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KotFE,...really? This story is so cliche and predictable it's sad....


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Star Wars is cliche. It's good vs bad, it's a single hero standing against all odds, having friends to keep him/her going. If anything, saying KotFE is cliche is a good thing - it means it's closer to a true SW story. I hate all the greyish things that were floating around Revan, I want a bad guy I can kill with my good guy or I want a neutral guy to stomp out with my bad guy, it's that simple :)
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It's a fullblown copy of the old movie/book story about the rebellion. Exactly the same.

Someone has been copying to save time/money...

lolwut? how?! sure the are "theme" that are similar, but how anything in kotfe is a "fullblown copy"?!


oh wait, it isn't. nice hyperbole.there.

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Someone might have already stated this but, as to why Valkorian and Valin are so strong:



Valkorian is the Sith Emperor, if I remember correctly, so of course he's powerful


Valin is shown to be powerful at the beginning, but it really only compares her to a weakened Outlander, and Lana who, again if I remember correctly, never focused much on Telekinesis. Valin loses to her mother in combat, who seems to not be all that much stronger than Lana is.


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Someone might have already stated this but, as to why Valkorian and Valin are so strong:



Valkorian is the Sith Emperor, if I remember correctly, so of course he's powerful


Valin is shown to be powerful at the beginning, but it really only compares her to a weakened Outlander, and Lana who, again if I remember correctly, never focused much on Telekinesis. Valin loses to her mother in combat, who seems to not be all that much stronger than Lana is.


Vaylin, I can understand. She's all raw power, but lacks the skill that her mother has. Any of the Force Using classes in their prime should wipe the floor with her until she gets some more skill.


Valkorian is perfectly understandable having...



eaten a planet and all! :jawa_wink:


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While I find the WAY they tell the story (new angles, etc) very well done the story itself is so predictable, full of cliche's, and the like....the story itself is bad, even if the way it's told is great.


There are way too many "cringe worthy" moments in the story....too many of the jokes just reek of trying too hard...the way your character kinda "struts" in most scenes is absolutely asinine and stupid looking.


Overall I'm not very impressed with this expansion due to the over-use and failed "jokes" on top of the predicatability and absurd cliche's that are riddles throughout the story (up to chptr 8 at least) Even if HOW it's told (again angles and whatnot) is well done....


Presentation was good, the story I took it for what is was. The rest of it after Chapter VIII though? Odd, the story was the only thing about 4.0 that I don't take issue with, the rest of it they can keep though :p

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He isn't or rather shouldn't be, but this is a one-size-fits-all storyline and frankly, he'd wipe the floor in a duel with the non-force-sensitive classes so all of the classes meet on middle ground. We all can stand up to him, but he's the stronger one.


Agreed, I have two big reasons I'm not looking forward to taking my alts through the story:


1) For the force-using classes, I just don't believe a spoiled prince, even a well-trained one can beat these characters; :jawa_evil:

2) For the non-force using classes, I just don't believe a BH/Smuggler/Agent/Soldier, even well trained ones can stand up to a force-using spoiled prince. :jawa_wink:

Edited by Master-Nala
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The story is good but the only problems my boyfriend and I have is the way they have done the grouping. The actually changed it from how they did it in the class missions, SOR and Ziost.


For the first 3 chapters you can't even group with each other, you are forced to solo, if you want to do the mission and then you can group in Chapter 4 until you board the ship and then you again are forced to solo and then one of you actually has to jump through hoops to help the other person and then get back to the place you were at to start the next chapter to group again.


It is one thing to do it twice but it is entirely different not to even allow you to group like we did in the class mission. Even in the class missions we could travel with each other to the location on the ship and help each other. They are not allowing you to do this. They seem to be penalizing people who like to group which will cause us to consider whether to do this more than once with the rest of our alts.


We love to do stories but we also play the game together.

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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.


Valkorion was overpowered as a child, trained by the Emperor of the Sith, created the Star Wars equivalent of a philosopher's stone, became the Emperor of the Sith and lived for a thousand years. What makes it hard to believe that he (and his offspring) would be immensely powerful?

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I can't wait for the suicide mission that lets me kill my own character off if I make bad choices.


I wouldn't mind seeing Skadge get liquified in a tube because I took too long rescuing him from the collector's. Samara has already joined my crew... now I just need Legion and Kasumi and I'll be set.


Yeah, I noticed the numerous character archetypes, and story points ripped straight from mass effect 2.

:rolleyes: Though it isn't exactly a bad place to take inspiration from.


agree that Senya is basically Samara.

Edited by xhugox
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2) For the non-force using classes, I just don't believe a BH/Smuggler/Agent/Soldier, even well trained ones can stand up to a force-using spoiled prince.


I think Coleman Trebor wants to have a word with you. Jango seems to disagree quite strongly and Trebor is about to back up his case. If people would stop thinking that force user = always stronger than non-force users. It is a cliché being reinforced by OP characters like Starkiller.


Arcann isn't even that strong. He is probably slightly below the Barsen'thor and the Hero of Tython when it comes to using the force and using a lightsaber. Arcann won because your character was distracted. We've been running around for a solid six chapters after being unfrozen by Lana. She gave us a shot which kept the most lethal after effects out of our system, but our character never actually had the time to sleep properly or rest in kolto.


During the LS option, Arcann used the confusion and the spurr of the moment he had while we were distracted by our dear friend. As Valkorion pointed out in Chapter five: Time hasn't stopped. During the DS ending we powered ourselves out. Arcann took a beating from that.

