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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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I have not heard one complaint on the game about it. I take the complaints on the forums with a grain of salt. I have learn to do that since launch. I pay more attention to the people on the game and my guild than I do to people in the forums as I don't care what the issue is there will always be someone complaining.


I've seen plenty of people bring it up in general. Generally someone gets super upset that talking about imbalance will "ruin the game for the rest of us" and then the whole thing turns into a real ****show, but balance in 4.0 is definitely the most talked about issue with SWTOR (in and out of the game) I've seen since the game launched.

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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Not many people are hating the new companions. It is just a small group crying about it. In game tons of people are enjoying it, and at last feel like the companions are more than just a dot, and now they don't have to spend ages to grind and make them super strong is a plus.


The forums is really the only place I really see this select few people trying to get them nerfed, but I am not worried.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things.

The youtube comments called out your bullsith, that's the tutorial fight.


Also, you didn't show republic classes presence unlocks, legacy datacrons (there are presence datacrons) and +100 presence for human species unlock.


And why do you have a yellow REPAIR gear warning icon over your character portrait. Did you find and exploit a repair gear bug?


Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.
Companion is the second person. Heroic 2's are fine being soloable wtih a companion. My low lop server makes it hard to find Heroic partners, nobody should have to group to grind Locked Supply Crate Weekly heroics. Edited by Falensawino
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But then he can't force his own opinion of how the game should be onto the whole community!


Of course, everyone should run around with useless companions. Because he says so!


You always will have people like that in a online game. It has to be their way. Just the way some people are. They have control issues.

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If you want challenge - fight without companion. Period.


Spot on.

Comps are right now as they should be and do not to be nerfed.


anyone who misses being clubbed by NPCs... want a challenge... play PvP....oh NO! that is way too much of a challenge, for the nerf-crowd actually might loose against real players.


What are people asking for? Make to Comps weaker... but not so weak that there is a real challenge of loosing a fight. So what is left? Why weakening the comps if i do not really wish for a real challenge where with each fight there is the danger of the player-avatar being obliterated?


What does the pro-nerf crowd want? Challenge or not Challenge? NO! they want a bit of challenge which actually is no challenge at all and just makes trash fights longer and more tedious and boss fights very long and incredibly tedious.


Well, yes... want a challenge.... make things more difficult for yourself and not for other people.

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Stats have changed, and the whole game as changed. Companions were strong enough to solo things before. So the new numbers mean nothing. You can't compare the two as this is a pretty much whole new system we are using.


If your companion could not solo elites. You must have been doing something wrong.


So you keep ignoring what I'm saying. Lovely.Your attempt at suggesting that I didn't properly gear up companions totally failed. I was one of those that not only geared them up. I also optimized their stats and was crazy enough to parse their dps. How many actually did that? It's safely to assume that not many. I strongly believe only a bunch of players regularly optimized and parsed their companions to make their performance the best possible. Gearing up companions was my hobby and I knew more about their max potential than half people voicing their opinions about them in pre 4.0. I know the topic we are discussing about. Melee dps companions were the best and their top performance was not even near what now companions are capable of.


Let me repeat the original question. How did you solo'ed faction bases with your companion in pre 4.0? :)


Why you suddenly shift from the discussion about soloing faction bases and dps that kills any player to solo'ing elites? Of course companions solo'ed regular elites in the open world but they didn't stand a chance against elites from the faction bases. I optimized stats on my main's companions and Treek certainly didn't outperform my fellow healers from the progress team nor she healed me to full in the faction bases. Nor my Jaesa as dps couldn't kill a player in duel within a few seconds.


Suggesting that pre 4.0 companions were as nearly powerful as post 4.0 is huge bantha poodoo. Companions should be somehwere in-between. Not as mediocre as they were in pre 4.0 since we want to allow every type of player to finish story content but they shouldn't be OP either.

Edited by PavSalco
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Spot on.

