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Companion nerf, slot machine all over again....


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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.

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I warned all the loudmouth whiners that this is exactly what would happen if BW swung the nerf bat.



And that's what happened.


Sucks being right.


This. ^


Rofl, man...quite a few of us called this on being a slot machine nerf 2.0 well before they announced this patch. Devs introduce a change that the vast majority of people like (whether you believe the polls or not, it's true), incredibly small minority of people throw temper tantrums on the forums as though the entire game is ruined, and something that so many of us loved is nerfed into oblivion.


In this case, it's terrible being right.

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I'm curious about how much HP a companion heals now after this nerf. Since my patcher is stuck at 93.6% I can't check. Could anyone who was able to get into the game check a few numbers? Like how much HP a companion was healing before the nerf and how much it is healing now?


Rank 33 companion,

pre patch: Instant heal ~12k, channeled heal 4,5k/tick

now: Instant heal 4,6k, channeled heal 1,1k/tick


Crit chance and crit multiplier got also nerfed for comps.


Basically, their healing for much less than pre 4.0.

Edited by Sindariel
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"there are a lot of situations in regular combat where it is practically impossible for you to be killed if you have a healing Companion"




This is supposed to be a GAME, not a serious of cutscenes with a walking simulator filling in the gaps.


Anyone with sense can see it was painfully obvious the companions were way, way OP.



You people need to understand there is actually a reason why we have all those skills at the bottom of the screen? They aren't just for display you know. Frankly it sounds like all you people who - for reasons I cannot fathom - thought the state of companions was fine, should be much happier simply watching a video of the story, rather than ruining the GAME by insisting on your indefensible views.


Fine, you don't enjoy actually playing the game, because evidently you don't want to actually think, use abilties.. you know, play the game. Just don't try and ruin it for the rest of us with your complaints.


Casuals? Then find a friend to play the game with, it's super easy then. IT IS AN MMORPG.


Where this force choke when it's sooo needed.

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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.


I should be stuck in the fleet for 3 hours looking for a group? To hell with that.

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They said they might have gone too far and to let them know if they had.


They have.


Not everyone has someone to run with all the time. I don't have a lot of time to play and I certainly don't want to hunt someone down who happens to be my level and just happens to be doing the exact same quests I am with the same time constraints.


The buffed comps were supposed to allow people to see all of the content, people like me. Now, I'm pretty sure I was doing better with my comp when I was 5 levels lower and I got to keep their gear up. Now there's not a damned thing I can do about it.


I have no problem with them nerfing them a bit. They were a bit OP but this is just silly.

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Healing got reduced by ~75% like dataminers predicted. :mad:


Had enough of this crap from mmo developers who turn around and decide "this is how we want you to play the game"


Well you know - that's not the main aim. It may be stating the bleeding obvious here (but apparently you need it), that the aim for players is to have fun.

I know, shock reveal devs. But in your self perceived omnipotence you have somehow forgotten why people play.

At the same time you have also forgotten why they stop playing.


This companion change should sit right at the top table in terms of mmo company arrogance. The all too familiar 'we know better than you' at what you find fun.

Well you don't


All you have proved with this companion change is that you have learnt absolutely nothing from day one of this game. A failed subscription only model, that you had in fact made a decent attempt at getting back to sub only with EE.

But you couldn't resist meddling about could you?


"we realize opinion was divided" - the only evidence of this division was on this forum, with a 70% in favor of leaving well alone. But in your infinite wisdom you sided against this - what a bunch of incompetents.


Then in the patch notes you have the utter nerve to request players to let you know if they're having problems with Heroics with the change. - What happened to your testing program before the companion changes? Where is the testing data that shows these levels of reduction where the optimum? Totally obvious this was a finger in the air half-assed effort with no real calculated evidence.


Well I am not subscribing to be a beta tester all over again, to see ad hoc figures thrown at characters with a 'see how it goes' approach.


You have obviously learnt nothing from the years of declining subscriptions forcing a ftp option. The only positive out of this is my decision not to trust you with a recurring subscription.


Utter incompetence.

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Here's my gripe. Yes, companions were overpowered. Definitely. Agreed.


But Bioware has this horrendous tendency to go too little, or too much. There is never a middle ground with these guys. Companions were OP by some weird oversight. Seems like they don't test much internally. So play around with numbers, do increments, don't swing the hammer and knock the head clean off.


I wouldn't mind if they nerfed them and kept them at a reasonable output for soloing purposes, considering most of endgame right now consists of farming heroic 2s. How is it that people with companions at influence 30+ are having problems doing simple grinds.


This is asinine. And in come the "Ultra Pro Mega Challenge" players yelling about how this is an MMORPG. *** does that even mean? You'd have a point if people were running ops with companions along with hard mode flashpoints and the like. We're talking about regular old content. Grinding. It's such a ridiculous argument that playing the "Cooldowns" game is much more fun on simple grinding tasks. It's already bad enough that the level sync is forced on us. Now we have companions back to being pretty ornaments we carry around for repeated dialogue whenever they fling their sticks.


