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PVP Records on the Shadowlands (4.0+)


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Uh...not exactly, Jad. Aren't you a sniper? Let's not talk about which class has 2 specs on top of sustained DPS...and have you seen what they did to pyro last time they came after PTs? It was a tragedy, still is. I'm sorry your class is ill-suited for ranked but don't overstate your case...


Sniper ill-suited for ranked?? Lol what.


Now for some more meaningless numbers.

PT Tank in Solo Ranked. http://imgur.com/a/JISsU 4 screens. Atox outdps'd me as sin tank in one of those, but SHHHHHH!

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I think it's safe to come to the following consensus (as a general rule, though the dot spread introduction in 3.0 skewed stats a bit)


2.0 -> 3.0: 30 percent HP and damage increase


3.0 -> 4.0: 40 percent damage increase. 60 percent HP increase.


It's clear that TTK has gone up.

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