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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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That whole hypocritical attitude of his; he can't get over his Valkorian fanboi crush, doesn't care about the billions of dead people from our part of space but totally freaks out if we don't stop one puny reactor from going poof and killing a few thousand of his people..... yeah he's a prize moron that needs blaster to the face, repeatedly.


Don't forget, he was on the run because HE REFUSED AN ORDER. So apparently civilian lives are only important when he says they are.

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Being far from Koth's fan (in this very thread there are my posts about everything I find wrong with that guy) yet I discovered an interesting thing about him - his romance with the fem-trooper (fem-romances are usually very lacking in TOR) is one of the best and fluent in the game! For my taste, of course, but if you forget Vitiate part, it is finally a romance of two equals - to soldiers with the similar background (special ops), equally experienced, who understand each other without words (same profession), can understand and respect each others training and skills, both knows what betrayal is - and so on and so fort. Equals. Finally. Name one single pair in the game where our hero would not be much higher in ... well, everything compare to her (his too, actually) LI. And here was it!

Liked it a lot!


I admit I didn't play the male sides of these romances, but Knight/Kira and Consular/Nadia dont seem that unequal. Trooper and Jorgan only appear to have a rank difference, but other than that, no big difference between them, I would think the same of Trooper and Elara.


Smuggler and Risha/Corso combos seem the same. Agent the same with theirs. Warrior, Inquisitor and Hunter seem to be the ones with some power differences.

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I admit I didn't play the male sides of these romances, but Knight/Kira and Consular/Nadia dont seem that unequal. Trooper and Jorgan only appear to have a rank difference, but other than that, no big difference between them, I would think the same of Trooper and Elara.


Smuggler and Risha/Corso combos seem the same. Agent the same with theirs. Warrior, Inquisitor and Hunter seem to be the ones with some power differences.


Well lets see Knight is the master of Kira and I mean jedi master and the same with consular is like a teacher getting on with a student and its not like it did not happen but its immoral and illegal.

Also in the army is illegal to date your subordinate and you could be court martial exactly because of the power difference.

Hunter and Mako are no problem their both bounty hunters that make a team they are perfectly allowed to date nothing illegal and immoral there.

Warrior and Inquisitor well its immoral because of the teacher student thing but not illegal.

Edited by adormitul
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Well lets see Knight is the master of Kira and I mean jedi master and the same with consular is like a teacher getting on with a student and its not like it did not happen but its immoral and illegal.

Also in the army is illegal to date your subordinate and you could be court martial exactly because of the power difference.

Hunter and Mako are no problem their both bounty hunters that make a team they are perfectly allowed to date nothing illegal and immoral there.

Warrior and Inquisitor well its immoral because of the teacher student thing but not illegal.


Officers can date officers. Which both Jorgan and Elara are. Also, this isn't our military so the rules on that can change.


Knight and Kira knew each other when both where padawans, the Knight just got promoted first and then teamed up with Kira (which can be said inthe beginning they're more like partners).


Inquisitor neither Revel or Quinn are students, but there is a large power difference between them and the Sith.


When I mentioned the Hunter, that was just in terms of raw power. The Hunter comes out way more powerful than either Mako or Torian.

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Officers can date officers. Which both Jorgan and Elara are. Also, this isn't our military so the rules on that can change.


Knight and Kira knew each other when both where padawans, the Knight just got promoted first and then teamed up with Kira (which can be said inthe beginning they're more like partners).


Inquisitor neither Revel or Quinn are students, but there is a large power difference between them and the Sith.


When I mentioned the Hunter, that was just in terms of raw power. The Hunter comes out way more powerful than either Mako or Torian.

Really officers can date other officers?


Oh yeah you are right about the knight and Kira forgot about that the consular goes where I say.


I really taught power in like authority like in abusing your power and position to get on with someone like a teacher can be accused if he dates a student. Or a officers a subordinate.

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Well lets see Knight is the master of Kira and I mean jedi master and the same with consular is like a teacher getting on with a student and its not like it did not happen but its immoral and illegal.

Also in the army is illegal to date your subordinate and you could be court martial exactly because of the power difference.

