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Is This Really What People Want??


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It's why I subscribed for two months.

It's the closest I'll getting to a KOTOR 3, and that gets me hype.

After I've gotten through the stories I wanna play through, I'll let my sub run out and hop into FFXIV, as I've heard it's one of the better Final Fantasy stories going at the moment.

If not for the story, I wouldn't even play either, because I generally find MMOs kinda boring.

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It's why I subscribed for two months.

It's the closest I'll getting to a KOTOR 3, and that gets me hype.

After I've gotten through the stories I wanna play through, I'll let my sub run out and hop into FFXIV, as I've heard it's one of the better Final Fantasy stories going at the moment.

If not for the story, I wouldn't even play either, because I generally find MMOs kinda boring.



this is exactly what i am doing.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!


I know, right....This hole thing is a desperate trick to get Star Wars movie goers in the game imo. And these "story people" just can't handle any MMO content -- just look at their complaining on these boards. "OMG - I have to do 20 matches of interactive fighting (=PvP - a long established part of MMOs)." Pathetic....

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Yes this is exactly what Bioware and Swtor fans want (me included). There are loads of other good MMOs you can play if you want more PVP and raid content.


Bioware was always all about the story and I even remember how pissed off I (and many more poeple) was when they announced that the "third KOTOR" is going to be an MMO. Thank goodness for this expansion because this is as close to KOTOR 3 as we have ever been.


So it's quite simple I think - Bioware understood that SWTORs strength is story - not all the MMO stuff - and that is awesome.


I know, right....This hole thing is a desperate trick to get Star Wars movie goers in the game imo. And these "story people" just can't handle any MMO content -- just look at their complaining on these boards. "OMG - I have to do 20 matches of interactive fighting (=PvP - a long established part of MMOs)." Pathetic....


Can't handle? Maybe just not interested did you at least think of that? You people should just accept that SWTOR is no longer a true MMO and again - that's EXACTLY what the majority of people wanted.

Edited by Vodas
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Yes, this is exactly what I wanted and hoped it would be. If I want, I can still do Op's. If I want, I can still do PvP. If I want I can still solo. If I want, I can stand around, chat and take in the view. I can do anything I want and still enjoy a great story.


This game is more than just "the story" but when you get everything you want AND a great story you've hit the good times my friend.

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I can imagine that yes, this is what people want. It's disputable, though, if this is what "real" mmo players want. ;)


(Please consider that "real" mmo players may be an aging/dying species and businesses have to cater to the new generations of instant gratification and zero effort entertainment.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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If you don't want it, don't play it.




Don't come here crowing about how much you don't want it, thinking you can make the rest of us don't want it along with you. I'm sure there are some who agree, but this expansion is the best thing KOTOR has ever done, and it's raised the game and quality of the game to the next level. It finally feels like a Star Wars epic of our own and it makes the game I played a week ago feel obsolete and behind the times.


So if you don't dig it, that's fine. YMMV. But coming here to raise noise about it? Feh. Yawn. To each their own. For my part, I'm loving it.

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Not in any way is this what I expect out of SWTOR hence the cancelled sub the day after early access started when I finished the story (which by the way was a truly epic story so I do give them props for that). I expect an MMO which is what it was advertised as, not a KOTOR with a monthly sub. You may proceed to flame me over the 'cancelled sub' remarks which seems to be the norm around here but that's fine. The fact is that it's my money that I have invested in this game since its launch and as a (ex)subscriber, I can 'expect' it to be what ever the hell I want it be and those expectations are an MMO with new ops and group content when expansions come out. If you expect this game to be a KOTOR 3 and that is what you pay for with your sub, if you sub, and with the game purchase then so be it. It is not my place to tell you what to expect out of the game. It is painfully obvious for me the direction this game is taking and so the only real way to let my voice of disappointment be known is with a cancelled sub.
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In part. I've really enjoyed getting my first two characters to 65, and I'll probably get through another 2-3 before I've exhausted the conversation choices to the point that replay value will drop off of a cliff.


