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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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If they had been smart about this idiotic reclamation project for our companions they would have set it up so that you could either pvp or pve for all the companions. That way you could actually choose how to play to get them, in a manner that is most entertaining to the player.


If they had been smart about this idiotic reclamation project for our companions they would have set it up so that you could either pvp or pve for all the companions. That way you could actually choose how to play to get them, in a manner that is most entertaining to the player.


This, EXACTLY this!


And, add some more rewards besides the companion for the PvP path to getting them. BW:A should not be applying a stick to solo PvE, they should apply more carrots to group PvE, GSF and PvP, but not make them the only means of getting companions. I would argue that companions, cosmetic or not, or not in the same league as mounts, decorations, or gear shells.


I wish they had done it that way!


Most reasonable people would think this, and they could further incentivise doing niche content. You know how some missions can give you extra rewards, based on choices you made?


Well, doing PvP, GSF, or Ops or whatever, instead of solo PvE, could give you a mega-****-ton of rewards, as well as the companion.


Hell, for me, I'd PvP for an extra BILLION credits; the fact that I've got a fresh level 1, at 46 now, with Valour rank in the mid-30s (yes, aiming for Valour 40 for the you-know-what), would make all that worthwhile. Valour should be legacy, so we can farm it on FOTM classes, because I've tried sorcs, and sentinels, but I'm FAAAR better on my snipers/slingers, and that's still with getting roflstomped by premades. I always aim to get my 8 medals, sometimes it's not possible, but I always try to play for 8 medals, and in and around the objectives. Hell, the only AC-murdering achievement I haven't got is for marauders (some pretty funny names for those :p Underpoweredtechs, Jugger-not etc).


Hell, I'd be happy if I only have to do the PvP daily for the PvP-gated companion(s) (4 matches/2 wins?), especially as it's 65 unranked, everyone but me is going to have 2018, and almost all my groups are outnumbered by the enemy. No wonder it's always felt as if the enemy is all over me...


I could PvP forever and I wouldn't really get to enjoy it, it'd be simply a means to an end, like a companion or other reward (I PvPed on another sniper, for 900 WZ comms for a sniper rifle, I've not PvPed on that char since).


I would actually leap into PvP, for it's own sake if the following happened: We got to pick a stock NPC-appearance version of our character's AC instead of our own character, then it'd be just some NPC-type we're playing that's getting trounced, instead of our original characters. Anyone who wants to PvP with their characters, in the same WZ, can still do so, but those of us who want to insulate our actual characters from the curb-stomp fests should be able to do so, it's expected that penny-ante NPCs would get wrecked, so I should be able to play them and have that happen, but I know that I'd still do the best I can, but feel more soothed that it was just some NPC-type I played that got zerged, and not my own character. Is it ego? Probably. Thing is, our characters are supposed to be super-special, and PvP does a pretty first-rate job of demonstrating the precise opposite, so to be able to play an NPC in a WZ, which would be a stat-/AC-clone of your character, but with a stock NPC appearance, like SW Battlefront did long ago (I think in the new BF you can customise your drones), might not be such a bad thing.


They should also totally add Kotor companions, like you could play TFU with Darth Sion or something, just for gravy; you don't have ANY kind of story with them, since they're supposed to be dead, but you can just have them tag along and do things, like the rest of the cosmetic comps.

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It's a not a matter of not wanting to do the appropriate work for the reward, as I saw one person pages back put it. It's a problem of the requirements not matching the reward.


What if you worked hard and earned your black belt in Karate, but then the dojo told you that to keep it you had to take 20 cooking classes?


I don't want companions that were previously on my crew to be gated behind a another, unrelated companion's PvP requirement. Sure, I can forgo having M1-4X. I'll deal with that. But what if Akaavi is locked behind M1-4X? What if Andronikos is? What if 10 other future companions are? I had those companions already and I didn't have to PvP to "earn" them. Why add this new requirement now?


It's also not a matter of the alliance quests being optional or not true story content. The alliance quests do count as story. And if you want your companions back, doing these quests is not optional. Talking to Lokin, finding out what he's been doing these past 5 years, learning about how I can help him with his research, having him tell me just what it would take to bring him out of retirement... This is his story and I want to hear it.


