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Everything posted by Buckwildjoe

  1. I reached out to a couple of the top maras on my server and did a lot of experimenting and testing to find what works best for ME. I will share what I use but you will need to take into consideration your own playstyle, game mode, and ping/fps to figure out what works best for you. I usually run around 2k crit, ~1400 alacrity, and 105% acc in regs. I definitely suggest you at least use 105% accuracy as missing an annihilate will really hurt your dps (hardest hitting ability and buffs your bleeds). There is also a good argument for using 110% because missing during a window can be the difference between getting a kill or not. Again this is a personal preference. Alacrity is the stat I play around with the most. You can really see its benefit IF you have a lot of uptime but in PvP you will hardly ever have 100% uptime which decreases the value of the stat. That is why I say it depends on your playstyle. In regs with a healer where I know I’ll have significant uptime I will run around 1400 alacrity. In ranked or in games without a healer where I know I will not have a lot of uptime I will switch to around 10% alacrity and fill the rest with mastery or power augments. (I personally use mastery augments but the difference is very small) You can read vulks guide to get a better understanding of the spec and you can also use his opener (minus the adrenal obviously) Single target priority list I use : Deadly saber (this is not on gcd) Force rend Annihilate Rupture DST (Proc) Ravage VT (30% or with utility) Slash Assault I should also say you want to be using deadly saber, annihilate, and force rend off cd. Hard to place a perfect priorty list in pvp. For AOE It’s basically the same other than throwing in smash after applying force rend and rupture to a target and using DST (w proc) One thing that helped my DPS out a lot is learning when to refresh rupture. You need to learn the timing so you’re not overlapping the bleed. Doing it to soon will result in a dps loss and doing it too late and letting the bleed fall off is a dps loss. Obviously this is easier said than done in PvP but the more you play the spec the better you will become at it. Also the more you play the better you will become at predicting enemy movement which will result in you getting better dot spreads. I use the following utilities and usually have a point to spend depending on what I’m doing. https://tor.community/5MuA2Y Again this is MY personal preference for PvP so take that for what it is. You should experiment and figure out what works best for you and your playstyle. Also special thanks to Kai and Doc for sharing their own builds with me.
  2. Bwj Sentinel 8v8 8641.3 dps http://imgur.com/a/d7BI8
  3. Yeah I'm working on creating one right now
  4. Yup you're trading like ~10 seconds of survival for a crap ton of damage. I recommend using kreas build as well. Just learning when and when not to use certain dcds will increase your survivability
  5. Last night they were working fine for me. Idk if anything has changed since then
  6. Here are some that I actually screenshotted Gusbus: 6714.72 hps http://imgur.com/KwysyuU Bwj Darkness dps/prot DPS:2854 Prot: 1066774 http://imgur.com/oS6I5ys DPS:2725 Prot: 1149576 http://imgur.com/JSZBF0p Bwj Darkness arena DPS: 3235 Prot: 76651(lol) http://imgur.com/ZUhA5ol Bwj Hatred DPS: 4355 http://imgur.com/C9MkgA1
  7. Had the same issue last night. After about an hour I was able to login
  8. http://imgur.com/acnNuAK 3236.12 Darkness sin double healer so nothing special lol
  9. Posting for Gusbus. 6270.09 hps http://imgur.com/Huo48TZ
  10. Depredating volts (3x harnessed darkness) Assassinate (if in range) Shock Wither Maul (proc) Discharge ( use to maintain debuff . Lacerate does 15% more damage to debuffed enemies) Use lacerate if there is two or more enemies you can hit if not just use thrash Usually better to use a 3x depredating volts and an energized shock with recklessness.
  11. For regs I would say carnage or fury are the best. Ranked I would say fury is better cause of cc immunity and it's harder to stop the burst of fury. But.. I would play whatever you have the most fun with. I mostly play annihilation as it is my favorite marauder spec. I also consistently top the charts in dps in regs on my server.
  12. Lol sin tanks do not suck. There def not as good as pt tanks are right now but they are better than guardians. Personally if you like the style of the sin tank then play it you will have fun.
  13. Good luck. I recommend you find a healer friend as this will help you while learning the spec. It can be very frustrating to learn with the current state of pvp
  14. Try going 71% surge 5.30% alacrity with all power no crit or acc. I would use strength augments as well
  15. The exquisite champion dualsaber does the same thing right now
  16. Does ranked pop for pub side on harbinger? It seems like I can never get a pop on shadowlands when I queue
  17. Lol I win way more than I lose pubside on shadowlands. You do run into those unwinnable games sometimes on both factions. In my opinion if you like to tank on a shadow or sin this is the build to go even in regs.
  18. Tank spec is personally my favorite. I never ran into any issues leveling with that spec on my shadow or assassin. I would assume it's better now that you get slow time earlier. I would recommend running treek heals.
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