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decreases critical damage from 30% to 10%?


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Please leave and don't post again. Between the gibberish nonsense and the blue font I don't know what's worse


What is worse is your inability to comprehend where lightning fits in the dps ranking. If you want you precious spec to be OP, is alright with me, but don't pretened you want balance...

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What is worse is your inability to comprehend where lightning fits in the dps ranking. If you want you precious spec to be OP, is alright with me, but don't pretened you want balance...


Just go away you are missing the whole point on this thread.

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What is worse is your inability to comprehend where lightning fits in the dps ranking. If you want you precious spec to be OP, is alright with me, but don't pretened you want balance...


Can you be a bit more specific on what you mean OP? Cause at the moment we can accept that telekinetics might be parsing where a burst spec should be parsing but the problem lies that it is hardly considered a burst spec anymore. Add also that balance as a sustained spec is parsing on the boarders of 3rd and 4th quartile, far behind even from other burst specs. Taking this two things into consideration, when every other class has a high parsing spec sages/sorcs have none which basically means that at the moment they are one of the lowest parsing classes in the game.


Here are the average dps over all specs and in parenthesis how they rank individually. Sages/sorcs are competing with guards/jugs and sounds/ops as the most undesired dpsers at the moment.


gunslinger/sniper 6251.3 (1, 7*, 9)

shadow/assassin 6210.0 (3*, 11)

vanguard/powertech 6192.5 (4*, 12)

commando/mercenary 6183.5 (5, 8*)

sentinel/marauder 6175.3 (2, 6*, 18)

sage/sorcerer 6059.0 (13, 15*)

scoundrel/operative 6058.0 (10, 16*)

guardian/juggernaut 5990.0 (14, 17*)


EDIT: * marked the considered burst specs of each.

Edited by MusicRider
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What is worse is your inability to comprehend where lightning fits in the dps ranking. If you want you precious spec to be OP, is alright with me, but don't pretened you want balance...


You do know we have operation leaderboards as well right? Go look for a Lightning sorcerers on those. I wager you'll only see some in Cartel Warlords and Dread Guards, where most of the damage is fluff and meaningless.

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gunslinger/sniper 6251.3 (1, 7*, 9)

shadow/assassin 6210.0 (3*, 11)

vanguard/powertech 6192.5 (4*, 12)

commando/mercenary 6183.5 (5, 8*)

sentinel/marauder 6175.3 (2, 6*, 18)

sage/sorcerer 6059.0 (13, 15*)

scoundrel/operative 6058.0 (10, 16*)

guardian/juggernaut 5990.0 (14, 17*)


EDIT: * marked the considered burst specs of each.


Where did u get those numbers?

For instance, sniper, over all 3 specs parses average ~7450 on 500k, and ~7100 on 1,5m

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Can you be a bit more specific on what you mean OP? Cause at the moment we can accept that telekinetics might be parsing where a burst spec should be parsing but the problem lies that it is hardly considered a burst spec anymore. Add also that balance as a sustained spec is parsing on the boarders of 3rd and 4th quartile, far behind even from other burst specs. Taking this two things into consideration, when every other class has a high parsing spec sages/sorcs have none which basically means that at the moment they are one of the lowest parsing classes in the game.


Well I've seen people compare it to Engi and AP, pointing at them for what they have. If they want Lightning to be that good then that's OP.

And Lightning is pretty bursty. Except that it doesn't achieve that with flashy high crits, but with alacrity and double procs and consistancy. Sure Energy Burst, Ambush and Heatseeker (among others) crit insanely high, but they have longer cooldown and they only autocrit once a minute (or twice in the case of Ambush). Ironically TB does more dps than either of those abilities.

Imo the only fix sorc needs is bumping Recklessness to 100% and fixing it's supercrit mechanic (that should solve lightning burst), and a resource/dps fix for Madness. Lightning doesn't underperform, other specs overperform. Madness does need buffs though, it sucks.