I want to know what ALL my companions have been up to these last 5 years. I want to hear all their stories.


Companions are PvE content and they are story content. Therefore, they belong in the realm of PvE and story game play. Different players like different things. Why try to force people into play styles they are disinterested in, or maybe even hate, especially this late in the game?


I take heart knowing that Eric said they are still considering how to handle this and that it is not set in stone. In the meantime, I plan to limit the number of characters I take into KOTFE. The rest will wait and see.


*wild applause*

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In fact, this isn't balanced at all.


PvE players are required to do PvP in order to get Companions -


but PvP players are NOT required to do PvE in order to get Companions ???


This is not balanced at all.


The answer to an balanced approach should be this, then :


"I appreciate the team trying to expose PvP players to PvE." (Original by TUX.)


I don't follow. Everyone is required to PvE just to get to the part where you can get companions. Then you have to PvE for like 4 of the 5 companions. How are PvP players not required to PvE in order to get companions?

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I don't follow. Everyone is required to PvE just to get to the part where you can get companions. Then you have to PvE for like 4 of the 5 companions. How are PvP players not required to PvE in order to get companions?


Requiring PvPers to PvE is not the same as the reverse, PvP is harder than a quadratic equation.

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Again I feel the need to point out that the only person you're making look bad with this behavior is yourself.


I realize you don't care and don't have much of a moral compass, but it needed be said.


What's a moral compass got to do with anything? How much of your gear are you losing if you lose a PvP match? Are you losing xp every time you die? No? Then what's "moral" about it? They didn't decide to join a WZ just to troll you. They were told if they wanted to recruit a companion, or even if they don't want to recruit them, but do want to progress past that companion, they would have to be in 20 WZs. They didn't make the rules, they just have to abide by them. So if you have a complaint, take it up with BW, they made the rules, they set the conditions, and they're responsible for what's happening. Morality has no play here, because losing a WZ doesn't cost you anything.

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It's a not a matter of not wanting to do the appropriate work for the reward, as I saw one person pages back put it. It's a problem of the requirements not matching the reward.


What if you worked hard and earned your black belt in Karate, but then the dojo told you that to keep it you had to take 20 cooking classes?


I don't want companions that were previously on my crew to be gated behind a another, unrelated companion's PvP requirement. Sure, I can forgo having M1-4X. I'll deal with that. But what if Akaavi is locked behind M1-4X? What if Andronikos is? What if 10 other future companions are? I had those companions already and I didn't have to PvP to "earn" them. Why add this new requirement now?


It's also not a matter of the alliance quests being optional or not true story content. The alliance quests do count as story. And if you want your companions back, doing these quests is not optional. Talking to Lokin, finding out what he's been doing these past 5 years, learning about how I can help him with his research, having him tell me just what it would take to bring him out of retirement... This is his story and I want to hear it.


I want to know what ALL my companions have been up to these last 5 years. I want to hear all their stories.


Companions are PvE content and they are story content. Therefore, they belong in the realm of PvE and story game play. Different players like different things. Why try to force people into play styles they are disinterested in, or maybe even hate, especially this late in the game?


I take heart knowing that Eric said they are still considering how to handle this and that it is not set in stone. In the meantime, I plan to limit the number of characters I take into KOTFE. The rest will wait and see.


Mostly because you are narrowing down the perspective you are using. In order to get SWTOR rewards, you are forced to play SWTOR. This seems logical to me. SWTOR encompasses a wide variety of content and doing so provides different rewards.


I always see people claim to be "PvE players", but that is a pretty broad term for a number of activities. I consider myself to be a PvE player as I do story and daillies and Operations, but I hate world bosses. I find them to be unnecessary and borin and chose to get Qyzen through champion mobs. But if that option didn't exist, I would have done world bosses because that's what is required for the companion.


No matter your preferred style, there will always be something you want hidden behind content you don't like because the nature of the game is to offer a variety of game modes in one game. I think players are living in the past where every companion was integrated into your story. Those still exist in the form of "main characters" and aren't recruited through content outside of the story. The companion recruitment quests are more like a side mini game to provide content while we wait for the next chapter.

