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  1. Yeah it's quick if you are lucky to be doing it during the event. I just found out I need the stupid event and it just ended last week. Now I'm done turning in my mats & can't delete the stupid quest but stuck because I can't finish it for months until the next event. This is just hostile behavior toward paying players.
  2. NO. What you aren't getting is that Americans... especially under 30 yrs old... have lost the ability for team play. 80% of the player base has some kind of social problem that makes them impossible to deal with if you actually want to enjoy that content you are so quick to bring up as the reason we are here. Groups don't allow content. It's hack and slash and you better keep up and not make a single mistake or have a real life or you get yelled at, kicked out, and even thrown out of your guild. I am DONE DONE DONE trying to play team or be in a guild in ANY American MMO. It's nothing but abuse and a train wreck. Develop some social skills kiddo... then you can talk to me about team play.
  3. Maasively Multiplayer doesn't mean forced grouping... where did you get that idea? It just means the game is shared by everyone and has a social format. I'm 54 yrs old and I should have the CHOICE to louse up my game with stupid twits babbling rivers of sexual and airhead culture trash then shoving elitist no-lifer game standards for perfect gear sets onto me that don't fit my style of gaming. I'm happier doing the game alone and socializing on the fleet while I sell my crafts & stuff. That's MY PEROGATIVE. Your type that tries to force yourself onto others all the time and expect everyone has to clone themselves to be like you and have the same exact experience and skills that you do is not only boring, but obnoxious and I'll be damn if I'm going to pay 15 bucks a month to suffer dealing with keyboard jockeys, trolls and cyber-tutes just so I can play this game. A lot of us don't social with you guys because you're super negative all the time. If the community was friendly and easy going none of this would be an issue. Think about it. Oh wait... that's not a skill set you have earned in life yet.
  4. I agree with being able to pass on bound items to our other characters. Family is family. You pass stuff to others in your family. Or should.
  5. Answer to original post title... It's just like the difference between the way people eat. Some people are just hogs. They don't care who they eat with, they overstuff their mouths, don't chew properly and race to see how fast they can pack it away only so they can obsess about what they will eat next. The rest of us savor the flavors, enjoy the experience and the people we dine with. The longer it takes usually the more happy we are with our meal. Perfect analogy for this thread.
  6. That's it! Nerd RAGE Quit! Oh wait... I just started this game. Nvmd.
  7. I am the richest lvl 17 player in the game with 25 bazillion credits... want to know how? I force my companion to walk the streets and sell herself in the cantina! Cha Ching!!! (better troll than the original poster of this thread) IJS
  8. Warnings?! We don't need no stinking warnings!
  9. Although it does suck that stims and such are on timers and run out on these "unscheduled" maintainence occurrences. Still... y'all just suck it up and be happy.
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