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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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I made a post in a previous thread pointing to a possible solution:


How about the devs introduce difficulty sliders to the companions and to heroics?


Normal and Hard.


Setting the difficulty slider to hard for companions has the following effects: significantly nerfing the companion to the point where the player needs to pay more attention in PVE or risk dying if they pull too much. To incentivize this kind of play, the devs could introduce some small reward for the increased difficulty. Perhaps a small credit boost to all mobs defeated while Hard mode is enabled (10% -15% maybe?) in addition to achievements to completing missions when the companion is on higher difficulty.


2+ Heroics on hard: can only be completed solo if both the companion is quite high level and the player character has very good gear or 2 players with their companions. Players who do this could a small reward with extra tokens for gear and/or credits/achievements etc.


There, everybody wins. Players can have their companions at their current power level if they wish. Players who want the challenge and want to be more influential in their battles can do so while getting a small reward. No one has to lose diminish their SWTOR experience by repeatedly dismissing their companions, artificially gimping them by turning off abilities or any difficulty spike that they don't want.

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Wow your companion carried you trough the very first boss battle in expansion. Am I supposed to be impressed here?


Yes when I was lvling my sorcerer and had 900 presence my Khem soloed everything pre-expansion too early game.

Such op much wow never seen before /facepalm

Edited by Kiesu
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if I cant play the story because I die over and over again I wont play at all at some point.

the grindy aspect of the game drove me away in the first place ...now I can be quick about it thanks to companions.

but hey, if you like wasting your time on grinding, play without a companion, or play double dps, not that lame tank /heal duo crap you showed off.


If that's your attitude why bother playing it at all?


I mean once we are max level exp doesn't matter and the rewards everything drops are pretty much crap.


They may as well just make a KoTFE movie and stop pretending like this is any sort of "game".


Nerf companions, make KotFE more difficult ( in line with original content which was hardly difficult but at least you could die without purposely trying to and even then it's tough to die ) - don't give a crap what they do with heroics etc. because I don't run those and people had always been able to god mode old content previously anyway.


Current content though needs to be semi challenging.

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You aren't going to get the majority to agree with you.


The 12x XP was a horrific idea, yet they kept it and now made it effectively for everyone. Now we have people that go through the entire game and never learn to play their toon. Instead of learning to play their toon, they scream it needs to be easier.


Don't believe me? Group finder was the easy indicator.

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Wow your companion carried you trough the very first boss battle in expansion. Am I supposed to be impressed here?


Yes when I was lvling my sorcerer and had 900 presence my Khem soloed everything pre-expansion too early game.

Such op much wow never seen before /facepalm


I don't think you played this expansion. I am being generous by saying this is the second. Technically its not. The first chapter is all a tutorial you can tell that with there being no elites just strong enemies. Also there is no companion at that point. Its just you.


Bioware actually addressed early game companions being Op and they said they were getting rid of that. so....

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Sorry but you haven't proven a thing.


I ran through the story chain the morning servers came up and was 65 in under an hour, and all combat consisted of run / speeder as far as possible, duck behind an obstruction, and force storm everything including elites and mini bosses (several times without companions as they would not reappear when I dismounted).


So the 'problem' you are documenting is the story content of KotFE is stupid easy, not that companions are overpowered.


Also story 60-65 is most likely intentionally tuned to be very easy as they are trying to bring new players into the game who will not have years of experience, and who are being targeted with 'epic story', not 'hack and slash grinder'.


Also a player who isn't a total window licker should be able to complete H2s solo, as I've done since launch.


Again, saying companions can solo parts of H2s doesn't prove companions are overpowered, it simply proves leveling content has been nerfed.


Make a video of a companion solo-ing an HM boss or Heroic Star Fortress (without Alliance buffs), and you might be on to something, otherwise all you are showing is leveling content is tuned super easy.


I agree. The problem is NOT the Comps but the easy Content (I expect the content to get more difficult eventually).


As for the Comps... even before update 4 I used my Comp Treek only as a healer and now I do so with all Comps. So it does not matter to me how strong the Comps are or not. The comps either heal properly or they do not. Using comps as Tanks (too me) is just lazy game-play.

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I agree. The problem is NOT the Comps but the easy Content (I expect the content to get more difficult eventually).


As for the Comps... even before update 4 I used my Comp Treek only as a healer and now I do so with all Comps. So it does not matter to me how strong the Comps are or not. The comps either heal properly or they do not. Using comps as Tanks (too me) is just lazy game-play.


How can using them as tanks be lazy? It should be designed if they are in tank mode and we go eat lunch they die very fast from no heals thrown their way and/or no dps to take down the boss in time.


There is no smart design choice to this situation.


I don't care if they nerf the companions or make the story a bit harder ... I just want a game harder than "Dora The Explorer Saves The Snow Princess" that I checked in with my daughter playing this weekend on the wii to see if I was indeed correct about it being more difficult and it indeed is ... not even exgarrating, that's how ridiculous this "game" has become.


Having it as difficult as it was for the original class content would be fine, harder would be nicer, instanced difficulty settings we can choose would be best.

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Probably the most relevant thing that can be said:


Earth is an MMO. That doesn't mean I must interact with you. You're just living on the same planet is all. The less interaction I have with you the better. Why people feel an MMO requires you to "group" is anathema to me. I'll "group" with whom I please, and you're not invited.


Edit: in short, companions are not to powerful, they are allowing me to do what I want, when I want regardless of others, and that makes them Ideal, to me.

Edited by JasmineMoldovia
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that's not true Before the update i had Kehm in end game quality gear and he could barely stand his own against 1 elite. This would of killed him within 20 seconds.