Comps are right now as they should be and do not to be nerfed.


anyone who misses being clubbed by NPCs... want a challenge... play PvP....oh NO! that is way too much of a challenge, for the nerf-crowd actually might loose against real players.


What are people asking for? Make to Comps weaker... but not so weak that there is a real challenge of loosing a fight. So what is left? Why weakening the comps if i do not really wish for a real challenge where with each fight there is the danger of the player-avatar being obliterated?


What does the pro-nerf crowd want? Challenge or not Challenge? NO! they want a bit of challenge which actually is no challenge at all and just makes trash fights longer and more tedious and boss fights very long and incredibly tedious.


Well, yes... want a challenge.... make things more difficult for yourself and not for other people.


They can also put the companion on passive.

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What does the pro-nerf crowd want? Challenge or not Challenge? NO! they want a bit of challenge which actually is no challenge at all and just makes trash fights longer and more tedious and boss fights very long and incredibly tedious.


Ok, I'm not necessarily in the pro-nerf crowd...nor am I against them not being nerfed back down to pre 4.0 levels. I will answer your question though.


I don't mind how "easy" the game is now...but I do think, that maybe it should have been the player characters who got a buff, and not the companions.


I just think that the player characters should be the powerful one, not the companions. I really do think there is an immersion breaking aspect that comes along with companions being so much more powerful than player characters. I think this is truly where the so called "complainers" come from.


That's my only thing...but again, I will reiterate, that I'm not at all completely against how things are in 4.0.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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The youtube comments called out your bullsith, that's the tutorial fight.


Also, you didn't show republic classes presence unlocks, legacy datacrons (there are presence datacrons) and +100 presence for human species unlock.


And why do you have a yellow REPAIR gear warning icon over your character portrait. Did you find and exploit a repair gear bug?


Companion is the second person. Heroic 2's are fine being soloable wtih a companion. My low lop server makes it hard to find Heroic partners, nobody should have to group to grind Locked Supply Crate Weekly heroics.




A tutorial fight. at Chapter 3 of 12? OK... Have you played this?

Maybe i have a repair icon because there is no where i could find to repair my gear.


Its ok the people in charge can see my progress. They will know i have no such bonuses on the pub side. I think deep down people know that the hammer will come. That is why everyone is making a mad rush to try to disprove this. Even got some straw poll as a desperate attempt to try to beg for change not to come. It will though.


Not tomorrow, Not next week and maybe not next major patch but it will.


Have a good night/morning everyone

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Nothing would make you happier than an absolute nerf to all companions.




If it's too easy, equip a lower level weapon, older armor, or level on higher level mobs. All would afford you more of a challenge.


What a ridiculous response.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


I've got news for you, companions aren't the problem. You can put them away for all it matters. The story content is so damned easy you don't need your companions or even decent gear. In the blue legacy 188's that you get with an instant 60 the game isn't remotely challenging in any single player area. I went into Dread Fortress SM last night with a level 60 and 192/198 gear. It was so easy my raid team and I were laughing at it. We didn't expect an operation that was nearly 2 years old to be challenging but BioWare has dumbed it down to a point that is sickening. Bolster takes away the need for gear, lower HP pools take away the need to remotely learn to play your class. Low damage output by bosses takes away the need to know your roles either. The gates are now opened in SM DF so that clicking on crystals no longer has to be done because evidently the average PUGs couldn't handle that. This is truly sad because you'd think that in a SM PUG group through GF that someone, just one player would be able to explain this stuff to the group given how old the operation is.


The lighting arcs after the hand phase in Brontes no longer kills you. It doesn't even hurt you. They took out the ability to die in the hallway trash pulls because people can't handle not standing in red circles. They took away the ability to grapple those guys or push them around while they are getting ready to explode because too many casuals whined and cried about the trolling being done in those halls. The mass affliction dot in SM Draxus no longer does anything because PUG healers are next to useless most of the time.


