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A question for those defending the nerf...


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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?



No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Most likely yes. The people were upset that other people that were not them were able to do the heroics and other missions without asking for their help. They assume if they can Nuke Nerf our companion to make it borderline useless we'd have no choice. We'd be forced to now do groups with them etc. It has blown back in their faces in most amazing way. So far BW seems to want to support this small minority instead of larger...more casual..groups.


That's a shame. I spent 40 bucks so far on Cartel Market with plans to spend more. Now we're not having fun. It's almost work to log in to do daily's. A game shouldn't be work. It's a source of entertainment all those people complain about wanting an "achievement in a video game. That's the problem. Instead getting one in reality they have force what they think on others.

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You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Tru dat. But don't expect anyone confirming that. ;)

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I asked this same question prior to the nerf and apparently it wasn't fair that they should have to make it harder for themselves, but it was perfectly fair and reasonable for the difficulty to be lifted for all.

Cant remember exact wording (which is not like me) but am tired

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Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


I rarely throw the L2P card, but if you thought solo content in this game was ever hard, then L2P does apply. If you couldn't solo 90% of the H2s in meh gear before 4.0, L2P does apply. You level so fast now, even if they put companions at 3.xx ability, you still level faster than you ever did before. The only grind in this game is alliance, and casuals aren't doing it...they're just doing the story.


Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.

Edited by HarleysRule
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It's a fine line that the Devs have never been able to walk upon.. Make everything too easy, people get bored quickly and leave. Make it too difficult, people get frustrated and leave.


The Devs in this game have been known to wildly compensate.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Quoted for TRUTH. You could literally pick and choose which abilities you wanted your companion to use. You could make the game harder for yourself to give yourself a challenge, but those who wanted to could play with their companions fully enabled and have a good time. Before the nerf, both camps were perfectly capable of setting their own difficulty level - after the nerf, the only group of people who are getting the game experience they want are the toxic minority who actively want other players to be miserable, and that group will not be satisfied no matter what you do. They will find something else to complain about, and find some other way to hurt their fellow players.

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Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.


Its not any harder now.


It just takes more time.


That is more time doing content I first did in 2011, for the same reward. And you think that is progression?


HK does less damage now at level 65 and influence 41 than he did at level 60 and in full yavin gear. Is that progression too?


Nothing in this game has ever been hard. Pretending there is difficulty now is just making excuses for conceited people who want something to show they are better and different in game. Its just a bigger time sink. That isnt a challenge, its just frustration for most of us who don't associate our toons with our own self worth.

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So, like, Diablo has difficulty levels, and you can group and get achievements with the people who can match your difficulty level. For all their claims that they want to return to story mode, clearly BioEA's actions indicate they just want our money, and we were finishing the story and leaving too fast, so they nerfed.


Unfortunately, you cannot force someone to grind your game once they no longer find it fun. There's always that choice.

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Its not any harder now.


It just takes more time.


That is more time doing content I first did in 2011, for the same reward. And you think that is progression?


HK does less damage now at level 65 and influence 41 than he did at level 60 and in full yavin gear. Is that progression too?


Nothing in this game has ever been hard. Pretending there is difficulty now is just making excuses for conceited people who want something to show they are better and different in game. Its just a bigger time sink. That isnt a challenge, its just frustration for most of us who don't associate our toons with our own self worth.


I literally said almost the same thing. People have gotten time consuming mixed with challenge

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Its not any harder now.


It just takes more time.


That is more time doing content I first did in 2011, for the same reward. And you think that is progression?


HK does less damage now at level 65 and influence 41 than he did at level 60 and in full yavin gear. Is that progression too?


Nothing in this game has ever been hard. Pretending there is difficulty now is just making excuses for conceited people who want something to show they are better and different in game. Its just a bigger time sink. That isnt a challenge, its just frustration for most of us who don't associate our toons with our own self worth.


That's not what a bunch of the people complaining about the nerf are saying. I haven't tried 4.0.2 and haven't suggested that it wasn't an over nerf. Knowing BW and most every other dev in any MMO ever, it probably was.


It's a strawman to suggest people that want a game to not play itself associate their self worth with their characters. Maybe you could say that about the people that have their characters and levels listed in their sigs, but I think most people that wanted a 4.0 nerf just wanted to have at least a slight possibility of being defeated if they just stroll into an encounter and randomly mash buttons.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


I rarely throw the L2P card, but if you thought solo content in this game was ever hard, then L2P does apply. If you couldn't solo 90% of the H2s in meh gear before 4.0, L2P does apply. You level so fast now, even if they put companions at 3.xx ability, you still level faster than you ever did before. The only grind in this game is alliance, and casuals aren't doing it...they're just doing the story.


Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.


Ohhh, yeah, so many words... But I am still waiting the answer to THIS:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?

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When does it get in the heads of you stupid people that running dailies has absolutely NOTHING to do with "progression".

If you want progression then go into flashpoints and operations.


Talking about leveling, not dailies...you know, the story? Take a breath. If you're running dailies every day, are you really a casual?


Ohhh, yeah, so many words... But I am still waiting the answer to THIS:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


Are you trolling? I answered you. I guess if my reply was TL,DR for you, that explains a lot.

Edited by HarleysRule
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The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Do people really believe this?




Honestly, I don't care what anyone else does in a game if it doesn't affect me.


I couldn't solo heroic starforge at release, as a tank. So I found a group for it.

I couldn't solo heroic missions leveling up, so I didn't do them, or I found other people to do them with.


I don't see much of a difference in my playstyle now.


Maybe my viewpoint is skewed because I've played other mmo's before. If It says heroic 2+, I assume that's what it is. Heroic, needing 2 or more people to complete it.


I play a tank. I'll gladly go on a heroic with someone if they ask.

As it is, I've had a post up here on the general forums for a few days asking for players to join me and so far...no one on my server has taken me up on the offer.


What's so terrible about grouping with people?

Edited by Tarkashae
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Quoted for TRUTH. You could literally pick and choose which abilities you wanted your companion to use. You could make the game harder for yourself to give yourself a challenge, but those who wanted to could play with their companions fully enabled and have a good time. Before the nerf, both camps were perfectly capable of setting their own difficulty level - after the nerf, the only group of people who are getting the game experience they want are the toxic minority who actively want other players to be miserable, and that group will not be satisfied no matter what you do. They will find something else to complain about, and find some other way to hurt their fellow players.


So true!!!!!!

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Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


I, for one, don't learn to play by getting killed by trash mobs. That's why I quit the game last year. I have no problem with bosses being time-consuming and impossible to defeat without studying mechanics (although I always prefer a fight that will literally last forever if you don't figure out the mechanics to dying, as the punishment for dying -- having to go back to to a different area and make your way to the boss all over again, watching the same cutscene 15 times, going through a rotation you know like the back of your hand only to be wiped again and again in the final stage etc -- is the only reason I have ever ragequit any game). The trash mobs and the Dailies are where the powerful companions are needed. In cases where I need to learn to play, having my healing companion keep me at full health didn't stop me from learning which attacks I should use, what I should interrupt, etc.

Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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That's not what a bunch of the people complaining about the nerf are saying. I haven't tried 4.0.2 and haven't suggested that it wasn't an over nerf. Knowing BW and most every other dev in any MMO ever, it probably was.


It's a strawman to suggest people that want a game to not play itself associate their self worth with their characters. Maybe you could say that about the people that have their characters and levels listed in their sigs, but I think most people that wanted 4.0 nerf just wanted to have at least a slight possibility of being defeated if they just stroll into an encounter and randomly mash buttons.


I should clarify. It is not any harder now if you are well geared, play a class that has high defences or good off-healing abilities. You can waltz through H2 star fortress the same as before (I've done it on my Powertech). It simply takes longer.

Planetary H2 take longer too, and those are just a grind for alliance boxes, it make sno sense to make that even more drudgery, because it isimply makes the game not fun. Once you get to the level 40+ planets it takes too much time to plough through these things.


As I said though, your experience is gear and class dependent. My Marksman Sniper is having a tougher time, because companions have been broken since 4 came out, but now, that awkward bit where they stand there like dummies and watch you get close to death isnt followed by a 20k heal to make up for it. Its 6K, and you die. There are MAJOR issues with this patch beyond epeen solo bragging. The higher powered companions were covering up some really poor coding and broken mechanics, they left the broken stuff, took away the stuff that covered for it. That is straight up poor development.

Some people will be having a tougher time with this through class, gear or inexperience. That is a BAD thing.


I can do it, I still want it changing back. Why? Because the game was fun then, now its just a drudge to work through for boxes. The grind was bad when you could do a planets worth of heroics in 45 minutes or so. Add another half hour and it just becomes something I don;t want to do any more. It seems I'm not alone. Games should be fun. This was. Now it isnt.

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Oh, you have to be BAD indeed to not be able to do the single player stuff in this game, and I mean BAD.


The game is designed to have companions engage in combat, saying 'disable' them is so mind-bogglingly stupid it's unreal.


How about you lot not be so absolutely terrible? You are the ones compromising this game by expecting the whole experience to be utterly dumbed down to your levels.

BioWare WILL change it back anyway, because you bunch of no-hopers have very big mouths, and it makes it look like you represent a majority, when you almost certainly don't. You scream in such high-pitched tones it's impossible to ignore.