In terms of repetitive content grind, which seems to be what a lot of the self defined oldschool players want, there is the whole alliance system which has a grind of epic proportions if you really want to complete everything. However, rather than inflicting this on everyone it is very much an opt-in system. I really like that from a game design perspective.


Where it is lacking in areas that I care about:


GSF bug fixes and a solid balance pass on ship types, especially strike fighters. For me GSF is a perfectly acceptable substitute for endgame content, or a least it would be if the most broken parts were fixed.


Challenging solo PvE content. It may be out there and I just haven't found it yet. So far though it seems in short supply compared to 1.x through 3.x.


Challenging group PvE content. Haven't check this out in detail yet, but based on the leveling process I'm guessing that even HM ops may not be that hard. Our guild hasn't tried to 8 man a 16 man HM op yet though, so I suppose the jury is still out on that one.


PvP balance tuning. I don't actually care that much about PvP, but the balancing treadmill is as close to a perpetual motion machine as you get in MMO's so it's always a pretty safe assumption that this needs more work.


So yeah, to a certain extent 4.0 is what I want from SWTOR, it's just not everything I want from SWTOR.


Depending on how attractive the endgame content is in it's recycled and possibly nerfed forms I may maintain my current play schedule until the next set of chapters release, or I may spend most of December playing Dota 2 and DCS World modules instead. Even if that's what happens I'm not upset about it, and I'll definitely be back for the next release of story content.



If GSF fixes and strike buffs hit before the next story chunk then my level of satisfaction will jump to about 95% and stay that high for at least 6-8 months.

Edited by Ramalina
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Not in any way is this what I expect out of SWTOR hence the cancelled sub the day after early access started when I finished the story (which by the way was a truly epic story so I do give them props for that). I expect an MMO which is what it was advertised as, not a KOTOR with a monthly sub. You may proceed to flame me over the 'cancelled sub' remarks which seems to be the norm around here but that's fine. The fact is that it's my money that I have invested in this game since its launch and as a (ex)subscriber, I can 'expect' it to be what ever the hell I want it be and those expectations are an MMO with new ops and group content when expansions come out. If you expect this game to be a KOTOR 3 and that is what you pay for with your sub, if you sub, and with the game purchase then so be it. It is not my place to tell you what to expect out of the game. It is painfully obvious for me the direction this game is taking and so the only real way to let my voice of disappointment be known is with a cancelled sub.


Can I group with people? yes

Can I see tons of people around? yes

Can i sell things? Yes


It is a MMO.


Also Bioware is at last doing what they promise us from day one. Using Story as a Pillar. This is what the game was suppose to be.

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Can I group with people? yes

Can I see tons of people around? yes

Can i sell things? Yes


It is a MMO.


Also Bioware is at last doing what they promise us from day one. Using Story as a Pillar. This is what the game was suppose to be.


Great! Glad you are enjoying it! Again though, back to one of my points, stop trying to tell me what I should expect from this game. If the game in its current state meets your expectations then fine, it does not meet mine which I believe was the question asked by the op.

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Great! Glad you are enjoying it! Again though, back to one of my points, stop trying to tell me what I should expect from this game. If the game in its current state meets your expectations then fine, it does not meet mine which I believe was the question asked by the op.


Was just letting you know you was wrong about a point.


"I expect an MMO which is what it was advertised as"


You are getting a MMO that they promise. It took them this long to at last start giving it.

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Honestly? SWTOR should have released as a single player game (with co-op) to begin with. The story is all it really has going for it (at least for me). I came back from a LONG break (left just after Ilum was changed to not be a world PvP planet...so several years ago) for the story, nothing else.
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Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon?


Its doesnt take 6 month to make 6 hours of story / quest content otherwise none MMO video game would take over 5 years to be made.


Dragon Age 3 expension didn't took them 6 month and was more then an afternoon of gameplay.

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