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Actually not true... Even BW will admit it, if they actually had a pair to admit anything. Every company had shown that most people won't touch PvP with a 10 foot pole. Every guild I have been in has maybe 5 or 6 people out of every 100 that PvP... That fits with most metrics of every other PvE based game....


This is pretty accurate based on any statistics from pve centric mmo's with optional pvp I have seen. Although unless I recall wrong World of Warcraft have reported about 10% of playerbase have ever engaged in pvp whereas the number you refer to is about 5%. I havent seen higher numbers from anyone else. If anyone wants to take a stab at proving the quoted statement above wrong...


Show me the official statistics from any mmo that is pve centric with pvp optional that shows anything more than a minority percentage of the player base ever engaging in pvp. Or better yet, the percentage of players in those games that participate in pvp only.


What percentage of players that ever tried SWTOR have done even 1 warzone?


What percentage of players that ever tried SWTOR have ever engaged in world pvp?


What percentage of players does pvp content only and no pve?


What percentage of active players participate in pvp regularly?


Most so-called pvpers enjoy pve as well. Most so-called pve'ers do not ever engage in pvp. Show me the statistics that proves those two statements wrong.


The alliance companion system is ONLY available by choosing to participate in pve content. If you do not like pve why are you doing KOTFE in the first place?


The legitimate claims why pvp gated content is necessary are minimal. I have seen no argument yet that justifies it, no game statistics showing pvp is important enough, nor any arguments that do not boil down to the following:


1. I want a fresh batch of lambs to the slaughter so I can boost my kill statistics.

2. I want to flash my shiny reward.


The only reasonable argument to block quest chain progress behind any pvp or pve game activitiy is to promote said activity. I fully understand people that hope pvp popularity or world boss popularity increases. However "forcing" people to endure game activities they detest doesnt solve anything when it comes to those activities popularity in the long run. If you sincerely want more players to pvp, consider contributing to people adjusting their attitude and behavior towards new players trying it out. Consider advocating removal of gear advantages for experienced pvp'ers, they are not the ones that need them. In my book pvp is only good when everyone compete on equal footing, beating someone that doesnt stand a chance due to gear is a worthless win.


I have no problem whatsoever with giving all companion recruitment quests alternative paths for both pve and pvp. Pick the activity you like. However the lack of such alternative paths is not the core problem with the alliance companion system.


Once you start down the KOTFE path and start getting alerts and related companion recruitment quests there is currently no way to get rid of both the alert and the quest without completing the quest objectives. That is not optional. No amount of arguing why pvp gated companions are justified or not will change that. If there is added an option to dismiss any alert and quest so they are gone from alerts and questlog, THEN it is optional. Only then will we able to choose to dismiss an alert/quest and move on to the next alert in the chain.


For my part I do not want all companions for all characters regardless of the objectives required to obtain them. I can choose to ignore an alert/quest if I do not want the companion, but what if a companion I want is gated behind it? What if i want Lokin but not Qyzen? There arent currently many dilemmas like this one but if the system persists as Eric described there will be. If I have to complete more or less all alerts/quests on every character all playthroughs will feel identical. Then what happened to choices that matter?



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This is not true at all. Chapter 10 does not require any of these companion alerts to be completed. Nor will any subsequent chapter.


What companion is locked behind 4X/Pierce as Lokin is behind Qyzen? What other alerts can you get from that contact, if you haven't finished that mission? According to Eric, in this very thread, you're locked out of getting any more alerts from them until you complete that one. That's what "chain" means, you have to do step one, to get to step two. So yes, you are locked out of content, by the very nature of how the Alliance Alert system works.

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Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


PvP as an option is totally fine to me. Let's take Qyzen for instance that would be: go the PvE route and farm the worthy targets / world bosses or go the PvP route and do X number of WZ. So a PvP option is fine but it simply shouldn't be a requirement.


What exactly are you trying to achieve? I did the 20 WZ for M1 on my main and I am not going to touch PvP again. So what is the point, except frustrating PvErs who have to do something they don't like and forcing PvPers to endure us?

