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17 Matches and 5 and 1/2 hours later......


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Actually i hope lt pierce or M1x4 leaves you cuz you dont do weekly PvP =)


Why even chose him, or it?

You have plenty companions and you get more,

by now you already killed 2-3 companions if you like, and you still have more than you can use, you are only allowed 1 and then you can use 6 for crafting so you actually only need 7 companions if the 20 PvP matches so hard don't do them or make a Sith Warrior then you don't need 20 matches.


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Actually i hope lt pierce or M1x4 leaves you cuz you dont do weekly PvP =)


Why even chose him, or it?

You have plenty companions and you get more,

by now you already killed 2-3 companions if you like, and you still have more than you can use, you are only allowed 1 and then you can use 6 for crafting so you actually only need 7 companions if the 20 PvP matches so hard don't do them or make a Sith Warrior then you don't need 20 matches.


Because apparently, if you don't get them, they sit in your log and you can't progress and get more until you get them.

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There are no childish insults in his post, only needless bluntness and harsh truths.



I've seen plenty of posts like this. There are some people who don't like PvP but really wanna get the Alliance member locked behind PvP cause, well, they really wanna get things. They have already, beforehand decided they'll hate every single match they have to do. Since some of these people are not selfish, self centered or entitled at all, plenty of them will idle through it while alt-tabbed, as a totally awesome protest, and then come here proudly declare having done so, utterly certain they are hero-martyrs " proving the point" and fighting the good fight. I'm not sure if it does any good for PVP scene of this game to have these heroes in Warzones. - It might? if one or two people out of, say, six finds joys of pvp via this, maybe it makes a decent rate.



People need to remember to report instead of just trying to votekick. Have a guildmate that likes to run his mouth a bit get suspended for doing this. Point being it wasn't his first infraction (or third and more, really) they've had to contact him about and they brought down the hammer on him. I also report people like that who harass players in pvp and have gotten yelled at by F2P alts because they got warned/suspended for it. So they will look at these things.


If they actively come out and say they are 'protesting' in chat the csr reps will see it right away when they check the report

Edited by Maxil
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My main is a warrior. So all I need to do is kill some worthy jagganath targets? OK.


I'd try pvp, but sounds like no fun until I suffer through enough losses to gt some gear. Did that in another game, only to have my class of choice ruined via "class balance". No more.


Good luck to those trying to get MX.

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If you happen to work up the courage to have another go at it, I have a few tips and pieces of advice:

1. Don't queue pub side - imps win most of the time

2. Bolster is whacked. If you use gear rated higher than 190, it will actually punish you with less expertise. Use lower rated gear. I know, completely backwards logic.

3. Get some friends that you know will have a good attitude, queue with them. For every reasonable person that you can have on your team, that's one less whacko that will sling insults and stalk you with PST. Even losing, having people with good attitudes on your team will make it much more enjoyable.


In general, games are quite 1-sided. If you find yourself on the wrong side, you're going to melt in 3-4 seconds because there will be 5+ other players shooting you. It doesn't matter if you have full 208s or not. This is a problem with warzones that seems like it has gotten much worse sometime after the movement of refugees from other servers (PoT5) to the harbinger. The harb used to be very pub dominated, prior to the cheap 90CC transfers. Nowadays, there are constantly very experienced groups of players going up against brand new ones. This is a problem, but it's not something that BW is willing to address. They could separate queues based on valor - but they are so afraid of dividing the queue population that they are not going to do what needs to be done to make it better.


I still like pvp, in spite of the fact that it is mostly 1-sided. Pulling off a win against all odds is an awesome feeling.


I'm actually quite the opposite when it comes to flashpoints. I've had plenty of bad experiences in flashpoints, dating all the way back to release - truly awful, toxic people that will stalk and incessantly harass you. Nowadays, I pretty much refuse to run flashpoints or operations outside of guild. I solo queue in pvp all the time, though.

