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Forced to do PvP?


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Please, somebody tell me, that I’m wrong: Am I really forced to do pvp?

  • to get Pierce or M1-4X back as companions?
  • to complete my personal conquest goal, because the pve-parts are not repeatable and I need to complete it for ...
    ... an important crafting mat called 'Strategic Resource Matrix' and
    ... Jawa Scraps for Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?


Ok, I know that Jawa Scraps are also available in cartel packs, but other than that? And how many packs do you need to buy to reach 250k influence? Is there any other way to get Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?

I hate pvp because I don’t have skill. Maybe I will do pvp, if that is the only way to get those things – but pretty sure for real pvp-players, who will be teamed up with me, that will be even more annoying than for myself.


Please tell me that there are other ways! And with 'other ways' I don't mean 'buy it all at the GTN'.

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Please, somebody tell me, that I’m wrong: Am I really forced to do pvp?

  • to get Pierce or M1-4X back as companions?
  • to complete my personal conquest goal, because the pve-parts are not repeatable and I need to complete it for ...
    ... an important crafting mat called 'Strategic Resource Matrix' and
    ... Jawa Scraps for Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?


Ok, I know that Jawa Scraps are also available in cartel packs, but other than that? And how many packs do you need to buy to reach 250k influence? Is there any other way to get Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?

I hate pvp because I don’t have skill. Maybe I will do pvp, if that is the only way to get those things – but pretty sure for real pvp-players, who will be teamed up with me, that will be even more annoying than for myself.


ATM no. Frankly, I do plan to do the PvP on a couple of characters and just sitting down when the match starts.


Not because I'm trying to tick anyone off but because I'm actually not.


Yes. I do indeed suck that badly. I'm okay with that tbh. I really don't care either way but, what I don't like is messing up anyone else's fun which is precisely what I will do if I try to "help."


So, sitting down and just letting someone come along and finally kill me is the least disruptive way I can think of getting through the mission because, at least that way, I'm not screwing up someone else's holds and/or attacks.


Supposedly, some others on the forums have indicated that the PvP crowd is actually looking forward to all of us PvE'ers that will be hitting the WZs shortly. Not sure how much I believe that but, I guess we'll just have to see because, like you, I would personally be pretty darned ticked at being saddled with a team of ignorant, annoyed and uninterested teammates but maybe we're underestimating the kindness of our fellow players?....

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ATM no. Frankly, I do plan to do the PvP on a couple of characters and just sitting down when the match starts.


Not because I'm trying to tick anyone off but because I'm actually not.


Yes. I do indeed suck that badly. I'm okay with that tbh. I really don't care either way but, what I don't like is messing up anyone else's fun which is precisely what I will do if I try to "help."


So, sitting down and just letting someone come along and finally kill me is the least disruptive way I can think of getting through the mission because, at least that way, I'm not screwing up someone else's holds and/or attacks.


Supposedly, some others on the forums have indicated that the PvP crowd is actually looking forward to all of us PvE'ers that will be hitting the WZs shortly. Not sure how much I believe that but, I guess we'll just have to see because, like you, I would personally be pretty darned ticked at being saddled with a team of ignorant, annoyed and uninterested teammates but maybe we're underestimating the kindness of our fellow players?....


Yeah, I've got books to read. Sorry PvPers - I don't like it any more than you do. Sorry for being a burden to your team, but they put stuff I want behind the WZ wall.

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Please, somebody tell me, that I’m wrong: Am I really forced to do pvp?

  • to get Pierce or M1-4X back as companions?
  • to complete my personal conquest goal, because the pve-parts are not repeatable and I need to complete it for ...
    ... an important crafting mat called 'Strategic Resource Matrix' and
    ... Jawa Scraps for Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?


Ok, I know that Jawa Scraps are also available in cartel packs, but other than that? And how many packs do you need to buy to reach 250k influence? Is there any other way to get Artifact level Artwork and Consumable Gifts?

I hate pvp because I don’t have skill. Maybe I will do pvp, if that is the only way to get those things – but pretty sure for real pvp-players, who will be teamed up with me, that will be even more annoying than for myself.


Please tell me that there are other ways! And with 'other ways' I don't mean 'buy it all at the GTN'.


Yes and no, this is something I had to figure out for myself. YES you have to do PvP, NO you don't have to actually win.


I have found that 'auto run' can be your friend in this instance ^^

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Yeah, I've got books to read. Sorry PvPers - I don't like it any more than you do. Sorry for being a burden to your team, but they put stuff I want behind the WZ wall.


Yeah, that part is getting to me because I know that I'm going to be messing up someone else's night for the next month. but I really, really want M14X.


