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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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I completely agree with you!

Now, please tell me where I can click to give up on the companion to finish/conclude the mission/alliance alert, so I prevent it from hanging in my log forever (and possibly blocking further missions/alliance alerts).


This. This is all I really want. I don't want 4x or Pierce on characters that can't skip the requirement. Just give me the option to tell them, "No, go to hell. I'll find someone else." That stupid glowing fist icon is annoying and I don't want a mission I'll never complete in my mission log taking up space.

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This. This is all I really want. I don't want 4x or Pierce on characters that can't skip the requirement. Just give me the option to tell them, "No, go to hell. I'll find someone else." That stupid glowing fist icon is annoying and I don't want a mission I'll never complete in my mission log taking up space.


This is perfectly reasonable. I would agree that if someone doesn't want to PvP or kill World Bosses or whatever, they should be able to reject the companion and move on to the next.

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To continue the PVE story you must do the PVP part so no. You are forced to do PVP even if you have never stepped into PVP. No matter how much you dislike PVP, you have to do it to keep the PVE story moving.


Where do you get this idea from?


Now as I said above, I think people should be able to reject the companion and move on to the next alert, but the Alliance window makes it pretty clear which companions are core to the story and which aren't. Heck, the important companions even have plot armor as we see when



Lana is under attack and Valkorian tries to tempt you with his power. Whether you take or not she's going to live.





This is not like being someone whole enjoys PVP but dislikes a certain map or someone that really enjoys PVE but dislikes certain quests.


You are forced to do PVP as a PVE player to continue the story. And that pretty screwed up when it comes to design. PVE and PVP are just so widely liked and disliked they should never cross unless it actually is entirely optional.


Put a companion behind PVP but don't force PVP play to keep seeing the story. Make that garbage a side mission with it's own little story and if you want the companion and see that mission, have at it.


I agree with your solution, but folks should stop saying that there is story being blocked here. There isn't.

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This is not true at all. Chapter 10 does not require any of these companion alerts to be completed. Nor will any subsequent chapter.


Given alerts are part of the story and they cannot be dropped or removed and parts of that story content are locked behind doing them. I'd say you are forced into doing PVP to finish the PVE parts of the game to continue or you will miss out on those story elements and possible future story elements as well given what eric just said.


So, they want to force PVP on PVE players. Well thats doesn't settle well and more than myself will suffer for through it with me.



I agree with your solution, but folks should stop saying that there is story being blocked here. There isn't.


When that mission is given to me by the story. The story leads me there and I cannot drop it and it comes with complete it or you cannot progress that story element. Well, thats story to me.


If I have to be forced to PVP finish those story elements or miss out on future story then I'll make sure others suffer along with me.


However, the good news is BW just made sure I won't do any of the story on any other toons. The time they just saved me is nothing short of amazing. "F" the main KotFE story now that I did it once. Suffered through the PVP alert.


I don't have to do it on any more toons at all. Just level to 65 and screw the KotFE story and it's forced PVP with alerts I cannot drop. I like knowing that going forward.


Not a single toon beyond my main needs to touch any of it since I have one too that I can focus on who will see it all.

Edited by Quraswren
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Given alerts are part of the story and they cannot be dropped or removed and parts of that story content are locked behind doing them. I'd say you are forced into doing PVP to finish the PVE parts of the game to continue or you will miss out on those story elements and possible future story elements as well given what eric just said.


So, they want to force PVP on PVE players. Well thats doesn't settle well and more than myself will suffer for through it with me.


Um, I also dislike PVP, had faor share of it in WoW, and even had to win few matches as pve hero for my legendary cloak, but seriously you can just AFK this. It's not like you have to win matches. It's not like PVP community in this game is huge, and you're gonna be upseting a lot of people. Who cares, this not LoL where your account gets banned for AFK-ing

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Given alerts are part of the story and they cannot be dropped or removed and parts of that story content are locked behind doing them. I'd say you are forced into doing PVP to finish the PVE parts of the game to continue or you will miss out on those story elements and possible future story elements as well given what eric just said.


