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Everything posted by Darkscape

  1. Thanks for the response. Yeah i prefer the gameplay of focus so was just wondering if it was underperforming compared to Vigilance. From the few warzones i did the survivability of the guardian has gone downhill from what i remember it.
  2. Hey all, Recently returned and am wondering what the community thinks as to what the better spec is for DPS between Vigilance or Focus for PvP. Thanks in advance
  3. So what would the required stats be for a tank like this. Endurance->Damage->Absorb? Would that make sense
  4. That makes a lot of sense. Reason i asked was that I just feel prior to 3.0 (recently came back) I had way better performance with worse specs. Thanks
  5. No, Quantity of the RAM I have has nothing to do with games, work stuff.
  6. Any tips for improving this, i am running with Core i7-4920, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, 32GB RAM and Samsung SSD. I have a hard time understanding that with the above specs this game runs so bad. Thanks
  7. Excellent post. Sub runs out in 2 days and I have been here since Beta on and off. If they think 10 minute story chapters every 2 months will keep people playing they are delusional. P.S I do wonder how much of the massive amounts of money spent on that CGI KOTFE would have yielded so many better results by adding more Raid/Flashpoint/PvP content. Terrible decisions.
  8. For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.
  9. Great thanks. The mods you post make it easier than figuring it out through Gear sets.
  10. True enough. Guardian/Juggernaut in DPS is more tank than Shadow/Sin in tank spec. Sad to see what happened to this specialization. I used play when the game launched and it was very viable. Do not think they will be fixing it since it has sucked for this long from what i have been reading on the forums. So do what I did and reroll a Guardian/Juggernaut.
  11. Hmm don't really know. But let me ask this. How should i be gearing? Is a mix of DPS/Tank with a Shield Generator a good idea? OR do i go full tank gear. This is primarily in solo queue.
  12. Why are they so weak compared to Knight/Warrior for example. I came back to the game about 2 months ago and the tank specialization feel very weak compared to other tanks. Is it me being gone for too long or does anyone else feel this way? Also the lack of defensive cooldowns compared to Knight/Warrior for is astounding.
  13. Ok sorry for the ignorance but i recently came back to the game. Where are the vendors for this armor on the republic side?
  14. http://tor-fashion.com/verpine-foestopper-bulwark-pummeler-mk-12-pub/ Thanks in advnace =)
  15. Thanks for the response. What does the server need Imp or Pubs?
  16. Hi All, Coming back to the game after 1 year and my old server seems empty. I am on POT5 and the PvP and wait times is terrible. Is Shadowlands decent on the PvP front seeing as its a PvE server? Thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks for the reply. But i havent seen the same Purple crystal anywhere like the old ones that were purchasable on that limited vendor. The new purple looks a bit different.
  18. So way back when the game launched i purchased one of those rare purple crystals from the limited vendor. It is bound to one of my characters and I am wondering if its possible to send to another character if i use it on legacy weapons? Or is this crystal stuck with my current character forever. Thanks
  19. Thanks everyone.. i should be good to go.
  20. Any ideas which way would be the most efficient to hit 55, would it be flashpoints? Thanks
  21. Coming back to the game. Is Serenity the most viable for PVP DPS? Also, how is Kinetic Combat these days for PVP? Thanks
  22. I guess I could always try out my Sentinel as well.
  23. Topic says it all. I am returning after a year or more and wondering if my favorite spec is still viable? Thanks
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