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What is your favorite to least favorite class?


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In order:


1) Operative

I prefer this class beyond any other. I can fill many roles while still being very hard to pin down. I do more pure damage on my operative than my marauder or juggernaut. I seldom do healing on this class, but it happens.


2) Sorcerer

Almost tied with operative. I prefer lightning over madness as it's simply way cooler and I can burst someone down. When doing healing I prefer my sage. I occasionally play madness, and while the overall damage is unrivaled, I still find lightning more fun.


3) Mercenary (Arsenal)

Pure fun damage. Focus someone and watch them die screaming. So much fun. Getting focused? Electro net ftw. Yum.


4) Assassin (Hatred)

Fun class for sure, but I great prefer my operative when it comes to stealth.


5) Marauder

I like my marauder... sometimes. It has some power for sure and sometimes I even get most DPS, but I generally find it difficult to play right. It feels very exposed and somewhat vulnerable - especially to ranged - and I find it difficult to use the cool downs correctly. It feels very dependent on proper team play, but it can be brutally effective when the stars align. Predation rules.


5) Juggernaut

I only play this class as a tank. I can play it well enough, but unfortunately I find tanking quite boring and less rewarding than most other classes. With killing and healing you can see a clear result, but with tanking it feels less transparent. And people seldom appreciate a good tank, as other classes simply stand out more.


7) Sniper

I detest the crouching and shooting. It's simply too different from any other class. It's fun to burst someone down for sure, but I can't sit still.


8) Power Tech

Just not me.

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1) Arsenal/ Gunnery: Full mobile, self heals, a lot of burst.

2) Shield Tech/ Specialist: Control, great AoE, enhanced dmg for a tank.

3) Deception/ Infiltration: Utils, Stealth, burst.

4) Madness/ Balance: insane AoE, heals, burst (yes).

5) Lethahlity/ Rufian: Stealth, Self heals, utils.

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In order:


1) Operative

I prefer this class beyond any other. I can fill many roles while still being very hard to pin down. I do more pure damage on my operative than my marauder or juggernaut. I seldom do healing on this class, but it happens.


2) Sorcerer

Almost tied with operative. I prefer lightning over madness as it's simply way cooler and I can burst someone down. When doing healing I prefer my sage. I occasionally play madness, and while the overall damage is unrivaled, I still find lightning more fun.


3) Mercenary (Arsenal)

Pure fun damage. Focus someone and watch them die screaming. So much fun. Getting focused? Electro net ftw. Yum.


4) Assassin (Hatred)

Fun class for sure, but I great prefer my operative when it comes to stealth.


5) Marauder

I like my marauder... sometimes. It has some power for sure and sometimes I even get most DPS, but I generally find it difficult to play right. It feels very exposed and somewhat vulnerable - especially to ranged - and I find it difficult to use the cool downs correctly. It feels very dependent on proper team play, but it can be brutally effective when the stars align. Predation rules.


5) Juggernaut

I only play this class as a tank. I can play it well enough, but unfortunately I find tanking quite boring and less rewarding than most other classes. With killing and healing you can see a clear result, but with tanking it feels less transparent. And people seldom appreciate a good tank, as other classes simply stand out more.


7) Sniper

I detest the crouching and shooting. It's simply too different from any other class. It's fun to burst someone down for sure, but I can't sit still.


8) Power Tech

Just not me.


1) sorc lightning which is awful now so i do not play it anymore


2) mercenary io or arsenal, same


3) assassin deception, but too many around these days and well i just lose my will to play it

4) juggernaut - marauder

5) operative sniper im a fan, and playing a sniper in SW is awful, not to mention the gordon ramsay dude with knives :(

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1 sorc any spec

2 jug any spec

3 operative lethality

4 power tech Pyro or tank

5 merc any spec

6 mara carnage or annihilation

7 assassin hatred

8 sniper any spec


Will always love my first 2 characters and classes more than anything.

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And people seldom appreciate a good tank, as other classes simply stand out more.

U are very far off, or swtor crowd is totally different to the usual crowd.

Any mmo i play, once i got my 15+runs on the dungeons i do and got good at it i get friend requests after any run and if i am not in a guild i get asked to join guild frequently (hard to come by good tanks).


For the boring part i dunno, tank n spank yes it is boring but everything else is fun.



I don´t play this long enough to rate classes, i like tanks, all of them in all games.

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1. Annihilation Marauder - Difficult to play in PvP but it's money when you learn how to properly use your dots.

2. Commando Gunnery and Assault Specialist - Burst, Kiting, Dots, Cleanses, really really fun.

3. Scrapper Scoundrel - Good damage, animations and sounds are satisfying, great rotation that works well even in PvP.

4. Happiness & Transparency Assassin - Transparency's Burst is top notch and it feels more reliable than Happiness. Happiness wants to be Madness so badly, but it's melee and it's weird, fun when it works though.

