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Why hasn't bioware responded to my email from Oct. 26?


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Before October 26th Bioware responded to my emails with a prewritten response that had nothing to do with my issue 4 consecutive times. Those took one to two days for them to respond to. I kept asking them to provide service instead of sending me worthless responses each time. The last email I sent them was on October 26th. They still haven't responded. To me it feels like they are ignoring it because they don't won't to deal with. I don't know if they are actually going to respond to it or not, but at the same time I don't want to send another email yet because I don't want to make duplicate emails for them to go through if they are actually going to respond to my first one. I understand there has been a lot going on with update 4.0. but that is no excuse for bad customer service. This game has been around for almost 4 years now. As a result, they should have better ways for dealing with issues like this. They should have developed more efficient ways to deal with a big influx of tickets.


Is anyone else experiencing this at the moment?

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Because you and thousands of other people have their issues queued. The launch of an expansion - especially a buggy one - really clogs up the internet tubes for customer support. They aren't staffed to handle loads like this year round.
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What do you mean "e-mail"?


If you mean a ticket, you can duplicate them, because you can close them any time you like. If you mean an actual e-mail, I don't know what to tell you. Support by e-mail is extremely slow for any company.

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Considering you are not telling us what's your problem, not sure how we can really help you.


If the people you sent your "email" to can't help you, sending more "emails" won't make them be able to help you.

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A lot of us are experiencing slow response times. If its an important issue I would call them via phone.


calling them through phone will not help because they don't deal with in game issues. They only deal with account issues such as cartel coins and subscription. They don't deal with problems you experienced in the game. The staff through phone isn't trained to deal with in game issues. Its not something they can assist with.

Edited by watermelonfan
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What do you mean "e-mail"?


If you mean a ticket, you can duplicate them, because you can close them any time you like. If you mean an actual e-mail, I don't know what to tell you. Support by e-mail is extremely slow for any company.


By email I mean I contacted customer service through email instead of by in game tickets. It gives the same results. It takes them the same amount of time to respond to players emails as it does to respond to in game tickets.

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What is the actual bug?


It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.

Edited by watermelonfan
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It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.


OMG thanks for this, I can't stop laughing after reading your "issue". You have made my day better and for I want to thank you again.

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It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.

It wasn't unethical. It is a bummer for you, sure. But... come on man. The game changed. Adapt. Move on. Etc.

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For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.


No, not really. All those item vendors are driven by databases, and a change in the database could cause an unintentional issue where the vendor no longer sees the item to offer it, even if it wasn't explicitly removed from the game.


They already told you its a bug and you need to wait for a bugfix. Even if it wasn't they aren't going to give you something because you feel entitled to it.


Your ticket has been answered already, but, like in your other thread about crafting issues, you just can't seem to let it go and accept reality, so now they are ignoring you so they can help people with actual issues they can fix.

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That's because I turned off his send privileges from email. He thinks he has emailed you though. So it's all good.


Pls revert staff member forum privileges back to more than 1 post per month, and unban them from the PVP page. Tks.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.


I think we found the problem.....^


aren't you the same one that complained (for days) about them removing your augments that you swore should have stayed in the game because they had the same name as before, even though had different stats and were given to another craft?


I think you really need to reconsider what you think is "unethical" and what entitlements are. Because you are definitely in that latter category of feeling you deserve something for nothing or everything.

Edited by DOHboy
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It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.


Felt bad for you right up until you explained that the bug was not a bug at all. Instead your mad they removed an item from the game without telling you. Well with your self entitled attitude i see no reason for bioware to not grant it to you now. :rolleyes:


Accept it or dont. Adapt or leave. All choices to you. But in the end your probably not going to get that print.

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I want to know how them removing an item from the game that isn't something you have to pay real money for is unethical?


Unethical: lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct.


Lets be clear about something. BW OWNS everything in this game EVERYTHING and they can do as the please with it, if they choose to remove an item they can, if they want to change an item they can, and if they want to add an item they can that is their right as the IP owner.

Edited by Anaesha
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The emailman dropped it, that's why you haven't had a response. You'll have to send a new email.


The digital dog scared the emailman. He was afraid of getting bitten and contracting a Prince Yububa of Nigeria virus and having his account stolen. That's why he didn't deliver the email.

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