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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The fairness in Preferred Status, or lack thereof.


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If $15/mo constitutes a major life choice, you might have bigger problems to sort out than whether Preferred status is fair or isn't.


I'd personally suggest ditching MMOs and spending that time making serious strides towards improving the financial situation, if the cost of subscribing is something you have to even begin worrying about.

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A low sub count doesnt have to be a problem either , aslong as money is spent on the cartel market . Quite frankly they seem to be going for a less regular subscriber mass anyway , now with the focus on story and no new content to speak of.


Do you mean that new story that can only be seen if you're a sub?


Notice that unlike the last two expansions, this one isn't for sale, it is sub only. Do you honestly think that was an oversight?


From what I see on the GTN, hypercrates aren't selling like they used to, probably what prompted the changes to the CM in 4.0, to try and get the sales of CC back up. But the reality is, you only need so many outfits, so many mounts, so many decos, so many weapons, so many pets, before you have plenty.


At some point they overdid it and offered so many of those, that lots of people have more than they can really use.


So if the CM sales are dropping, then they need to get the sub numbers up. Making KotFE sub only is their attempt to do that.

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This entire topic, is pointless: Outside of expansion stuff their is Nothing you can't do but subbing once gets you the expansion.

Limits you get as Non sub

Credit Cap - 350K [Could be higher but *shrugs*

Limited Warzones, ops ..So on [Can buy passes to use]

Can't use certain gear [ Can buy an upgrade, to negate]


Don't forget additionally, once you have subbed once every 90days you get 1 week free sub by using any referral link at which point everything in your escrow becomes usable.


Could the system be improved yeah easilly, Create a rank system for extra PS goodies. Since you can't sub for some time, do your dailies. Earn Credits [Go to escrow] Then use the 90 day referral to spend it.. Or just save till you

sub again.

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If $15/mo constitutes a major life choice, you might have bigger problems to sort out than whether Preferred status is fair or isn't.


I'd personally suggest ditching MMOs and spending that time making serious strides towards improving the financial situation, if the cost of subscribing is something you have to even begin worrying about.




That is really it... if the cost of this game is expensive for you, then don't pay it and do something else. If you just don't see the value in paying for a sub, then don't, but don't complain about the limits either.

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the thing about prefered status is someone who spent 5 dollars on a pack once, and someone who routinly pays BW 100 bucks a month for CCs is treated the same.


A fair point , and not only that but the f2p/prefered system have not really been touched since its launch. I would much rather have players stick around in SWTOR , for the community , guilds etc than them ditching the game because the f2p/prefered systen is so hillariously punishing . For crying out loud they still have payment for medical droids ... its almost like paying a few euros for a ammo clip in a FPS.


Iam just gonna leave this one here:

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Do you mean that new story that can only be seen if you're a sub?


Notice that unlike the last two expansions, this one isn't for sale, it is sub only. Do you honestly think that was an oversight?


From what I see on the GTN, hypercrates aren't selling like they used to, probably what prompted the changes to the CM in 4.0, to try and get the sales of CC back up. But the reality is, you only need so many outfits, so many mounts, so many decos, so many weapons, so many pets, before you have plenty.


At some point they overdid it and offered so many of those, that lots of people have more than they can really use.


So if the CM sales are dropping, then they need to get the sub numbers up. Making KotFE sub only is their attempt to do that.


Of course it was not an oversight , they are going for that whole telltale episodic system , and that is fine . But I think Bioware is overestimating peoples willingness to buy a subscription each month just for an hour of content. A more reasonable theory is that people will wait 3-4 months and then catch up on the story.


The whole point I was trying to make earlier was that i wish they could rework their current horrible prefered player system so that people will still stick with the game , even if they dont subscribe , because right now the incentive to subscribe is lower than ever.

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Of course it was not an oversight , they are going for that whole telltale episodic system , and that is fine . But I think Bioware is overestimating peoples willingness to buy a subscription each month just for an hour of content. A more reasonable theory is that people will wait 3-4 months and then catch up on the story.


The whole point I was trying to make earlier was that i wish they could rework their current horrible prefered player system so that people will still stick with the game , even if they dont subscribe , because right now the incentive to subscribe is lower than ever.


In your opinion. Mine is quite different as I've played as a f2p/pref and have no plans to ever do it again.