5. Jugg - Too team dependent, once you're in a fight you're likely staying there unless you can leap or dash away which won't happen too much when everyone has about a thousand stuns and roots for you. The damage is nice though.

6. Sorc - The Skill Cap is entirely too high. Madness is the most difficult spec in the game to play and lightning hits like a noodle. It's immobile and more of a turret class than anything. Very much a Glass pistol. Still not sure how people play this.

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Even though i feel like I play PvP a lot, I have played the classes at different times, and was learning along the way which may have colored my perceptions. I also prefer support roles to the glorious DPS. Unfortunately, tanks are too hard to play in PvE, otherwise, I'd end up tanking most likely. So, heals is my fav role, due to versatility.


My Favorite AC:


1. Scop Healer. I just love it. So smooth, so cohesive and makes so much sense. Even though I did not play them for a long time. Probably the AC I will spend the WZ passes on once I go preferred.

2. Vanguard Tank Played before 3.0 in the heavy tank build. This was the first character I played seriously on, doing both flashpoints and PvP as I leveled from level 12 onward. He was the most forgiving char I played and I wuv him for that. I also felt valuable, with guarding and protecting folks.

3. Sage/Sorc heals and Sorc Madness prior to 3.0. I love the abilities of the class, but not the animations. Even though it is probably the easiest character to succeed on, I find myself more interested in playing a Scop in both PvE and PvP


Okay ACs:


4. Merc/Mando IO/Assault Sp: As hard as it is to survive, as this char gets into 50s, I am feeling that it does make sense despite the quirks in design. It's kind of both infuriating and addictive at the same time.

5. PT/VG DPS: I gave up into hype and started cautiously trying the AP/Tactics. I like it, but I was not successful yet in PvP on it or gave it any serious time, save for the dummy time. Lavatsunami gave me a few tips on it for PvP specifically, and it is one AC I am going to try again


Did not like:


Gunslinger/Sniper: I tried Dirty Fighting and Engineering pre 3.0 and found little success on either spec. Going to try Engi again, but I feel that the skill cap will just always be too high for me.

Marauder: I sort of managed to make Annihilation work for me pre 3.0 (in that I did not die instantly), but never really felt like playing it afterwards


I hate it:


Guardian Vigilance: No other spec ever made me feel so helpless and fumbling. With the heaps of praise piled on the survivability and the most enthusiastic guide I've ever read, I felt worse than on Mara. Both ACs remind me of the chocolate frog from Harry Potter: They have only one good leap in them. Unlike the Merc/Mando I felt that it only had the infuriating part, no addictive one to it.

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In general, I like dps more than tanking or healing.


1. Mara: Fury

2. Sorc: Madness and Lightning can be fun, whichever I'm in the mood for

3. Merc: Arsenal

4. Jugg: Vengeance > Immortal

5. Operative: Concealment

6. PT: AP > Tank spec

7. Assassin: Tank spec = Deception > Hatred


99. Sniper (I hate the cover mechanic with a passion)


4. Happiness & Transparency Assassin


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1. Corruption sorc (played corruption sorc since 2.1 or so, played ranked 8s a lot on sorc)

2. Marauder (all 3 specs) Note: I do not play sentinel almost at all anymore, due to sentinel being horrible for PVP.

3. Medicine operative

4. Madness sorc

5. AP powertech


Least favorite specs are kinetic combat jedi shadow, shield tech vanguard, and defense guardian. I do not like to tank.

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1. Fury Marauder. (Self explanatory amirite?)

2. Healing Operative. A lot harder to play than healing sorc (to play it well, at least, I guess), but (almost) as effective.

3. Healing Sorc. I guess outhealing scrubs never gets old.

4. Darkness Sin. Darkness is a LOT more fun to play than the other specs, in my opinion. Deception is especially boring.

5. AP PT. I don't know why I like this class so little, but I never really got in touch with it. Pretty epic burst, though.

6. Marksman Sniper. Yeah... Boring. Very. Boring. I boosted it to lvl 60, and leveled it up to 65, but I really didn't connect with the playstyle.

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Guess I'll add my own top 8 aswell... Personal opinions below, of course. :cool:

In order:


1. Sorcerer and Sage. Sorcerer was the first class I ever PvPed seriously on, and the first class I actually got to feel useful at.

