always sounds like a bunch of nostalgic wheezing to me, and I've never seen rolling for loot in games where there's no game master at hand to keep jackholes in line amount to anything but bitter drama.


Rolling for loot in MMOs: one of the dumbest holdovers from tabletop gaming that ever got included. It needs to go away, or these ninja looting issues that were being shrieked about almost 20 years ago now will still be being shrieked about in 20 years, in whatever other games are stupid enough to think it's just the best idea ever.

Edited by Uruare
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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...


Here is the stance of every MMo company you have master looter use it. with this feature there is no ninja looter only people that have won a role with ring on gear they work for just like you. NInja looting was a problem in mmo when they did not lock party loot to a NPC kill. If you do not mater loot then it is your own fault and bioware nor blizzard nor any other MMO out there will do any thing about it. So sorry to here you are going to un sub an not enjoy a game with a star wars theme. Because the road your on now you will be switching games to often to count...

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The only real answer I've ever found to work 100% of the time is for people to get individual loot that the game itself hands directly to us.


We never, ever have these arguments and woes in games that aren't irrationally clinging to the archaic tabletop practice of rolling to see who gets the sword +1 and who gets the pile of gold pieces.


Personal loot systems are beautiful. It's been nice to see Bioware moving away from Gygaxian solutions a little bit, though I doubt they'll ever throw rolling for loot permanently into the trash where it belongs in everything no matter.


I've heard some people speak of it like it's a cherished tradition that they'd rather die than raid without.


Always sounds like a bunch of nostalgic wheezing to me, and I've never seen rolling for loot in games where there's no game master at hand to keep jackholes in line amount to anything but bitter drama.


Rolling for loot in MMOs: one of the dumbest holdovers from tabletop gaming that ever got included. It needs to go away, or these ninja looting issues that were being shrieked about almost 20 years ago now will still be being shrieked about in 20 years, in whatever other games are stupid enough to think it's just the best idea ever.


You forgot the joys and warm fuzzy feels of DKP! That would not have existed without rolling! ;)

I fully agree; 'rolling' has never added anything of value to the gameplay experience, only a fertile ground for griefing, drama and frustration.

+1 (vorpal :p) for removing it and implementing a personal loot system!

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The only real answer I've ever found to work 100% of the time is for people to get individual loot that the game itself hands directly to us.


We never, ever have these arguments and woes in games that aren't irrationally clinging to the archaic tabletop practice of rolling to see who gets the sword +1 and who gets the pile of gold pieces.


Personal loot systems are beautiful. It's been nice to see Bioware moving away from Gygaxian solutions a little bit, though I doubt they'll ever throw rolling for loot permanently into the trash where it belongs in everything no matter.


I've heard some people speak of it like it's a cherished tradition that they'd rather die than raid without.


Always sounds like a bunch of nostalgic wheezing to me, and I've never seen rolling for loot in games where there's no game master at hand to keep jackholes in line amount to anything but bitter drama.


Rolling for loot in MMOs: one of the dumbest holdovers from tabletop gaming that ever got included. It needs to go away, or these ninja looting issues that were being shrieked about almost 20 years ago now will still be being shrieked about in 20 years, in whatever other games are stupid enough to think it's just the best idea ever.


I've played tabletop RPG's for about 35 years, no one around any table I've played at has ever rolled for loot and taken gear over someone else who desires it..


Rolling for loot is purely a gaming mechanism introduced in multi-player video games.

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They should implement a rule where loot rules cannot be changed without a majority vote of the group.

This way, the ops leader cannot suddenly change loot rules to Master loot and then disappear.


If you are in a party they set master looter you have a rule leave it before the boss pull the only thing bw should change on master looter is it can not be change in combat.

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I've played tabletop RPG's for about 35 years, no one around any table I've played at has ever rolled for loot and taken gear over someone else who desires it..


Rolling for loot is purely a gaming mechanism introduced in multi-player video games.


Indeed. It's a leftover relic from days gone by where gaming companies used loot rarity to time gate content. You want to tackle the next expansion? You have to run this content 50 times, because we only drop 1 sword every time you kill the boss.

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Thinking you can forget your manners and act like an idiot because you are hiding behind pixels, even more sad.

You think I'm a ninja? Do you get all your exercise jumping to conclusions? I don't run Ops and main FP bosses have individual loot tables. So even if I wanted to be one, I wouldn't be able to.

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When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...


If you mean interactables while fighting, and some random person coming along and "stealing" it, like a chest they were guarding or an objective node that you then have to wait on for a reset, then my advice is to loot first, then fight.

They have long ago eliminated the condition where damage would interrupt you in most of these cases, so set your companion to attack them and grab while the grabbing is good.


If you mean need/greed in a group then I have always advised that everyone else start needing as soon as a ninja is identified.

And I mean instantly. If I see someone hit need when I know they do not then that sets me to hitting need.


I'll happily trade at the end of the flashpoint.... Heck, I hit greed three times when fighting a world boss and ended up winning all three drops and gave one of those away because I thought it was unfair.


I am just not interested in playing along with someone trying to play the rest of the group for fools.




Now personally I would rather see individual drops or some sort of currency system.


Individual drops are easy enough. Everyone that beats the boss gets something for themselves. Might be some individual loot chosen just for them or it might be off of a random table, but they get what they get and everyone gets something.


The currency system is also pretty basic.

Take down a world boss? Get a coin. Beat a boss in a flashpoint? Get one or more coins. Maybe even set up situations that would award bonus coins (such as no one being defeated in the fight, defeating the boss within a certain timeframe, or beating a boss without using some sort of built-in help).


Anyway, I figure that the world bosses would drop one type of currency and flashpoints would drop another, with two different stores to spend them at, though vendors could be at multiple locations.

Maybe even have different stores based upon level, like the old planetary commendation vendors.


In either of these cases, though, no more ninjas because everyone is getting their own thing.


Still wouldn't stop the ones "stealing" chests and mission objectives, though. :t_cool:

Edited by Mithros
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Oh this reminds me. I was completing some heroics just last night, skipping from heroic to heroic and not really paying over-attention to much of anything. When suddenly this guy runs up to me and starts yelling basically, through /say and then /whisper chat, that it 'wasn't fair" for me to be nabbing each one of the objectives so fast. Let me paraphrase.


Stranger-dude: "Hey! You keep sneaking up on the comm systems and stealing them out from those of us who can't stealth!"

Me: "Excuse me? I'm just finishing up this heroic. I'll be done quick."

Stranger-dude: "I've been killing the mobs to get the comm systems! But you're just sneaking in to get them!"

Me: "I didn't see you or any mobs by the comm systems, I just clicked the objectives. Where were you?"

Stranger-dude: "I was over there, killing mobs!"

Me: "But the comm systems are right here. You should click them before running off, maybe."

Stranger-dude: "Eff you, jerkface!"


Not sure if you're out there, Stranger-dude! But I got my 6 comm systems and then got out of your way, I swear! Thanks for the lol's!


OP, not sure what sort of ninja-ing you're referring to. But in my experience, there are ways to protect yourself from a potential ninja-person. When in open world, only click the objective you're fighting for as soon as you start the battle. Typically, your companion can easily keep your enemies occupied while you nab the glowy thing or box. If you're in an operation or flashpoint, explain the loot rules beforehand and remove anyone who doesn't abide by them. Just be proactive! Bioware can't keep so close an eye on every "jerkface" out there, lol.

Edited by Phyreblade
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