The actually useful companions gave the players the option to do things by themselves. The players who work late. The ones who have limited time to play. Who don't play at peak hours. How is solo basic play affecting the ultra elite?


THAT'S my issue with all this. With Bioware, it's all or nothing. There is no balance. No middle ground. Only absolutes.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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I'm in Nar Shadaa atm with 7.5k HP and my Lana is healing me for 300-500 a cd at companion level 13.


Rank 33 companion,

pre patch: Instant heal ~12k, channeled heal 4,5k/tick

now: Instant heal 4,6k, channeled heal 1,1k/tick


Crit chance and crit multiplier got also nerfed for comps.


Basically, their healing for much less than pre 4.0.


Aight thanks for checking. Much appreciated. I guess I'll just have to wait until this thing finishes patching and see how this affects my gameplay. But looking at the numbers provided, I can't judge until I tested it myself.

Edited by Syntar-Oben
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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.


For those of us casuals who do play with friend/family when out schedules allow we are supposed to not be able to enjoy all that the game has to offer because we don't want to deal with PUGing. MMO does not mean GROUPING IS REQUIRED. Comps were OP no doubt about that, but the nerf may be over the top depending on how it works out once we can get in and play, until then I will reserve my opinion on that directly.


for sake of argument lets reverse your argument for a minute, take away all raids, pvp and nerf all content by 70% to make life easy for soloing. how many hard core players (like you apparently) would go ape crazy and start throwing their dung around the forums? No I was not saying they should do that just that because your play style does not entail soloing content not everyone's play style is the same.


I can pretty much guarantee that there are more people playing solo on a daily basis than those raiding or doing content that requires grouping. So there is less reason to include raids or other group content than opening ALL aspects of the game to everyone whether solo or if they want to group they can. but not require them to group if they don't desire to.

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well looks like my sub ends this month for another long brake till they make the game fun for solo players again id been addicted to this game after the kotfe stuff it all seemed so promising then this patch happened... oh well :eek:
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Had enough of this crap from mmo developers who turn around and decide "this is how we want you to play the game"


Well you know - that's not the main aim. It may be stating the bleeding obvious here (but apparently you need it), that the aim for players is to have fun.

I know, shock reveal devs. But in your self perceived omnipotence you have somehow forgotten why people play.

At the same time you have also forgotten why they stop playing.


This companion change should sit right at the top table in terms of mmo company arrogance. The all too familiar 'we know better than you' at what you find fun.

Well you don't


All you have proved with this companion change is that you have learnt absolutely nothing from day one of this game. A failed subscription only model, that you had in fact made a decent attempt at getting back to sub only with EE.

But you couldn't resist meddling about could you?


"we realize opinion was divided" - the only evidence of this division was on this forum, with a 70% in favor of leaving well alone. But in your infinite wisdom you sided against this - what a bunch of incompetents.


Then in the patch notes you have the utter nerve to request players to let you know if they're having problems with Heroics with the change. - What happened to your testing program before the companion changes? Where is the testing data that shows these levels of reduction where the optimum? Totally obvious this was a finger in the air half-assed effort with no real calculated evidence.


Well I am not subscribing to be a beta tester all over again, to see ad hoc figures thrown at characters with a 'see how it goes' approach.


You have obviously learnt nothing from the years of declining subscriptions forcing a ftp option. The only positive out of this is my decision not to trust you with a recurring subscription.


Utter incompetence.



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Here's my gripe. Yes, companions were overpowered. Definitely. Agreed.


But Bioware has this horrendous tendency to go too little, or too much. There is never a middle ground with these guys. Companions were OP by some weird oversight. Seems like they don't test much internally. So play around with numbers, do increments, don't swing the hammer and knock the head clean off.


I wouldn't mind if they nerfed them and kept them at a reasonable output for soloing purposes, considering most of endgame right now consists of farming heroic 2s. How is it that people with companions at influence 30+ are having problems doing simple grinds.


This is asinine. And in come the "Ultra Pro Mega Challenge" players yelling about how this is an MMORPG. *** does that even mean? You'd have a point if people were running ops with companions along with hard mode flashpoints and the like. We're talking about regular old content. Grinding. It's such a ridiculous argument that playing the "Cooldowns" game is much more fun on simple grinding tasks. It's already bad enough that the level sync is forced on us. Now we have companions back to being pretty ornaments we carry around for repeated dialogue whenever they fling their sticks.


The actually useful companions gave the players the option to do things by themselves. The players who work late. The ones who have limited time to play. Who don't play at peak hours. How is solo basic play affecting the ultra elite?


THAT'S my issue with all this. With Bioware, it's all or nothing. There is no balance. No middle ground. Only absolutes.

See this is what all of you are not getting. An MMO is made with the sole idea that you the player will team up with other players in order to do content. That's what made a game like SWG Pre-CU great, you want to do things? You work with others! You want to ignore other people? Then you don't get to do that content.