Always played Lightning mostly, even when ppl said it was good for everything but PvP. Lately broadened my horizons and made myself a Corruption Sorc and a Balance Sage to understand the specs. Not bad, but not as fun IMHO. Balance I find a bit clunky, but I'm pretty sure that's just me. Can't swap my main off Lightning, regardless, but on the bright side I know what to interrupt and when... :D


2. Guardian and Juggernaut. First class I ever PvPed on, although it felt kind of a letdown because of frailty (at the time, things improved a lot over time). Still fun, but not as much as Sorc... Although I enjoy jumping around. Tank Disciplines are my favourite, and incidentally out of 2 Juggs and 2 Guardians, one of each uses it.

Vengeance Jugg I don't dislike, but I find less entertaining. Same with Focus Guardian. Good and all, but not as attracting to me. :o


3. Commando and Mercenary. Always considered them attractive mostly for the concept, but they're the only ones I can use sparingly in PvP and still play decently.

Arsenal/Gunnery I just can't stand sadly, feels too repetitive for my taste. Assault Commando and Bodyguard Merc, on the other hand... :p


4. Powertech and Vanguard. What can I say, I prefer this in a PvE environment, but get to be decent at it without having to resort to some huge amount of work... I have three between mirrors, and in order I prefer AP/Tactics over Shield Tech/Shield Specialist. Pyrotech I'm having a look at now on my latest charater, so I can't really rate it as of now. ;)


5. Assassin and Shadow. Always nice to use, but I go either decently or badly depending on how much focus I have put into the character in the recent time.

I prefer my Infiltration Shadow to my Darkness and Hatred Assassins (yes, I have 3 characters, and I prefer Darkness over Hatred :cool: ), although at times I find it much harder to master. Still rewarding, though. :cool:


6. Sniper and Gunslinger. I don't mind staying in one place, and while guarding is somethign I can do very nicely on those two characters that picked such Advanced Class, at times it gets slightly boring. Engineering Sniper I enjoyed for a fair bit, Marksman before that was my favourite, but my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger beats them both. Still, kind of a "I like it, but I rarely get to really play it because of how rarely I get to fight while on it". :rolleyes:


7. Operative and Scoundrel. What can I say, I tryed it. Hard. And no matter what, I keep finding this class less enjoyable in PvP than it is in PvE. Sure, there are moments where I can pull my Lethality Op and destroy any sort of opposition, but at the same time there are moments where I log my Sawbones Scoundrel and get annihilated in seconds 9 times out of 10 I enter a fight... Concealment I mostly use to guard, so again while I'm good enough to defend a node flawlessly, there's no way to have as much fun as other classes that can stay in the middle of the battle and still do what they need to. Also, the severe lack of AoE makes it a bit less entertaining to play, as you HAVE to take care of one target at a time, no matter how many there are... :o


8. Marauder and Sentinel. What can I say, this isn't the class for me. Both in PvP and in PvE, I found it to be exceedingly frail and hard to master. Even though I made two Marauders and brought them both to 60, I rarely had as much fun as I did with any other character I had done previously... So much in fact that I used my free 60 token to make a Sentinel for the specific purpose of having all Advanced Classes without having to go through that again. Annihilation Marauder wins the gold medal of the three possible specs though, it's the only one that made me feel somewhat powerful. Carnage also had its moments, but far less often and for far less time. As for Concentration Sentinel, I only made a character at 60, so I haven't really played it in PvP yet. If it is as similar to Focus Guardian as I expect it to be, it may just get the second place, though. :eek:


My 2 cents. :D

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1) Juggernaut vengeance - most versatile spec in the game, decent single/aoe dmg and great cooldowns. Fits my play style, love playing "rush" classes.

2) Sniper (MM/VL) - changed gunslinger for sniper, because bioware screwed cool sounds of gunslinger (even some animations), and I fell in love with some sniper rifles. They are just too good, unlike blasters. Also my second fav role - ranged heavy hitter.

3) Deception assassin/ concealment operative - very nice and entertaining burst specs, easy to play, but hard to master ©.


I also play sometimes with other classes/specs, but can't mark any favorite.


Sorcs are the ones I don't play. Way too OP and FOTM (it became even worse after 4.0)

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1) Sentinel - Combat or Concentration

2) Mercenary - Healer (lol)

3) Guardian - Tank ( Provided I'm running with a healer)

4) Shadow - Infiltration

5) Sage - Healer (Barely play it anymore though)

6) Scoundrel - Scrapper


Don't care much for Snipers or PTs generally.

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ITT: almost nobody likes sniper. :(:p.

Certainly seems like most people prefer something different.


Yes, that's an interesting observation :


Most people don't mention Gunslingers at all.


This implies that Gunslingers are in their opinion so awful that they don't even consider them worth mentioning here - or have outright plainly forgotten them in the first place.


This is an interesting point to why no-one plays Gunslinger.

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