The easy mode will end sooner or later... with or without me.


You're full of crap. I have the same companion and he could do fine.

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I don't think you played this expansion. I am being generous by saying this is the second. Technically its not. The first chapter is all a tutorial you can tell that with there being no elites just strong enemies. Also there is no companion at that point. Its just you.


Bioware actually addressed early game companions being Op and they said they were getting rid of that. so....

If that's your reply put your companion solo last chapter bosses and see how well they do.


Showing a video for tutorial boss pwnage is somewhat hilarious.

Edited by Kiesu
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TRy that in chapter 8 boss fight. Get back to me.


Try it against




Also, quiet down in your next video. You spend 9/10ths of it whining about how you'd 'love this fight' and then you stand off to the side.


A companion could probably solo Heskal, and again it would simply prove story content is laughably easy.


Gearing your companion well enough to do something like that (which they wouldn't have walked away from with 95% health) took a lot of work crafting, buying, and getting the legacy presence bonus. Now it's the baseline. Sidekicks are so powerful the hero is no longer necessary. It was not like this before.


Sorry but you are wrong, mine have been very powerful for some time.


I leveled several characters with 12x, and once I got a companion, I literally didn't do anything but run behind them and loot until Tat / Alderaan while wearing whatever I got along the way (which usually included many missing slots).


Mid game they weren't as powerful unless I geared them, but they weren't slouches either and even well past mid game they had more HP than I if geared for the level.


At 60, my companions had slightly more HP than my characters, and nothing in the 50 / 60 / 65 content was a challenge, and I could very easily do any set of dailies while half afk watching cat videos while my companions killed everything (dps comps).

Edited by DawnAskham
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First of all thanks for admitting i am right.


secondly your argument for saying that people will only play because companions are OP is very tiresome and is getting old quickly. People will play for the awesome story content. Not because their companions are OP. If they love the story either way they will stick with whatever they are having issues with.


that is where you are wrong. people who get frustrated with difficulty of the game? stop playing and move on, no matter how awesome the story might be

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


Isn't this fight your doing an entry level fight in the new expansion? As in training?

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that is where you are wrong. people who get frustrated with difficulty of the game? stop playing and move on, no matter how awesome the story might be


Can you explain something to me? It sounds like you are afraid of the game being too hard. Can you please explain what about the game before the patch was very hard? This is my first MMO and like most rookie MMO players i had to learn as i go. I didn't have companions that never died.


Some spots i failed but after trying for a few times I found out why and then i moved on to something more rewarding. I had great guild mates that helped me along the way.


The thing is that companions are not even a 10th of as powerful as they will be. Once people be maxing out these stats its going to be crazy. If you were to tell me If the status get maxed out this is what i would get i would probably be fine with that.

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It wont though because this is new content.


I cant beat two elites by myself.


Sorry I stopped reading here because that's bs. On the same said fight you recorded (with obviously same companion) max pres from datacrons n all that jazz on a healing sorc my companion got thrown off the flippin' platform and I soloed those two guys as a healer in less time than it took your companion in tank stance.

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Isn't this fight your doing an entry level fight in the new expansion? As in training?


its the 3rd chapter in. There was another boss fight before this in this chapter that Lana actually had some issues with. By that i mean she actually dropped below 80 percent health. Reason being was I let the Adds keep spawning to see how many she could tank at once. It would only got as high as 9.


The first chapter was obviously a tutorial as people will see and that is obvious. tutorials should be done a third of the way into the story.

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I cant beat two elites by myself.

Go back to the tutorial, unsummon your companion, and kill them solo. Pretty sure you'll do just fine.

Tutorial Boss =/= Star Fortress Heroic Boss.

Hell, I can record you that same tutorial boss kill your companion soloed myself without a companion.

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Sorry I stopped reading here because that's bs. On the same said fight you recorded (with obviously same companion) max pres from datacrons n all that jazz on a healing sorc my companion got thrown off the flippin' platform and I soloed those two guys as a healer in less time than it took your companion in tank stance.


OK. Would love to see that.. All i can go is based on my past experiences. and if you look towards the end i was taking way more damage than Lana.


The point is there is zero threat of dying at all because your companions are just too good. It might just be a damage mitigation issue. If i had my way they would only last as long as 15-20 seconds without either killing the threat or doing something to keep them up

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Who cares if a companion solos a story quest... Big flippin deal...


Impress me, go into a tactical flashpoint... I pick Red Reaper... Tell your companion to tear it up... Bet ya it does not survive the first pull...


Companions are not OP. They can't face roll tactical FPs. Shoot most players will still have problems trying to solo a tactical with a companion....

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Tutorial fight is easy, Film at 11. And you don't even show your Republic unlocks, just your Imperial, and not your own stats sheet, so we can't see how much presence you actually have.


Companions might be scaling too well, but this isn't really proof.


Have your OP companion solo Malgus HM, that would be proof.


Even if his Rep and Imp was maxed and he had every conceivable presence boost he could get through the in game achievements, how does that matter?


It seems like achievement hunters, veterans of the game, people who play with keybinds and a gaming mouse are now being punished for their skill and commitment to playing the game by having all of their challenge taken away.


Instead of playing the game like I used to, I find myself here on the forums hoping against hope that I am not alone feeling ripped off by 4.0. Last week I was excited about what level synch was going to do for me, opening up the entire game world with engaging content only to find out that 2VR can solo an entire planet of Sith, and Talos Drellik can pistol whip Emperor Malgus to death.


the changes announced in 4.0 made me completely abandon any thought about buying the new GW2 expansion, after playing GW2 since the day it launched, and after a week of this garbage companion debacle I am grudgingly ready to become a most casual 'preferred' player.

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