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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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Koth isn't hypocritical. He just doesn't really care about anybody outside the Eternal Empire. Even when he went so far down the war-crimes rabbit hole that even he couldn't self-justify his actions, he objected more to the fact that he had to be doing the knife-work than to the fact that the knife-work was occurring in the first place.


As he is right now, he's not written as a Good Guy. He's in it to make sure that Zakuul gets rid of the current psychopath running the show, and to replace that psychopath with one that is a little less prone to self-destructive acts and making him do icky things. Kind of like most of the Stauffenberg ring.

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Actually, I don't mind Koth. He is a bit blind in his faith, but has his uses.


Lana however... I Never wanted. Ever. Period. In fact I think I Told her this to her face quite a few times leading up to KotFE, yet here she still is making doe eyes at my characters despite my obvious disdain for her.


Not a single character I have would have willingly taken her along even as a lackey. Most of them would have killed her at the most convenient/opportune moment after first meeting her back in the pre-revan days.

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Actually, I don't mind Koth. He is a bit blind in his faith, but has his uses.


Lana however... I Never wanted. Ever. Period. In fact I think I Told her this to her face quite a few times leading up to KotFE, yet here she still is making doe eyes at my characters despite my obvious disdain for her.


Not a single character I have would have willingly taken her along even as a lackey. Most of them would have killed her at the most convenient/opportune moment after first meeting her back in the pre-revan days.


Straight up told her she was an idiot and to step down from Imperial Intelligence. Also did the flirt option and then not follow through telling her to use her disappointment and frustration to focus her dark side force powers. It was amazing. SoR I got to treat her like she deserved.

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you know... I never understood the hate for Carth Onasi either. dude has a good reason for his general distrust of player character.


but as far as Koth and his faith in Valkorian? he doesn't know you. he knows what Lana told him, but he doesn't really trust Lana and that's ALSO for a good reason, Lana can get pretty unscrupulous to get what she wants, even if her ultimate goals align with his. so there's this person he doesn't completely trust, and then a person that he doesn't at all know. telling him something completely outrageous about a person of whom for most of his life he only saw a good, caring side of. why are you so quick to blame him for being unable to accept your WORDS over actions that he himself witnessed?


you as a player know that Valkorian is not what he pretends to be, but Koth doesn't have the benefit of your direct knowledge. for him, its just words that he's not even sure are true. he doesn't want them to be true. its actualy a very HUMAN reaction. given Koth's actions? his heart is in a right place.


P.S. no I don't think the hate is because he's black. Carth Onasi wasn't. it .. MIGHT have something to do with him being a male who dares to disagree with a player and not take player at their word.

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He is AWFUL!!!!! He needs to learn when and when not to talk, he's such a know it all. Always putting in his opinion WHEN I NEVER ASKED. He drives me insane


If you don't like that then why are you even on the forums? Thats pretty much what happens in this ****** place lol.

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but as far as Koth and his faith in Valkorian? he doesn't know you. he knows what Lana told him, but he doesn't really trust Lana and that's ALSO for a good reason, Lana can get pretty unscrupulous to get what she wants, even if her ultimate goals align with his. so there's this person he doesn't completely trust, and then a person that he doesn't at all know. telling him something completely outrageous about a person of whom for most of his life he only saw a good, caring side of. why are you so quick to blame him for being unable to accept your WORDS over actions that he himself witnessed?


you as a player know that Valkorian is not what he pretends to be, but Koth doesn't have the benefit of your direct knowledge. for him, its just words that he's not even sure are true. he doesn't want them to be true. its actualy a very HUMAN reaction. given Koth's actions? his heart is in a right place.


P.S. no I don't think the hate is because he's black. Carth Onasi wasn't. it .. MIGHT have something to do with him being a male who dares to disagree with a player and not take player at their word.

Precisely. Who are you to him again? Oh right, the guy who killed his Emperor (as far as he knows). An Emperor that to these sheltered people actually did more good than bad. I'd say he's downright agreeable, given that you killed the equivalent of.... ok, pretend there's a politician we all like that did a lot for whatever country you live in. Possibly mixed with some religious fervor.


And what about Senya? She doesn't really buy your stories either and I don't see people going off on her about it.