You'd be wrong.

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Screw PVP and screw any efforts to force me into it. If we wanted to PVP, we'd be doing it already, I wouldn't need to be railroaded into it by hiding a Companion behind it.


I'll tell you this much, though. If this continues, I'll show up naked in your warzones and be a complete and utter waste of a spot. I'll be a hindrance and nothing but dead weight.


You'll carry me and I'll laugh when we lose.


Go ahead, keep pushing PVP on us, see what comes of it.


Yeah, pretty much this is what I'll end up doing.

If I have to PVP, I'm going to enjoy it my way.

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Given alerts are part of the story and they cannot be dropped or removed and parts of that story content are locked behind doing them. I'd say you are forced into doing PVP to finish the PVE parts of the game to continue or you will miss out on those story elements and possible future story elements as well given what eric just said.


So, they want to force PVP on PVE players. Well thats doesn't settle well and more than myself will suffer for through it with me.




When that mission is given to me by the story. The story leads me there and I cannot drop it and it comes with complete it or you cannot progress that story element. Well, thats story to me.


I think it is important to note that it's the Alliance story that parts of become inaccessible due to not completing the PvP objective. Not getting M1-4X will not prevent you from doing any of the new chapters. From what Eric posted it also looks like you'll still be able to recruit other allies, just not any more from that alliance leader until it's done, so whoever M1-4X is classified as (I'm guessing he's military, I don't remember off hand)will not give you any further alerts until you acquire M1. So while some of the story does get blocked, not all of it does.


The good news is, as Eric mentioned they are discussing this and changes to it for story purposes. I don't mind doing the PvP, I like the variety in the quests, but I understand it's not for everyone and locking PvE content behind PvP Warzones doesn't appear to have been the best idea. Maybe a fewer number of WZ'z or completing certain Op's as another option to finish it would be a good idea.

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Well then you have a comprehension problem.


Finishing the story does not require PVP, it only requires time. The story isn't all released yet. Anything else is ENTIRELY optional. Nobody is forcing you to do a thing with regards to the 'alliance' features. That's all self inflicted, and really nobody cares about your tears in the matter.

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You'd be wrong.


Really can you tell us then without doing PvP matches how to magically remove this quest from the alliance menu or your quest log.


Even if we don't get a PvE option at least let us tell them to go to hell, clear the quest and move on to the next alliance member.

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You'd be wrong.


Not as much as you seem to think no matter how many times you type it.


You are given an alert by doing the story and not completing it has a rather high chance of you missing out on story content and/or more story alerts.


You are indeed forced to do PVP to continue in the PVE story part of the game, that story is a rather huge point of playing SWTOR. The PVP portion should have been a separate side thing and entirely optional. As of now, it's not really optional.


Um, I also dislike PVP, had faor share of it in WoW, and even had to win few matches as pve hero for my legendary cloak, but seriously you can just AFK this. It's not like you have to win matches. It's not like PVP community in this game is huge, and you're gonna be upseting a lot of people. Who cares, this not LoL where your account gets banned for AFK-ing


Go back a few posts and read some of the things I did to not go AFK. There was nothing more exciting than seeing some other PVP players say my name before the match started and go, "Well this is a loss." I even think I caused some to leave with a few of my antics.


We had 16 straight losses. How we won 2 is beyond me.

Edited by Quraswren
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Screw PVP and screw any efforts to force me into it. If we wanted to PVP, we'd be doing it already, I wouldn't need to be railroaded into it by hiding a Companion behind it.


I'll tell you this much, though. If this continues, I'll show up naked in your warzones and be a complete and utter waste of a spot. I'll be a hindrance and nothing but dead weight.


You'll carry me and I'll laugh when we lose.


Go ahead, keep pushing PVP on us, see what comes of it.

