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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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No TUX, I am not giving it a shot. I am doing what I am forced to do in order to clear my log.

That is all.

I hate PVP.

I will not participate in it unless forced to do it to complete things in the game.

I have No intention of even trying to win.

I went and got a cup of coffee on this last one.

Put it on auto run and put the stapler on the arrow key.

Yup, that was fun.

3 down.

No...you're doing what you have to do, not what you're forced to do. There's a difference.


And it's fine if you want to be this closed minded about it...I think it's a shame you are though.

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I went and got a cup of coffee on this last one.

Put it on auto run and put the stapler on the arrow key.

Yup, that was fun.

3 down.


Can I ask why? I'm guessing you lost or got carried to a win. Either way, are you saying it would have been worse to actually try? Why is that?


Does not participating make you feel better about losing? Because you can say you didn't try. I don't mean to denigrate you, but I honestly don't understand your reasoning here.


You say you hate PvP and I'll take you at your word. You have chosen to queue for matches in order to get something you want. That's fine. Trying would at least give you the chance of getting a win and moving towards your goal quicker.


What is it about that option that was so abhorrent that you did not do it?

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What is it about that option that was so abhorrent that you did not do it?

Some people simply do not like PvP. I am one of them. We play on non-PvP servers for a reason. If I cared about getting Pierce or 4X, I would do exactly the same thing as the guy you replied to: "You're going to 'force' me to do WZs BWEA? Fine, I will do them by expending the least amount of thought and game effort required. Turn off chat and run around aimlessly until the match is over."


In any event, going in and not even trying is a win-win for everyone. The 1337 PvPers get their easy kills (and kills are what most PvPers want anyway, not competitive matches) and the PvEer gets his match credits towards Pierce or 4X. And as an added bonus, maybe it will actually make some PvPers angry.


My personal solution to this "problem," though, is to simply not bother at all. I don't need Pierce or 4X. It's not like there is a shortage of companions in KotFE. I have never queued for a WZ and I never will. If I wanted to PvP, I would play a PvP game, like a shooter or something.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.



Just don't make many more PvP related companions, and things should be well.

They'd be even better if you gave a choice of PvP or PvE for companions, though, instead of locking them into only one, or only the other.

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To you, I apologize in advance for the fact that I'm going to be one of those in the staring contest, doing absolutely nothing to help either side. You don't want me there. I don't want to be there. We both lose out.


Maybe you should group up with three of your friends and all go afk for your 20 matches. That would send an even better message than going it alone.


Better yet just group q for ranked and don't fight the other team. You could do this as a solo player, or with your buddies, and then you are hurting nobody on your team, and the folks on the other team might just thank you for the easy win.

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I'm just incredibly confused as to why it's such a big deal that a companion (which is optional, and all companions are now the same but for appearance) requires PVP, and why it's such a big deal that future companions that require PVP could be locked behind this.


I'm all for giving people an option to skip the PVP ones, if they will in fact lock ones requiring PVE content behind this - but be fair, give us an option to skip the PVE ones and only do the PVP ones, as wel.


With all that said...I do think 4X was a bad choice for this, simply because he's the assault droid companion. The Republic one should have been a human of some kind as well - in other words, something we have a lot of, appearance wise. I still don't think it's such a big deal as it's made out to be, though. I say, do the content, get your comms and your companion, and you can use those comms on a PVP set for the next time the Gree event rolls around so you can't complain that gear is giving PVPers an advantage in the FFA quest section.

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I'm just incredibly confused as to why it's such a big deal that a companion (which is optional, and all companions are now the same but for appearance) requires PVP, and why it's such a big deal that future companions that require PVP could be locked behind this.


Right now, thing is: we have no idea who will be locked behind PvP. If it so happens that their fav character ends up locked behind 2 other PvP characters, a player that hates PvP might be willing to do just enough PvP to unlock their favorite, but to have to do enough PvP to unlock the 2 before? Upsetness bomb. And understandably so. Which is why i feel all characters should have 2 ways to get: PvP or PvE. That way everyone gets to win them the way they want.


Oh, and they should have an "out" option at the start, too, in case we don't want that particular miscreant.

Edited by TikkyLightmaker
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OK smart guy, what would make PvP appealing. I note you didn't offer a solution yourself.


For my part, I like that M1-4X required PvP. And what does a frikken Rancor or other mount have to do with PvP? Or titles? Or color crystals? Or any of the other cosmetic crap they give as rewards for ranked? Nothing. But people sure work their butt off to earn them.


