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A question for those defending the nerf...


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Oh, you have to be BAD indeed to not be able to do the single player stuff in this game, and I mean BAD.


The game is designed to have companions engage in combat, saying 'disable' them is so mind-bogglingly stupid it's unreal.


How about you lot not be so absolutely terrible? You are the ones compromising this game by expecting the whole experience to be utterly dumbed down to your levels.

BioWare WILL change it back anyway, because you bunch of no-hopers have very big mouths, and it makes it look like you represent a majority, when you almost certainly don't. You scream in such high-pitched tones it's impossible to ignore.


Why don't you go and watch the cutscenes on Youtube if you want absolutely zero challenge; because hey cupcakes, guess what? This is a GAME, it supposed to have challenge to some degree-- as in it should be possible to die.


Ohhh you mean like all the big mouths before the nerf calling for one?


Did you complain about them being loud no-hoppers, and hey news flash NOTHING in this game is a challenge, not one thing, there is a huge difference between tedious, irritating and a challenge, if you find this challenging I would hate to see how you actually handle life, you know where it actually matters. Not a game where we unwind from life.

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There are two type of players:


1) I want the part of the game that I play solo to be more difficult for myself, and I don't care how other people want it for them, and how they play it. You could do that setting companions in passive mode or toggling off some of their abilities, while, at the same time, other players could chose to not do it.


2) I want the part of the game that I play solo to be more difficult for myself, and therefore it must be more difficult for everyone. So lets ask devs to nerf companions for everyone,. And devs get so happy pleasing that vocal minority that wants more challenging (and tedious) solo activities, not for them, but for everyone.


So, which one looks more reasonable?

Edited by Pirindolo
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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Nope. Not even close. I am a casual. I play on limited play time per week because I work a hefty schedule. I have never done a single HM or NiM OP in this game. Hell, I've really only done the Story mode OPs and FPs.


I play WoW, by far the easiest MMO out there. I say that to point out my casual nature. I enjoy the easy nature of WoW. I don't progression raid in WoW, and if not for LFR I would never have seen the inside of a raid. Most I have done over there besides LFR is normal and heroic LFD, because even Heroic Dungeons in WoW are casual easy.


All that said, the OP Companions made SWTOR absolutely boring for me to play. As someone who enjoys an easy game to relax with, SWTOR post 4.0 became so easy even I was absolutely turned off.


And why would I not use my companion? The companion system, and using them, is a core feature of the SWTOR design. Telling me to not use a core feature because BioWare broke it? Hell, I might as well not pay for a subscription to the game, then.


Oh, wait, I did cancel. I'm willing to renew after Tuesday's patch, but we'll see if the changes stay in the game first. If BioWare hasn't reversed course (yet again) in about three weeks or so, then I'll gladly resub.


So, yes, I am a casual. I like my games easy. And even I found the 4.0 companion power levels a turn off.

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There are two type of players:


1) I want the part of the game that I play solo to be more difficult for myself, and I don't care how other people want it for them, and how they play it. You could do that setting companions in passive mode or toggling off some of their abilities, while, at the same time, other players could chose to not do it.


2) I want the part of the game that I play solo to be more difficult for myself, and therefore it must be more difficult for everyone. So lets ask devs to nerf companions for everyone,. And devs get so happy pleasing that vocal minority that wants more challenging (and tedious) solo activities, not for them, but for everyone.


So, which one looks more reasonable?


I'm not either of those...I just want to play the game, see what happens in the story, and chat with people. I can still do that. So can you. So can everyone.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.

you make an understandable point, but the truth is that according to the designers of the content, the content was too easy with the current healing companions.


for myself, i didnt dismiss the companion, i just simple stopped playing. that has more to do with the fact there is NO new content and grinding companion affection wasn't something i was interested in.


the only way companions affected me was during the rakghoul event where i would always roam the caves and pvp. except this time i couldnt because healing companions were utterly ridiculous.

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Nope. Not even close. I am a casual. I play on limited play time per week because I work a hefty schedule. I have never done a single HM or NiM OP in this game. Hell, I've really only done the Story mode OPs and FPs.


I play WoW, by far the easiest MMO out there. I say that to point out my casual nature. I enjoy the easy nature of WoW. I don't progression raid in WoW, and if not for LFR I would never have seen the inside of a raid. Most I have done over there besides LFR is normal and heroic LFD, because even Heroic Dungeons in WoW are casual easy.