BioWare has crossed a line into territory where the game is so lacking in difficulty that the game isn't even fun anymore. PvP (sometimes), hard mode and nightmare mode operations are the last bastions of challenge in the game. This is why progression raiders often look down on the rest of the player base. The general playerbase can't be bothered with learning the damn game. So BioWare makes everything so any idiot can steamroll content without so much as bothering to learn their classes on a basic level. Pretty soon the game will be so dumbed down that you'll be able to use an XBOX controller and we'll all have a max of about 4 attack abilities.


The problem is systemtic. The companions aren't the cause of this game lacking in challenge. Rather, they are a one of the many symptoms of the problem.

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BW wanted to make KOTFE window-licker easy, and overshot by making it drooling tard easy.


The best thing to do really, if you want any semblance of a challenge at all, is to quest without your companion. I found that to be a lot more fun even though it too was a cakewalk. Sure, it took longer, but whatever. We have plenty of time before the next content update. lulz

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Wondering why so few people are grasping the fact that "monster" companions aren't a universal experience, and that a lot depends on the level, content, influence level, PC's base prestige, and other factors...


Not really interested in going back to test this on a new legacy. But this point is only valid if we nerf base companion stats. If they are truly balanced for a new player, then simply lower the gains slightly from influence, presence, or whatever to make them unable to solo champion mobs and flashpoints.

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I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.


Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.

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Not really interested in going back to test this on a new legacy. But this point is only valid if we nerf base companion stats. If they are truly balanced for a new player, then simply lower the gains slightly from influence, presence, or whatever to make them unable to solo champion mobs and flashpoints.


Right -- re-tuning the overall gains to reduce the scale as things increase, or going with diminishing returns as the factors like Influence reach the top of the scale, that would make sense.

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First of all thanks for admitting i am right.


secondly your argument for saying that people will only play because companions are OP is very tiresome and is getting old quickly. People will play for the awesome story content. Not because their companions are OP. If they love the story either way they will stick with whatever they are having issues with.

if I cant play the story because I die over and over again I wont play at all at some point.

the grindy aspect of the game drove me away in the first place ...now I can be quick about it thanks to companions.

but hey, if you like wasting your time on grinding, play without a companion, or play double dps, not that lame tank /heal duo crap you showed off.

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I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.


Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.


Again, I really think the core of the problem here is not "challenge" at all. I think it's the immersion breaking aspect of companions being so superior to player characters.


Pre 4.0, if you sent companions in, chances are, they would need your help. In 4.0, they do not need your help at all.

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I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.


Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.


Well spoken and spot on... Thanks

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I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.



Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.


I second this comment.

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I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.


Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.


We don't want them to nerf companions. We want them to give us companions. Right now companions are main characters. We're the companions. ;)

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So, a companion beat 2 elites, huh ?


I'm not impressed, two elites as for now roughly equal two strongs from before the update.


The NPC standard has changed. One could just try to engage a Champion without companion... He could be surprised how accessible it has become.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


Sorry but you haven't proven a thing.


I ran through the story chain the morning servers came up and was 65 in under an hour, and all combat consisted of run / speeder as far as possible, duck behind an obstruction, and force storm everything including elites and mini bosses (several times without companions as they would not reappear when I dismounted).


So the 'problem' you are documenting is the story content of KotFE is stupid easy, not that companions are overpowered.


Also story 60-65 is most likely intentionally tuned to be very easy as they are trying to bring new players into the game who will not have years of experience, and who are being targeted with 'epic story', not 'hack and slash grinder'.


Also a player who isn't a total window licker should be able to complete H2s solo, as I've done since launch.


Again, saying companions can solo parts of H2s doesn't prove companions are overpowered, it simply proves leveling content has been nerfed.


Make a video of a companion solo-ing an HM boss or Heroic Star Fortress (without Alliance buffs), and you might be on to something, otherwise all you are showing is leveling content is tuned super easy.

Edited by DawnAskham
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