Hunter and Mako are no problem their both bounty hunters that make a team they are perfectly allowed to date nothing illegal and immoral there.

Warrior and Inquisitor well its immoral because of the teacher student thing but not illegal.


Exactly. I am with you on it. As for "officer can date officer" - neither were officers at the beginning of the relations, not to mention, both are still your Subordinates. Same with ANYONE ELSE but Koth (even Lana and Theron are more bound to you) - he is here on his free will and can leave you if he does not like something.


Now, the part in my post about Fem romances was left out. Same as "equal in everything". Let's see what we have in details:


Disclaimer: there is only one romance I hate in game (Quinn) and for one thing - removing the moral choice of killing the traitor (removing for technical reasons). I like the characters, I like how romances are written. All I am talking here is how equal are partners in every romance.


Fem JC - are you kidding me? Barsen'thor, jedi master - and Lt, victim of cruel experiments,suspected by everyone in the army, given to you because every military unit out there refused to deal with him. Oh, and JC's subordinate, of course. Inferior to her by every possible mean.

MaleJC - ever heard about child abuse? Guess not in the galaxy far far away. Jokes aside (Nadia is adult enough for marriage, though absolute child by nature) she IS your padawan looking up to him. Relations are exactly as between a high school teacher and a pupil.


Fem JK - some doctor and a victorer of the Emperor? No matter how brilliant Doc is he is just a man, inferior to JK in every possible way.

Male JK - much better, have to admit. Still immoral a bit (Kira is your padawan) but that one I would accept as relations of equals. To some degree still - Kira remains your subordinate. Power abuse is still there.


Fem Trooper - immoral, illegal and while you are a rising star Old Gramp is barely tolerated.

Male Trooper - same minus "old gramp" part.


Fem Smuggler - that little calf she found on a backwater planet was crashed by her superior personality. He was nobody, he remains her "family" at best, he is nothing without her.

Male Smuggler - now we are talking! Risha is more then equal, totally agree here. Actually, I'd say she is superior to Smuggler. Akaavi, on the other hand, is more like a lost angry puppy with nowhere to go. Still, better then Corso (in term of equality).


SW - no comments for both male and female. Emperor's Wroth, second in the Galaxy only to Emperor himself. The only equal he might have is JK, period.


Fem SI - a dirty pirate (love him, btw) and a member of the Dark Council? Again, Force users problem (look up the thread about "male force users companions" or lack of them) - for females there are no equals out there for LI.

Male SI - again, better (like in many male romances) but nowhere near your level of power and abilities.


Fem BH - I truly love Torian, he is great, sweet and all that. But every time I pressed "flirt" option I was expecting a knock at the door from Child Abuse authorities. Not to mention he is your "damsel in distress" you have to save. Hard to call equal, though better then many.

Male BH - same as above, a bit better (again) still no equals in power and abilities. Would give it a pass nevertheless. Though have to say - BH team is the only real team in game. They have their place, roles and work together. One of the best group of companions.


Fem IA - hard to even discuss it, she and Vector are so different in every possible way, it's hard to compare. Vector (and Lokin too) are your real helpers, not subordinates. Though at the end IA becomes one of the biggest political player in the Galaxy, above all else non-force users. Still, this one I would accept as more or less equal relationships - nothing is forced or can be looked as forced.

Male IA - no, he is a powerhouse. Kalio's attitude does not make her equal to him, not to mention phrase "relationship with Kalio" is an oxymoron. And if we talk about Temple she is a real subordinate, inferior in everything.


Now, I can say again that I love almost all romances in the game. But before I played Trooper\Koth (almost accidentally, needed last class unlock) I simply did not know what was always missing there for me. I might be wrong, of course, but found an answer for myself - finally I saw how it can be done as the opposite to "I am your leader, let's bang".

Edited by Mirandel
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I want you all to pretend you're Koth for a moment. Someone, who you don't know from a hole in the ground (the player character), just told you that the emperor you knew all your life to be fair, and just, and brought your civilization into a glorious age, not only can exist in two places at once, but led a secret life as an omnicidal eldrich abomination that devours planets for the evulz.


Think about that for a second.


