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  1. It does come off as being antagonistic, and also ignorant. Battlefront is a completely different type of game. That's like me saying, "If you want PvE you should play a game that focuses on it like The Sims." Also, solo ranked PvP is a poor way to measure the amount of PvPers. I queue unranked the whole time I play. There is very little wait between games, and there are mostly different people in each match.
  2. I am having this issue too, but with Jorgan since he was the one who got injured on the mission in my game. I was hoping it would be fixed by now since trooper is the last class I need for legendary status.
  3. I am having this issue also. It's really annoying because 1, i'm not getting influence gains from him when using the ship's holoterminal. And 2, I accidentally clicked the button to remove all of his gear while trying to get him back. So now he's just standing there in his underwear behind me for the cutscenes whenever I use the holoterminal.
  4. I find it funny how many of you think that this change is perfectly fine. Yes it's an MMO so the caps will be raised, but 250k is extreme. Yes we still get the 10k we had before, but the previous 10k is actually worth more than the current 10k if you look and it in investment terms, and not terms of "your companions perform are exactly the same." Using arbitrary numbers here, but say it took 500 gifts pre-4.0 to get to 10k. Now it takes only 100 gifts. So, logically, our influence shouldn't start at the same point it was before. In the case of these made up numbers, our influence from 10k companions should have started at 50k. Now compare the 10k we had/have to the 250k cap. That shows that throughout the whole chapters 1-3, and the previous expansions, we've had a 4% impact on these characters lives. Characters who, at 10k at the end of chapter 3 have either stated that they admire us so much that they will be with us for life, they want to stay around and help watch over our future families, or have even married us. Yes, this is an MMO but this is also a role playing game and changes should make sense to the story. Also, I keep seeing people say, MMO = Grind. That is ridiculous and may have been the case back in EQ1, but games are moving away from that. I play WZs for fun. I do Ops for fun. I don't do it because I want to grind to get that carrot dangling on a stick. Grinds are unpleasant, monotonous, and tedious. Besides, look at the levelling in this game. I've seen people say they gained 3 levels with one flashpoint.
  5. I doubt they'll work. Pre-4.0 I bought the wrong gifts one time and sold them back and didn't get the original value for them. And I tried yesterday to use 1 Isotope-5, or whatever it's called from Makeb, and couldn't sell it back for comms. I think maybe things that stack don't get the refund period. Just a guess tho.
  6. Well, this IS star wars so I guess the apprentice has become the master. In the next expansion she'll kill your main char and you play as her.
  7. It's not about having one's ego stroked. Some people find challenge to be fun. If there's no challenge then there's no sense of accomplishment. If there's no challenge, at what point does this cease being a game and become an over-priced movie.
  8. I see what you're saying. I have time to kill while waiting for the patch download so looked it up a little. Going from the page I believe you are linking from, http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/rewards it says, also says, and then the asterisk you are talking about It clearly, multiple times says subscriber ON the dates. It doesn't say anywhere that you have to subscribe before the dates like some of you had interpreted it. So you should qualify and CS needs to re-read their own material.
  9. I agree, this would have been a much better option.
  10. I think that expertise should be removed as the only real use for it seems to be to add another type of grind to the game. Instead, top tier PvP sets should be comparable to top tier PvE sets in stats. Instead you could have unique cosmetic appearances for the different sets if you feel the need to dangle an additional carrot in front of players. I, for one, play because I very much enjoy the PvP and the Ops in this game. Without Expertise: Levels 10-19 wouldn't be at such a huge disadvantage in WZs, on top of having fewer skills to use. (As it is now, a new player to the game could try out a warzone as a low level, get utterly crushed, and think that the PvP in this game is awful when it's really quite good in my opinion.) Levels 19+ in the lowbie brackets wouldn't feel as screwed if they have several 10-16 players on their team. People who love PvP WZs wouldn't have to grind lighted/darkside points in essles/black talon/diplomacy, or pick dialogue options that conflict with how they want to role-play their character every time they want to start a new character.(for relics) Open world PvPers wouldn't be as screwed and would have some chance if max level players are in their zone because, it seems that even with level-sync, Expertise remains a huge factor. People who like to change specs every now and then, and who also enjoy both the PvP and the PvE endgame, wouldn't have to collect and then min/max 4 sets of gear. (tanking and dps sets for both PvP and PvE for example) People wouldn't need to carry at least two sets of gear on them at all times. (wearing a PvP set and swapping when a FP queue or Ops invite comes up on PvP servers, or wearing PvE set and swapping when WZ queue comes up on PvE servers) People on PvP servers wouldn't feel the need to run around in sub-optimal gear while questing in the open world. PvP servers may see an increase in players.(On a related note, I think that PvP servers should be merged. This game is much more enjoyable on higher population servers.) (This may have changed in 4.0) People level 55+ wouldn't have to deal with how convoluted the bolster system gets when it comes to item rating and Expertise.
  11. That's funny because, as a male smuggler, I get affection gains from him every time I flirt with a girl NPC. He's my Bro and I love the line "Now you're dumb, ugly, AND dead!"
  12. Someone posted on it in the general forums. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=842443
  13. BW should just remove expertise. The stat is pointless except to try to add another grind to the game. All paths should lead to comparable end-game gear, whether that path be through Operations, or through PvP WZs.
  14. They should just remove expertise, period. It's a waste of space. Make PvP gear comparable to end game Ops gear. No more having to collect 2-4 complete sets of gear for each character. No more running around doing PvE content in gimped gear on a PvP server. No more having to carry two set of gear on you at all times and having to swap it out every single WZ/FP/Ops. No more WZ, "learn to bolster noob". Having to grind out lightside/darkside points for relics so you can fill all your spots on a new character. Oh what, you wanted to role-play someone who doesn't always pick the same alignment choices in a Role-Playing game? Too bad. No more, You need 168 ranked gear in all your slots except your mainhand/offhand mod/enhanecment slots or else herp derp expertise bolster. Knowing that is part of the "skill" of pvp apparently. Expertise is just ridiculous and should have been removed years ago.
  15. I had a similar idea, but more basic. Lightsaber stances would simple affect how you hold the lightsaber when not attacking. All the attacks would remain the way they currently are. This way it would presumable need very little resources to implement. and actually, after searching I found that this has been suggested before by someone else. Soresu would be like how the Guardian holds the saber the other forms would be either like a Juggernaut, a Sage, or a sentinel with only one saber. I think this would be a much better cosmetic addition to the game than all of those mounts/decorations currently being added. And since it's somewhat related, i want to mention that currently, imo the Guardian looks pretty silly running around holding the saber like that between combat.
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