SWTOR has had PvP as a core and active part of its design since launch. If you wanted to play a game that didn't allow PvP, you picked the wrong one. Maybe you need to find a new game huh?


And thankfully for you, Bolster will make even your naked toons perform decently. If you begin to grief PvPers by voluntarily competing in something you intentionally try to sabotage, I hope the other players report you and action is taken.


M1-4X is 100% optional. Nobody is forced to do anything. If you dislike HOW he's acquired, skip him...otherwise, man up and do your best. Nobody cares if you suck...they only care if you give no effort.

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I'm not one of those players that has a major attachment to my companions, but I have to say that I find it an odd mix for Bioware to have played up the idea of going back to their roots of storytelling and yet taking this approach to companions. I think for most people who care about their companions, it's a consequence of their attachment to the stories. Yet, Bioware is linking recruitment of former companions that have a significant past with the player to non-story, and at times, polarizing game elements for getting them back.


I think they've misjudged this one. It seems they're putting the "MMO bits" into things that more suitably belong to the story all the while removing the "MMO bits" from things like flashpoints. A bit passing strange.

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I think it is important to note that it's the Alliance story that parts of become inaccessible due to not completing the PvP objective. Not getting M1-4X will not prevent you from doing any of the new chapters. From what Eric posted it also looks like you'll still be able to recruit other allies, just not any more from that alliance leader until it's done, so whoever M1-4X is classified as (I'm guessing he's military, I don't remember off hand)will not give you any further alerts until you acquire M1. So while some of the story does get blocked, not all of it does.


The good news is, as Eric mentioned they are discussing this and changes to it for story purposes. I don't mind doing the PvP, I like the variety in the quests, but I understand it's not for everyone and locking PvE content behind PvP Warzones doesn't appear to have been the best idea. Maybe a fewer number of WZ'z or completing certain Op's as another option to finish it would be a good idea.


And I understood Eric in a way as you do not need to finish recruiting - only to answer the Alert and talk to companion accepting the quest. Like you say to the leader - yes, I am in contact with the guy, working on his demands, and if in mean time you have someone else to contact - let me know.


At least this is how I read the phrase:


Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it.

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SWTOR has had PvP as a core and active part of its design since launch. If you wanted to play a game that didn't allow PvP, you picked the wrong one. Maybe you need to find a new game huh?


And always been optional. Hell, Even the HK part that had you go to a PVP area was optional PVP. Nothing wrong with having it as optional but this is not really optional.


M1-4X is 100% optional. Nobody is forced to do anything. If you dislike HOW he's acquired, skip him...otherwise, man up and do your best. Nobody cares if you suck...they only care if you give no effort.


You got the alert by doing the PVE story. You will likely miss out on more PVE story if you don't get him. Story is apparently the big sell for this game so no. It is not 100% optional when you are so likely to miss out on future story alerts for not doing it.

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Not as much as you seem to think no matter how many times you type it.


You are given an alert by doing the story and not completing it has a rather high chance of you missing out on story content and/or more story alerts.


You are indeed forced to do PVP to continue in the PVE story part of the game, that story is a rather huge point of playing SWTOR. The PVP portion should have been a separate side thing and entirely optional. As of now, it's not really optional.




Go back a few posts and read some of the things I did to not go AFK. There was nothing more exciting than seeing some other PVP players say my name before the match started and go, "Well this is a loss." I even think I caused some to leave with a few of my antics.


We had 16 straight losses. How we won 2 is beyond me.


Honestly you're no better than ninja looters, people taunting WBs to reset them, anyone camp ganking lowbies, etc. I seriously hope BW considers taking the information you've given them here and put you on the permaban list along with everyone else out to make the game less fun for other players. You certainly won't be missed.

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Nah, I'll just afk in the warzones and be a drag on everyone. Hell, I encourage everyone who dislikes this PVP decision to do the same.


