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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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Well with the mixed opinions and anger going around. why not a thread for all those who are leaving over these unpopular changes. Post here if you are quitting, leaving.


You do realize there are free, polling websites you could use and put a link in. Be a lot easier to see actual numbers that way (not that people posting here reflect the game player base as a whole).


Seriously you are on the internet, take advantage of that fact.


And no, not quitting.

Edited by Deyjarl
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find a person and group for heroics..you don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything but doing the mission.


But you do have to find a person or two. Judging from the response to my post attempting to do that, its not as easy as you think.


Why don't you level a character to 65 on Jedi Covenant and wake up at 7am so you can run heroics with me, eh?

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Im leaving game, was playing from launch (pre order player). Already spend many credits on gifts (and hours / clicking ) on gimped comps and just dont want to spend my free time on being angry thinking over and over how game developers wasted my time. This nerf is pure ******** and final nail to swtor coffin. Time to move on and play Fallout 4. Edited by DiabloPL
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Im leaving game, was playing from launch (pre order player). Already spend many credits on gifts on gimped comps and just dont want to spend my free time on being angry thinking over and over how game developers wasted my time. This nerf is pure ******** and final nail to swtor coffin. Time to move on and play Fallout 4.


I'll probably keep my sub active because I've invested a lot of time into my characters. However I've tried the nerfed companions and it's too much. I hear a 70% drop? Stupid. Add to that the fact that I can't replace the medpacks in my power and I'm not happy. The medpacks can be put into a different bar (2-6) but I can't seem to put them in bar 1.


The only money I'll spend is my sub money. No extra for cartel coins. Hell I might take a break, come back in a few months. Maybe.

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I won't renew my subscription when it expires.


Not because of the nerf, which is plain ridiculous. The reason for me to quit is that Bioware has simply abandoned this game: no new ops, 2 small mini-planets. 1 unique story in which decission are meaningless, PVP changes affecting PVE... And now, meaningless companions once again.


Since Bioware is not paying attention at all to their customers, probably because their staff is already so short that they cannot dedicate the smallest effort to that task, I will not pay more money to them.

Edited by Pirindolo
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Unsubbed. I was having a lot of fun with the game after 4.0. Shame really.


This size of the nerf was way too big. I'm sure the companions needed tuning but not to point where they became worthless. Very strange given that 4.0 gave us so many companions and now you might as well not bother hitting the summon button at all.

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Not going to renew sub. Why?


Latest patch is a *********** joke - they can't even get a launcher to work properly and keep messing it up


Companion nerf - I really liked the new content till they did that. Bioware have now gone full retard - NEVER go full retard!


Thanks for screwing up what could have been a great expansion BW - help urselves to a cup of f'k u

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I'm staying. Can you guys as you are all leaving send me your stuff then, please?


I did try to send my companions, but it was a bit chilly outside (scarf and coat) and the moment they stepped out the house they all died.

Ah well........it appears this nuclear nerf bat is pretty far reaching.

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I came back after my friends told me how fun this game had become with the last patch leading up to the current X-pac. So I decided to give it a shot and did free to play a few days and the companion's being useful is one of the reasons I subscribed. Then they hit this, and now in the limited amount of time I do have, it has become nearly impossible to do what I was doing before this patch. So yes I have unsubscribed once again and doubt I will reup going forward. This wasn't a nerf it was taking a bomb to companions and destroying the game play you had taught us to enjoy the last few patches. It is a shame as the game had become fun for people who had limited time and relatively few friends to play with.


Same situation ... came back this summer and really enjoyed this game again.

But this patch just destroyed enjoyment I have ... so bye bye.

Great move, BW :(

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One day into new patch. Still able to complete any heroic I attempted to do - didn't take significantly longer.

Game did feel like a bit more of a challenge - required to use some CC now and again and drop the odd heal on the companion rather than sitting back and grabbing a coffee while the companion did everything.


Subbed on day one - still remaining subbed thanks.

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After almost 3 years of playing it, I actually consider to quit. I have about 10 sub days left, and never been close to letting it expire without renewal than any time before. Patches are silly, early access (been in Makeb, GSF, SoR, KoTFE so far so I'd say all of them) is more like closed beta than early access, no new operations, sledge-hammer "tweaks" and what not, are only pushing me to go f2p and do some H2 with my kid and our 2 comps which now will be almost one complete companion.

Been fun, I love franchise, but this type of neglecting the fans and player base is beyond ridiculousness...

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I've been subbed since the first day the game came out and I'm staying subbed now because I'm not a stupid little crybaby who throws a tantrum every time something doesn't go its way....


Nicely put. I would upvote if I could.

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Unsubbed. I truly wanted to stay even with so many bugs, worst customer service I've seen in mmo's, missing items (taking them without warning), lack of quality control, making subs beta testers and so on, but this? Hahah... it seems almost like a sabotage to finish the game off. :D I am not even angry as the majority of people here. I'm almost thankful for consequent actions leading to destruction of swtor, because I'll spend my time better.


But you know what really pisses me off? Saying officially that something will be doable (ALL h2+ with companion, so I guess this should include new SF's), then making it obviously undoable storywise (wait, what? I thought 4.0 was supposed to focus on story) AND THEN asking us to leave a feedback. It's basically telling one thing, doing the other and asking if we're fine with it. Well thank you very much and go **** yourselves dear developers. I promise not to pay for ANY BW game from now on. Suck it. :-)

Edited by EnzeruX
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Think I’m done for now, sub runs out in 10days so will continue until that runs out and then perhaps return for Chapter X. Having to regen after practically every pull makes things long and tedious… specially when your companion is worthless in all of the 3 roles and now we don’t have the option of gearing them up to try and boost them a bit – they’re stuck as they are.


SW Battlefront is released tomorrow anyways huzzah.....

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Not unsubbing immediately however, this is kinda like strike 3 for them. I have stopped doing the H+2s and Starfortress which I was enjoying. I already stopped doing FPs long ago and tacts are a pain now. What is left for what I am looking for in a game??? Ops I guess but that won't cut it for long...
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