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please do not nerf companions


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Please nerf companions. People who want to just get through content as fast as possible can make a level 60 character. Turning off an important part of the game because it's broken is a real dumb solution.


you do realize that I'm talking about using my companions at lvl 65 right? getting through leveling process was never particularly hard - it was just time consuming. companions being powerful doesn't make that much of a difference for the story content, becasue bulk of that leveling through story process? is making choices in cutscenes. (and one of the few times my attention is 100% on the game, as i don't spacebar through conversations, unless they are not in basic)

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if people find them overpowered and want a challenge, they can always disable their abilities and just have them do basic attacks. or put them on passive.



They still can nerf them but give out a god-mode button. This way, everyone can actually use the companions.

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No, but it sounds like she basically wants the game to play itself.


nope. it sounds like I actualy LIKE an option to solo H2 content at my pace, allowing me to walk away from my computer at random times, etc, rather then having to play on someone else's schedule bulk of my playtime.


but please do keep being so myoptic. at least its consistent.

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nope. it sounds like I actualy LIKE an option to solo H2 content at my pace, allowing me to walk away from my computer at random times, etc, rather then having to play on someone else's schedule bulk of my playtime.


but please do keep being so myoptic. at least its consistent.


It's called heroic 2+ for a reason. You are supposed to need another player to complete it. If your companion does everything for you while you go off to do whatever, than what is the point of even logging in to the game?

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I'm so sorry (or hey, maybe you should feel lucky) that your life must be so uneventful that you seek your game to be challenging at all times. I'm so sorry that you must have your dailies demanding 100% of your attention, that everything should feel like a progression OP.


I will repeat again and again. you. have options. more so now with level sync being mandatory.


learn to use them instead of looking down on how other people enjoy playing.


It's one extreme or the other with you lot isn't it? What we have now is NO CHALLENGE. What we're asking for is some gameplay. We're not asking them to dial it up to UBER MAX EXTREME HARDNESS and telling you to HTFU and live with it. Companions are OP right now, and need to be nerfed, but when we say that, we don't mean nerf them into the ground. We can find a nice, balanced middle ground where the easy stuff remains easy, and the stuff that's meant to be hard is hard. I mean, I know we're meant to be able to solo heroics now, but I'm not even breaking a sweat. I just ran through the champions in that H2 on Imperial Balmorra where you call in the laser strike, and Vette was keeping me healed at max will I chipped away at them. I even triggered about three mobs in the underground bunker to see how I'd fair, and had a veritable platoon of strongs and elites on me and once, and still no sweat. It's not right how it is now. We're curb stomping absolutely everything, and there is no risk of losing if you don't strategise and use your abilities smartly. I can stand there and tap '1' repeatedly using only my most basic attack, and still kill everything in the game, as long as I have a companion healing me.


The only reason companions were 'weak' before is because players weren't gearing them up well enough for the task they were demanded for. The Treek I had was extremely well geared and was healing a lot better than she is now. ALL my companions on my sentinel were kept geared in such a way that I could already solo all the H2s.

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It's called heroic 2+ for a reason. You are supposed to need another player to complete it. If your companion does everything for you while you go off to do whatever, than what is the point of even logging in to the game?

Then tell me, why were so many players able to run H2s solo+companion while at level since launch?


Some were even able to do H4s, though that was obviously more difficult.

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It's called heroic 2+ for a reason. You are supposed to need another player to complete it. If your companion does everything for you while you go off to do whatever, than what is the point of even logging in to the game?


except Musco pretty much stated that they are tuned to be soloable by higher level players who have been playing for a while.


and two - I don't walk away mid combat. I just like an option to afk between combat at will and not feel like a dick for wasting other people's time who are grouped with me. I don't know about you, but I still have to do the bulk of the damage when my Lana is healing. otherwise, NOTHING dies. my character doesn't die, but neither do the enemies. when she's tanking, she might be tough enough not to need much healing, but her damage is almost as bad as when she's healing. and when she's dpsing? if I don't heal her, she does eventually die, before the enemies do.


here's another challenge for you.


start a new character on a server that you have no legacy on. just completely new character with no legendary player account, no presence bonuses. level that character. and then tell me if you still think companions are overpowered.


tune down the presence you say?


well... here's something for you to ponder. alliance system? leveling up companions etc? THAT is that new and exciting secret end game project bioware was talking about. if they remove incentive for casual players to earn it (and nerfing presence will do just that since all that work and it makes almost no difference?) - they will lose more people than they gain.


how about... instead of nerfing the more casual part of the game... they stop dawdling and go design those new ops and non tactical flash-points already?

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nope. it sounds like I actualy LIKE an option to solo H2 content at my pace, allowing me to walk away from my computer at random times, etc, rather then having to play on someone else's schedule bulk of my playtime.


but please do keep being so myoptic. at least its consistent.