We don't want to be there, and I'm betting by the time we're done, you won't want us back ever again.

That would be griefing.


And you seem to be very confused on the difference between a "want" and a "need". You're not entitled to skip content or grief players just because you "want" something.


I want 224 gear...know what I have to do for it? I have to do what's required...period.

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And I understood Eric in a way as you do not need to finish recruiting - only to answer the Alert and talk to companion accepting the quest. Like you say to the leader - yes, I am in contact with the guy, working on his demands, and if in mean time you have someone else to contact - let me know.


At least this is how I read the phrase:


Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it.


I think this is more in reference to companions you don't necessarily have to accept into your alliance at the end of the mission. If you've done the other companions, you know there is at least one that you can choose to kill and that won't stop you from receiving more alerts from that chain.

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And always been optional. Hell, Even the HK part that had you go to a PVP area was optional PVP. Nothing wrong with having it as optional but this is not really optional.


You got the alert by doing the PVE story. You will likely miss out on more PVE story if you don't get him. Story is apparently the big sell for this game so no. It is not 100% optional when you are so likely to miss out on future story alerts for not doing it.

You're being asked to compete in group content, much like everything else rewarding in this game. It sucks that you dislike PvP, but suck it up and branch out. MMOs consist of a variety of activities...developers are wise to reward those who engage in most of them. If you want M1-4X bad enough, you'll try it. Having exclusive items for PvP, GSF or PvE is not a bad thing at all.

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I know it sucks, I dislike pvp as well. I never used to, but I just can't keep up with whats required due to physical limitations. I've run one war zone a day(not every day), and usually defend, unless its huttball. I hate huttball so much (LOL, sorry team :p it's not intentional, I swear).


I want 4X (not sure why, maybe Pokemon syndrome), so I will sloth through it little by little.

Edited by Nottie
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Finishing the story does not require PVP, it only requires time. The story isn't all released yet. Anything else is ENTIRELY optional. Nobody is forcing you to do a thing with regards to the 'alliance' features. That's all self inflicted, and really nobody cares about your tears in the matter.


15 pages, Eric responded, Hmm obviously somebody cares :mon_tongue:

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You're being asked to compete in group content, much like everything else rewarding in this game. It sucks that you dislike PvP, but suck it up and branch out. MMOs consist of a variety of activities...developers are wise to reward those who engage in most of them. If you want M1-4X bad enough, you'll try it. Having exclusive items for PvP, GSF or PvE is not a bad thing at all.


But I don't want M1-4X. That is the point. Don't need him. Never used him anyway.

I didn't ask for the reward. Your point is invalid. Now make the quest/alert go away.

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SWTOR has had PvP as a core and active part of its design since launch. If you wanted to play a game that didn't allow PvP, you picked the wrong one. Maybe you need to find a new game huh?


And thankfully for you, Bolster will make even your naked toons perform decently. If you begin to grief PvPers by voluntarily competing in something you intentionally try to sabotage, I hope the other players report you and action is taken.


M1-4X is 100% optional. Nobody is forced to do anything. If you dislike HOW he's acquired, skip him...otherwise, man up and do your best. Nobody cares if you suck...they only care if you give no effort.


This is the sound of me not caring and getting carried by angry PVPers. No1curr.jpg

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That would be griefing.


And you seem to be very confused on the difference between a "want" and a "need". You're not entitled to skip content or grief players just because you "want" something.


I want 224 gear...know what I have to do for it? I have to do what's required...period.


Yep, they can't/won't punish win-traders in ranked, but they're totally gonna do something about me occasionally shooting someone every now and again to keep from getting vote-kicked in unranked WZs.


Face it, the PVP community is going to carry me to my 10 wins or I'll drag them down to 20 losses. And I have 5 max level toons to do this on, so all you PVPers better get used to carrying my useless self or get used to losing. As I said before, if I have to be miserable in PVP, so do the rest of my team.

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