I think it's an interesting dynamic they've set up here. What if a complete monster actually built a society that benefited from his efforts and people there never knew about his past? How characters handle such a drastic shift in perception, first through accusations then through proof can be really interesting to see, if done right. The bigger concern should be Volkarion/Vitiate's motivations themselves- just what the hell is he up to?


But anyway, Koth's alright. My only beef with him is his sign-offs are too passive agressive (or just downright agressive). "Your funeral"- ***** do you know who I am??

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but as far as Koth and his faith in Valkorian? he doesn't know you. he knows what Lana told him, but he doesn't really trust Lana and that's ALSO for a good reason, Lana can get pretty unscrupulous to get what she wants, even if her ultimate goals align with his. so there's this person he doesn't completely trust, and then a person that he doesn't at all know. telling him something completely outrageous about a person of whom for most of his life he only saw a good, caring side of. why are you so quick to blame him for being unable to accept your WORDS over actions that he himself witnessed?


you as a player know that Valkorian is not what he pretends to be, but Koth doesn't have the benefit of your direct knowledge. for him, its just words that he's not even sure are true. he doesn't want them to be true. its actualy a very HUMAN reaction. given Koth's actions? his heart is in a right place.


This so much. While I don't particularly care for Koth either way, after going through the story he felt like a very human character to me. The way he understands things, given his experience of a lifetime as a citizen of the Zakuul Empire, Valkorion was a good ruler. The problem for him isn't the Eternal Empire in general but Arcann (and his crazy sister) in particular, who overthrew the legitimate emperor of Zakuul.


For Koth, most everything that transpired during those 5 years was a matter of internal politics, a palace coup. He probably didn't have more than a vague idea of what happened elsewhere in the galaxy, and only hears of it from people whom he doesn't completely trust or that might as well be exaggerating for all he knows. And even so, he has no frame of reference to understand the extent of the devastation brought upon the rest of the galaxy.


In that sense, he strikes me a lot as the citizens of many First World countries in our planet. While their governments bomb other (usually Third World) countries and cause massive life loss and extensive damage, they remain completely oblivious at best and/or might even distrust or dismiss the tellings of the people that have experienced it firsthand. And of course, more often than not, the knowledge of the crimes committed by their governments isn't enough for people to completely turn against them and call for revolution.


That might not be right, but it's a very common human attitude.

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Precisely. Wok, pretend there's a politician we all like that did a lot for whatever country you live in. Possibly mixed with some religious fervor.


You lost me there. That's even beyond the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief. :rolleyes:

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You lost me there. That's even beyond the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief. :rolleyes:


Kennedy. assassination of Kennedy was pretty devastating to a lot of people. as far as I know.


honestly, its the only one I can think of.


wait. or.. princess Diana, possibly!

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Just so he knows I'm not doing it for him


In fact, every convo with Koth should have the 3. [Punch in face] option

Yeah, I hate him too :mad:



I ordered to HK-55 to kill the survivars only because of him. He gave them food a seconds ago.



BW, please make one cool male character , please. Theron Shan and Koth are so annoying and ugly. I want them dead!

Edited by iankalo
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The only people I dislike more than Koth are the people who come here to tell that I dislike him because he is black.


Koth is annoying because he is extremely COCKY.


And as Han Solo said to Luke Skywalker after shooting the first tie fighter of his life:




That brought Luke back to reason and that was why he could end up as the hero. Because no one likes cocky people and no hero is cocky.


Koth, with his "give me 3 minutes. well alright, 2.5." is a nuisance if he behaves like this. And then he even leaves the party just because he disapproves with some of your decisions. So he is cocky, a loud mouth AND a party pooper.


But wait, no, I dislike him because he is black. I'm racist.


I have red, black, white, green, blue and something like grey-yellowish chars. Seriously, the last thing I care about in this game is colours. If you come here to tell others about colours, then this only means that YOU yourself think in colours!

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The only people I dislike more than Koth are the people who come here to tell that I dislike him because he is black.


Hate white privileged people that ignore that SOME do in fact have a bias against him because he is black. And many don't realize that they have that bias.


I don't see people expressing the same hate for other cocky companions.

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