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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP should be priority


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What are you doing now to customize your stats? It's soo vanilla since 4.0 would it be that much of a stretch really?


To alter stats now you have to basically have an entirely different piece of gear? Changing up your builds as in abilities would of course still be a thing since it's not really gear related.


Concept is to see how games like DOTA2 / LoL / CoD succeed and applying what can be applied to swtor whilst also seeing what differs and removing it and from my perspective the #1 issue is gear.


If I knew right now I could queue a WZ and I would be on level pegging it a 2 year veteran in terms of stats I would be much more inclined to play because I know skill is the only thing separating us, not that I enjoyed PVE and spent so much time playing PVE that for me to even try enjoy PVP I'm going to have to suck due to gear and grind.


There's an argument to be had that people can't even tell if they are getting better or not until they pass the gear barrier because the gear barrier can be inherently responsible for some of their failures. I.E. they may not have died or may have got that kill had gear been even. But since they can't tell this - all they can tell is they failed - they fail to learn a skill lesson.


Not to mention just the plain frustration at dieing so fast because of gear factors.


I just think back to games that I used to play quite competitively like the Jedi Knight series, Unreal Tournament series, Enemy Territory and remember sucking hard at those but enjoying learning to get better because I didn't have to think my gear being worse than someone else's was a core reason I'm doing poorly.


Add to that when you then have this MASSIVE amount of PVE content to do people can easily say "stuff that" and never really bother returning, you want to attract people to the content - not put barriers in their way.


The amount of people in support of the dumbing down of swtor ( companions now, how stupidly easy the story/bosses etc. are, bolster for everything almost ) also shows how casual and easy people want gameplay so if you don't adapt PVP to suit that then it's never going to pick up the numbers to warrant special attention.


Heck even when you do get gear you still have the meta crap about am I geared correctly, min/max etc. - it comes across as rather daunting. At least the dumbing down of swtor has helped that aspect somewhat.


How would you feel about them implementing a Guild Wars 2 style PvP gear tab for warzones where everyone gets the same selection of free armor pieces that they can mix and match to customize their builds?

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If that ever happens, then the PvP centric crowd better get something epic that requires a lot of PvP to earn.


They do now in ranked. I don't do ranked but it looks like a point system for the most part that you don't lose/gain points based on other people's rankings? That's more for the top of the top rewards for who is ranked where, if I understand it correctly.

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How would you feel about them implementing a Guild Wars 2 style PvP gear tab for warzones where everyone gets the same selection of free armor pieces that they can mix and match to customize their builds?


Wouldn't bother me at all since I don't have to grind and I would only be on the back foot by own misuse of the gear.


However better still to that would just be a pool of PVP stat points that you setup ( and change before a WZ if you feel but not during ) accordingly and everyone has the same total pool based on level.


You'd still be left with class balancing issues but that's an issue no matter who you slice the cake as I see it.

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No thank you. I have never nor will I play pvp. Pvp does not interest me.


I understand some people like it and that is fine for them but not everyone does. There is nothing you can do to interest me in pvp, not even adding two companions that you need to pvp for to get. I will just forgo those companions.

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Wouldn't bother me at all since I don't have to grind and I would only be on the back foot by own misuse of the gear.


However better still to that would just be a pool of PVP stat points that you setup ( and change before a WZ if you feel but not during ) accordingly and everyone has the same total pool based on level.


You'd still be left with class balancing issues but that's an issue no matter who you slice the cake as I see it.


I could definitely see that working.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


PvE should be their focus, considering after solo play and leveling more people do that than competitive ranked PvP.

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PvE should be their focus, considering after solo play and leveling more people do that than competitive ranked PvP.


Focusing on PvP does not mean focusing just on competitive ranked PvP. I feel most people are asking for a focus on PvP in general.


While this does include trying to improve competitive ranked PvP, it also includes:

-making PvP more friendly and appealing for first-time players

-making PvP less stale for veterans (with things like new maps, game modes, and different rewards)

-continuing to make class balance tweaks

-other things that I can't think of at the moment


I would also like to see some kind of objective-based, open-world PvP, but I'm not deluding myself into thinking that that will ever happen.