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Of course it was not an oversight , they are going for that whole telltale episodic system , and that is fine . But I think Bioware is overestimating peoples willingness to buy a subscription each month just for an hour of content. A more reasonable theory is that people will wait 3-4 months and then catch up on the story.


The whole point I was trying to make earlier was that i wish they could rework their current horrible prefered player system so that people will still stick with the game , even if they dont subscribe , because right now the incentive to subscribe is lower than ever.


I understood your point... I simply disagree with the premise... If I could "stick with the game" without having to subscribe, I would...


As it stands, I'm likely to let my sub lapse here soon, maybe take 6 months off from the game, let the story and other content refresh, so I can come back next summer and find the game anew.


Would I keep playing part time if I could without a sub and without all the limits? Sure. But I also then wouldn't resub either. The game as it stands, to me personally, isn't worth playing without a sub, I find the limits way too annoying, which is the whole point.


Which is why I personally take the approach that F2P is just the best, longest, most amazing trial ever. If you like the game, sub, if not, go play something else.

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In your opinion. Mine is quite different as I've played as a f2p/pref and have no plans to ever do it again.


Of course its just my opinion , who else could I really speak for ? And as you say , playing as f2p/pref put you of from wanting to play the game as a non sub. You chose to subscribe , others will choose leave . I support a system that incentivizes subscribing instead of punishing not subscribing , a subtle difference I feel is very important.

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Of course its just my opinion , who else could I really speak for ? And as you say , playing as f2p/pref put you of from wanting to play the game as a non sub. You chose to subscribe , others will choose leave . I support a system that incentivizes subscribing instead of punishing not subscribing , a subtle difference I feel is very important.


Let me get this straight...you aren't paying for something and feel punished for not paying for it? You believe, somehow, that you deserve something for nothing?


F2P isn't a play-style. It is nothing more than an attempt by a game company to get people to pay. If they give you access to too much without requiring payment, then you have no incentive to ever pay again. If you aren't paying for a product, if the company isn't earning income, then it fails.


You aren't being punished, you are being given exactly what you pay for. This is a business product and if you want the full product you have to pay for it.

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I feel like you haven't read the post.


He did read actually. I think your issue is you are looking simply at preferred vs f2p. You also have to look at Subscription. The entire point of the current system is to incentivize either subscription or pay $$$ on the Cartel market to get around the limits. The more you give to preferred not only do you make it better than f2p you also make it less attractive to subscribe. Tbh with the minimal cost to be preferred it seems appropriate.


In essence BW wants to say "for a minimal one time fee you can be preferred BUT its still a lot better to be a regular subscriber."


BTW game companies do NOT want people to play for free...just so you know. The whole point is so you can either test drive and subscribe if you really like it or get hooked on one of their other revenue streams, like the Cartel market. If someone says "I don't want to pay anything ever period end of story..." Or "I want a lot for almost nothing..." And in either case that player leaves, the game company does not care because players are essentially only as important as the money they pay.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Well another thing to consider, Preferred players are also contributing financially to this game via unlocks. You have to buy operation/war zone unlocks, guild bank unlocks, artifact authorization unlocks, section x unlocks, cargo bay unlocks, escrow unlocks and many more, from cm to make preferred status bearable.


These unlocks are marketed directly to F2P/Preferred who want to delve more into the game. Each operation/war zone pass is like 2$. I personally have over 50 operation unlocks. 100$ worth of revenue alone to Bioware. Even if I didn't buy it directly from CM but GTN, either way it's being purchased from CM solely because f2p/preferred create the demand for it.


I Sub whenever there's new content I like otherwise I stay as preferred. Even though I'm not directly giving bioware money during the months I'm preferred I'm still generating them revenue by being a player who uses unlocks from the CM.



In some respect raising the credit cap for F2P might even earn Bioware more money. For example I'd happily pay 500k credits for an operation unlock. However my credit cap forces me only to purchase them for under 350k. Thus often players don't feel the need to buy operation unlocks on the CM for the sole purpose of reselling them on the GTN. Real Money to In Game Currency is likely not enough for them. But a bigger credit incentive would make people purchase these unlocks to resell them on GTN. The more purchases on the CM whoever buys it the more money Bioware gets.

