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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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I'm certainly not unsubscribing (I tend to play in groups most of the time anyway...), but I do think the companion nerf went a bit overboard.


Something needed to be done, but not nearly to the degree it was done. Lowering base stats was a good start, but influence should count for more as it increases. It takes a considerable amount of time/credits/real money(cartel packs) to get influence to 50, so a companion should be a little on the "OP" side when you get there...


Pretty sure they'll be keeping an eye on things and making changes accordingly. Do keep in mind that we were asked to try it out, and give feedback on the changes.


Luckily, during this testing phase there don't seem to be any repair costs, so any deaths from running around with "underpowered" companions don't cost anything but a little time.

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before the patch it wasnt just not challenging it was down right boring I was to point I was playing console game at same time and just moving my character blindly every 3 minutes threw heroic because companion was doing everything by it self with no help from me. I was all set to quit after being sub since dec 2011 todays patch made3 me change mind and have hope for game again


You do realize that you could have put your companion on passive and only used their skills when or if you wanted by deliberately clicking on them, right? Then it would have been as challenging as you would want. You, and those like you, didn't have to freck up the companions for everyone else by whining that it was too easy with them.

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I usually use two month game time cards.

Well, the next one I'll use in the coming summer, not before.

I play this game for fun, not for challenge. Having to spend every single fight focusing fully on every step of the process just to make sure I'm not dying (Because Heal companions might as well not exist, they are actually WORSE than before 4.0 now.) isn't my idea of "fun". I want challenge, I'll try butting my head against a HM FP or maybe an Op for once.

Right now, even a low-level heroic is a challenge. So it's simple: Not having fun, not renewing until the season is done or changed are reversed/Lessened.

A 50-75% nerf was not needed. 25% I could have live with but now? Yeah, thanks Bioware but no thanks.

I want to play in groupe whenever I want to. Now, I can't because Musco's claim that "Heroics can be done solo with a companion filling in for the second player" is now false. To be more precise, it's gone from "Choosing to group or not, being still able to accomplish something without massive tedium" to "Choosing to group or not being able to accomplish anything at all".

So yeah, I'm leaving, for now at least.

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I'll wait till I've got no more time sub left, if they revert thing, or at least, go around 20-25% nerf, I won't cancel my sub.


It's heartbreaking, I was so happy to, at long last, to be able to play smoothly, having fun w/o being forced to pause after 2-3 fights, be always top-geared, spamming gift to comp you don't like ( since you can be unable to play your favorite comp at any moment of the story (kill, captured etc.)), knowing rotations by heart ....

I really hope they'll understand, that some times, listening to a selfpromoted 'elite' part of players, and utterly ignore others, will eventually lead to a wall, and a pretty tall one.


A nerf, why not, but I don't even think this word is strong enough for what they done ^^ Subtlery is not they greatest skill :)

Edited by Arkeran
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I came back after my friends told me how fun this game had become with the last patch leading up to the current X-pac. So I decided to give it a shot and did free to play a few days and the companion's being useful is one of the reasons I subscribed. Then they hit this, and now in the limited amount of time I do have, it has become nearly impossible to do what I was doing before this patch. So yes I have unsubscribed once again and doubt I will reup going forward. This wasn't a nerf it was taking a bomb to companions and destroying the game play you had taught us to enjoy the last few patches. It is a shame as the game had become fun for people who had limited time and relatively few friends to play with.
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I've been subbed since launch and while I'm too invested in the game to unsub? I am planning on no longer doing any solo content, despite the fact I was having a blast doing solo content with strong companions after KOTFE.


But now the slog just isn't worth it.


I'm extremely disappointed they listened to the vocal small minority complaining on the forums. I don't know anyone actually in game who was unhappy with the fact companions actually felt strong.

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I've read posts before this patch requesting a nerf.


I joined those who requested it to be left alone.


I've now read the posts which show people being upset at the nerf and, even those posts which suggest that it (the fact that the companions were so 'OP') was a marketing ploy to attract players; this last one is something I have begun to agree with...


To that end and, due to me not being happy with the changes or the way in which this matter was handled, I have un-subbed and have un-subbed my son (who I was paying for).


I returned to SW:TOR on the back of all the new changes and me and my son have had a great time levelling new characters from Level 1 to Level 65, despite the fact we even have a 'Straight To Level 60' character already sat there, waiting for us. We are just on the brink of starting the new content with these characters (especially loving how each world drops you to an appropriate level) and then this comes...


Well, there it is. We'll be off.


Take care, all.

Edited by SPAMBAM
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I thought I'd unsub the minute I logged in and found the changes not to my liking. But now that I clearly see that I'm surrounded by quite literally thousands of players as pissed off as I am... It seems only logical for them to give this stupid decision a second thought. So i'm giving them some time for a reality check. If that doesn't kick in soon and my companion isn't tweaked to a reasonable level say a 20/30% nerf instead of a 50/75% nerf then I'm done.


