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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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Then you really aren't understanding what I'm saying: If I don't want to recruit the companion, I still have to do their mission. You cannot reject them and progress the chain until you do the mission. Put the option to refuse them, and progress the Alerts past this one into the initial dialog, and I'm golden. I'm not looking for an alternative route to get the comp, I'm looking for a way to not get the comp and still progress the arc.


I think everyone is looking for something different tbh. I'm fine with being able to refuse a companion immediately upon receiving the request whether it be because you don't like the requirement or simply don't want that companion.

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Listen...I'm not trying to ruin your experience Robert. I understand your frustration and I support your right to continue asking for a way around the requirement. I'm not against players disliking PvP...I was once like you...I get it...but when I was like you, I gave up on items I wasn't willing to get because of PvP. So keep asking, send email, call...do whatever you can to get it changed...I'm not against you trying and I'm not trying to ruin your fun.


I don't think it is the point they want these companions, as I don't really care about either but it the point if you don't do the pvp and get the missions you can't progress in the story and possibly get another companion. That is the major problem in. I would not care about these companions but if I want to progress later I have to pvp, which I truly hate (and yes I have tried it and still hate it) to get a companion I may not want just to possibility open up a mission for a companion I may want later.


This is the problem not whether I get these two are I really don't care about either of them.

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I think everyone is looking for something different tbh. I'm fine with being able to refuse a companion immediately upon receiving the request whether it be because you don't like the requirement or simply don't want that companion.


...or both... :D


That's my only rub. I made a choice, when I made my account, that I'd not be doing PvP. That's why I rolled on a PvE server, instead of a PvP server, when I came over from Aion. Asmodians in Aion that don't want to PvP aren't going to be there very long, I was there from the 2nd closed beta. My sub was still active when it went F2P.


I just don't want to not be able to see what's next, and it doesn't make any sense to me that one would have to do the missions before they decided to not hire the contact. Employers don't put you on the job just because you filed an application only to fire you a day later, that's what the interview is for. Same principle should apply here.

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I think everyone is looking for something different tbh. I'm fine with being able to refuse a companion immediately upon receiving the request whether it be because you don't like the requirement or simply don't want that companion.


Exactly this. I want to cherry pick my companions and am willing to pay their price of admission (I actually wanted Pierce for my agent, so I PVP'd for him). What I don't want is to pay the price for a companion that I don't want or like JUST SO I can, further down the road, get the alert for someone who I DO want. The system is flawed. I'd rather skip unwanted alerts from the get-go ("No. I don't think so-and-so would mesh well with our Alliance. Is there another candidate?").


Heck, as a compromise, I'd be willing to have a one week cool down on an alert skip just so people don't blow past everything.


As it stands, my agent is the only character who is going to go out of her way for this stuff. My Jedi Knight can deal with having Theron Shan and T-7 as her main companions because I'm NOT doing Qyzen's quest again, nor am I draining my Biochem's bank for Doctor Lokin. All my other characters? LOL. Yeah, when even the companion system ends up being the same for everyone I'm not going to bother. Which is a shame because the alliance system had so much potential to make our stories unique from character to character.


What I'm really taking away from this mess is that Bioware wants us to abandon our old companions and just stick with their Super Cools for more generic fun.

Edited by AngFour
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Oh gee wow, I am having so much fun spamming stuff. 1234567893456234567.

Whoops, I just got killed. Oh darn. Yup, PVP sure is fun.

So I gotta do this 19 more times huh?

Is it over yet?

How long do these matches last?

whoops died again.

Yup, PVP sure is fun.

Oh good, it's over.

We lost.

Ok, 19 to go.

Sure am having fun. Looking out the window and mashing keys.

Hope all you PVPers are happy.

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I honestly don't see any flaw, other than your final point. But 10 medals? How about 5 or 6? And 10 wins can be a killer...know how many weeklies I've completed the hard way? 10/5 or even 8/4 would be fine...but I really like the medal criteria.


The only reason that I made it 10 was to make sure that camping the off-node and a bit of cheese self healing wasn't enough to get the medal requirement, whilst hoping your team carried you through...