Edited by shyninja
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Of course its just my opinion , who else could I really speak for ? And as you say , playing as f2p/pref put you of from wanting to play the game as a non sub. You chose to subscribe , others will choose leave . I support a system that incentivizes subscribing instead of punishing not subscribing , a subtle difference I feel is very important.


What would you consider to be incentive to subscribe?

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Well another thing to consider Preferred players are also contributing financially to this game via unlocks. You have to buy operation/war zone unlocks, guild bank unlocks, artifact authorization unlocks, section x unlocks, cargo bay unlocks, escrow unlocks and many more, from cm to make preferred status bearable.


I'm not at all convinced that stuff sells in any real volume. Of course I have no way of knowing, they have never said what sells or how much, and personal experience is not data.


Also keep in mind that many people may sub for a bit, build up the free CC, then buy those unlocks to use themselves, or sell on the GTN. Bioware didn't really get extra for them, since those CC were free.


I Sub whenever there's new content I like otherwise I stay as preferred. Even though I'm not directly giving bioware money during the months I'm preferred I'm still generating them revenue by being a player who uses unlocks from the CM.


Depends on the source of those items. Frankly, I don't think you're supporting the game nearly as much as you think you are. Yes, there is technically a way to play the game as preferred, but at some point you're just being cheap about it.


If you like the game, sub, if not, go play something else. Seriously.

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I'm going to sound like a dick saying this... But if you can't pay 15$ a month to play a game then you probably have other priorities in life that you first need to focus on.


No, you're just telling the truth... a whole lot of people are just cheap, they could afford it, but choose not to.


If they are poor, then they either shouldn't complain or should go work on making more money. At the end of the day, it is a bunch of sad whining.

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Short answer - it's not fair, and is a bit draconian to the point of turning away players deciding on subbing.


If not for my nostalgia for swg I would have never come back after seeing how even a measly 100 credit reward was held back behind a paywall.

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Short answer - it's not fair, and is a bit draconian to the point of turning away players deciding on subbing.


If not for my nostalgia for swg I would have never come back after seeing how even a measly 100 credit reward was held back behind a paywall.


You say turn away from subbing, I say turn towards subbing...


F2P can play the whole 1-50 game, all 8 class stories, for free. There is nothing there that requires a sub, nothing, zero, ziltch.


That is WAY MORE than enough time to decide you like the game. If you like the game, pay for it. If you don't want to pay for it, then stop ************.

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Short answer - it's not fair


This deserves a special quote...


"it's not fair"... Lord, you're complaining about A GAME THAT YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR NOT GIVING YOU EVERYTHING FOR FREE?


What the heck is wrong with you all?


Sigh. It is really sad that so many people feel entitled to crap for nothing. Our society is doomed if we can't change that.

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Preferred Status feels like one big hit in the stomach. The distinction between PS and F2P is almost non-existant, and I don't think this is remotely fair. After having spent quite the money by subscribing to the game, one would expect less restrictions when downgraded than we currently get, but instead we become leveled almost on par with free-to-play; and though you may argue the usual same (BW's only source of income are subs, so why would others get any benefits whatsoever), I fail to see how being treated with such disdain will get people to subscribe again.


My subscription is nearly ending and due to personal reasons I won't be able to re-subscribe for a while. The quasi-insulting way of treating costumers who have spent actual and relevant quantities of money on a similar fashion to those who did not contribute a dime makes me sad to say the least.


Being capped at 350K is unreasonable: only 150K credits more than F2P? Some of the unlocks may come with the friends bundle, but that's not nearly as sufficient, especially considering how lesser they are. This is meant generically, I'm sure at least a few agree with me and can point out specific things that could be changed.


I don't mean all this in a leeching and give me stuff-for-free kind of way, rather someone who believes things could be tweaked so as to give costumers a better and more fair experience. I know this is controversial - you may disagree, and share your opinion all right, but please don't attack me. :)


Yours kindly.


What is with the entitled f2p and preferred players thinking they deserve more than their not paying for? I mean seriously, most if not all the best content (not including expansions) is available for free. FREE. What makes you think you deserve more? Your not paying anymore. Your not the player they want to cater to.


Im so sorry you cant pay anymore for personal problems, that sucks. But its your problem, not biowares. At least bioware lets you continue to play their game for free with restrictions. Thats a lot more than others, be thankful for that.