So until you have a brilliant idea that will make PvP appealing, nice fail yourself.


Because that cosmetic stuff I earned doing PvP that cannot be gotten any OTHER WAY.... Fourex has No PvP standing, can be gotten by a trooper not having to do ANY PvP... It's not like Fourex is not PvP exclusive, which is why it's BS to gate it behind PvP when it has nothing to do with PvP AND the story reasons behind it fail on top of it.


I've stated plenty of ways in the past to make PvP more appealing to more people.


But first it starts with balance, which I fear is beyond the basic grasp of this development team. No one wants to walk into a PvP match just to get roflstomped by whatever the FOTM is only to find out no matter how much they get better gear or get better they have little to no chance because some dev has their head stuck so far up their asses to actually balance anything past their own classes they play....


Second would be to do away with this click to capture BS... Capturing should be about influence, not who can click and then keep 5 people busy while help comes... If 5 people are there they should be turning it, not trying to kill 1 person who keeps holding them up (and there are classes that can do it)... Holding a point would actually require... wait for it.... STRATEGY! But alas that is too hard to grasp...


Third would be better and NEW maps to play. Heaven forbid they actually spend money on a map... Hell they can barely do it for PvE.. Even the new story maps are buggy and some I swear are reskinned FP maps....


Actually do something to fix win trading... Again, I truly think this is beyond the ability of this development team.


Actually fix it so low rating people are not getting stuck with high rating people. The rating system itself is garbage. Again, I don't see the skill required by this team to fix it...


I can continue... But the changes that need to be made, need to cater to the people that actually want to PvP. Forcing people into WZ does not accomplish anything...

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The 4x quest is from Theron and Pierce is from Lana. And anybody who actually reads what Musco said will realize that unless you recruit them, you're blocked from any other companions that will have an alert from them. Getting companions is a quest chain with these people. One leads to another.


So no, to all the people that are dead wrong about only missing out on "1 companion". If you don't do PvP to get 4x and Pierce, you're also going to be missing out on the other companions that Theron and Lana offer. And as it stands right now, you can't pass on 4x and Pierce to move on in the chain.


I'm not asking bioware to change the requirements for these companions. But the least they could do is give us the option to say no and move on to the next companion in the chain.


Thank you. This is the point here.


Lets say you choose not to get 4X because, well, its 4X... Then find out in Chapter 10 that Theron gives the alert for your most favorite companion in the game, <insert name>. But you can't have him/her because you didn't do 4X and the Alert for <insert name> will never come because of that. <<<<<<< Blocked behind PvP.

I don't want a gimme for 4X and I don't want to PvP for him, I just plain don't want him, but I may want the next in line. Give us a way to refuse the companion and COMPLETE the ALERT so we can have the next in the chain. Its a simple request. And not unreasonable.

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Because that cosmetic stuff I earned doing PvP that cannot be gotten any OTHER WAY.... Fourex has No PvP standing, can be gotten by a trooper not having to do ANY PvP... It's not like Fourex is not PvP exclusive, which is why it's BS to gate it behind PvP when it has nothing to do with PvP AND the story reasons behind it fail on top of it.


Those companions are exclusive to PvP for the classes that don't get them naturally. And here's the problem with that analysis. Let's say instead of M1-4X and Pierce they gave Satele Shan and Darth Jadus as companions. With no other way to obtain them.


Would that not satisfy your exclusivity criteria? If so, then do you doubt that the same problems that you see now would manifest.


But first it starts with balance, which I fear is beyond the basic grasp of this development team. No one wants to walk into a PvP match just to get roflstomped by whatever the FOTM is only to find out no matter how much they get better gear or get better they have little to no chance because some dev has their head stuck so far up their asses to actually balance anything past their own classes they play....


To a certain extent I agree with this, but really, when have PvP players in any MMORPG be happy with class balance? It's easy to point to outliers like PTs and Sorc Healers and cry foul. Harder to reign them in without creating a new FOTM to take their place as we've seen throughout this game's history.


Second would be to do away with this click to capture BS... Capturing should be about influence, not who can click and then keep 5 people busy while help comes... If 5 people are there they should be turning it, not trying to kill 1 person who keeps holding them up (and there are classes that can do it)... Holding a point would actually require... wait for it.... STRATEGY! But alas that is too hard to grasp...


I agree and that's why I like Huttball most of all, but most people new to PvP tend to like the capture games more. So I'm not sure that will really help.