All that said, the OP Companions made SWTOR absolutely boring for me to play. As someone who enjoys an easy game to relax with, SWTOR post 4.0 became so easy even I was absolutely turned off.


And why would I not use my companion? The companion system, and using them, is a core feature of the SWTOR design. Telling me to not use a core feature because BioWare broke it? Hell, I might as well not pay for a subscription to the game, then.


Oh, wait, I did cancel. I'm willing to renew after Tuesday's patch, but we'll see if the changes stay in the game first. If BioWare hasn't reversed course (yet again) in about three weeks or so, then I'll gladly resub.


So, yes, I am a casual. I like my games easy. And even I found the 4.0 companion power levels a turn off.


Don't evade the question.please.


You wanted more challenge? dismiss the comp.

You wanted more challenge playing a companiomn? set companion in passive mode

You wanted more challenge playing a companion that was doing something? Disable the main healing/dpsing abilities of the companion.


No, you didn't want any of these options. Why?

Edited by Pirindolo
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I asked this same question prior to the nerf and apparently it wasn't fair that they should have to make it harder for themselves, but it was perfectly fair and reasonable for the difficulty to be lifted for all.

Cant remember exact wording (which is not like me) but am tired


They said they want to play the game as it is designed...


So instead of dismissing their companion, they complain to change the design... makes sense to me :rolleyes:

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I have been a hard core player of this game since beta and I have done all the current ops when they were Hard Modes or Nightmares as well except for a couple times when I took breaks from the game. I was still even paying my sub during those times so I have been a subscriber since day 1. I can do all the current content with the nerfed companions still but it does require a lot more work on my part, which is tedious to say the least.


Sure I like challenges in Ops and so on, but just doing the weekly H2 grinds for Alliance members and influence I don't need a challenge I just want to get it done quickly so when its time to do Ops I'm not all burned out for the tedious grind that they have made the whole Alliance system. I have 18 60+ characters and I like to play a lot of them. No way I can see myself doing this that many times on all those characters with how annoying they just made it with the companion nerf.


So as you can see I'm not a casual player but I still can't stand the nerf they did. Nothing to do with skill this is all about my time. If I'm playing a healer I don't want to have to respec to do good damage because now the DPS companion sucks. Example if you can do 20 Heroics in a hour with the 4.0 companions and that now takes you 2 hours with the 4.02 companions, who cares about the challenge. I care about the extra hour of my life I just spent trying to knock out some weekly H2 for the rewards or credits. I could have spent that extra hour doing one of my other characters or pvping or something else fun instead of taking the extra time to do these just because they wanted to totally weaken my 50 influence companion.


So don't lump all of us long time hardcore players together. I don't share the same opinion as the ones that asked for the nerf and was totally against it. If I wanted a challenge I would have used a level 1 companion or turned off some skills or used no companion at all. Its all about options, right now the screwed the options for a lot of people and just pandered to the one vocal whining group on this form. Which is what has gotten a lot of MMO's into trouble. People that are enjoying the game don't come on the forums. They are busy playing.

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And still defenders of the nerf saying that tehy want to play with a companion and that they were not happy because he was so OP.


Ok, you had two choices to play with a companion at your side:


1) Set it in passive mode.


2) Disable the most powerful abilities of the companion, using only part of the healing and dps abilities.

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Leveling? Story?

You mean the part of the game that has never been as popular as during the 12x XP event when people simply rushed through it!?

The part of the game that has been nerfed into the ground by Bioware in 4.0 to make character progression faster and easier!?


Yeah, very good example you took, there. :rolleyes:


You mean the part of the game BW said they were refocusing on? Yeah, people wanted to do it without doing all the side quests. It's even faster now than before 12x XP because you can't out level the content, but even during 12x XP, if you just did the story quests, you had to play the game and not let your God mode companions carry you. You pretty much have to try to die to and to not hit max level before finishing the main story for either to happen in 4.0.


Again, if you're complaining about dailies, you're not a casual.

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I have been a hard core player of this game since beta and I have done all the current ops when they were Hard Modes or Nightmares as well except for a couple times when I took breaks from the game. I was still even paying my sub during those times so I have been a subscriber since day 1. I can do all the current content with the nerfed companions still but it does require a lot more work on my part, which is tedious to say the least.


Sure I like challenges in Ops and so on, but just doing the weekly H2 grinds for Alliance members and influence I don't need a challenge I just want to get it done quickly so when its time to do Ops I'm not all burned out for the tedious grind that they have made the whole Alliance system. I have 18 60+ characters and I like to play a lot of them. No way I can see myself doing this that many times on all those characters with how annoying they just made it with the companion nerf.


