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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight. Edited by Darkscape
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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


Another thread to complain about something that a very small minority experience. I don't mind people expressing their point of view through the Prism in which they view things. As I said in other threads the constant creating of these threads is annoying. The people have spoken. The majority is fine with it. If you don't like it ..play a different game. Beating this dead horse to death.


On topic. The majority as reflected in the polls are fine with it. Now you can buy a level 60. It makes no sense for people who done the side quest a million times to make it even more grinds and longer then it needs to be. None at all. For the past three years people had the experience of useless companions. Now the formula has changed. What don't you understand about that. They are listening to feedback...good ones that wanted this change.

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Wut? Are you seriously trying to downplay some one when they want a challenge from a game they play? Also no, alot of people have complained about the lack of difficulty when it comes to this new expansion, stop trying to push it under the rug like it isn't an issue.
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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


Your comments are going to fall on deaf ears. Like Roger said, the people who play this game don't want/cannot handle any challenge. They want to play dress up and watch their Jedi in a cartoon movie.

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Wut? Are you seriously trying to downplay some one when they want a challenge from a game they play? Also no, alot of people have complained about the lack of difficulty when it comes to this new expansion, stop trying to push it under the rug like it isn't an issue.


Not downplaying. I'm asking them to post it in one of the billion already existing threads. I know you want them to create a thousand threads. Majority is fine with them. They tried the business model for three years and in that time they've gone under a million subs. People rapidly quit the game because it was so much of a grind. They weren't having fun. I think the people that might leave due to the casualness is a very small fraction to the people that will stay and other people will join because of the casualness. The casual is a successful business model. No amount of complaining from a tiny fraction of the user base will change. That's just my point of view.

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Let's try some thing a little more refreshing here. Gears of War will be the example, hopefully you have some experience with it. In the game's co-op mode, i can choose a higher tier of difficulty while you may have opted for easy mode. We both played the same game, on the same screen, at the same time, but had different interactions with it.


Of course, this wouldnt be as easy to achieve in an mmo, I'm not a game programmer so I wont try to fake the funk. Entertain me though for a second, I'm on Dromuund Kaas at level 18 which is far above most mobs there save the world boss. Shouldn't there be a slider of how how many levels I want to be above the threshold for the planet? Max being easy mode, and at the threshold obviously being more difficult. Better yet... why didnt they give players the option to level sync or not to begin with? Now you're forcing an unwanted mechanic on a player, and not only that but one that could of being implemented in a better way.


More options is never a bad idea, especially with some thing that the entire player base is gonna wind up having mixed opinions on. If they had a difficulty slider of sorts or the option to use the mechanic to begin with or not, then you could address a wider variety of your customers with out alienating the minority.

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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


It's doubtful that you'll ever get an official rejection of your request.


The content difficulty isn't designed to challenge you. You have ops and warzones to challenge you. The content is designed to coddle undergeared newbie "instant 60's" with zero experience, and allow them to play through KOTFE without dying. That's what "difficulty" is based on.

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As much as I would love to see that happen, Bioware has only really ever done things to reduce the difficulty, so I don't think they're going to reverse that trend now.


And previous posters are right: the majority of players like no challenge. They don't want it to be possible for them to die, and they want C2-N2 or whoever to be able to beat the most powerful Sith Lords while they are in the bathroom.


That said, and as I've said, the current combat/difficulty situation isn't ideal for really anyone. There are essentially two camps: those who find combat to be tedious and boring which seems to be the majority, and those who like combat provided that it's actually gameplay (meaning it actually requires input from them to win.... ie challenge), which is the minority. Now this is a slight simplification, but from what I've seen (totally fallible), it's decently accurate.


So the current situation isn't ideal for either of these groups: obviously those who want a challenge are bored because it's not a challenge, and those who hate combat are bored because they are forced to be in combat.


So the solution, as always, lies with instituting player choice.. The combat should be somewhat challenging to provide entertainment for people who like combat, but there should be an option for people who don't want to participate in combat, a "no combat mode" where the mobs don't aggro or something.


In the perfect world, there'd be a full ability to customize difficulty (easy, medium, hard, etc.) so players who like combat but don't always want it to be challenging can get their way too, with xp, credits, loot, scaling with difficulty.


Anyway, none of that is going to happen, but it's nice to think about.

Edited by Swissbob
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How did you manage that?


People are reporting that their seven year old grandkids are going through that content by slapping one or two buttons.


I went through on a premade without any gear upgrades other than two or three crummy drops and played with my dog while doing it.


There are several de facto levels of difficulty now-- 'Not Even a Game', 'Very Easy', and 'Easy'.


If you set your companion to 'heal' it'll be like nobody is doing anything, you can quite literally sleep through a fight and your buddy will handle it. It is no longer a game, it is a light show with a bunch of meaningless numbers floating around that briefly bridges the gap between dialogue sequences.


If you set your companion to 'damage' you'll see your health bar crawl downward, simulating a game-playing experience, but it'll still be nearly impossible to die by accident.


If you dismiss your companion it finally becomes possible to die. Maybe his companion was out crafting or something and he hit an elite mob. I've found fighting elites without a companion can sometimes be fatal.


I guess I sort of appreciate what Bioware is doing. I'm going to blow through a good chunk of the content in a month and I doubt I'll have a reason to sub again. Saves me a few bucks in time for the holidays. I don't know how much sense the 'lets get this over with' philosophy of game design makes business-wise though.

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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


how about noo...Don't change anything comps are fine the difficulty is fine



please don't take the feedback of these people who seem to want to change the video games in general to suit their own play style .