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SWTOR has THE worst f2p model i have seen since f2p games became a thing. Pretty much every other f2p MMO out there gives you all the content for free and they are still running great for years.


The biggest turn off with swtor's model is the credit limit and the artifact lock. Get rid of those and put more cosmetic items on the CM.

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Preferred Status feels like one big hit in the stomach. The distinction between PS and F2P is almost non-existant, and I don't think this is remotely fair. After having spent quite the money by subscribing to the game, one would expect less restrictions when downgraded than we currently get, but instead we become leveled almost on par with free-to-play; and though you may argue the usual same (BW's only source of income are subs, so why would others get any benefits whatsoever), I fail to see how being treated with such disdain will get people to subscribe again.


My subscription is nearly ending and due to personal reasons I won't be able to re-subscribe for a while. (Emphasis mine) The quasi-insulting way of treating costumers who have spent actual and relevant quantities of money on a similar fashion to those who did not contribute a dime makes me sad to say the least.


Being capped at 350K is unreasonable: only 150K credits more than F2P? Some of the unlocks may come with the friends bundle, but that's not nearly as sufficient, especially considering how lesser they are. This is meant generically, I'm sure at least a few agree with me and can point out specific things that could be changed.


I don't mean all this in a leeching and give me stuff-for-free kind of way, rather someone who believes things could be tweaked so as to give costumers a better and more fair experience. I know this is controversial - you may disagree, and share your opinion all right, but please don't attack me. :)


Yours kindly.


So you live indoors, have internet access, and electricity, but you can't find $20 a month? I can see letting a sub drop if you're not going to play because real life is going to be crazy-busy. It happens. But you don't see the reasons why letting a sub drop (paying for a product) would then lead to not having access to everything the game has to offer?

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The thing is Bioware wasn't able to sustain itself on a Subscription only model. It wasn't making them enough money. By turning F2P/Preferred they doubled their Revenue stream. By alienating the F2P/Preferred players and making them leave they'll lose money. It's a careful balance of not pissing off either player base and trying to get even more people to play. I feel the biggest revenue for them isn't from Subscription but from the CM. Expand the player base and make buying from the CM even more attractive is likely the model Bioware is trying to go for right now. Edited by shyninja
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As someone who is a preferred player months at a time, I have to say the preferred f2p system is actually pretty fair. While the game is best played as a sub, it really isn't that bad when you don't sub. I have everything unlocked, and when I want to run ops, I use a pass. When I want to buy something that costs 1 million credits, I use a 600k escrow unlock with a 50k escrow unlock. The answer to most f2p/preferred players problems is learning to make credits. Once you have credits, you can do and buy whatever you want or need. Yes you will have spending limits on credits, but you have no limits when it comes to earning credits.


Get lucky in an ops run and win that crafting mat or deco that sells for millions on the gtn. You might even be able to trade it for unlocks to bypass using escrows. Join a guild, friendly guildies will often help you convert that crafting mat or deco into an unlock you need off the cartel or gtn.


The no cooldown quick travel, fleet pass, and priority transport was a great change they recently made for all players. It was great that this applied to f2p players as well. Xp and leveling is no longer an issue for f2p. Bioware finally realized that by letting f2p get to 50 sooner, they will need to sub to unlock 51+ content or be stuck at 50 forever.


The best thing about f2p/preferred is never falling for pricing scams on the gtn because of the credit cap. You can never accidentally buy a crafting mat for millions.

Edited by Machinder
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As someone who is a preferred player months at a time, I have to say the preferred f2p system is actually pretty fair. While the game is best played as a sub, it really isn't that bad when you don't sub. I have everything unlocked, and when I want to run ops, I use a pass. When I want to buy something that costs 1 million credits, I use a 600k escrow unlock with a 50k escrow unlock. The answer to most f2p/preferred players problems is learning to make credits. Once you have credits, you can do and buy whatever you want or need. Yes you will have spending limits on credits, but you have no limits when it comes to earning credits.



I agree the current system is quite fair. I bought every unlock possible from credits made in the game. I buy operation unlocks and escrow unlocks on a regular basis. Doing this has made preferred status bearable. Although I feel like they should increase the requirement for being preferred to being a past subscriber to get that status.


I actually wonder how much total Cartel Coins it is for purchasing all the unlocks.

Edited by shyninja
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