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PVP should be priority


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Its a shame that number of people cant be supported on a modern server but it does make me wonder how I don't get insta lagkicked from the fleet every time I travel back.


That would be because there isn't 50 people all spamming their skills in a confined area on the fleet.

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That would be because there isn't 50 people all spamming their skills in a confined area on the fleet.

Come for a dance party at the zone in point sometime lol.


The point is that in a large scale warzone you wouldn't have all participants in one tiny area. Games were supporting far larger multiplayer areas years ago.... why does Bioware not have the same capacity?


Do you lag on your fleet?


Should a warzone be smaller than your fleet?


I really think its doable, we aren't talking SWG yavin 4 pvp in 2003 to be fair.

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read the reply to your post as I don't think they said anything offensive. They basically said they don't like pvp, but if you do great. And if you want to pvp you'd be better off playing a game that focuses on that like Battlefront. I don't think that's offensive and I agree with them. For those that want to pvp all power to you, have some fun. There doesn't seem to be a huge population doing it though if fleet is any example ("q ranked" getting spammed all the time by the same few players, at least on Harbinger).


It does come off as being antagonistic, and also ignorant.


Battlefront is a completely different type of game. That's like me saying, "If you want PvE you should play a game that focuses on it like The Sims."


Also, solo ranked PvP is a poor way to measure the amount of PvPers.


I queue unranked the whole time I play. There is very little wait between games, and there are mostly different people in each match.

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Already supplied in a previous post. Scroll up.


Reading is hard.


TSomeone could have tried it one time and that be included in their numbers. They don't give any details on what the qualifications were to count toward that number they got. Hardly full disclosure of metrics given most companions like to bend that data to favor the message they want to portray.

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Already supplied in a previous post. Scroll up.


Reading is hard.


You're metric to support your argument is a nearly 2.5 year old blog post that states the week after launch half of the player base did PVP.


*golf clap*.


Reading isn't hard, logical arguments can be hard.

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Go look, right now, at the server status screen. Click on Forum Management. Click on server status. There are seven PVP servers. 6 out of 7 are LIGHT. Every other server on both continents is STANDARD and two are HEAVY. This is the case any time you look at it. If you want PvP as a priority, put your time were your mouth is and go play it.


But you don't. And THAT'S why PvP is not a priority and never will be.


You shouldn't confuse PvP and PvP servers. The majority of people I know, and myself for that matter, who PvP prefer instanced PvP. I started on a PvP server in SWTOR because my son wanted to roll on a PvP server. I leveled 4 characters to Max on that server and had very few PvP encounters during leveling. Even on that server most of players preferred instanced PvP. World PvP has never been a big deal in SWTOR and really isn't in WoW either, at least for the last seven or eight years.

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This is a story based game.

The story is good.

That is all it has going for it, besides the Star Wars IP.

If you want good PVP, go play any of DOZENS of MMOs out there that do it well and focus on it.

Jesus H. Christ.


Destiny and Star Wars: Battlefront are good PVP options.

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Come for a dance party at the zone in point sometime lol.


The point is that in a large scale warzone you wouldn't have all participants in one tiny area. Games were supporting far larger multiplayer areas years ago.... why does Bioware not have the same capacity?


Do you lag on your fleet?


Should a warzone be smaller than your fleet?


I really think its doable, we aren't talking SWG yavin 4 pvp in 2003 to be fair.


You weren't here for the Ilum Comedy, were you.

Ohohoh... Those were some funny times.


Ask around about Ilum.


It's a great story. I don't really feel like telling it though.

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I think that there should be more footballs in basketball to be honest.


More bowling balls and shotguns too.


How can I go bowling and shoot clay pigeons otherwise?


Bioware, y u no fix?!?!?

Edited by Uruare
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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.

Honestly if they did so, and assuming I would absolutely want to indulge in some competition , which is something which doesn't particularly interests me anymore, I'd rather go on Ultra SF4 or a good old Unreal Tournament 2004. Or if I want to absolutely do that on an mmo, I would do some legends matches on Dcuo, because there is no question of gear, just skill and experience about the maps etc.

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Feel free to go play PvP centered games. Goodness knows there are a TON out there. By comparison having a truly story-driven PvE centered game is harder to come by because invariably they are focused on raiding over actual PvE story. I understand that you enjoy PvP...and that's fine. But then maybe THIS GAME is not for you. Not every game has to cater to PvP contrary to what many (but certainly not all) hard-core PvP'rs might think. Factually speaking, the statistics for this game show that PvE is where it's at. It's where the player base is and where the main source of income. While the PvP player base is extremely vocal...they are also very much in the minority on this game. Sorry.


Play on a PvP server.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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I wouldn't mind them putting out some more PvP stuff. But I also get the idea that they aren't feeling the need to focus on PvP right now, especially with Battlefront coming out. That will keep Star Wars loving PvPers (and myself) occupied for a while.


