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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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Just tried to do Heroic Star Fortress with my 50 Lana on my Scoundrel. My gear is a mix of 208 and 216. I had a lot of fun doing them this past month. It was challenging but doable. Now I can't get past the Praetorian. Lana doesn't heal me like she used to and her DPS is almost non-existent.


Last night I killed the Praetorian quite easy. He could get off 2 calls for aid (groups of 4) to help him before he was down. I gave up because no matter what I tried (DPS, heal - Lana as Tank, DPS, double heal) we couldn't get past him.


(Oh I know L2P, you suck, can I have your stuff, etc). I had a lot of fun this past month. I thank them for that but if this is the direction they are going then there is no reason for me to keep playing.


If they want people to no longer solo heroics they should come out and say so. Instead of you should be able to with a companion and then take that ability away.

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Pretty sure most people believe he just phrased it poorly, and was talking about planetary heroics.


I'm trying to figure out why half of the community seems absolutely certain they SHOULD be able to solo a HC Star Fortress.


Because there is an achievement that says you can.

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You are correct TX, I just tried this with my Rank 28 Vette who I have used to get the One and Only Legacy Title in healing stance and while I had no issues with Trash, the first champion I came across hit harder than it used to and Vette was unable to keep my Marauder alive thru Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward.
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okay about the changes and the effect it has had on gameplay ,


with the exception of the Star Fort Heroic + 2 . if they can still be done , meaing all of the other Heroic + 2 , then I really dont have an issue with the nerf ,


But regarding the Star Fort Heroic , the question is this , can it be done with 2 Players , and 2 healing comps , if not then they need a buff till it can be done in 208 gear

Edited by Beachdudeca
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Might I remind you that the point of an expansion is that things AREN'T supposed to be how they were "last month" or before that expansion, and that this expansion was supposed to create all new buzz and bring more people back to/into the game and get us all playing again?


I don't want to go back to the way things were "last month" when I had *nothing whatsoever to do* at end game except level yet another alt.


You know full well I was only referring to companion strength. All the expansion content is still there.

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okay about the changes and the effect it has had on gameplay ,


with the exception of the Star Fort Heroic + 2 . if they can still be done , meaing all of the other Heroic + 2 , then I really dont have an issue with the nerf ,


But regarding the Star Fort Heroic , the question is this , can it be done with 2 Players , and 2 healing comps , if not then they need a buff till it can be done in 208 gear


if you are doing it with 2 people - it needs to be doable in I'd say 200 gear. why that number specifically? becasue the gear it DROPS is 208. any group content that is done with appropriate group (in this case 2 people) should NOT require higher level gear than what it drops. otherwise? its overtuned.


that said. it apparently can still be done solo. if you are in about top 10% of the players in terms of skill level, and have at least hardmode ops equivalent gear.

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1st they took gear from my companions.

Then they added sync and stated, that you can solo everything with good gear and high influence.

Now they nerf comps by 50%.


Enough is enough. I gave a try after 4.0 was released, but Bioware has lost any trust it still had and all reputation.


Here i wanted to write a lot of rude words, all kinds of and what i think about SWTOR designer team, their sexual preferences and where they should go.

Well, thanks for almost 4 years of fun and letting me meat those nice people in game. And now it is time to remove my VISA from sub plan 1st time since i started to play.


PS To all "canihaveyourstuffers" - choke on vomit and ****, goddamn ******es.

Edited by Heretic_LV
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You are correct TX, I just tried this with my Rank 28 Vette who I have used to get the One and Only Legacy Title in healing stance and while I had no issues with Trash, the first champion I came across hit harder than it used to and Vette was unable to keep my Marauder alive thru Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward.


OUCH. Guess my sent and mara are never doing SF. at least not until BW fixes this ****.

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The point I think you are missing is that someone said for the SOLO mission, it is impossible with a healer to SOLO.


I'm going to be super pissed about this too. Because of my life being the way it is, I get very little time to play, but I enjoy playing. Thus, I don't have time to do things like wait around to get a group going for something and go. I have time for me to do whatever on my own. I loved the fact I could solo the star fortresses (not on heroic mode).


If they got nerfed that badly, this screws over people like me. I joined this game because I was sick of WoW getting to a point where all it would let you do was raid.


Eric, even though we are arguing and people are being childish, please listen to these posts. I enjoyed actually getting things done and not needing help. I get that people were ************ like crazy for what feels like stupid reasons. But please make it so that we can do what you said like be able to solo the solo missions. It defeats the purpose when we run out of things to do. Would it be possible to have an item or something similar to the xp buff? Where you could go to a vendor and TURN IT OFF if it was bothering you. It would give a chance for players who feel the game is too easy to go where they are happy and let others who don't have the time to do all of the group stuff able to have fun as well. thank you.


