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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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I myself am wondering since this maintenance is giving EA such a problem and literally taking up a full day of play, will we subscribers be reimbursed the loss of our day? This is just a bit ridiculous taken so very long and frankly unfair to us subscribers to lose a day and still be charged for it


Well that sad but , as i said before they don't care for us they care for money and because we cant get refund , they think " they can F*** O** " i think :(

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Several people requested this, and here it is :




Navigate to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars-The Old Republic

Delete the BitRaider sub directory.

Delete the Assets folder

Delete the Movies folder

Valid for Win 7 / 8 / 10 TP


Open the launcher.settings file with Notepad and change the following :


, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": true


, "bitraider_disable": false




, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": false


, "bitraider_disable": true


Warning : This will redownload the game assetts, which is a 25 GB or so download. Don't do this 25 minutes before ops start !

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Don't have all day! There are people who has to go to work tomorrow! And they want to play a bit!!

*** are you doing?? 3.5 hours longer than it was planned!! OMG


Yo, cool down guy, there are people working NOW to fix the issues so that you can play... Didn't you do long hours sometimes?

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perfect. Well, im working for security in a global scale wan with 5 dcs providing services for over 100 offices and many more customers. We also have to plan our downtimes, and one thing i have learned about them:


Whenever you do patch, it should be ested prior to put it live. And with testing i dont mean some dev runs the game on his virtual system emulating a patch.


Whenever a downtime is required, the estimated downtime is the golden rule. Patch doesnt work? Rollback immediatly and have that planned. Doing bad work on the costs of a paying customer and then let them wait for the services they have paid prior is not only an absolute no-go, it is what makes you lose customers.


Get your lazy butts up and work, and learn how to maintain a 24/7 it service.



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This game is not very fun anymore. I have observed the developers reduce the Cartel packs to two random items. At the same time only green mods are available for armor. Has anyone else noticed that the Cartel items for sale has dropped in variety and quantity. I think that players are being routed into buying Cartel coins.


I have been a subscriber since the game began and it is becoming usurious.


The flashpoints are now random it appears and all enemies are lvl 65 which would be okay if your lvl 25-45 character had lvl 65 abilities, but they don't. you get grouped into these flash points wherein others set the loot threshhold to master looter and you get nothing. Sure, now you can lvl up faster, but it is only to route you towards this new expansion game.


I am very displeased with the money that I wasted on compaion head gear, offhand items, implants and ear pieces for it to be made irrelevant and returned to me bound. it you are going to make a change like that, return the items unbound especially if it is all modifiable.

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to everyone being stuck at some % or "re organizing data"(for the1203929302 time) :


seriously guys disable bit raider now, you will have to re-download the whole game but the benefits of NOT having bitraider seriously outweight this, plus : the extended server downtime is cause Bit raider clients messed up , its no surprize as bit raider is complet and utter garbage ( i re-downloaded the game to get rid of it 2 day after installing and never looked back) taking whole days re-organizing and downloading patches that are less than 80 megabytes.


Seriously save yourselves the trouble and disable that garbage, maybe if most do so bioware wil finally get the point and completelly remove that bloatware.


Okay, but just HOW?

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Things break. Things happen. And until they know exactly what happened, how can they tell you exactly how long it will take to fix?


Would you rather they say an hour, then say another hour, over the course of six hours, while they find the problem? That takes more time away from finding a solution.


So rational and true ^. It boggles the mind that so many forum users cry "Bioware never fixes the game" and they when they take servers down to apply the fixes, the cry is "I can't play because they're fixing the game!" I'd much rather have them complete the fix than bring it up too early and have to play with numerous bugs.


I am a sub, but I don't just pay for access to the game, I pay for access to a quality game. More fixes means my time spent in game will be overall more enjoyable. And no, it's not a perfect game and never will be because 1) that's impossible and 2) everyone has different ideas of what would make it "perfect".


So, take some time to play a different game, catch up on sleep, read your class/spec guide (some of you really need this - it's how I've spent this time, too), or read a guide on some aspect of the game (creating/maximizing your guild, new companion influence system, etc.).

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So... Any details anywhere as to how big the companion nerf is going to be? Not saying it was OK with how they were with the new expansion, but I don't want them to become useless as they used to be


They were op as **** dude. They could nerf them by like 50% and they would still be REALLY strong. This was REALLY needed! Stop complaining about it, please.

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several people requested this, and here it is :


Get rid of bitraider :


Navigate to : C:\program files (x86)\electronic arts\bioware\star wars-the old republic

delete the bitraider sub directory.

Delete the assets folder

delete the movies folder

valid for win 7 / 8 / 10 tp


open the launcher.settings file with notepad and change the following :


, "patchingmode": "{ \"swtor\": \"br\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": True


, "bitraider_disable": False




, "patchingmode": "{ \"swtor\": \"ssn\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": False


, "bitraider_disable": True


warning : This will redownload the game assetts, which is a 25 gb or so download. don't do this 25 minutes before ops start !


thank you!

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Dear Bioware


For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

associate with you.


Actually, amateurism is very much what I associate with SWTOR, and by extension, Bioware, at this point.

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People need not worry I am sure they will get it fixed before it becomes an issue for the US players.


While European players have to learn they aren't as important and shouldn't expect the devs to care if downtime effects their experience. As soon as we learn this and temper our expectations accordingly the happier we will be as we will no longer expect things.


But we need not worry in a few hours the US will be inconvenienced and I am sure the servers will be up before that becomes a problem.

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I wonder if there's a legal case for getting some money back? Seeing as we've paid for xxxx hours of subscription, and we aren't getting that amount.


Ya go ahead, pay a lawyer to take on this court case in which he's going for damages in the amount of 6 of the 720 hours you're paying for this month. A great solution for someone who's clearly concerned about the money being wasted....

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Several people requested this, and here it is :




Navigate to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars-The Old Republic

Delete the BitRaider sub directory.

Delete the Assets folder

Delete the Movies folder

Valid for Win 7 / 8 / 10 TP


Open the launcher.settings file with Notepad and change the following :


, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": true


, "bitraider_disable": false




, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete":

{ "swtor": false


, "bitraider_disable": true


Warning : This will redownload the game assetts, which is a 25 GB or so download. Don't do this 25 minutes before ops start !


This has some unneeded steps in it.


The only part you really need to change in the Launcher.Settings file is "bitraider_disable"

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I wonder if there's a legal case for getting some money back? Seeing as we've paid for xxxx hours of subscription, and we aren't getting that amount.


Seriously? The game will be up when it is up... Worst case is you don't get to play the video game for a day... Too many far more important things in the world to be so upset about.

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I wonder if there's a legal case for getting some money back? Seeing as we've paid for xxxx hours of subscription, and we aren't getting that amount.


I'm sure if you threaten to hire lawyers Bioware will gladly reimburse the generously estimated 20 cents worth of hours you've lost so far.

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