So as you can see I'm not a casual player but I still can't stand the nerf they did. Nothing to do with skill this is all about my time. If I'm playing a healer I don't want to have to respec to do good damage because now the DPS companion sucks. Example if you can do 20 Heroics in a hour with the 4.0 companions and that now takes you 2 hours with the 4.02 companions, who cares about the challenge. I care about the extra hour of my life I just spent trying to knock out some weekly H2 for the rewards or credits. I could have spent that extra hour doing one of my other characters or pvping or something else fun instead of taking the extra time to do these just because they wanted to totally weaken my 50 influence companion.


So don't lump all of us long time hardcore players together. I don't share the same opinion as the ones that asked for the nerf and was totally against it. If I wanted a challenge I would have used a level 1 companion or turned off some skills or used no companion at all. Its all about options, right now the screwed the options for a lot of people and just pandered to the one vocal whining group on this form. Which is what has gotten a lot of MMO's into trouble. People that are enjoying the game don't come on the forums. They are busy playing.


It is obvious that my o.p. was not adressed to people like you. In fact, yours is the most reasonable post I've read about this issue so far.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.



First I am actually a casual player. I play a few hours a week due to wife, work etc. I also work 8pm to 8am so I can't play during "prime time" often.


In my case it's because I know what makes a subscription/f2p hybrid MMO make money. Making money is what gives me new content. What makes them money is the grind. in 2013 and 2014 this game each year made well over 100 million bucks. It had a grind not much different than the one we saw return on Tuesday, When people say "I won Game X" they stop playing when it comes to MMOs that use subscriptions and microtransactions. People not playing don't pay that means less money which means less game for me down the road. Now your hardcore player has longer "staying time." They run OPS from SM up to NiM...all the FPs etc. Your casual players doesn't so you need to make that content "last." or lack of a better term


I then looked at the game and said, "should I have been able to beat the hardest solo istance, the H2 SF in 192 gear with a level 8 companion as soon as the story unlocked the door for me? This makes no sense because people will say 'I won SWTOR' REAL quick and stop playing and thus stop paying. thus we all lose." It was made most obvious to me by the fact the biggest achieve is completeing one solo without using the buffs from Alliance...that cost a reputation of 10 to get. That takes time/grind. It just made no sense.


If BW would have tested properly we would never have seent he companions we did. People instead would have complained about a grind...like they always do. Some would have left but I honestly think most would have stayed. Players don't usually think long term though, I will admit to be a freak in this regard. So they saw the companions nerfed and ow are raging. NOT because the game is measurably different from 2014, 2013 or 2012 but because it is different than it has been for 4 whole weeks. makes a wanna be Vulcan like myself want to choke one of my kittens tbh.

Edited by Ghisallo
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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


This has been the case with MMO’s for year and its this mindset with both the developers and some players that you need to cater to the 1% crowd …that IMHO is what’s killing this genre.

The truth is (and developers have confirmed this) that 80% of MMO players play primarily solo, however the real problem with all this is … progression and content ends for solo players in the elder game.


And let’s face it SWTOR has never been good at promoting group play with the crap ton of instancing, fast travel removing people from the open world, single player storytelling, personal class quests …etc.

At best this game is a … Shared space RPG, Solo Storytelling, Collection Game …, my advice to Bioware is be Diablo not WoW. In Diablo you can group if you want but if you want to play the game solo and get the best gear in the game has to offer you can do that all on your own without forced to group walls put in place.

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They said they want to play the game as it is designed...


So instead of dismissing their companion, they complain to change the design... makes sense to me :rolleyes:


Uh, yeah. The game was designed for you to have a companion with you fighting by your side. Not asking for a design change at all. People that want to be able to afk and still win are asking for design changes.

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Don't evade the question.please.


You wanted more challenge? dismiss the comp.

You wanted more challenge playing a companiomn? set companion in passive mode

You wanted more challenge playing a companion that was doing something? Disable the main healing/dpsing abilities of the companion.


No, you didn't want any of these options. Why?


Because it was never about Challenge. Go check my post history, and point out where I was a Challenge cryer.


Go ahead, I'll wait.


But it was boring to play, as in not fun. I've stated in the post you quoted, and in many previous posts, that I prefer easy MMOs, but that even I found 4.0 companions made SWTOR too easy and boring.