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LoL i do world PvE in PvP gear cuz its better than PvE gear in combat with one in PvE gear. You just need the right auguments. This is not World of Warcraft where max PvE Gear kills PvP guy. It's all being good at your character. If you die to one in worse gear than you, it's not because he got bolster gear it's because you cant play you character in full max pvp gear i always kill people in PvE gear so easy.


Well, aren't you just leet. Some of us have lives.

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On Jedi Covenant, the 20 rounds were quick and fairly painless on my Empire characters. My Republic characters, though, all got slaughtered continuously.

Yea, I left JC because of the pubs always being non existent/ROFLSTOMPED. I suspect the pubs on Harb are just as bad...


1. Don't queue pub side - imps win most of the time

2. Bolster is whacked. If you use gear rated higher than 190, it will actually punish you with less expertise. Use lower rated gear. I know, completely backwards logic.

3. Get some friends that you know will have a good attitude, queue with them. For every reasonable person that you can have on your team, that's one less whacko that will sling insults and stalk you with PST. Even losing, having people with good attitudes on your team will make it much more enjoyable.

Oh, I'll still PvP on my shadow or scoundrel, it's just I won't push any of my other toons thru this.


1. Also, this is more related to the quest requirement for Fourex on pub side. I know Pierce is like this on Imp side, but I suspect that if I played my Imp toon, it would be far less painful.


2. I actually had 190 gear (Blue Mod Ziost) from before. But I only got to like 1212 expertise. I think the formula is broken again. I tried using the bolsterizer on the fleet, but it is most assuredly broken.


3. The point of my experiment was to see how a new player would fare. Yea I had a couple advantages gear wise and having played PvP before and knowing how to use my class and whatnot. Even with friends though, man 5 1/2 hours worth of matches...


The time to acquire vs the other companions. I did Qyzen in about 1:45, Xalek took about 15m, Talos took about 15m, Lokin took about an hour with the mat gathering. As a matter of fact, I actually completed Lokin, Talos, Nico, and Xalek in between pops and still had plenty of time to spare. And that was taking every PvP match Pop and queuing immediately after finishing a WZ...

Edited by Psychopyro
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I loathe PvP and being forced to do it in order to get an alliance companion irks me no end. It would be more tolerable if the number of required matches weren't freaking 20! Make it like 5 instead and that would suck enough for us non-PvP'rs. Yeah, I could opt to NOT do it but we have no idea how many companions etc are gated BEHIND it. I am not a happy camper.
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I do a single WZ a day, win or lose. I log in and do a couple worthy Jagganath mobs each day (first thing in the morning before work to minimize competition).


What I really wish I could do is "complete" the quest without getting the companion if it meant avoiding that particular timesink.


Walk up to Pierce and he gives his "go get some wins" speech and I say "Forget it, if you'd rather play nice with ministers stay here then (refuse companion, complete quest)" - with a couple confirmation popups to be double-sure if you must.


I'm all for not getting companion "X" if I don't do "timesink Y" but don't gate other companions (i.e. Lokin gated behind Pierce) behind them and give me no option to go around. I don't PvP and I don't get Pierce on my non-warriors? Sure, cool. But then let me move on to Lokin regardless eh? That's fair isn't it?


Until then, yeah, this sucks.

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CSRs have told me it's not ban-able. As long as the player does enough to keep from being kicked out of the match, they are "playing" and are not hindering anyone...


Also ignore does not effect WZs, you'll still get grouped with them in WZs, just not FPs and OPs..


Ugh, that's just really depressing.

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Ugh, that's just really depressing.


Well the justification for both is kinda... meh....


As for being ban-able, it has to do with differentiating between bads in bad gear who just can't do anything, or players just protesting... Even a player saying they are protesting can whine and complain about it all they want, but still can't tell if they suck or are really being obstinate..


As for ignore not counting for WZ groups, it has to do with matchmaking... It's to keep large groups of people from putting someone on ignore and potentially locking them out of PvP. With the PvP community a small slice of the players, I can understand this point...

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