He is a good person who is in this fight to oppose a tyrant that took over his world. Him doubting you is not unreasonable, or unjustified, just because it's you.


Players need to get over themselves. Not liking, or trusting you, is not a yardstick to measure someone's value.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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I started off thinking the guy was ok, now I wish my SW could force punch him in the face.

I really dislike the title outlander and Koth says it the most, so he's top of my SW's hit list above the emperor and his children.


I wouldn't dislike him so much if there were dialogue options to punch, choke or zap him.

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I want you all to pretend you're Koth for a moment. Someone, who you don't know from a hole in the ground (the player character), just told you that the emperor you knew all your life to be fair, and just, and brought your civilization into a glorious age, not only can exist in two places at once, but led a secret life as an omnicidal eldrich abomination that devours planets for the evulz.


Think about that for a second.


He is a good person who is in this fight to oppose a tyrant that took over his world. Him doubting you is not unreasonable, or unjustified, just because it's you.


Players need to get over themselves. Not liking, or trusting you, is not a yardstick to measure someone's value.

This exactly! It's like people hate any character that doesn't agree with everything they say and do, never question them, etc...:confused: I really like Koth, he seems like a real person (though I wish we could change his clothes especially the goggles).

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What bothers me on Koth isn't his devotion to Valkorion or his insensitivity towards any non-Zakuulan people, hypocritical as it is. What really annoys me is his extreme immaturity.


He rushes inside the Gravestone, disregarding any potential hazards (warranting a remark "he doesn't overthink things" from Lana). Then he acts like he'd won a gift and immediately call dibs on the ship. When pointed this weird attachment, his reply is downright rude when given to a person he barely knows ("is she who will win this war"). Really?


And his constant tantrums when thing doesn't happen the way he likes? Lana doesn't consult him regarding asking Senya's help and he throws a fit ("Ok, I will fix the Gravestone by myself". Yeah right...). You haven't disabled the reactor and waaay after this happened, he makes a scene and ragequits during an R&R moment! Lana's reaction is gold, almost a "excuse me for my son's bad behavior" answer.


Koth and Tora can hug each other when thrown at the airlock (DS) or get expelled from the Alliance (LS).

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I started off thinking the guy was ok, now I wish my SW could force punch him in the face.

I really dislike the title outlander and Koth says it the most, so he's top of my SW's hit list above the emperor and his children.


I wouldn't dislike him so much if there were dialogue options to punch, choke or zap him.


If it makes u feel better later in the story u get to

force choke one of his crew members


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I hate him because he just assumes he gets to be captain of my ship, and that the ship is his. Then he gives me big attitude when I correct him.


My character would have killed him right there, then asked if anyone else thinks this ship belongs to them.


I'm really hoping Senja (Spelling) ends up killing him once he is no longer useful.



Heheh. That reminds me of this:



It would have been a pretty cool option, actually. Or at least a Force choke like you can the mechanic.

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I realize this is cool to hate on Koth, but I like him and he fits very well with my agent. For once, it is nice to have someone with different opinions, that I can disagree with while trying to understand where he comes from. Most of the toons idolize you, don't have their own agendas, or are mindless psychopaths like Vaylin who people seem to like because she's hot, I guess?


If someone in here played the Koth romance, do you know if there is some romance content for him in chapter X?

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If someone in here played the Koth romance, do you know if there is some romance content for him in chapter X?



My Gunslinger did the Koth romance and unfortunately just as with Theron and Lana there was no special dialogue or anything this chapter at least for me picking the LS option and Koth staying with the alliance not sure if you might get anything if you go DS and he leaves?


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LEAVE KOTH ALONE *cries mascara* ;_;


But seriously. I did everything he liked up until I blew up zakuul, then he acted like i was evil the whole time and took off. That kinda pissed me off.


But on my Barsinthor I'm going to do a full run of lightside options even to the point of sucking up to the big baby and see what comes of it. He might change for the better, who knows?

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But on my Barsinthor I'm going to do a full run of lightside options even to the point of sucking up to the big baby and see what comes of it. He might change for the better, who knows?


Did that on my agent. Let`s put it this way, Zakuul will burn on every other char I put through KotFE :D

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