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Everything posted by Nvassea

  1. As someone who does enjoy PvP, I wholeheartedly agree. I don't find it fun when someone basically stands around because they don't know what to do, or get melted too fast to want to try because they don't have gear. It clearly isn't fun for the player that doesn't like PvP either. I think 5 matches total, regardless of win or lose, is plenty, or 8-10 if they keep wins counting as x2. It's enough to try and get more people interested in PvP, without forcing too much of a painful grind for everyone involved (minus the other team )
  2. About Us: <The Nemesis> is a mature guild-turned-gaming community. We like to hangout in our teamspeak's general chat and play various games (sometimes together, sometimes not) while chatting. For SWTOR we have two progression OPS teams running twice a week each, and some players (myself included) hoping to get a bit more interest going for PvP. We welcome players of all levels but do ask that you be 18 or older. We all have lives, some of us have children, and this age requirement helps us keep drama down. We currently have TS, A website, 10% exp/rep boost, and a flagship. Currently looking for: *Note: In case it was missed, we ask that you be 18 or older please. 1.Currently players of all levels are welcome, especially those looking to join a gaming community. We currently have players on several other games, and we all get together to chat in our teamspeak. 2. Both of our raid teams are looking for backup/reserve players of all levels. This means you'll be filling in if the regular team can't make it or may be asked to move into the regular roster if a player decides they are no longer interested in ops. Our first team runs Mondays at 8PM EST and Fridays at 7PM EST. Our second raid team runs Wed/Sat at 12 AM (midnight) EST. If you wish to join an OPs team, we request that you are willing to sign up on our guild website for easier ops confirmation/updates and able/willing to at least listen in on our teamspeak's ops channel during runs. Contact us: If you're interested in joining you can get in touch with the following players in game (Via Mail or PM): -Nanetta -Noventis -Zlo-duch -Pandeth -Trifuling You can also post here, And I'll do my best to get back to you, or you can PM the user Nanetta through our guild website: rcgs.enjin.com
  3. You know, the only reason I unlocked Qyzen is because I have a good guild. Grindy pve stuff, or PvE requiring a lot of waiting around away from a cargo bay and GTN hookup are not something I find fun. If you guys do decide to back off on PvP companions in the future, maybe it would be possible to have both grindy companions have optional requirements? So, If I hate the PvE stuff for Qyzen he gives me an option to increase my score via PvP, or if I hate PvP, Pierce gives me an option to free him up at HQ by running x number of heroics.
  4. Hmm... was this with the free 60 token, or a paid one?
  5. Nope, I tried it with the Miraluka race and it didn't work for me. Then again, creating a class also did not unlock the class legacy for me, So maybe my account is just weird
  6. I left WoW for SWTOR during one of the mass-player-exoduses that took place over the past few months. I have enough gripes with EAWare as it is, the last thing I would want is for them to start acting more like Blizzard.
  7. There are at least 3 other threads I can think of that have been around about this issue, none have gotten a response. You are certainly not the only person with this issue. I feel like at this point we need our own waiting room with a snack table and coffee machine. :3
  8. This. I sent in my first ticket over a week ago. 9 days now, I think. And they responded in 4 days. That means even if I were the first person to report the issue, which I doubt, it's been known for almost a week and yet nothing has been done to even warn people of the problem. I didn't even get an acknowledgement that there really is a problem. CS told me "this looks like a bug so we cant help you, send in a bug report". the bug report said "since this doesn't go to CS we can't aid you, Talk to CS if you still need help". Considering I still have the issue, and no ETA on a fix well.... Yeah. I still need help.
  9. I think it's more of answering the question without really answering the question. the ticket tells me to submit a bug form because CS can't help. The bug report says they wont give me a response because it's a bug report, not CS, and if i need help beyond the report I should contact CS. So basically I get two copy paste responses and neither addresses the issue or if the issue will be resolved, they just tell me to ask the other parent. >.<
  10. My response from CS basically said "Yeah this is a bug and needs to be corrected in a future patch, Customer support can't help you. Send in a bug report." Which means I'm probably out of luck for getting my 60 token back.
  11. I think the requirement should be lowered from 20 to 10, but I don't think it should be removed entirely. 20 seems a little excessive when it's quite possible someone ungeared will have to play 14+ matches to get a companion, but at the same time it is an optional companion. From my understanding, the pvp requirement is also bypassed by the class which the companion is actually tied to, so it's not like you'd be missing out on a companion your character would care about/have history with.
  12. I just picked up a few new guild members that are now no longer there.
  13. Yeah, at least it wasn't *too* far back though
  14. I may be wrong here, but I think this is the first time the server itself went down. That said, it is not the first time some people have disconnected from it in the past few days due to unknown reasons.
  15. Only if you log in to find all your belongings replaced with tauntaun droppings and a note mocking your mother.
  16. Well I suppose this is one way to be forced into studying for a midterm Best of luck with hamster CPR!
  17. Why not a credit refund for the cost of leveling the skill + x number of credits for each recipe learned from reverse engineering that you are going to lose depending on the rarity? Or a flat sum of credits per character? I don't really understand why people should receive cartel coins as compensation for a credit based skill.
  18. Just a heads up, the links in this post are referral links, not cantina codes. Referral codes have a /r/ in them instead of a /ce/. Always look for the /ce/ when clicking cantina codes to avoid accidentally clicking a referral code you do not want to click! Have a great day Dang. you beat me to it
  19. I have to say I've found this PvP community to be good in comparison to most. The only times I've had issues is when I want to play my merc, or when I'm not as well geared as some other players. Even then, someone else in the match usually tells the grumpy player to take a hike. What class and role are you trying to play? If you're struggling with the class have you tried looking up a guide for that class to make sure you understand your rotation or ability prioritization? Where are you in fights? And what level are you trying to enter? Generally if you try and enter in the bottom levels of a bracket you're not going to be able to compete with the higher level players, even with bolster, due to the difference in gear and unlocked abilities.
  20. If anyone is interested and can't get a hold of An'jelis or Myndera, you can now also PM Nanetta for an invite or more information. Have a great Sunday!
  21. Both sides are pretty busy, people tend to have alts on both factions.
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