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Focusing on PvP does not mean focusing just on competitive ranked PvP. I feel most people are asking for a focus on PvP in general.


While this does include trying to improve competitive ranked PvP, it also includes:

-making PvP more friendly and appealing for first-time players

-making PvP less stale for veterans (with things like new maps, game modes, and different rewards)

-continuing to make class balance tweaks

-other things that I can't think of at the moment


I would also like to see some kind of objective-based, open-world PvP, but I'm not deluding myself into thinking that that will ever happen.


It was almost like they went this way with the last update ( making it more attractive at least ) by making gear so much easier to get.


They clearly know the whole gear/expertise/stat thing is an issue but just couldn't commit to doing away with it for some reason. Why? To annoy a few players? In the few topics on PVP lately hardly anyone is in favour of the gearing/stat system ... most would glad to be done with it.


If you're going to stupefy PVE play which traditionally is solo for most and in all traditional solo games gearing is a major carrot on the stick, then you should do the same for PVP where traditionally for most PVP games gearing is not a carrot.

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You know how you can have strongholds and decorate them and how a small percentage of players spend a lot of time and effort doing that? Well that should become the game's priority! Forget the strengths BioWare is known for: story and characters, make SWtOR like the Sims! :rolleyes:
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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority...


While I disagree with your proposition and have little to no interest in PVP myself, your point is well made and I hope the PVP'rs in the game get some attention in near content patches.

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Most of us, I assume, fell in love with the Star Wars galaxy because of the epic story and were invested in the adventures of the characters and the struggles that they met and overcame. That is why we read the books, comics, rewatch the movies and TV shows and play the various other games that have come out in the past.


This game was created to allow for us to delve into that universe and to take part in being an active figure in the struggle for our chosen factions to take control of the galaxy and be the heroes that we all wish that we could be. That being said, I'm sorry to say, that PVP does not factor into that. Star Wars is, was, and always will be a story driven... well... for lack of a better word "monster" that the vast majority will gladly feed until the day the game goes offline.


Now to be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with PVP, I just think it's a selfish and rather naive attitude that those of us that fell in love with Star Wars for the story should suffer, just so the vocal minority who love to PVP should benefit when it should clearly be story over PVP.


To repeat a quote said before, there are other avenues available to you if you wish to do stictly PVP. A fairly entertaining looking alternative is available to you on console, I believe. Or the various Call of Duty or Halo options.


Let Star Wars be what it's supposed to be. An amazing story and a deeply engrossing universe. The staff has done an amazing job to give us that opportunity. Hopefully everyone gets to enjoy it as what it's meant to be.

Edited by MongooseRaider
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PvP should be open world like it is in movies, series etc, Empire vs Republic they always face each others and fight, thats in the story, I rarely see them fight stupid Monster.

You 100% right but they messed up on the original world zone designs and Ilum. Those were suppose to be the big PVP improvements, revolutionary to the genre and than we never saw it. On top of no CHAT BUBBLES, seriously, you would think by now someone would make the needed improvments.


On top of that this game doesn't even recognize certain Mouse functions and what the heck happened to all of the awesome game developing companies. The industry has gone to the garbage can in innovation.


I truely believe everything has gone to corporate when the industry used to be about making quality games for their customers.

Edited by Asturias
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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


Switching a game focus all of a sudden is a bad idea.


And while PvP games have had some success, none have had numbers that top PvE games have had.


Remember a Lord of the Rings online Dev once saying their metrics on PvP, less than 10% of players stepped into PvP, that included even just going in once.

Edited by Deyjarl
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And how, exactly, are people able to "gank unsuspecting PVEers?" You'd have to have yourself flagged.

Oh, there are plenty of PvP players who try and flag PvE players against their will in order to score easy kills. Some known tactics:

  • Get into a player's AoE attack (no longer works)
  • Provoke a player's companion to attack you (I don't remember specifics, also no longer works)
  • Hang around a player fighting NPCs in hopes that they will accidentally tab-target or autotarget you
  • Use the feign death emote as a player kills a group of NPCs and hope they will try to loot you
  • Sneak around a player gathering resources and unstealth in front of them just as they are about to right-click a resource node

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No. Personally I think they should get rid of it.