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The only reason that I made it 10 was to make sure that camping the off-node and a bit of cheese self healing wasn't enough to get the medal requirement, whilst hoping your team carried you through...


So instead we actually have to learn how to play an entirely new game mode that we have no interest in, are going to suck at, and will never play again after we've completed this objective.


Hell, I've actually TRIED at PVP in the past, and I don't think I've EVER gotten above 7 medals.

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Since his next alert will likely be PvP related, why? I understand your desire to dismiss it...I agree with that...but not to progress without having done the 1st part.


What if it's a companion we had originally? If, say, Khem is locked behind PVP, he'll end up being locked behind Pierce, and even though I don't even want Pierce in my alliance, and even though I don't want to PVP and it literally makes me sick thanks to my anxiety, my main would never get one of his original companions back because they couldn't be bothered to put an option to say "Screw this, I'm not furthering the Imp-Pub conflict for you" when first talking to Pierce.


How is that good game design? They can keep the PVP requirement for all I care, but the quest chain thing is just plain horrible game design because you could end up being unable to get companions you used to have just because you can't even get their alert. It doesn't even work with KotFE's focus on story and choices. I should be able to make the choice that Pierce or Yuun or Talos or Qyzen or Forex just aren't people I want in my alliance, but right now I can only reject Xalek and Lokin, and Lokin only if I meet specific requirements (going ds during the initial convo and not being an agent) and have to recruit the others, doing sometimes long and boring and tedious quests (Qyzen's is hardly fun either...) just to get the chance to eventually get the companions I actually want down the line. I don't even want everyone, but I have to get almost everyone to get who I *actually* want because there's no option to finish the quest by rejecting the recruit when first approaching them. That's just silly.

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The only reason that I made it 10 was to make sure that camping the off-node and a bit of cheese self healing wasn't enough to get the medal requirement, whilst hoping your team carried you through...


Oh man, 10 mandatory wins would be painful. I actually TRIED, as did the rest of my teams, in every war zone, and I only managed to get 2 wins. So 16 War Zones which took all day. Just thinking about having a mandatory 10 wins makes me sick with dread because I can SEE this happening :/

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Then you really aren't understanding what I'm saying: If I don't want to recruit the companion, I still have to do their mission. You cannot reject them and progress the chain until you do the mission. Put the option to refuse them, and progress the Alerts past this one into the initial dialog, and I'm golden. I'm not looking for an alternative route to get the comp, I'm looking for a way to not get the comp and still progress the arc.

I know, I think I may have been unclear. I'm fine with you having the ability to SKIP M1-4X if you like to progress to the next part and acquire any new PvE companion that comes out (or to dismiss the quest entirely for completionists). I don't think you should get any titles or rewards that others may get if you do skip it, but I can see the value of allowing people to skip it entirely.


Then why are you supporting this? Something that underhanded, that pathetic, that lazy, and that upsets 95% of the players?

I support PvP being incentivized. If that's through gating a companion or gear, I'm okay with it. Like I said, if there were a crafting companion, I'd be ignoring the quest myself. My support of them rewarding different companions via various game activities, doesn't mean I can't see the potential to abuse the skewed metrics they'll inevitably get.

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All of your original companions are already unlocked without any PvP. It's the BONUS companions that aren't.


Unless you don't get the alert because you haven't done the previous companion's quest. Lokin doesn't come up for Agents until Qyzen is finished.

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I liked this match much better.

Round 1, died in about 15 seconds.

Round 2, about 25 seconds.


That's 2 down, 18 to go.

PVP sure is fun. I just can't wait to get M1-4X and never use him.

PvP is fun!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


The more you do, the more you'll get a feel for it. Sadly, half the players lose each WZ, but you're giving it a shot...I commend you for that. You could be down to only 9 if you start wining :)

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I know, I think I may have been unclear. I'm fine with you having the ability to SKIP M1-4X if you like to progress to the next part and acquire any new PvE companion that comes out (or to dismiss the quest entirely for completionists). I don't think you should get any titles or rewards that others may get if you do skip it, but I can see the value of allowing people to skip it entirely.


M1-4X IS PVE content.