And again, like I said. Maybe they really are super-excited to explain everything and help out us klutzes? I mean, let's be honest, for all we know maybe PvP has been seriously boring for all of them lately and they're looking forward to the complete and utter chaos our arrival in droves is going to create. It'll definitely shake up their leaderboards because all of those win/lose ratios are going to change out in some pretty unexpected ways so, I imagine that someone somewhere is bound to be the lucky recipient of the fall out on that.

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Has anyone bothered to read the two new guides by Dulfy that address this?


One is for the Alliance, the other for Influence.


The Alliance one states that to get your companion back, you have to get them to Rank 10 Influence.


The other states that Rank 10 Influence is 10k Influence, which is equal to the 10K max of Affection that it used to be before the expansion it.


So, if you take those two things into consideration, if you are a player that wants Major Pierce or M1-4X back, then it stands to reason that all you have to do is get your companion to Rank 10 BEFORE starting KotFE.


Now, if your character didn't have either of those companions before the expansion, then yes, you do have to PvP IF you want them.


If I'm wrong about this, then whatever, but the guide never states anything about literally having to participate in any steps of the quests, just that you have to earn Rank 10 Influence with them. And logic states that if you already had Rank 10, you don't have to do anything but claim them.


Oh, but it gets better, as I just saw this as I was working on composing this reply, written in the Dulfy guide, in plain words:


"If you are Sith Warrior trying to recruit Major Pierce or Trooper trying to recruit M1-4x, they will join you right away without the PvP/Valor requirement."


Not sure about the Warrior part but those Troopers out there who are crying over "having" to do PvP to get M1-4X back, cry no more.


Dulfy Alliance Guide:



Dulfy Influence Guide:


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Forcing people who don't want to pvp to do it, that's an all new low. What, do they think if people are forced, they'll suddenly think it's fun and want to do it all the time? That's not how it works, at least not with me. Guess I'll make sure those comps are max affection 10 before I go to KotFE. They are on my main toons...


But yeah, this is beyond stupid. I'll leave before they force me to pvp. That's just the truth of it, from where I stand. Nothing against pvp or the folks who like it, but it's not for me.

Edited by Lunafox
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Has anyone bothered to read the two new guides by Dulfy that address this?


One is for the Alliance, the other for Influence.


The Alliance one states that to get your companion back, you have to get them to Rank 10 Influence.


The other states that Rank 10 Influence is 10k Influence, which is equal to the 10K max of Affection that it used to be before the expansion it.


So, if you take those two things into consideration, if you are a player that wants Major Pierce or M1-4X back, then it stands to reason that all you have to do is get your companion to Rank 10 BEFORE starting KotFE.


Now, if your character didn't have either of those companions before the expansion, then yes, you do have to PvP IF you want them.


If I'm wrong about this, then whatever, but the guide never states anything about literally having to participate in any steps of the quests, just that you have to earn Rank 10 Influence with them. And logic states that if you already had Rank 10, you don't have to do anything but claim them.


Oh, but it gets better, as I just saw this as I was working on composing this reply, written in the Dulfy guide, in plain words:


"If you are Sith Warrior trying to recruit Major Pierce or Trooper trying to recruit M1-4x, they will join you right away without the PvP/Valor requirement."


Not sure about the Warrior part but those Troopers out there who are crying over "having" to do PvP to get M1-4X back, cry no more.


Dulfy Alliance Guide:



Dulfy Influence Guide:



It's the non-Trooper/Warrior that has me concerned because there are a lot more of them than warriors/troopers and, statistically speaking, a lot of those folks are going to want those companions for whatever reasons. Also, statistically, a lot of those folks don't like or know PvP but are still going to try it anyway in an effort to do those missions....


Net results? PvP is going to seriously suck for a while as a result.

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@ Dallayna, TheSeventhJedi and Lunafox: it's good to know, I'm not alone with this, Thank you!

(...) YES you have to do PvP, NO you don't have to actually win. (...)

Oh, this great to know!

But the feeling of being a burden for the real pvp-players remains unaffected.

I would wish Dallayna is right and they are really looking for some variety, but to be honest, I doubt it, but you can always wish. ;)

(...) "If you are Sith Warrior trying to recruit Major Pierce or Trooper trying to recruit M1-4x, they will join you right away without the PvP/Valor requirement." (...)

This is even greater! It might not be a consolation for those who want them on other chars, but for me it is good against the feeling to have something taken away from my chars.


Can't believe I didn't read this! Guess it's too much news at the moment for me ;)


So thank you very much for the links!


If one just goes without crafting the really valuable stuff, the only thing that remains unsolved is:

Are Jawa Scraps really the only way to get the new companion gifts (Artifact level Artwork and Consumables)?

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Well, sadly, I've been poking around and, apparently, the Pvpers would prefer that you F()*)(* them seven ways to Sunday rather than sit and do nothing.... (not sure I fully understand that but, there it is)....


So, therefore, the current advice is to screw up however- they do not care.