A few months ago I would never have said that but BW are now trying to force it on everyone now.


Agreed, the existence of PvP doesn't bother me but I don't like it. It is boring as all get go to me. Doesn't matter if I am winning or losing, it makes me want to crawl into bed and sleep because it is that boring. It really annoys me we who don't like PvP are now forced to PvP because we want to get all the companions. (and I have a lot of characters where eventually I want to get them all to that point.

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Most of us, I assume, fell in love with the Star Wars galaxy because of the epic story and were invested in the adventures of the characters and the struggles that they met and overcame. That is why we read the books, comics, rewatch the movies and TV shows and play the various other games that have come out in the past.


This game was created to allow for us to delve into that universe and to take part in being an active figure in the struggle for our chosen factions to take control of the galaxy and be the heroes that we all wish that we could be. That being said, I'm sorry to say, that PVP does not factor into that. Star Wars is, was, and always will be a story driven... well... for lack of a better word "monster" that the vast majority will gladly feed until the day the game goes offline.


Now to be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with PVP, I just think it's a selfish and rather naive attitude that those of us that fell in love with Star Wars for the story should suffer, just so the vocal minority who love to PVP should benefit when it should clearly be story over PVP.


To repeat a quote said before, there are other avenues available to you if you wish to do stictly PVP. A fairly entertaining looking alternative is available to you on console, I believe. Or the various Call of Duty or Halo options.


Let Star Wars be what it's supposed to be. An amazing story and a deeply engrossing universe. The staff has done an amazing job to give us that opportunity. Hopefully everyone gets to enjoy it as what it's meant to be.


Bravo! well said.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


as you said. YOu have many other games that are already pvp. Play those. thanks.

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Pratt V Pratt. ( apologies for being " Offensive " Whilst speaking my mind )

No thanks. SWtoR is, always has been, and always will be , about the Story.

You want PvP there are plenty of servers made just for you.

Check out the server pops when you log in next time to play your god awful PvP game..You might notice that the highly populated servers are the PvE ones...

If you want a game solely for PvP go play Command and Conquer or some such other tactically driven game..

Understand what MMORPG's are ..Massively Multiplayer online Role-Playing Games....Not MMOPVP ( tm).

Perhaps in time Someone may come up with this format and it might take off..but if you are solely looking for a PvP experience on SWtoR your going to continue to be unsatisfied.

I , like many I have spoken with, am pretty peeved atm that in the new content, in order to regain one of my original companions, I have to endure the ***** that is PvP.

Each to their own however, but in my case, you can keep it.

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Remember a Lord of the Rings online Dev once saying their metrics on PvP, less than 10% of players stepped into PvP, that included even just going in once.


LOTRO was a completely different animal and info from that game has no relevance here.


SWTOR was originally advertised and touted to be a legitimate PvP game by BW. Gabe Amantalago (sp?), the original Lead PvP Dev who has long since been fired, even expressed ambitions to turn SWTOR into an e-sport. Ranked PvP was supposed to accomplish that goal.


Back in the day, PvPers even used to get their own exclusive blogs - SWTOR New Year's PvP Update 2012. That update for example notes that nearly HALF of the player base at the time participated in PvP.


In fact, every metric for content participation I've ever seen BW actually produce showed a substantial amount of participation in PvP by players of this game. I recall another report that provided a snapshot of where players spent most of their time in game. Of course, Fleet was #1, but War Zones were #3.


So all of these people referencing other games and stating that PvPers in SWTOR are only a small minority are straight full of crap. Please show me the metrics to substantiate your claims that players don't participate significantly in this game's PvP. You will be scratching and clawing for a long time to produce some because they don't exist.


That said, I still don't think PvP should be a focus for BW. BW tried to do PvP, and failed miserably. They just don't know how to do it right. So instead they have fallen back on what they do well...telling stories, and for BW, that's a smart move...because they are terrible at PvP development and have been since the beginning.

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What I think should be a priority is cross-server tech, not just for warzones, but also for starfighter and even for flashpoints would be nice.


I agree with this. It's impossible to find a ranked game on my server, cross-server would make this a lot better. (And no I'm not switching servers and leaving my guild that' I helped found back in early access.)

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