This is what happens when DPS players in NiM gear complain that the game was too easy, and the devs listen to them - nerfing the comps to the ground. As a level 60 healer in 208 aug'd gear, I was still finding it a tough slog before 4.0.2 -- and having to put up with visits to the prison cell in Star Fortress and even dying in Heroic areas. As I wait for the slow patch to finally download and reading the forums, I am looking forward to giving up on the Heroics, the Alliance HQ and Solo Flashpoints and eventually maybe putting the game to bed (because I was getting bored with the lack of innovation in PvP play).


Here's hoping what I am reading is wrong.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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So I have put the claims here to the test and ran Star Fortress Hard Mode on my 3 geared characters...



Companion set to healing stance

Zero Alliance buffs

Zero Alliance abilities

No Heroic Moment

Can use Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stim

Can use Advanced Anodyne Medpac

Can use Class buff ability



Sage (and any ranged class I assume) -> no issue, just have to kite

Juggernaut (and most of melee?) -> not much issues either, leaping back at companion to gain distance for a while is huge help, then just need to follow golden rule of combat and killing the easiest enemies first.

Scoundrel -> no issues at all, just same as always, get distance if dying


All my chars are in 216 / 220 gear


So from my test cases the only nerf seems to be the fact you cant stand still and pick your nose as you kill enemies anymore, have to actually move and think about what you are doing...


And again, did all of the runs without any help outside of what my class allows, with Alliance buffs and Heroic Moment the whole thing would be pretty much same as before, more or less.

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It's quite soloable. I just did it. The panic is way overdone.


The big differences are now you have to move out of stuff, and use your self-heals/defensive cooldowns.


My companion was rank 21. I used no alliance buffs, no alliance gadgets and no heroic moment.


The fixing of the "no armor" bug is huge, believe it or not. Your companion doesn't just automatically die if she draws aggro.

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I have little issue if the Heroic Star Fort + 2 , requires another player ,


But , I would have an issue if 2 Comps in Heal Spec with 2 players in DPS spec are unable to complete a Star Fort Heroic 2 ,


Even on slower servers it should not be that hard to find a partner to do a SF Heroic + 2 ,


Will check this out when my update completes its download

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So I have put the claims here to the test and ran Star Fortress Hard Mode on my 3 geared characters...



Companion set to healing stance

Zero Alliance buffs

Zero Alliance abilities

No Heroic Moment

Can use Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stim

Can use Advanced Anodyne Medpac

Can use Class buff ability



Sage (and any ranged class I assume) -> no issue, just have to kite

Juggernaut (and most of melee?) -> not much issues either, leaping back at companion to gain distance for a while is huge help, then just need to follow golden rule of combat and killing the easiest enemies first.

Scoundrel -> no issues at all, just same as always, get distance if dying


All my chars are in 216 / 220 gear


So from my test cases the only nerf seems to be the fact you cant stand still and pick your nose as you kill enemies anymore, have to actually move and think about what you are doing...


And again, did all of the runs without any help outside of what my class allows, with Alliance buffs and Heroic Moment the whole thing would be pretty much same as before, more or less.


^^ Completes objective that gives 208 drops @216/220 and determines all is well with the world.


It's overtuned for the current companion levels. If properly tuned, given the gear levels that drop, it would be manageable at 200.

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something I think people are missing is that everyone making it through these are tanks/healers and have better gear then the H2 SFs drop so yes you can make it but what about the person who doesn't have 220 or 224 gear?


Yea I love the "oh it was easy, I have 220/224 gear" posts.


No ****. I hope it's easy for you.

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Eric said H2s.

Heroic Star Fortress is H2+.

There is a difference.


No there isn't, since Eric was referring to H2+, since there's no such thing as H2s. He was just using shorthand. Don't play rhetorical games, it will not end well for you.

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Notice time of achievement.


Rank 14 Lana, did it 15 minutes ago. The only reason I didn't have that achievement a month ago is because the overpowered companions made soloing so boring I stopped playing the game for a while.


Now that you've done it with a Juggernaut, try it with a DPS or healer class.


And do it in 208s, augmented even, and record it, show us how long it takes and how much tedium and struggle is required. Make sure you remember not to edit out the times you die.

Edited by Idoya
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It's quite soloable. I just did it. The panic is way overdone.


The big differences are now you have to move out of stuff, and use your self-heals/defensive cooldowns.


My companion was rank 21. I used no alliance buffs, no alliance gadgets and no heroic moment.


The fixing of the "no armor" bug is huge, believe it or not. Your companion doesn't just automatically die if she draws aggro.


What type of gear though is the question?

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