A quick and easy fix would be to add an option to PvP for the Alliance system rewards and special PvP rewards. That way if you like to PvP you can do that, or if you prefer PvE you can do that. Basically two paths to similar rewards, one PvP, one PvE.

Edited by pegasussgc
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Why should PVP be a priority?


Check the population of PVP servers. Even after the release of KOTFE with the game getting a population bump, at peak hours when PVE servers are at heavy or very heavy the PVP servers are always light.


That isn't to say that Bioware shouldn't consider taking some steps to improve PVP, but you might as well accept now that PVP is never going to be given a priority over PVE content. Dedicated PVP players are a small minority of the total player base. This is a PVE game with some PVP content, not the other way around.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Because everyone who liked pvp moved to higher population servers for quicker RANKED/REG PVP queues. That's why pvp servers are now light. But since 4.0 was announced, a lot of those people have just left the game altogether.


I spend most of my time in this game queued for warzones, I haven't seen a familiar name in months. Anyone on my friends list are PvP folks, no one from that list has been online for a while now... So I would be safe to say we've already lost a big chunk of the pvp community.


Talking to a lot of 'pvp folks' - some of whom have already quit. What most are looking for is not just any game that has PVP - they are specifically looking for a MMO system that allows you to queue up for pvp matches. Besides SWTOR, the few other options are games like Warcraft, Skyforge and Guild Wars 2. A lot of people I talk to are not interested in those games at all, these people are floating in limbo hoping swtor will give them a reason to sub again.


Many have stated they would return if one or some of the following were done -

#1 crossrealm queues

#2 new warzones

#3 better pvp rewards.

#4 world pvp areas & valor from killing enemy players

(in pvp areas, like 'The Outlaw's Den')


Seems like no one wants to really discuss this properly...just lots of hate thrown at the pvp community. I don't disagree there can be some toxic people in PVP. But I find it's nothing compared to the toxicity of the PVE crowd...

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Because everyone who liked pvp moved to higher population servers for quicker RANKED/REG PVP queues. That's why pvp servers are now light. But since 4.0 was announced, a lot of those people have just left the game altogether.


I spend most of my time in this game queued for warzones, I haven't seen a familiar name in months. Anyone on my friends list are PvP folks, no one from that list has been online for a while now... So I would be safe to say we've already lost a big chunk of the pvp community.


Talking to a lot of 'pvp folks' - some of whom have already quit. What most are looking for is not just any game that has PVP - they are specifically looking for a MMO system that allows you to queue up for pvp matches. Besides SWTOR, the few other options are games like Warcraft, Skyforge and Guild Wars 2. A lot of people I talk to are not interested in those games at all, these people are floating in limbo hoping swtor will give them a reason to sub again.


Many have stated they would return if one or some of the following were done -

#1 crossrealm queues

#2 new warzones

#3 better pvp rewards.

#4 world pvp areas & valor from killing enemy players

(in pvp areas, like 'The Outlaw's Den')


Seems like no one wants to really discuss this properly...just lots of hate thrown at the pvp community. I don't disagree there can be some toxic people in PVP. But I find it's nothing compared to the toxicity of the PVE crowd...


This might also have something to do with (a lot of the) members of the PvP community taking it upon themselves to actively abuse anyone that hasn't participated in enough PvP to have the needed gear to face their opposition effectively.


If there's one thing that's been alarmingly consistent with my PvP experience, it's that the thinning of the crowds has made repeat encounters with jerks much more commonplace.

Edited by Mourkoth
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This is a story based game.

The story is good.

That is all it has going for it, besides the Star Wars IP.

If you want good PVP, go play any of DOZENS of MMOs out there that do it well and focus on it.

Jesus H. Christ.




On top of that PvP in swtor is "made by Fisher Price" nub friendly. This game was just not built for it. The only people left in PvP here are people that get facerolled in real PvP of other mmos lol


If you are currently playing SWTOR for PvP you are doing something wrong.

Edited by Zergnaut
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Feel free to go play PvP centered games. Goodness knows there are a TON out there. By comparison having a truly story-driven PvE centered game is harder to come by because invariably they are focused on raiding over actual PvE story.


This couldn't be stressed enough. Swtor is the one and only mmo where the main focus is story and where you don't have difficulty to find decent enough rpers to have some rp session when you feel like to do so because they don't have to hide in fear of being annoyed by a horde of jerks going "*** r u krazy lol rofl hahaha".

The only one mmo where I can chose my missions based on what I imagine to be my character's motivations etc. The only one mmo where I can play a short time everyday and still uncover a bit of what happens next and consider reaching end game before the next 10 years. THE ONLY ONE!


So could rpers and people looking for multiplayer story-driven rpg have their haven for once? You have tons of games to chose from. We have only one (at least as far as I know).


And this is why I can get a bit aggressive towards people trying to turn this game into another Wow. There are tons of that around.



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