Some content is intended for more casual gameplay, and some is intended to be for the more hardcore. MMOs are built with that kind of content because due to online nature of the game, you can't really put a difficulty selection option in. Time and again though, I see the casual gamer demand that all content be made as available to them as it is to more hardcore players, and the more hardcore players get left with.... what exactly?


Don't make this about you. It's not about you, it's about everyone who plays this game. EVERYONE.

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I personally don't do the heroics, even if i can do them solo so easily, i just don't bother, i know that even though majority of the players like this power that the companions have, you do know that they only listen to the most vocal people.


The only real way to avoid the nerf bat is to be as vocal as possible, because alot of these players that love challenge and think EVERYTHING should be hard and difficult to be worth playing don't care a rats *** about other players, just their own experience.


I think the players that love the challenge of a game, should play the game without a companion active, find ways of making it a challenge, so far there are some that don't use companions at all, i personally don't give a rats *** about the challenge of the game, if challenge mattered more, i would be playing other games, i play for story, nothing more, nothing less.


For me, challenge never enters into it, if anything, the endgame content should be hard for those elitist raiders that think they are leet and crap like that.

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It's one extreme or the other with you lot isn't it? What we have now is NO CHALLENGE. What we're asking for is some gameplay. We're not asking them to dial it up to UBER MAX EXTREME HARDNESS and telling you to HTFU and live with it. Companions are OP right now, and need to be nerfed, but when we say that, we don't mean nerf them into the ground. We can find a nice, balanced middle ground where the easy stuff remains easy, and the stuff that's meant to be hard is hard. I mean, I know we're meant to be able to solo heroics now, but I'm not even breaking a sweat. I just ran through the champions in that H2 on Imperial Balmorra where you call in the laser strike, and Vette was keeping me healed at max will I chipped away at them. I even triggered about three mobs in the underground bunker to see how I'd fair, and had a veritable platoon of strongs and elites on me and once, and still no sweat. It's not right how it is now. We're curb stomping absolutely everything, and there is no risk of losing if you don't strategise and use your abilities smartly. I can stand there and tap '1' repeatedly using only my most basic attack, and still kill everything in the game, as long as I have a companion healing me.


The only reason companions were 'weak' before is because players weren't gearing them up well enough for the task they were demanded for. The Treek I had was extremely well geared and was healing a lot better than she is now. ALL my companions on my sentinel were kept geared in such a way that I could already solo all the H2s.


wait. you go through all of this " all or nothing accusation" at me .. and then you get to the gist of the issues. your companion of choice was actualy more powerful before than she is now. so what is really bothering you? is it that companions are powerful? or that they are powerful for EVERYONE now? becasue i think its the second. I think its that special snowflake syndrome rearing its head.


people here, you included, have already shown that it was possible to do heroic content with relative ease even before 4.0. its just more accessible to MORE people now. and I think THAT is the crux of the issue, I think THAT is what some of you are unhappy about.


P.S. in that situation you describe? maybe it was no sweat for you, but having gotten into that situation couple of times yesterday, it was certainly very much.. "oh ****, must hit all buttons including cc to stay alive, oh crap oh crap, I'm about to die - god bubble" situation for me. but again. how dare people not as leet as you be able to acess all this non progression stuff without waiting forever for group now. how dare they! nerf their experience instead of you taking existing options to nerf your own experience while letting people be.

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It's one extreme or the other with you lot isn't it? What we have now is NO CHALLENGE. What we're asking for is some gameplay. We're not asking them to dial it up to UBER MAX EXTREME HARDNESS and telling you to HTFU and live with it. Companions are OP right now, and need to be nerfed, but when we say that, we don't mean nerf them into the ground.


100% this. Every time someone says companions are OP the response is always a bunch of hyperbolic, slippery slope, black and white bull****. Nobody's saying make companions suck and everything be hard. It was never hard, but you had to actually play the game to get through it because your character was the more powerful one and your companion was the sidekick. That's all we're asking for here.

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Some content is intended for more casual gameplay, and some is intended to be for the more hardcore. MMOs are built with that kind of content because due to online nature of the game, you can't really put a difficulty selection option in. Time and again though, I see the casual gamer demand that all content be made as available to them as it is to more hardcore players, and the more hardcore players get left with.... what exactly?


Don't make this about you. It's not about you, it's about everyone who plays this game. EVERYONE.


do you see me asking bioware to make HM ops easier? no. you do not. do you see me asking bioware make ANY content that doesn't allow for companion use - easier? no. you do not. I'm not asking for everything to be casual friendly. I'm asking for content that is ALREADY casual friendly? to remain that way.


and I keep repeating and I will keep repeating. YOU have options to make your experience more challenging. you can put your companion on passive. you can do this content naked.


you know what this reminds me off? all the hoopla when bioware added GSI terminals to Makeb. how dare they make something more casual friendly - NO one was forcing you to click that terminal in a first place.