Third would be better and NEW maps to play. Heaven forbid they actually spend money on a map... Hell they can barely do it for PvE.. Even the new story maps are buggy and some I swear are reskinned FP maps....




Actually do something to fix win trading... Again, I truly think this is beyond the ability of this development team.


Actually fix it so low rating people are not getting stuck with high rating people. The rating system itself is garbage. Again, I don't see the skill required by this team to fix it...



I don't disagree with those, but then I think these would be appreciated more by committed PvP players. As someone who tried PvP originally because of incentive rewards, I know it can convert people. Not many, to be fair, but enough that I'm willing to suffer the people too scared to try.

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No...you're doing what you have to do, not what you're forced to do. There's a difference.


And it's fine if you want to be this closed minded about it...I think it's a shame you are though.


I am doing what I am forced to do in order to clear my log.


Call it what you want, do you know a way I can get these out of my log or alerts other than completing it?


Oh, its a real freaking shame. It's a shame for the people who actually like PVP and I am ruining it for them.

That's what is a shame. But hey, I'm having a good time face-rolling and causing trouble.

So what if I ruin someone else's game right? I'm doing what BW requires me to do to complete this task and I may as well find my joy in it. If my joy is making it suck for everyone else, well that's my CHOICE cuz, Choices Matter right?


Does anyone know if you can throw Snowballs in PVP?


I hope I am making it absolutely HORRIBLE for the other players. I hope they are having as much fun as I am.

That is my goal tonight. SCREW PVP and PVP players.

I will make it an extreme effort to mess up every match.

I think pushing people out of an AOE circle will be my goal on the next one.

Can I queue for a specific Zone? I like the one where you die and don't rez.


Close minded, that is funny coming from you Mr. PVP god (all bow to Tuxs).

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Those companions are exclusive to PvP for the classes that don't get them naturally. And here's the problem with that analysis. Let's say instead of M1-4X and Pierce they gave Satele Shan and Darth Jadus as companions. With no other way to obtain them.


Would that not satisfy your exclusivity criteria? If so, then do you doubt that the same problems that you see now would manifest.


Most certainly...


But just for the sake of argument, something like this should also have a PvP flair as well. I think maxed expertise would be a good thing to add to a PvP exclusive companion, as expertise in open world PvP would apply.

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It's distressing to see that people here are up in arms about the PvP alliance mission not being even more oppressive than it already is, I mean 20 WZs is bad, demanding a MINIMUM of SIX medals? 20 wins WITH SIX medals? Might as well ask for 1 trillion matches won in a row, with 1000 medals per WZ.


There needs to be a third mode of WZ added: Alliance Mode, for the people who just want to get the companion, accessible from the same place as.


To try to avoid people who don't belong there ganking the **** out of everyone, there would be a prohibition against anyone entering if they had any gear with expertise, crystals included, or any slot statted with anything higher than 190 rating items in any slot.


People with fresh 60s should keep their 188 rating gear, and people who've levelled from 1 I would advise to get green 190 mods, and Ziost ear/implants/relics (should all be 190, like the other gear). The bolster will not contain expertise at all, and everyone will have the same stats, according to their discipline role, you could be utterly naked and still get the same stats, since the objective is to get a PvP-gated companion, not.


Arenas would have 2-a-side, everything else, 4-a-side. You would also be barred from queuing for Alliance Warzones if you had any obviously PvP utilities locked in, since this kind of PvP is for PvEers to treat everyone as advanced PvE AI elements.


And, absolutely NO group queuing! No pre-made gank squads, no winning Huttball matches 6-nil with people who really should be in ranked.


Above all, you would have to have that alliance mission in your log, and, having it in your log would bar you from queuing for regs or ranked.


Any other ideas on how to make these types of WZs for just PvEers?


I want to put this idea forward, so that everybody can be happy.


But, since that's unlikely to happen, I do hope that all PvP-required alliance missions have a Valour 40 (NO higher) option, that way, once my sniper hits Valour 40, they can get the lot of them, as a reward for several days' worth of hell. Incidentally, rank 39, 3768/8340 atm.


No, TUX, PvP is not fun, it does have its moments; but they are very, VERY fleeting indeed. I just wish that I could PvP with an avatar other than my actual story character, I'd still try my damndest but I'd feel much happier if the worst happened. Our story characters are supposed to be special, not PvP pin-cushions.


My version of PvP, which would exist only for the PvP alliance missions, would go a long way to making both PvEers AND PvPers happy, since they'd both be kept separate.