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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.


Well, he lived for a thousand of years, which was allowed by consuming power (and life) from several of the most powerful Sith Lords that survived the Great Hyperspace War, and then did the same to another planet full of people on Ziost.


So there certainly is a good explanation as to "why is he so OP"

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Yeah this isn't the most original story, but its fun when you are playing the hero or heroine at the center of it. Most video game stories, while having an engaging setting or ideas within, are usually very prosaic and banal--very simple narratives, but when you're in the middle of it it makes the hohum more fun.
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My replayability gripe isn't just the linear story (which I did thoroughly enjoy), but also the post-story Alliance stuff. It's got the same issues as Garrisons in WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion: The whole recruitment thing honestly makes playing an Alt all the way to the end unappealing. I, for one, have no desire to go through all three linear expansion stories to get from 50-65, and then be expected to do the Alliance on all of them. That's just entirely too much grind. So, KoTFE has taken SWTOR to a single character game for me, outside of seeing the 1-50 class stories.


Same as Garrisons over in WoD did for me there.


Blizzard revamps talent trees in Mists of Pandaria, BioWare does it here.


Blizzard stat squishes in Warlords of Draenor and introduces Garrisons, BioWare does it here and brings in Alliance.


To be honest, I wish they would stop looking at WoW by this point. Or should we just look at Legion next year to see what BioWare will copy next?


First off, I am pretty sure Garrisons were poor copy of our Strongholds (aka "player housing").


However, I agree that playing Alliance on alts is going to be really awful. It should be made Legacy-wide, reducing the annoying grind has become the sole purpose of that system, so why not work Alliances into it?

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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.


No explanation?

I would say genetics are the explanation here. Force sensitivity is inherited, and both of their parents are powerful force-users.

Edited by cool-dude
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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.


While I agree that Valkorian/Vitiate is overpowered, they do explain it. It's because he 'ate' an entire planets and all it's inhabitance by tricking them into a ritual.


And on topic, I was surprised to find that I enjoyed the story very much, the original class stories were brilliant for me (Aside form the inquisitor, I hate the inquisitor) and Ilum was a very good note to close the vanilla game on (Even if Malgus's betrayal was a little annoying).

ROTHC used ot be my favorite expansion as it's story was good for the most part and I actually cared for the NPC's I was working with, though they defiantly stretched it out a lot.


SOR, I think overall just seemed like a filler arc, I never cared for Lana and Theron as the story never allowed their characters to expand or develop and it all just seemed to be set up for KOFTE. Which is a bad thing, an expansion should be able to hold up on it's own, not just be a giant set up for what's to come. Add to this that SOR in itself was really just a testing ground for what Bioware thought the player base would want.


KOTFE blew me away, I was hyped for it but I still had a ton of doubts about it, especially since it was focusing on Vitiate/Valkorian, who I always thought should of been an Operations boss in a minor storyline instead of a main villain. But playing through it left me speechless after how much I found myself enjoying it, the side NPC's were developing along with the story's, I got much more tweaks towards my class than I would of ever thought (Chapter 2 was a bloody joy to go through) and the story just seemed much more well paced then anything else in the game. Not once did I feel like there was any filler, not once did I think 'Man, this is there just for padding'. Valkorian became a much better character, admittedly he went through a completely unexplained 180 in personality (I seriously do not understand how destroying Ziost made him think any differently). Arcaan was more developed then thought after my first playthrough, I appreciated that he was a better villain than I gave him credit for when I played through it a second time. Plus, I enjoy our character getting taken down a peg.

And I know I'm in the minority on this, but I bloody LOVED the alliance system, the 'Classic Conversations' (It was strangly more attractive looking for me than the usual wheel), the Star Fortresses (A blast to play through) and the parts of planets they took me through that I never thought were there before.

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I think Coleman Trebor wants to have a word with you. Jango seems to disagree quite strongly and Trebor is about to back up his case. If people would stop thinking that force user = always stronger than non-force users. It is a cliché being reinforced by OP characters like Starkiller.



You mean the Jango who died to a bad mother******* with the purple lightsaber? And the Coleman Trebor who was a prop killed for the sake of making Jango look slightly dangerous?


No, those seem to make my point quite well.


The movies set this out very clearly. Han for all his courage could not have done what Luke did. He could get Vader off Luke's tail for a minute while Vader was distracted, but it was Luke who needed to make that 1 in a million shot.


They didn't send a bounty hunter or a soldier after Anakin when he fell. They sent a Jedi Master.


The force-users are the main characters of this story. And while reasonable people may disagree, I am simply unable to accept that the non-force users could be a significant threat to Arcann and Vaylin.

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I think its actually pretty good for game story lines. Unfortunately few games reach the level of the best books or movies when it comes to plot and characterization. That is balanced in my opinion by the fact that SWTOR is not just a story, it's an interactive group experience: you PARTICIPATE with other PEOPLE. It's not passive, solo consumption. There is pretty much nothing like it.


Give the interactive group fiction genre another 20 or 30 years and maybe we will reach "Schindler's List" level story telling.

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To be honest, I wish they would stop looking at WoW by this point. Or should we just look at Legion next year to see what BioWare will copy next?

Almost missed that one. Be careful with such predictions, you might give them ideas and I don't think a devaronian invasion would be such a good story right about now.

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