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What's a moral compass got to do with anything? How much of your gear are you losing if you lose a PvP match? Are you losing xp every time you die? No? Then what's "moral" about it? They didn't decide to join a WZ just to troll you. They were told if they wanted to recruit a companion, or even if they don't want to recruit them, but do want to progress past that companion, they would have to be in 20 WZs. They didn't make the rules, they just have to abide by them. So if you have a complaint, take it up with BW, they made the rules, they set the conditions, and they're responsible for what's happening. Morality has no play here, because losing a WZ doesn't cost you anything.


"spirit of the game" and no I don't expect anyone who is actively doing this to understand the concept. But that's what it is. The idea that if you're going to participate in an activity - you're going to actually participate in an activity and not just **** all over it for others involved. But by all means, carry on. You guys have it justified in your head as the 'right' thing to do to get what you want, because you lack the moral compass.

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SWTOR has had PvP as a core and active part of its design since launch. If you wanted to play a game that didn't allow PvP, you picked the wrong one. Maybe you need to find a new game huh?


Really? I have 23 or so toons that disagree with you. I had 200 WZ comms on my Assassin from some PvP on Ilum during Gree, but I've never set foot in a WZ. More than half of my guild is in the same boat, never set foot in a WZ, and some of them haven't even done any OW PvP. So I'd say that "core" isn't really an accurate description. However, what's the current situation on Pot5? Are they still looking to get merged into another server, or did they all just take advantage of cheap transfers and move?


And thankfully for you, Bolster will make even your naked toons perform decently. If you begin to grief PvPers by voluntarily competing in something you intentionally try to sabotage, I hope the other players report you and action is taken.


M1-4X is 100% optional. Nobody is forced to do anything. If you dislike HOW he's acquired, skip him...otherwise, man up and do your best. Nobody cares if you suck...they only care if you give no effort.


Yep, both of the comps so far are 100% optional. The problem is, there's no method of refusing to recruit them, until after you've completed their recruitment mission. Given how the Alliance system functions, as laid by Eric in this very thread, that means that you can get no more alerts from Lana unless you complete the mission. So, if we want to continue on past Pierce/4X to get alerts from that contact, we're Pvping in non ranked WZs, and if people don't like the level of participation, then they need to file their complaint with the people that laid out the system.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I don't PvP here as a rule. Some random OW stuff when I'm into it, but I have never, and will never set foot into a WZ, which may mean that I'm locked out of content by the Alliance system. You can attempt to refute this, but take a character to 4X or Pierce and refuse the mission, and see if it clears the quest, or the alert if you abandon the quest. Here's a hint, it doesn't. You can't reject the comp until after you've done their mission. A very serious design flaw. However, as players, we didn't design it.

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"spirit of the game" and no I don't expect anyone who is actively doing this to understand the concept. But that's what it is. The idea that if you're going to participate in an activity - you're going to actually participate in an activity and not just **** all over it for others involved. But by all means, carry on. You guys have it justified in your head as the 'right' thing to do to get what you want, because you lack the moral compass.


I haven't set foot in a WZ, before or after 4.0. 123 go isn't my idea of PvP, so I don't play it. I guess that's what you get for making assumptions, yes? This doesn't however, change the fact that you are wrong. Players like me will be gated out of content due to the requirement. You can't refuse to recruit them until after you've done their mission, and so, people that want to progress on alerts beyond that will be doing the mission, and if that makes you unhappy, you can grief them by vote kicking, play it out, it's not like it's ranked, play ranked, and not have to deal with it at all, assuming you have the skill set required for ranked duels, or, you can drop the pretense of "I love this idea, so long as they're not in my group and I can get some easy kills".

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Oh? I didn't see anywhere in there that he recognizes any of your frustrations with being "forced" to PVP or are they altering those systems. I think the one thing people seem to gloss over in their nerd outrage over PVP in a game is "That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it." regarding PVP gained companions.


My point stands.


What's the next alert from the contact that gives you Pierce or 4X? Do you know? Do you know if it will be PvP or PvE? I don't, so frankly, until we do, no, your point is more of an assumption at this point, and as we can see from our exchanges, so far your assumptions have proven 100% wrong, since I'm not in WZs doing the bare minimum, since I'm not in them at all.