And I did answer your question, try reading the whole post that I made. Why didn't I not use the companions? Because Companions are a core design feature of SWTOR. If I have to not use a core feature to not be bored, then I'll unsub. And I did, indeed, unsub. There, I put it in bold for you this time.


Companions have always been sidekicks to our characters. KoTFE broke that. Tuesday's patch fixed that. I support the fix.

Edited by Jumajin
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I said many times in many posts before the big Companion Nerf, that Bioware needed to leave the Companions alone. Yes they were ridiculously overpowered, particularly the Healer Companion. However most game industries hear 'Over Powered' and choose instead of balance to nerf things into oblivion. Also without story unlocks for presence, and datacron unlocks for presence, brand new players weren't seeing the SUPER companions yet.


But do not confuse people asking for balanced companions and for more challenging combat options, as some form of elitist out to destroy your gameplay crowd. In fact the Original Poster of this thread seems to be more 'elitist' and 'mad' than most people responding.


Oh and Original Poster, I did dismiss my companions to run content. After level sync went in, I still dismiss them. I was sending away Mako at game launch because she annoyed me and got in my way. Don't even get me started on Khem and his need to stand right on your quest update clicks. That is in many cases an invalid argument. People have tried telling me 'dismiss your vital bioware patented companion' but... I already did. Next people started telling me 'Remove your gear one piece at a time. Don't use your buffs. Don't use your defenses. Don't use your boosts in combat.' *facepalms* So basically because I and many people like me, wanted some challenging content readded into the game, we have to ... stop playing the game according to some posters?


Or would not the best option have been for Bioware to add in DUO content and Heroic 4s back?

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


I find it hilarious how you seem to think you know what you are talking about, when you obviously don't have a clue. But allow me to answer your question myself instead of you answering it for me.


Your argument is the most ridiculous one made yet regarding the companion drama. Have you even played the game??? A core aspect of this game revolves around....think about it for a minute. That's right, companions! So much of this game revolves around your companion that it's one of the reasons I originally quit about 9 months or so after release. Don't get me wrong, having companions are cool but a lot of this game revolves around them in many ways.


So, your solution is for people to choose not to use a core aspect of the game to avoid the game from being so ridiculously easy I can just sit bored out of my mind watching a screen, twiddling my thumbs without having to give hardly any thought about how to even learn to play my class. I'm sorry, but what a ridiculous suggestion.


If what I have to do to not be bored out of my mind playing a game in extreme easy mode is disable a core feature of the game, well, that is just extremely poor game design in my opinion. You were way off the mark in your assumptions by the way and how about do us all the favor of allowing us to speak for ourselves instead of sprouting out assumpions.

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I find it hilarious how you seem to think you know what you are talking about, when you obviously don't have a clue. But allow me to answer your question myself instead of you answering it for me.


Your argument is the most ridiculous one made yet regarding the companion drama. Have you even played the game??? A core aspect of this game revolves around....think about it for a minute. That's right, companions! So much of this game revolves around your companion that it's one of the reasons I originally quit about 9 months or so after release. Don't get me wrong, having companions are cool but a lot of this game revolves around them in many ways.


So, your solution is for people to choose not to use a core aspect of the game to avoid the game from being so ridiculously easy I can just sit bored out of my mind watching a screen, twiddling my thumbs without having to give hardly any thought about how to even learn to play my class. I'm sorry, but what a ridiculous suggestion.


If what I have to do to not be bored out of my mind playing a game in extreme easy mode is disable a core feature of the game, well, that is just extremely poor game design in my opinion. You were way off the mark in your assumptions by the way and how about do us all the favor of allowing us to speak for ourselves instead of sprouting out assumpions.


Thank you. I've already given him the same answer in two posts, and he still doesn't get it.

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That's not what a bunch of the people complaining about the nerf are saying. I haven't tried 4.0.2 and haven't suggested that it wasn't an over nerf. Knowing BW and most every other dev in any MMO ever, it probably was.


It's a strawman to suggest people that want a game to not play itself associate their self worth with their characters. Maybe you could say that about the people that have their characters and levels listed in their sigs, but I think most people that wanted a 4.0 nerf just wanted to have at least a slight possibility of being defeated if they just stroll into an encounter and randomly mash buttons.


Since you haven't tried it yet, let me post some screenshots:




There ya go, IL 10 companion, 1k EHPS... Notice how my focused defense healed for more per tick and in total than any one of my companion's heals. And that was only in 208 PvP gear.


