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decreases critical damage from 30% to 10%?


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3454 views on this thread and no dev response I think its time to hit the phones.


Do not think you're entitled to a dev response just because of some post on the forums. Lightning in terms of the dps pecking order is doing perfectly fine. Madness could be buffed a bit. However thinking that because some nerf is pointed out on the forums demands a dev response is absolute lunacy.

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SWTOR 3.0 Lightning Sorcerer:

Reverberating Force (level 52) – Increases critical damage dealt by Chain Lightning, Lightning Flash, Crushing Darkness and Thundering Blast by 30%


SWTOR 4.0 Lightning Sorcerer:

Reverberating Force (level 52) – Increases critical damage dealt by Chain Lightning, Lightning Flash, Crushing Darkness and Thundering Blast by 10%


Sry, i can not understand it. The Sniper has still 30% at Engineer and Marksmanship, the Powertech Advanced Prototype has still 30%, the Mercenary Arsenal has still 30%!


that's stupid because u forget that lightning was nerf to 25 percent. now u want another nerf for this class? damn

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Do not think you're entitled to a dev response just because of some post on the forums. Lightning in terms of the dps pecking order is doing perfectly fine. Madness could be buffed a bit. However thinking that because some nerf is pointed out on the forums demands a dev response is absolute lunacy.


AP PT strikes back. You should go back to parsely so you don't hurt your fancy e-peen here.

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You should learn to read (and comprehend). :rolleyes:


my bad I read the thread title and quoted this for some reason. and when I read that patch I could of sworn it said 25 percent. at least they haven't touched madness. I had to switch to madness after the lightning nerf.

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Do not think you're entitled to a dev response just because of some post on the forums. Lightning in terms of the dps pecking order is doing perfectly fine. Madness could be buffed a bit. However thinking that because some nerf is pointed out on the forums demands a dev response is absolute lunacy.


I agree with you on the first sentence. Rest is total crap.


There is room for improvement to lightning, and fixing TB is probably the easiest way to giving back bot tha bit of dps and burst the spec is missing. And recklessness fix would also help with the 6 pc bonus, as currently 3rd charge on it is wasted on a minor ability. TB crit boost, LF, CL would make sense however.

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Some people are really delusional here. You demand a dev response, because you lost 20% surge?


The Merc/Mando class as a whole has beed utter crap in PvP since 1.2, yet I can count on one hand how many dev response they got.


Oh wait, actually I can't, because 0 is unquantifiable.


They not gona give you your surge back just for the sake of it. Newsflash: A range burst spec with killer AoE is suppose to parse low.


The only legit complaint is the lack of supercrit on Recklessness.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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Some people are really delusional here. You demand a dev response, because you lost 20% surge?


The Merc/Mando class as a whole has beed utter crap in PvP since 1.2, yet I can count on one hand how many dev response they got.


Oh wait, actually I can't, because 0 is unquantifiable.


They not gona give you your surge back just for the sake of it. Newsflash: A range burst spec with killer AoE is suppose to parse low.


The only legit complaint is the lack of supercrit on Recklessness.


A ranged burst spec should have burst. The AoE capabilities should have no relevance in parses. Engineering has "killer AoE" and i don't see it parsing low. Also, what the hell do mercs in pvp have to do with anything? Got any actual contribution to make or did you pop in just for the sake of trolling?

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Some people are really delusional here. You demand a dev response, because you lost 20% surge?


The Merc/Mando class as a whole has beed utter crap in PvP since 1.2, yet I can count on one hand how many dev response they got.


Oh wait, actually I can't, because 0 is unquantifiable.


They not gona give you your surge back just for the sake of it. Newsflash: A range burst spec with killer AoE is suppose to parse low.


The only legit complaint is the lack of supercrit on Recklessness.


>Ranged Burst Parse low

>What is MM


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If you want to be OP, not balanced just say so and I won't bother :/


Or maybe all burst specs (Meele and ranged) should be on the same end including MM, Arsenal, Carnage, AP(lawlz) to name a few. The fact that MM does more dmg than Virulence is what makes your statement hilarious and quite absurd.

Also, Who is this I, I play many classes but I don't believe I personally and am a Lightening farting Sorc in RL. But thanks for telling me what I want when really some dank memes would be nice.


But I see jumping to conclusions is to ingrained with you. Also, please follow your advice in your sig. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Lightning Sorc is currently a burst spec that does, literally no burst, but a fix to this can be something a little different.


Has anyone else experienced the bug where Chain Lightning becomes instant cast (without the buff from TB)? It allows a burst rotation of AF > CL > TB > CL > LF, which with Recklessness, I found was the perfect amount of burst.


Maybe they should make this bug standard. =)

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U can stil clear everything with sorc atm. It's not like you'd need to get carried tho. Granted other classes will prolly leave u far behind in terms of dps but they simply overdpsing, not like u need them to do that in order to clear anything.

It's simply unfair and annoying how things look like now.


Can still clear ALMOST everything on a sorc, Getting into NIm this tier some fights which require high burst in a short amount of time (NIm Kephess, Brontes, etc) i hope you have a PT alt because of the show of a spec that used to be called lightning doesn't cut it IMO.

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They not gona give you your surge back just for the sake of it. Newsflash: A range burst spec with killer AoE is suppose to parse low.


Hvae you SEEEn 3.0 sorc? Or This current tiers ENG Sniper? A simple Trip to parsely invalidates your rebuttal

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Hvae you SEEEn 3.0 sorc? Or This current tiers ENG Sniper? A simple Trip to parsely invalidates your rebuttal


Reading comprehension?


They not gona give you your surge back just for the sake of it. Newsflash: A range burst spec with killer AoE is suppose to parse low.


And Engi is not even burst spec.

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Lightning Sorc is currently a burst spec that does, literally no burst, but a fix to this can be something a little different.


Has anyone else experienced the bug where Chain Lightning becomes instant cast (without the buff from TB)? It allows a burst rotation of AF > CL > TB > CL > LF, which with Recklessness, I found was the perfect amount of burst.


Maybe they should make this bug standard. =)


How to trigger that bug?

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