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What's the next alert from the contact that gives you Pierce or 4X? Do you know? Do you know if it will be PvP or PvE? I don't, so frankly, until we do, no, your point is more of an assumption at this point, and as we can see from our exchanges, so far your assumptions have proven 100% wrong, since I'm not in WZs doing the bare minimum, since I'm not in them at all.


Uh, we do know. Once you do all the initial Alerts, you get one for Lokin, which requires the Rakghoul Plague event to be active (a one week per month event, I'll note), also with no way to reject him outright until after you jump through all of his hoops.


That's part of the frustration people are having.

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This is pretty accurate based on any statistics from pve centric mmo's with optional pvp I have seen. Although unless I recall wrong World of Warcraft have reported about 10% of playerbase have ever engaged in pvp whereas the number you refer to is about 5%. I havent seen higher numbers from anyone else. If anyone wants to take a stab at proving the quoted statement above wrong...


The number I refer to is personal experience, but pretty wide ranging....


  • In EQ2, In 3 guilds I was in total, maybe 5% total did PvP regularly...
  • I did not bother with WoW, but most projections were 7% to 10% depending on the metric used...
  • LOTRO was 7% at it's peak... I was in 2 guilds there where NO ONE did PvP at all. And even in the PvP guild I was in, maybe 40% to 45% actually did it regularly.
  • SWG was maybe 15% to 20% of the guilds did PvP after the NGE. Before that, maybe 5% to 10% depending on if it was CU or Pre-CU.
  • SWTOR has been about maybe 5% of the guild population I have been in PvP. And I was in a guild that did no PvP at all... twice...
  • STO, hardly anyone PvPs at all. Maybe 3%...
  • Shoot even in EVE, which is a PvP centric game, maybe only 60% to 70% of the corp I am in does PvP regularly...



As I have stated before, the problem is their metrics are not transparent. What is a PvP player by their definition. For me, a true PvP player would be one that does ranked regularly (finishes the daily at least 1 time per week) and finishes the weekly non ranked every week and the weekly ranked about 75% of the time.

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Uh, we do know. Once you do all the initial Alerts, you get one for Lokin, which requires the Rakghoul Plague event to be active (a one week per month event, I'll note), also with no way to reject him outright until after you jump through all of his hoops.


That's part of the frustration people are having.


Not actually true. A friend did not have the alert for Lokin until he finished the quest for Qzyen so they are gated behind certain missions and with no way to refuse a quest you can be locked out of a companion you may want.

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Not actually true. A friend did not have the alert for Lokin until he finished the quest for Qzyen so they are gated behind certain missions and with no way to refuse a quest you can be locked out of a companion you may want.


Qzyen, Talos, and Xalex (and Nico if you can) are all in the initial alert batch. Then Fourex and Pierce are in the next one, then Lokin.

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Uh, we do know. Once you do all the initial Alerts, you get one for Lokin, which requires the Rakghoul Plague event to be active (a one week per month event, I'll note), also with no way to reject him outright until after you jump through all of his hoops.


That's part of the frustration people are having.


That was my point. Although Lokin requires Qyzen to be done, not all the alerts.

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Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.

You know, the only reason I unlocked Qyzen is because I have a good guild. Grindy pve stuff, or PvE requiring a lot of waiting around away from a cargo bay and GTN hookup are not something I find fun. If you guys do decide to back off on PvP companions in the future, maybe it would be possible to have both grindy companions have optional requirements? So, If I hate the PvE stuff for Qyzen he gives me an option to increase my score via PvP, or if I hate PvP, Pierce gives me an option to free him up at HQ by running x number of heroics.

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"spirit of the game" and no I don't expect anyone who is actively doing this to understand the concept. But that's what it is. The idea that if you're going to participate in an activity - you're going to actually participate in an activity and not just **** all over it for others involved. But by all means, carry on. You guys have it justified in your head as the 'right' thing to do to get what you want, because you lack the moral compass.


The "spirit of the game" for the SWTOR I've been playing is about saving the galaxy. Being a hero, taking down monsters, going on quests to save outposts, uncovering the secrets of the Force, etcetera. Playing a spectator sport that I hate for the entertainment of the Hutts is not a part of that spirit. If BioWare changes the spirit of the game, they shouldn't expect me to still follow it. I'll follow the OLD spirit of the game. The one which rewards role-playing. Which focuses on story and characters and being bid damned heroes. About stopping galactic threats, talking over the ethics of robotic sentience, and discussing the morality of the Sith Empire versus the Republic.