Edited by sentientomega
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I shouldn't be confused after this, but I am. We do have to do Qyzen, as I understand it. But to progress onward, to access currently available companions, is there any reason to do Pierce & 4X if you don't care about getting them? (I do not)


If that's the way it is, that you have to unlock each along the way, that's ok. I wish it were more clear, but ok. If I have to pvp, forget it. But the problem I have, on a deeper level, is that I hoped we'd be able to pick and choose future companions. I hoped I'd be able to say, "Oh, I'd always thought Vette would be great with the Smuggler - let's go get her." Instead, it seems like we have to fill up a stable of companions whether we want them or not, or at least, fiddle around to get their quest (and perhaps refuse them) so that we can move on. Not wild about that aspect, partly because I'm not feeling the 'choice' in this expansion so far. My characters all go through the same steps, say virtually the same things, with the same results. I'll winnow down to who I like best, & complete the story on that one, but that's a far cry from playing each class to see the story. I assumed this would be a problem for me, & it is.




I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!



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Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.




This is such *%$# I hate the raghoul event have never done the rghoul event will never do the raghoul event.


So now since I will not do that stupid piece of *%#! event I cnnot further the progress of the military alliance.


What a bunch of &^$%

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I shouldn't be confused after this, but I am. We do have to do Qyzen, as I understand it. But to progress onward, to access currently available companions, is there any reason to do Pierce & 4X if you don't care about getting them? (I do not)


If that's the way it is, that you have to unlock each along the way, that's ok. I wish it were more clear, but ok. If I have to pvp, forget it. But the problem I have, on a deeper level, is that I hoped we'd be able to pick and choose future companions. I hoped I'd be able to say, "Oh, I'd always thought Vette would be great with the Smuggler - let's go get her." Instead, it seems like we have to fill up a stable of companions whether we want them or not, or at least, fiddle around to get their quest (and perhaps refuse them) so that we can move on. Not wild about that aspect, partly because I'm not feeling the 'choice' in this expansion so far. My characters all go through the same steps, say virtually the same things, with the same results. I'll winnow down to who I like best, & complete the story on that one, but that's a far cry from playing each class to see the story. I assumed this would be a problem for me, & it is.



From what is stated yeah if you don't pvp you going to be locked out of getting other companions. This whole thing is just awful i dont get why a refuse or discard option cant be provided for people who don't care about certain companions or just don't care to complete the requirements Bioware set up to get that companion.


LoL i can already see the howls when they try to force people into GSF

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This is such *%$# I hate the raghoul event have never done the rghoul event will never do the raghoul event.


So now since I will not do that stupid piece of *%#! event I cnnot further the progress of the military alliance.


What a bunch of &^$%


You don't need to do the event, just go to the tunnels and to the 4 locations and take the scans and return back to Lokin.

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I'm just incredibly confused as to why it's such a big deal that a companion (which is optional, and all companions are now the same but for appearance) requires PVP, and why it's such a big deal that future companions that require PVP could be locked behind this.


The fact that you think all companions are the same but for appearance explains exactly why you don't have a problem with this.


Your'e one of those people who don't understand "story", "characterization", and "dialogue". In other words, you're a PvPer. And you're an example of everything that is holding back this game.

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I was actually going to try PvP at some point, but the way this is being handled by BW is a very poor decision...


I would like a VERY CLEAR reply from BW on this one point...


Will future companion be gated behind companions we choose to pass over?


I am also ok with some being gated, just NOT ok with a chain being gated.


What is really bad... You came up with a great story, a nice new direction in many areas, but there is one or two things that really make the good parts seem less exciting.


1. PvP gates (gates to a chain of missions/companions)

2. Alliance is very alt unfriendly.


I have not complained in a long time, but now is the time.....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I am just here to laugh at the cry babies that are so against doing PvP that they complain about it like it's the end of the world. The Fountain of PvEers Tears sustains me. On a more serious note being stuck on an Event based recruitment is what really grinds my gears. I don't care much for Lokin but the completionist in me demands I recruit any one and everyone. So seeing that quest stuck in my log because I had to wait for a specific event severely damaged my OCD. Please fix it because I hate it and what I like/dislike is all that matters. Am I doing this right? :rak_03:
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Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


So, essentially - in an xpac designed to be played through with alts, you REALLY don't want us playing alts? AND you still think that forcing a bunch of people who don't want to PvP into WZs may be the way to convince them that they like PvP?

Edited by TheSeventhJedi
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