And guess what? It's fun, you get to meet new people from all walks of life who may show you things you didn't know before. You'll make friends and get to do things that know what? Maybe it takes you a few tries and you'll lose money or a lot of items due to decay or items staying on your body when you die. But when you get past it? You get a great feeling.


If you guys want a single player RPG? Go play Bloodborne. Best RPG of the year and light years ahead of Failout. This is an MMO and you should be teaming with others.

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Not nerfed enough. Nerf companion crafting, they overshadow my crafting ability. In fact, I can't really craft anything - they can. This travesty cannot stand.


I propose this for the next patch.


"Companions have grown tired of being used as cheap labour. The tables have turned and you must now sew your own robes. Must be logged in while crafting, crafting times are unchanged."


Let the nerfpocalypse begin.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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I am teaming with others, my other just happens to be a companion not a real person when I am playing off hours. BW even enforces this by having companions take a player slot when grouped. so player or companion as far as BW's implementation/limitations go are the same a second 'player' whether that player is a PC or NPC is of no consequence.
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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.


Maasively Multiplayer doesn't mean forced grouping... where did you get that idea? It just means the game is shared by everyone and has a social format. I'm 54 yrs old and I should have the CHOICE to louse up my game with stupid twits babbling rivers of sexual and airhead culture trash then shoving elitist no-lifer game standards for perfect gear sets onto me that don't fit my style of gaming. I'm happier doing the game alone and socializing on the fleet while I sell my crafts & stuff. That's MY PEROGATIVE. Your type that tries to force yourself onto others all the time and expect everyone has to clone themselves to be like you and have the same exact experience and skills that you do is not only boring, but obnoxious and I'll be damn if I'm going to pay 15 bucks a month to suffer dealing with keyboard jockeys, trolls and cyber-tutes just so I can play this game. A lot of us don't social with you guys because you're super negative all the time. If the community was friendly and easy going none of this would be an issue. Think about it. Oh wait... that's not a skill set you have earned in life yet.

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I just checked Pierce rank 50 on my Sith Warrior, I'm level 65...


WITH all 4 buffs, his hitpoints as a tank is 96,384 and as a 84,129 for heals and damage.


I wasn't expecting them to be almost 200k as before, but.........that's a BIG downgrade.


I read this...


...and laughed.


Seriously, you're angry that your tank Companion has more HP than most player-character tanks in full 220/224 gear? That in Heal or DPS stance, he has more than a tank in full 216 gear?


I don't see how this is comparable to the slot machine nerf, other than scale, rather than relevance.

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See this is what all of you are not getting. An MMO is made with the sole idea that you the player will team up with other players in order to do content. That's what made a game like SWG Pre-CU great, you want to do things? You work with others! You want to ignore other people? Then you don't get to do that content.


And guess what? It's fun, you get to meet new people from all walks of life who may show you things you didn't know before. You'll make friends and get to do things that know what? Maybe it takes you a few tries and you'll lose money or a lot of items due to decay or items staying on your body when you die. But when you get past it? You get a great feeling.


If you guys want a single player RPG? Go play Bloodborne. Best RPG of the year and light years ahead of Failout. This is an MMO and you should be teaming with others.


In the dev thread yesterday, Eric SPECIFICALLY said that Heroic 2+ would be soloable with a companion. Now I see that they aren't, and so I've unsubbed. I'm exclusively a solo player, only occasionally teaming up and then ONLY with people I know IRL. What you're describing has literally never been my experience in games--at least not after I quit WoW for exactly that reason. Most of the playerbase of MMOs are frankly people I have no desire to get to know or be friends with (I've turned off general chat on every character I have in both SWTOR and GW2), and while I've been 100 percent fine with not doing Ops/Flashpoints/PVP, the inability to progress my alliance because of this nerf is it for me.


So, bye SWTOR. If you fix this I'll consider coming back.

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I read this...


...and laughed.


Seriously, you're angry that your tank Companion has more HP than most player-character tanks in full 220/224 gear? That in Heal or DPS stance, he has more than a tank in full 216 gear?


I don't see how this is comparable to the slot machine nerf, other than scale, rather than relevance.


What's funny is how much HP the tank comp has means jack when he has no armor rating or absorb rating he can have 500K but he's still going to die before the mob does. :D.

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See this is what all of you are not getting. An MMO is made with the sole idea that you the player will team up with other players in order to do content.


I'm sorry sir but you are very very wrong. Please look up from interet what MMO actually means. And no it does not mean grouping with other is mandatory. Those games that dont have solo play in MMO will die before they even start properly.

Edited by Divona
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Great, now I won't be able to get that achivement in star fortress. Guess it's my fault for not rushing with doing every little thing, as the expansion was released, guess that is my fault, to take it a little slow and play when i will enjoy it. Yet another time to messed up. I get they shouldn't have the amouth of hp they had, but when they add such an achivement, they should do so it can be done, which it seems like it can't be by now
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