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Where did u get those numbers?

For instance, sniper, over all 3 specs parses average ~7450 on 500k, and ~7100 on 1,5m


Used these numbers (see dps ranking) from this post.


EDIT: Should have used 224 gear rankings. :( might redo them.

EDIT: 224 calcuations, i think the individual spec rankings are still the same


gunslinger/sniper 6741.6

shadow/assassin 6697.5

vanguard/powertech 6683.0

commando/mercenary 6673.5

sentinel/marauder 6656.0

scoundrel/operative 6530.0

sage/sorcerer 6528.5

guardian/juggernaut 6456.5

Edited by MusicRider
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Well I've seen people compare it to Engi and AP, pointing at them for what they have. If they want Lightning to be that good then that's OP.

And Lightning is pretty bursty. Except that it doesn't achieve that with flashy high crits, but with alacrity and double procs and consistancy. Sure Energy Burst, Ambush and Heatseeker (among others) crit insanely high, but they have longer cooldown and they only autocrit once a minute (or twice in the case of Ambush). Ironically TB does more dps than either of those abilities.

Imo the only fix sorc needs is bumping Recklessness to 100% and fixing it's supercrit mechanic (that should solve lightning burst), and a resource/dps fix for Madness. Lightning doesn't underperform, other specs overperform. Madness does need buffs though, it sucks.


What you say that ling burst comes from a serious of attacks rather than packing it into one is true, and that was the case in pre-4, and could never be changed due to having an autocrit. However, with the new crit rates the difference gap between an auto-crit and an rng crit has closed quite a bit in terms of frequency. Final parsing dps of one ability compared to the other is not a measure of burst, for this you would need to take into account over a short duration rather than the complete 7min parse.


Also, the forementioned abilities are not the only ones falling under burst damage in the current meta, for example mandos CR, HiB and BS are all pretty "bursty". Whether these burst specs are overperfoming or not is a topic of another discussion, but for sure in the current meta ling is lacking burst even in a series of attacks. Currently, TB does about the same damage as CL and LF (excluding double procs) at about 10k in pvp, which is about the same damage as a crit snipe (been hit by 10k snipes multiple times), which is pretty much insane if you think about it.


Indeed for sure fixing the TB supercrit is needed. Possibly tweaking reverbating for the the rest except TB and have to think about 100% reck as on first impression I think it will make ling burst too much :) as there is the possibility 15-20k + double procs in 3 back to back attacks ;). Madness you said it yourself, needs some careful in pve that won't break it for pvp, i.e. IMO it cannot come in dot improvements.

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What is worse is your inability to comprehend where lightning fits in the dps ranking. If you want you precious spec to be OP, is alright with me, but don't pretened you want balance...


No one said that. Learn to read if your going to spout garbage and be condescending of the bat. No one is asking for OP mode. A slight buff to surge is what we need along with a slight buff to lightening bolt and double procs.


My view is this: on 1.5mil dummy

Lightening,MM and Arsenal should be about 6750 DPS

AP, Rage, Fury, Engi 6800

Carnage, Concealment, Deception 6850

IO, Virulence, Pyro 6950

Lethality, Vengeance, Hatred Anni 7050


The difference is enough to make Meele and Ranged Burst equal on fights and Sustained greater than burst but equal each other

Edited by FerkWork
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i personally think that if the devs returned our forked darkness and forked lightning passives as well as gave out LB damage back to us we'd be ok, IMO thats what handicapped us the most, not just vetoing our OP force storm. Al things considered having our surge bonus back a 30 might have us over perform a bit, but fix the passives and maybe ive us a 5-10% boost max n surge and we'd be ok
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I feel like ever since the marauder/sentinel incident, the devs don't really give a damn about the class forum. Or don't take it really serious.



I doubt we will ever get fixed until the point were they bring a big focus on reworked endgame PvE.

Just hoping that they hold to what they said. Focus on story first for th mass players, and work on the endgame after thats done.

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