I support PvP being incentivized. If that's through gating a companion or gear, I'm okay with it. Like I said, if there were a crafting companion, I'd be ignoring the quest myself. My support of them rewarding different companions via various game activities, doesn't mean I can't see the potential to abuse the skewed metrics they'll inevitably get.


If they want to incentivize it, they'd make it FUN.


Good luck with that.




Honestly, I think any core content should be able to be acquired through any core gameplay method. People who don't like one form of content shouldn't have to endure it to experience the core content of the story. If they wanted to "incentivize" it, they'd make M1 EASIER to get by PVP. Not ONLY able to be gotten through PVP. That doesn't "incentivize" it. It forces it.


If the mission was "do 20 WZs, or run 100 FPs", I'd be okay with that. It would incentivize PvP, because the time sink is far less if you take the PVP route. But it wouldn't force it, because you'd have the alternative.


Don't lock PVE content behind ANY unrelated form of content. It won't help. If people won't want to craft, forcing them to craft to get a companion would just make them resent crafting.

Edited by SkybladeDarkstar
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Unless you don't get the alert because you haven't done the previous companion's quest. Lokin doesn't come up for Agents until Qyzen is finished.

Which is why I said I'm fine if you'd like to dismiss the quest entirely. No 4X, but you wouldn't have to PvP either.

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All of your original companions are already unlocked without any PvP. It's the BONUS companions that aren't.


But I need the alert first, don't I? Unless I get them off the terminal, but if they ever get new story content I doubt the terminal version is gonna have it. And if to get the alert to get companion X that I used to have I need to complete Pierce's/Forex's mission, that companion still ends up gated behind content and a companion I don't care to do and have, just like with all the companions that have a PVE requirement (eg Loking apparently requiring getting Qyzen).


They can make every requirement they want as long as there's a reject option when your first appraoch a recruit that clears the mission and alert out of your log and lets you move on to the next alert. People who want to be completionists are gonna have to do everything, people who say "Nah, I don't want this companion" can reject them and move on to the alert for the next one whom they might actually want.


I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.

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This is a stretch. That said, I think it'd be hilarious to see happen.


Eh, it was an example because my main is a SI. Could also be, say, Zenith (where it makes more sense) for my Consular or Rusk for my Knight. Point is, when you first talk to a potential recruit you should be able to finish the mission by rejecting them so you can move on to the next alert, be it because of RP reasons or because you dislike the requirements.

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Companions do not make PvP appealing... I PvP and could give a damn less what companion I have for PvP because guess what... They don't have a damned thing to do with PvP... Nice fail though...


OK smart guy, what would make PvP appealing. I note you didn't offer a solution yourself.


For my part, I like that M1-4X required PvP. And what does a frikken Rancor or other mount have to do with PvP? Or titles? Or color crystals? Or any of the other cosmetic crap they give as rewards for ranked? Nothing. But people sure work their butt off to earn them.


So until you have a brilliant idea that will make PvP appealing, nice fail yourself.

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PvP is fun!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


The more you do, the more you'll get a feel for it. Sadly, half the players lose each WZ, but you're giving it a shot...I commend you for that. You could be down to only 9 if you start wining :)


No TUX, I am not giving it a shot. I am doing what I am forced to do in order to clear my log.

That is all.

I hate PVP.

I will not participate in it unless forced to do it to complete things in the game.

I have No intention of even trying to win.

I went and got a cup of coffee on this last one.

Put it on auto run and put the stapler on the arrow key.

Yup, that was fun.

3 down.

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Which is why I said I'm fine if you'd like to dismiss the quest entirely. No 4X, but you wouldn't have to PvP either.


Want to know the sad thing? I'd actually PvP another 20 War Zones just so my agent could have both Pierce AND 4-X.


And I know you said you're fine with letting people skip past alerts to progress the quest chain. Unfortunately that is not an option and might not BE an option. So, as it stands right now if, for example, Khem is the next PvP companion, Sorcs will not get his alert to auto claim him until they do Pierce. They won't even KNOW he's available until the Internet tells them. That is a bad system.

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If they want to incentivize it, they'd make it FUN.

I think they have, PvP is the best part of the game most days imo. You disagree. I just try to keep an open mind to all things in-game. If they release a GSF only companion, I'll just have to do GSF to get it.

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