Why don't you go and watch the cutscenes on Youtube if you want absolutely zero challenge; because hey cupcakes, guess what? This is a GAME, it supposed to have challenge to some degree-- as in it should be possible to die.

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The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


First of all I wasn't "mad" before 4.0.2 and I'm not "mad" now. People can actually disagree without being "mad".


Here is the "truth" as I see it. The difficulty of some of the harder content is not unreasonable. If there is any lying going on, it is people lying to themselves that they are "casual" players. If you are driven to complete all the content and get all the achievements you are not casual. You are a competitive player who simply isn't strong enough yet, you will get there in time.

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I should clarify. It is not any harder now if you are well geared, play a class that has high defences or good off-healing abilities. You can waltz through H2 star fortress the same as before (I've done it on my Powertech). It simply takes longer.

Planetary H2 take longer too, and those are just a grind for alliance boxes, it make sno sense to make that even more drudgery, because it isimply makes the game not fun. Once you get to the level 40+ planets it takes too much time to plough through these things.


As I said though, your experience is gear and class dependent. My Marksman Sniper is having a tougher time, because companions have been broken since 4 came out, but now, that awkward bit where they stand there like dummies and watch you get close to death isnt followed by a 20k heal to make up for it. Its 6K, and you die. There are MAJOR issues with this patch beyond epeen solo bragging. The higher powered companions were covering up some really poor coding and broken mechanics, they left the broken stuff, took away the stuff that covered for it. That is straight up poor development.

Some people will be having a tougher time with this through class, gear or inexperience. That is a BAD thing.


I can do it, I still want it changing back. Why? Because the game was fun then, now its just a drudge to work through for boxes. The grind was bad when you could do a planets worth of heroics in 45 minutes or so. Add another half hour and it just becomes something I don;t want to do any more. It seems I'm not alone. Games should be fun. This was. Now it isnt.


Thanks for a thoughtful reply. Being able to complete content without having to give any thought isn't fun for a lot of us. Like I said, I would have been happy with sliders. Maybe shorten the alliance grind to make up for not being able to face roll it as much? IDK...

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Talking about leveling, not dailies...you know, the story? Take a breath. If you're running dailies every day, are you really a casual?.


Leveling? Story?

You mean the part of the game that has never been as popular as during the 12x XP event when people simply rushed through it!?

The part of the game that has been nerfed into the ground by Bioware in 4.0 to make character progression faster and easier!?


Yeah, very good example you took, there. :rolleyes:

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


I like the nerf, but then again I like more challenging content. I'll try to answer your questions as best I can (I'm doing this on my phone, it's a little tougher :)).


I did not dismiss my companion as I do like having them there, I also am kind of a sucker for "playing dress up" with my character and companion, I enjoy trying to make them look good and seeing them look good. Stupid, I know, but it's fun for me, it was a big plus to the gearing change in 4.0 for me, though I did also enjoy customizing their stats, that was a bit of a bummer.



Passive mode? Ehhh, yeah, I do enjoy the the companion working with me. Especially in this game, they're a part of the story too for me. You are right on that one, at the very least in part.


I never thought to toggle off abilities, if they put them back to how they were I will likely do that. Then again I never really crusaded on the forums for the nerf, I just solo'd the hardest stuff I could to stil try and present a challenge to myself. This is a decent idea, not my ideal solution, but still it could help.


I will not lie to you. I wasn't upset over the OP companions, I thought it wasn't right, they were out healing players, that's just silly :p. I would never want to make the game impossible for "bads and casuals", to insinuate such of me is wrong sir. I appreciate all the help my guild gives me to get better in FP's, Op's and HM Op's and I do what I can to reciprocate that to other players. I'm the guy that answers questions on fleet chat, helps players who are struggling with quests and gives money to new players to give them a head start if I help them and think they could use a quick 50k credits.


The problem with the way comps were was that I started to say to myself "Man, I can do this FP easier with just my companion than if I get a group that isn't great". My companion at rank 20 did better dps than many upscaled players for killing trash in the FP and healed me to the point that I didn't need to ever worry about health on a boss. My companion was discouraging me from running with anyone but well geared guild members to do Operations, that's just not a good thing man.


Now, I will say, I like where my companion is now, however, due to the dislike of their current state I think BioWare does need to do something with them. This game does need it's casual player base, it's the life blood of this game and I think the game does a great job drawing those players in and catering to them. We can't have companions be better than players though, so a middle ground must be found.


As for me wanting to keep players down because of my ego and feeling superior over them, that offends me and how I try to play the game, I would respectfully ask that in the future you refrain from insulting such a broad swath of people like that.

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