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Please nerf companions. People who want to just get through content as fast as possible can make a level 60 character. Turning off an important part of the game because it's broken is a real dumb solution.


Nerf, or readjust the math from top to bottom?


"Nerf" just shifts the problems from one group of players to another.



100% this. Every time someone says companions are OP the response is always a bunch of hyperbolic, slippery slope, black and white bull****. Nobody's saying make companions suck and everything be hard. It was never hard, but you had to actually play the game to get through it because your character was the more powerful one and your companion was the sidekick. That's all we're asking for here.


See, you say those two different things.


When you say "they are OP, nerf them", you're making an absolute statement that appears to apply to all companions on all characters at all levels.


And from what's been reported, we know that's just not accurate.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Companions shall remain as they are right now. That's the least thing BW can do in order to compensate for the level sync.


I doubt companions will remain as they are for very long. In Bioware's own explanation of the new companion/alliance system they specifically say they shouldn't be hilariously overpowered because of Legacy bonuses, so I doubt they're supposed to be overpowered at all. And since they're waaay overpowered right now, I'm betting that's something they'll fix.


I just hope it's sooner, rather than later.

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again, if you are having a problem with how powerful they are? put them on passive or disable their abilities. you HAVE the option to put them on passive, so that you don't need to be all ironic on the forums about how leet you are and how easy they make the game.


if they are nerfed? those of us who like them powerful will have no recourse.


They are not powerful, they are broken. The boost from the companion's influence needs to be toned down. Period. EOT.


You sound like nothing else than a cheater. Well, you actually have the similar mentality. I don't see much difference between you and a cheater. Your HP don't drop below 98% while questing even at your max level. This is broken. Not powerful, not overpowered, but broken. At this point what you are saying is in other words "you don't like cheats, you can disable them but let us use them". You like cheating. Please, do us a favor and play some solo games with the god cheats on. Thank you.


Btw, we don't want to make a solo experience hard. This has been already explained. It needs to be easy but not to the point where you have the god cheat activated and all the fights boil down to standing in one place and dpsing a boss. This is as fun as clicking the enter button for 1 hour straight. Nothing to do in such a game where you can simply ignore everything and just smash buttons. What's the point of Bioware coming up with mechanics for boss fights? Currently the whole solo game is just the same experience throughout 1-65. Just stand there in front of a boss and don't worry about anything. This won't keep players entertained for long.

Edited by PavSalco
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It's called heroic 2+ for a reason. You are supposed to need another player to complete it. If your companion does everything for you while you go off to do whatever, than what is the point of even logging in to the game?


The heroic mission are intended to be solo'd now. Even the Star Fortress heroic says it's ok to solo if you are geared enough.

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When you say "they are OP, nerf them", you're making an absolute statement that appears to apply to all companions on all characters at all levels.


You're saying there's a difference between companion power in one part of the game and another now, so why couldn't whatever balance adjustment they do take that into account? I want the game to be balanced and stay balanced throughout. If that means all of the game needs to be nerfed, fine. If it means they need to go through and selectively nerf specific things, or create a system at scales power based on who/where you are, that's fine too.


I have yet to see any companion that didn't have more health or do more damage or have higher core stats than their player, but I haven't played the new content, so maybe things are different there. If that's the case, I'll trust Bioware to do what's necessary to balance the companions throughout. They've done it before.

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You're saying there's a difference between companion power in one part of the game and another now, so why couldn't whatever balance adjustment they do take that into account? I want the game to be balanced and stay balanced throughout. If that means all of the game needs to be nerfed, fine. If it means they need to go through and selectively nerf specific things, or create a system at scales power based on who/where you are, that's fine too.


I have yet to see any companion that didn't have more health or do more damage or have higher core stats than their player, but I haven't played the new content, so maybe things are different there. If that's the case, I'll trust Bioware to do what's necessary to balance the companions throughout. They've done it before.


The problem appears to be that Influence, Presence, Legacy stuff, whatever, etc, all stack together too much, so that players are getting a widely different experience.


The worry is that this is Bioware, and they don't do careful, nuanced, or subtle when it comes to "balance" -- whatever it is they're "adjusting", they almost always just nuke it from orbit.

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Exactly. If the new companions are encouraging this kind of behavior, how will people be remotely prepared for any of the other content in the game?


Psst: Key phrase: solo player focus. What you're referring to by 'other content' is the relic idea of group content that's slowly being phased out. If they solo a flashpoint, no one is there to care whether or not they get out of AoEs.

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