When the PVP fits in with the spirit of SWTOR the way I have played it, I'll take part in it. When it's not about getting killed continuously in boring and repetitive battles that don't affect anything in the universe. When the content becomes about story, character interaction, discussion and debate, fighting monsters and threats to the galaxy (kind of like the original Alterac Valley in WoW), I'll take part.


Until then, PVP is no part of the "spirit of the game". And I will not dignify it by treating it as such.


I've tried PVP before. I've played with friends, at past events, in the PVP zones, etcetera. It sucks. It's boring. It's repetitive. It goes against the entire rest of the design of the game. It's broken. It's unbalanced. It's not fun. It rewards different skill sets, different play styles, and has vastly different pacing. Skills, stats, even basic movement functions that the rest of the game never uses become of utmost importance. And I loathe it with a fiery passion. It has no business being in this game. If I had a button which would turn PVP content off forever, I would press it without pause. I have, in fact, asked for one on multiple occasions. To not be flagged PVP when someone who is flagged walks in front of me and my auto-target grabs them. But, no. Even if you roll on a PVE server. Even if you never take part in PVE, hate it with every fiber of your being, and would gladly perma-ban every PVP player from the game and consider it a net gain for the community, BioWare still feels the need to force me into this atrocious, badly designed mess for content that I truly enjoy, content that DOES relate to the story and spirit of the game they have built.




I haven't taken a character into KotFE yet because I've been afraid of being locked out of missions and quests from before KotFE that I haven't finished. Now, I think I'm glad I chose to wait, because being locked out of content from PVP is far worse. I'll probably just skip it entirely.

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Here is my biggest problem with Fourex and Pierce... And it has to do with story...


So we are supposed to be allied with each other to take down the Eternal Empire... So why are we promoting fighting with each other... Just from a story standpoint it is a poor design and does not fit with the story...


Just another thought.

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Really? I have 23 or so toons that disagree with you. I had 200 WZ comms on my Assassin from some PvP on Ilum during Gree, but I've never set foot in a WZ. More than half of my guild is in the same boat, never set foot in a WZ, and some of them haven't even done any OW PvP. So I'd say that "core" isn't really an accurate description. However, what's the current situation on Pot5? Are they still looking to get merged into another server, or did they all just take advantage of cheap transfers and move?


Yep, both of the comps so far are 100% optional. The problem is, there's no method of refusing to recruit them, until after you've completed their recruitment mission. Given how the Alliance system functions, as laid by Eric in this very thread, that means that you can get no more alerts from Lana unless you complete the mission. So, if we want to continue on past Pierce/4X to get alerts from that contact, we're Pvping in non ranked WZs, and if people don't like the level of participation, then they need to file their complaint with the people that laid out the system.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I don't PvP here as a rule. Some random OW stuff when I'm into it, but I have never, and will never set foot into a WZ, which may mean that I'm locked out of content by the Alliance system. You can attempt to refute this, but take a character to 4X or Pierce and refuse the mission, and see if it clears the quest, or the alert if you abandon the quest. Here's a hint, it doesn't. You can't reject the comp until after you've done their mission. A very serious design flaw. However, as players, we didn't design it.

Yes, really Robert. You don't have to PvP. The M1-4X companion is optional. The content following M1-4X is gated by PvPing for 4X...so if you want to do it, suck it up and hop in the WZ's.


It's a perfectly fine trade off and completely reasonable for Bioware to do imo. It's a reward for participating in part of the game...nothing more. It's incentive to play WZ's - not forced and hardly that intimidating.

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It's clear from the last 25 pages that the current system is flawed, as it doesn't work either for encouraging PvP participation or for keeping people doing the alliance chains. I would suggest either:


Remove the PvP requirement, give PvE missions for all companions, ignore PvP for the next 18 months (BW's usual MO).




Change PvP requirement from 20 WZ to 10 wins in which player earns 10 or more medals. Completely defeats griefing/afking tactics, but would undoubtedly upset a larger number of people.

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