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Everything posted by seafreeish

  1. Just also want to throw in there that with the NiM loot system as is, tanks literally cannot be BiS. Where can you get high endurance 224 B-mods? Where can you get high endurance augments and earpieces? My raid group was doing HM DP a few weeks ago and Raptus's driving thrust hit one of our tanks for 106k. He had ~80k health. You see the problem. And that's only HM.
  2. Lei-lu - Madness sorc - 4730 8v8s Can I be in the hall of fame yet? Now to start on my exemplar set... :/ http://imgur.com/mab83v8
  3. I agree. If you're in a group you should establish loot rules before the OP and stick with them. That being said, "1 piece per" is not like, some universal standard. I've been in free-roll groups and come out with 3 pieces; I've been in groups (many many) where I came out with nothing. If no one says anything I don't ever feel bad walking away with multiple pieces. It's kind a price you pay for pugging.
  4. This just makes me sick. Who are they listening to that they think this is needed? Just sickening...
  5. Here's another question for Revanchist sin DPS'ers. Do you have any tricks for cheesing the pulls on third floor Revan? Honestly the only time I made it to core phase on my sin we killed it, so I didn't get a chance to experiment with phase walk. Is there a good way to use it? Could you place it on the inner ring and use it as soon as you're pulled to get back on the platform before death? Or is it better dropped on the back of the platform for use just before a pull in? I didn't try either of these when I was there. Phantom striding to the core repositions you midway on the platform--probably not enough to survive a pull in, but I've yet to pull Revan HM in 4.0. Seems like it would be pretty useful for keeping uptime on the core. Any thoughts on this? Anything I'm missing?
  6. Hello. I main an assassin, and had a question for operatives. As you may know, in deception, part of our sustained rotation involves stealthing out to boost our force regen. Since 4.0 several of us have had a problem where the target dummy resets most of the times when we stealth out. (This was unheard of, so far as I know pre-4.0). Forgive my ignorance of lethality/concealment, but if stealthing out is a part of your rotation on a parse, are you all having the same problem some assassins are?
  7. Show us on the dummy where the AP PT touched you. Did he do internal damage to you? You poor marksman sniper...
  8. Eh, it's pretty on topic to call someone out when they say something stupid.
  9. Uh...not exactly, Jad. Aren't you a sniper? Let's not talk about which class has 2 specs on top of sustained DPS...and have you seen what they did to pyro last time they came after PTs? It was a tragedy, still is. I'm sorry your class is ill-suited for ranked but don't overstate your case...
  10. Definitely go with shield in Darkness otherwise you won't get any of the mitigation stats that come with a tanking offhand.
  11. Thanks. I've responded to your bug thread! Others who are having this problem should too!
  12. I'm having the same problems! It doesn't happen every time I use Cloak on the dummy, but it happens most of the time--ballpark 75%-80% of cloaks end in a reset dummy. I've tried switching utilities and everything the OP says with no results.
  13. It happens most of the time. I finish at most a quarter of my parses.
  14. Aelanis want to invite me to your ship to see if it'll still happen to me there?
  15. I've done it with all class buffs, a stim, stance...changed around utilities, done it with no utilities, it happens more often than not no matter what. My gear is 216 set bonus pieces. I don't really want to take the time to see what procs are going on when it happens...that is extremely tedious and I don't think it would tell us much in the end. My suspicion is that they fixed something with our cloak (there was the problem in PVP with cloak not taking you out of combat, even with the shroud utility). But take that for what it's worth...
  16. I'm parsing in deception, and my dummy resets most times that I use Force Cloak for energy regen.
  17. A bump for this post...it's still happening. I finish about 1/4 of my parses, waste adrenals...this is really annoying. I've talked to another person to whom this is happening. Anyone else experiencing this? Anyone have a fix? I thought it might be tied to the shroud on vanish utility, but it happens when that is not selected as well. Very frustrating...
  18. Mostly here b/c this is where Aelanis and Keyboardninja frequent...assuming you're only looking for sin theorycrafting.
  19. (at least that's what the ladies all tell me)
  20. Force cloak takes me out of combat with the target dummy. Anyone else getting this?
  21. A big patch and it doesn't even fix these very annoying bugs for assassins from the last week. Still can't commit certain utility points--points that seem to vary from attempt to attempt; still have to train Lightning Charge when switching to hatred (yet somehow we no longer have to train Crushing Darkness when switching back). I know we all know these things are in the game and just how annoying they are, I just hadn't seen them posted yet... Here's hoping someone who can do something about it reads this...
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