So I will wait a while but not for long and if they don't undo it. No amount of awesome story, subscriber rewards, cartel coins, or anything will bring me back without undoing stupid choices like this. It's bad really because after all this time in the several mmos I've played it's been many years since I actually considered unsubbing a game due to a nerf. Usually I end up leaving due to boredom or when I'm in between jobs.

Edited by Noyjitat
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lol >20 pages of ''mad cuz bad'', please people this is an MMO!


find a person and group for heroics..you don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything but doing the mission.


also if you find the game so hard to have this dependence from comps you should really uninstall and leave probably.

Edited by JouerTue
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I thought I'd unsub the minute I logged in and found the changes not to my liking. But now that I clearly see that I'm surrounded by quite literally thousands of players as pissed off as I am... It seems only logical for them to give this stupid decision a second thought. So i'm giving them some time for a reality check. If that doesn't kick in soon and my companion isn't tweaked to a reasonable level say a 20/30% nerf instead of a 50/75% nerf then I'm done.


So I will wait a while but not for long and if they don't undo it, no amount of awesome story, subscriber rewards, cartel coins, or anything will bring me back without undoing stupid choices like this. It's bad really because after all this time in the several mmos I've played it's been many years since I actually considered unsubbing a game due to a nerf. Usually I end up leaving due to boredom or when I'm in between jobs.


Logic? From BW?


riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. ;)

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lol >20 pages of ''mad cuz bad'', please people this is an MMO!


find a person and group for heroics..you don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything but doing the mission.


also if you find the game so hard to have this dependence from comps you should really uninstall and leave probably.


Going to repeat it for the nth time: Heroics are meant to be soloed now. Musco said it himself yesterday when telling us the nerf wouldn't nuke companion (Which it did, making his statement false!)

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lol >20 pages of ''mad cuz bad'', please people this is an MMO!


find a person and group for heroics..you don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything but doing the mission.


also if you find the game so hard to have this dependence from comps you should really uninstall and leave probably.


The way in which this was handled and the outright smashing the comp's have gotten has annoyed the hell out of people.


If you cannot see that then I would suggest you take time out before slapping your keyboard with your fingers.

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Companion nerf if far too insignificant reason for me to leave (well, I did unsub, no idea how can I still write on the forums as a preffered :confused: ) but it did take a chunk of my daily activity from the game, I can no longer do the things I did for the past few weeks or I am forced to group with people I don't know - and I hate it.


And before you throw "find a guild!", "quit playing MMOs!" responses - I had a guild but found it hard to enjoy the game as I would like and participate in whatever the guild had planned for the evening. This game is so wonderfully casual I realized I no longer want to play it as a "normal" MMO shoudl be played. I'm not looking for group content - if I want it I used to run it with my bethored but now since our companions got a nerf it won't be possible...so I'm only going to play out the stories and return once a month for a new chunk of it.


That is obviosuly what BW seems to want anyway :)

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It's that bad?


Yes it is that bad when you cant solo star fortress with out heroic moments which adds more healing and you have to use the slicing buff which ad turrets and healing again. To complete it People with out these buff Friends we have invited and generated new level 60s and have 0 legacy abilities marked with added class buff they don't have. Lead to them dieing. Me as a founder i can run heroic 2 no problem with all 8 dps abilities from heroic moments i can put my companion on passive to do them.


The Problem the elitist don't realize is not every one is a founder and has all the cool kids stuff> SO lets Cater to the vocal elitist a nerf needed to happen buy 15% not 75%. Hell players can now 2 shot a 50 comp which by far 1.0 comps did not die that fast.


In heroic 2 or star fortress your not supposed to feel like yoda but your not supposed to have a comp that feels like elmer fudd either.


I pvp i could care less that you can solo star fortress with heroic moments and unity over just suing CD and Heals from comps. What i do care about is people that came back to story with new number increasing with more player per server with people saying screw this i going back to WOW because this is to hard for me to carter to people who thing running 1 to 50 you should be at risk of dieing.


Story and heroic are not meant to feel like raid were you can wipe at 1 mistake. I is meant to be time sinks

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I'm not leaving. It would have to be more issues with the game and major changes. So far they haven't done so IMO. I will check in morning after my patch finishes download 11-18-15. I hope to still be able to solo my Heroics and all my dailies as before. we shall see. :w_cool::jawa_cool::csw_yoda:
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lol >20 pages of ''mad cuz bad'', please people this is an MMO!


find a person and group for heroics..you don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything but doing the mission.


also if you find the game so hard to have this dependence from comps you should really uninstall and leave probably.


I can still do SF heroic. it just takes longer and I don't want to do them because of that. I was already not happy with no new PvP or new OPs. CM packs were made to be a rip off. I just got done with my 3rd alt with 10 more to go and now this no thanks. I'm done Paying to Beta test this game. Fix the bugs then adjust companions, how hard is that. Tank Companions still don't work now healing companions are nerfed but still don't heal 50% of the time if they get agro, People have a right to be pissed.

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