You want more challenge don't use a companion and run around naked.



Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Another thread to complain about something that a very small minority experience. I don't mind people expressing their point of view through the Prism in which they view things. As I said in other threads the constant creating of these threads is annoying. The people have spoken. The majority is fine with it. If you don't like it ..play a different game. Beating this dead horse to death.


On topic. The majority as reflected in the polls are fine with it. Now you can buy a level 60. It makes no sense for people who done the side quest a million times to make it even more grinds and longer then it needs to be. None at all. For the past three years people had the experience of useless companions. Now the formula has changed. What don't you understand about that. They are listening to feedback...good ones that wanted this change.


This. This. And more this. ^


Enough new threads about it, we're trying to bury the dead horse here...but people keep digging it back up.

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I agree with OP. Way to easy.

I played the game at launch, made it to level 30, came back recently got the free level 60. On a class I knew nothing about and relatively no game experience at all, I mashed 1 attack button for 2 levels.

No challenge at all.

I did enjoy the space missions/quests (whatever they are) though.

Not mad, I have dropped far more than 15 bucks on games I played far less, but I canceled my sub.

Not asking anyone to change the game for me, those of you that enjoy it I am jealous of.

Edited by Valishar
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So the current situation isn't ideal for either of these groups: obviously those who want a challenge are bored because it's not a challenge, and those who hate combat are bored because they are forced to be in combat.



So how do you make a tab target combat system challenging? All you do is stand there and click icons 1-0 in row 1 and 2 of your quickbar. Making the game more difficult wont make it challenging, it will just increase the time you have to stand around and click icons 1-0 and that is not a challenge, that's boring grind.


If you want a challenging combat system then go play tera, i love that combat system, but sadly the endgame is even more boring than in swtor.

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I think by now the "horse" has moved on from being a horse and is now glue.


Humans by nature are selfish creatures that 9 times out of 10 only think about themselves hence why some people want something changed to suit them and their play style and don't give two ***** about how that change they want will affect everyone else.

Edited by Anaesha
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There are several de facto levels of difficulty now-- 'Not Even a Game', 'Very Easy', and 'Easy'.


If you set your companion to 'heal' it'll be like nobody is doing anything, you can quite literally sleep through a fight and your buddy will handle it. It is no longer a game, it is a light show with a bunch of meaningless numbers floating around that briefly bridges the gap between dialogue sequences.


If you set your companion to 'damage' you'll see your health bar crawl downward, simulating a game-playing experience, but it'll still be nearly impossible to die by accident.


If you dismiss your companion it finally becomes possible to die. Maybe his companion was out crafting or something and he hit an elite mob. I've found fighting elites without a companion can sometimes be fatal.


I guess I sort of appreciate what Bioware is doing. I'm going to blow through a good chunk of the content in a month and I doubt I'll have a reason to sub again. Saves me a few bucks in time for the holidays. I don't know how much sense the 'lets get this over with' philosophy of game design makes business-wise though.


Yeah, pretty much. I don't mind easy when we're talking basic leveling quests, but even by my liberal definition of easy, SWTOR has become an entirely new kind. And quite frankly, I find it boring. And this is from a guy that has never said: "Make it more challenging," in 16 years of leveling in MMOs.


But this? I've actually dabbled in Facebook games that were more difficult and less sleep inducing. It seems like their whole design direction now is to get you to the next 3 to 4 minute cut scene as quickly as possible. Well, that's terrific. But you know what? YouTube doesn't cost me $15/mo.

Edited by Jumajin
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This. This. And more this. ^


So you too think the ~30% (using the poll he sourced) should just pack up and leave, rather than posting to the forums in hope the devs give them the option to make them happy as well as the 2/3 majority.


Well, if nothing changes, you'll likely eventually get your wish.

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So you too think the ~30% (using the poll he sourced) should just pack up and leave, rather than posting to the forums in hope the devs give them the option to make them happy as well as the 2/3 majority.


Well, if nothing changes, you'll likely eventually get your wish.



Any poll run buy the community is fundamentally flawed. poll is not based on the entire population but rather very very very minuscule part of it that actually bother to come to the forums ... so that 30% you speak of is even more minuscule

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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They just need to go all the way with the changes they've been making and introduce difficulty sliders now. Leave behind all the WoW wanna-be stuff and admit this is just KOTOR 3 Online. RPG's always have difficulty sliders now and this game should too, for subscribers.


I even think subscribers should get an EXP slider. Why not? People pay 15 bucks a month, let them have as long or short a leveling process as they like. Let them have as easy or hard a game as they like.

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What I find funny and at the same time rather ironic is that when 4.0 came out people were complaining about lvl sync making them weak so they couldn't face roll over mobs anymore and now people are complaining that the game isn't challenging enough.
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Any poll run buy the community is fundamentally flawed. poll is not based on the entire population but rather very very very minuscule part of it that actually bother to come to the forums ... so that 30% you speak of is even more minuscule


Oh absolutely I agree with you. But he was working under the assumption that it was, so in my response I was too.


But also, it's a sample. All polls everywhere are samples (except some government censuses, perhaps), so just because something is a sample doesn't mean it's worthless. So, while the poll is definitely flawed and not to be taken as completely accurate, it does provide us with a snapshot of the community that we can take with a certain degree of accuracy.


I mean, sure the evidence isn't total and complete, but it's the best we have, so why not work with it a little? Just because a piece of evidence can be flawed doesn't mean it's worthless.

Edited by Swissbob
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