IL 50 companion is only hitting 1.5k EHPS. They aren't even equal to 25% of what a player could put out in 208 gear.


PS It's a strawman to say that people arguing for rolling back the nerf are just looking for a game to play itself. Sorry, we have factual data that shows that companions basically got dismissed for everyone by the devs, because some of you couldn't be arsed to dismiss them yourself for challenge.

Edited by Draqsko
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This has been the case with MMO’s for year and its this mindset with both the developers and some players that you need to cater to the 1% crowd …that IMHO is what’s killing this genre.

The truth is (and developers have confirmed this) that 80% of MMO players play primarily solo, however the real problem with all this is … progression and content ends for solo players in the elder game.


And let’s face it SWTOR has never been good at promoting group play with the crap ton of instancing, fast travel removing people from the open world, single player storytelling, personal class quests …etc.

At best this game is a … Shared space RPG, Solo Storytelling, Collection Game …, my advice to Bioware is be Diablo not WoW. In Diablo you can group if you want but if you want to play the game solo and get the best gear in the game has to offer you can do that all on your own without forced to group walls put in place.


first the 1% crowd trope is completely unsupported. Next BW's financial model is designed around a grind. Not saying "hard" but a grind. The companions didn't simply make the game less than difficult they eliminated the grind that makes their financial model work.


Now if they changed their financial model to b2p like GW2 maybe a different game design would make sense. That said GW2 is in NA, the EU, South Korea and China. SWTOR is in only NA and EU (in terms of server hosting for both). GW2 made 73 million in 2014, SWTOR well over 100 million... same for 2013... where SWTOR made over 150 million. So for 2 years running now the players have told BW "a grind makes money" and THIS is what EA and BW care about.

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Because it was never about Challenge. Go check my post history, and point out where I was a Challenge cryer.


Go ahead, I'll wait.


But it was boring to play, as in not fun. I've stated in the post you quoted, and in many previous posts, that I prefer easy MMOs, but that even I found 4.0 companions made SWTOR too easy and boring.


And I did answer your question, try reading the whole post that I made. Why didn't I not use the companions? Because Companions are a core design feature of SWTOR. If I have to not use a core feature to not be bored, then I'll unsub. And I did, indeed, unsub.


Companions have always been sidekicks to our characters. KoTFE broke that. Tuesday's change fixed that. I support the fix.


You are the one not reading other people's post.


You could do what you are asking for. You could. You could play a companion with some of the powerful dps/heal abilities toggled off to make it harder (and therefore fun) for you. YOU COULD DO IT.


But no, you didn't want to toggle off the powerful abilities while other people were able to complete the heroics in 1 hour less than you.


Your idea of fun (expending 2 hours doing heroics is more fun than expending 1) is yours. But you demand to be everyones idea. The fun is "your fun".

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By the way. I originally quit the game before the legacy feature was added so I don't have any legacy perks. I started with a fresh character for fun and set Khem Val to dps, NOT healer. I made a Sith Sorcerer and the game had been dumbed down to such an extent I made it a week before I just couldn't bring myself to log on anymore.


Everyone always whining about the WoW carebears. Well, I got news for ya. WoW is now more challenging and requires more of a brain to play than what this game turned into. So yes, I completely welcome this companion nerf.

Edited by SummerRayne
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Since you haven't tried it yet, let me post some screenshots:




There ya go, IL 10 companion, 1k EHPS... Notice how my focused defense healed for more per tick and in total than any one of my companion's heals. And that was only in 208 PvP gear.


IL 50 companion is only hitting 1.5k EHPS. They aren't even equal to 25% of what a player could put out in 208 gear.


Like I said, I am not surprised they over nerfed companions. Hopefully they find a happy median. Companions in 4.0 were stupidly OP'd. It took them close to a month to nerf them, and I expect they'll un nerf them somewhat in less time.

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You are the one not reading other people's post.


You could do what you are asking for. You could. You could play a companion with some of the powerful dps/heal abilities toggled off to make it harder (and therefore fun) for you. YOU COULD DO IT.


But no, you didn't want to toggle off the powerful abilities while other people were able to complete the heroics in 1 hour less than you.


Your idea of fun (expending 2 hours doing heroics is more fun than expending 1) is yours. But you demand to be everyones idea. The fun is "your fun".


And yet you blame forum posts for the change, and ignore Eric's very clear explanation that BioWare watched the Companion output on their own and saw that they were too powerful for the design they wanted them to be.


Sorry, guys, BioWare has stated they were not supposed to be that OP. It's done.

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