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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

what is the point of pvping?


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"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware ????????? really ***,if thats so you need to fire each and everyone of them,cause really,i think gamers have more clue about pvp info then anyone,or go ask blizzard i'm sure they will tell you how to create world pvp.
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its not fun and it needs to be re-worked if you want to have open world PVP there has to be rewards/along with penalties. you kill someone you are rewarded/you die you lose some money/faction or a title/gear something to give PVP an addrenaline rush.


And many games had no rewards to open world PvP, and survived.

Why do people need incentives to go out and fight against other players on a mass scale? It's fun and takes a lot of coordination to win [when you're outnumbered].

I don't need any motivation to do open world pvp, nor do I see a need for it. You want free stuff? Do warzones.

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I can think of 1 MMO that had amazing pvp and that was Everquest 2 back in KOS/EOF T7 era. That pvp was unmatched in every aspect of the game...just for the fact that you were actually awarded for your effort and open world pvp did exist. Now the game has a new team and the game is dead, same with SWG both games were amazing at 1 point. This game is already at the point where pvp is dead, and by dead I mean 1 section of 1 tiny planet dedicated for pvp...you guys that don't want rewards are the people that sit out on Ilum all day "trading" with each other (again I haven't logged in since pre-1.1 patch so excuse me if I'm behind) that is your reward and that's what you call fun then you must be lame irl..I want an adrenaline rush when I'm pvping like I used to get playing Everquest 2 because with titles on the line and my fame at stake that was something worth pvping for...keep asking me why do i want rewards for pvping...look at all the games that are dying if not dead already; IE Warhammer, Rift,Eq2... all because of flawed pvp systems and nothing to keep them entertaining...Same will happen with TOR I'm sure of it. Edited by ShinobiDemon
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I haven't tested open world pvp yet myself but if that's the case they really should work on more features for open world pvp.


Of course they need to be careful not to make killing random players there rewarding, since then you'd have massive exploits where entire guilds would kill each other constantly to get the best rewards asap.


But they could easily set up things like hourly battles there, where Republic fight Imperials over a given territory (and maybe even some territory where guilds vie for personal dominance over a territory), and taking part in those battles would award points, titles etc, and it would shape the world.


If it's just random pvp with no rewards and no meaning then it's a failure IMO.


There is no point, the moment you add something like WZs into a game it's basically signing a death warrant for world pvp. The only way to avoid it is to get rid of WZs or make them completely pointless.


Unfortunately modern MMO's are all about being super casual so world pvp is not likely to ever make a full return outside of a big pvp game like EVE or something.

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Fame comes from killing people

Fame comes from having good video editing software. Those who post exciting battles on YouTube will be more famous in the long run than those that rely on people in the game remembering them.

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I'm 42 on an RP-PVP server and I haven't seen this at all.


The lack of PVP rewards has meant that level 50s cannot be bothered to hunt down lowbies to gank.


Almost all World PVP that I have seen has been against similar level characters and usually it has been 1 on 1 (or 2 on 2 if you count companions). When I have run into level 50 enemy players (probably someone looking for datacrons), it has usually not led to a fight.


I am happy with this system as it allows for world PVP that is relatively fair and doesn't really interfere with questing (at worst, if you die you have to run back from the med centre).


i played wow on boulderfist there were 0 as in no reward for ganking(open world pvp lol) and it happned 24/7/365 and yea even on the day in a leap year.

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Agree. Although I don't necessarily need rewards to go looking for some world pvp, the thing is, without rewards, many people won't bother with getting a group together, hopping from planet to planet, and hunting down a decent fight. Why? PvP mini-games, aka warzones.


I'm sure the mindset is, "Why do all that extra work when I can just stand in fleet, queue up, and profit?" I really can't argue with that. So, there really should be some sort of motivation to get PvP'ers "out there" to get some real world PvP going.

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*shakes head*


EQ, and more recently WoW, have brainwashed so many of you into thinking you need a shiny piece of something to feel like you've been rewarded for your time and effort.


Back in the day (when us older MMO vets walked uphill, in the snow, and both ways) PvP was about the competitiveness and fun.


Yes, let me repeat that: We PvP'd for FUN


And it was great.


The thrill of the kill was all we needed.

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*shakes head*


EQ, and more recently WoW, have brainwashed so many of you into thinking you need a shiny piece of something to feel like you've been rewarded for your time and effort.


Back in the day (when us older MMO vets walked uphill, in the snow, and both ways) PvP was about the competitiveness and fun.


Yes, let me repeat that: We PvP'd for FUN


And it was great.


The thrill of the kill was all we needed.


Oh I hear ya, I PvP just for the fun of it myself. Rewards are just an extra bonus. But the thing is, if they offer rewards for warzones, which are easy to get into, and nothing for world PvP, which takes a little more work, the general PvP crowd won't bother. Successful world PvP relies on numbers.


That being said, I finally found some world PvP yesterday, and it only took thirty levels and four planets. Just cruising around in the republic questing area, looking for random people. We also had a good size group fighting back and forth between outposts in the dune sea. That was way more fun than any warzone mini-game =D

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