Honestly don't claim to understand that but, that seems to be the general idea.... Do whatever and damn the consequences (although I've been told to "ignore what they say" as well...)



So.... F(&897 'em!


Truthfully? My understanding is thus:


PvPers really are the jerks we think they are and will cyber-bully you if you don't know their "rules" but, for some reason, you're supposed to "ignore" it all....



So seriously! Why bother to cater to bullies? Screw their crap up however you can without their realizing it! Keep posting "Oops" and "Sorry" a 100s times at the right moments and who's to know? You're going to screw their crap up anyway, and they obviously don't care so, why bother caring on their behalf?


GL on getting that mission... Keep trying and eventually, you're bound to get lucky!

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Yeah, Honestly? I hate pvp so much, that I'm not actually going to do the damn quest until they either decide to alter it and give people a pve option or I get tired of the game...Which might happen considering they screwed with a great deal of what I loved..
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Yeah, Honestly? I hate pvp so much, that I'm not actually going to do the damn quest until they either decide to alter it and give people a pve option or I get tired of the game...Which might happen considering they screwed with a great deal of what I loved..


I don't want to see them change it.

I'm surprised I haven't seen a GSF requirement (yet) honestly for companions. But alas, you should have some degree of variety.

And the companion you are after HATES the other side. So unless you are willing to show them you want to destroy them, why would they help you team up with them..? (Huge hole no matter how I look at it honestly :) )


Nobody is making you get him, though.


And if you are a trooper, you don't even have to worry about it.

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Did not realize there were so many completionists around. M1-4X and Pierce are completely optional companions and if you don't like PVP, don't bother picking them up, though troopers and warriors are able to get them without the requirement since they are from those classes originally. It will not hamper the story in the slightest. I got M1-4X on 1 toon and since it is the only toon I PVP on it is very likely the only one that will have the droid. Edited by iacon
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So far it's unknown wether extra (non main characters) companions will have ANY effect on the story. Considering that interaction with them is extremely limited and they can die, I am 100% that it won't matter at all. If you grew fond of Piece/Forex then you're obviously either a Trooper or a Warrior and you don't need to do a quest for them.


Otherwise these companions are completely unnecessary and just provide an extra quest/timesink to get them. You don't need to have them all, even crafting has limited slots, right?


Anyway, I don't mind it at all. Adds more variety to gameplay and, on top of it, PvPers get a dedicated companion who will grow in power as they play. I dig it.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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<snip>...to get Pierce or M1-4X back as companions?<snip>


Just so you know troopers always can get 4X back and warriors can always get Pierce back with a conversation option. It is the other classes that have to do the PvP to "earn" him.


For the record I hate the fact that they are using these two companions as a lure to get more people to PvP. They are PvE companions, after all.

Edited by Zharik
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Only if you have to have the companion, which as far as I know you don't.


The conquesting stuff, idk, but I imagine its along the same line, you don't have to do the aspects that involve PvP.


I consider it along the lines of them forcing me to PvP to get certain decorations or gear. You have the choice to skip those decos and gear, until they show that the game is unplayable without those companions etc.

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This is ridiculous of you guys...if you want M1-4X, do what you need to do to get him...or don't.


If you go into PvP, I don't care if you suck, I just care that you TRY! If you're unwilling to even TRY, why should you get the reward? Because you want it? How selfish can you be? I PvP because I enjoy it...I've PvP'd with plenty of bad players...know how many I've yelled at? None...as long as they were trying. If you don't give it any effort, I have no sympathy for you. If you screw up, it sucks and it can cost the entire team a win, but it happens...as long as you gave effort, you'll never be criticized by me.


Please...I beg you guys...don't enter a WZ and do nothing...PLEASE TRY!!! Don't enter believing you're just horrible...EVERYONE was horrible at some point. Do your best given how little you know about PvP...if some a-hole complains, put him in his place and say "my 1st WZ and if you wanna be a ****, it'll be my last too".


PvPers want you to PvP more...we want you to enjoy it, we want you to come back, YOU are why we get WZ pops. So please...please give it an honest effort. Only one team will ever win...at least try to help your team.

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no one is force to do any thing. if you want the comp do it untill u get it



Really it is simply as that, if PvP players want stuff from PvE content they also have to do that, so make a decision, do you want that companion that much that you do some PvP for it, or do you prefer to avoid PvP and thus not getting the companion. Choices that matter! :jawa_wink:

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I agree that the comps aren't really needed, so don't understand the issue. If it was about being able to get them back b/c they were previous comps I could understand the frustration, but if you are a trooper/warrior you aren't required to do the pvp.


There are comps requiring PVE so it balances out.


Simple solution, you want everything the games has to offer you play all parts of the game. Only want a segment, get only that segment opened to you.

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If you go into PvP, I don't care if you suck, I just care that you TRY!

To play off that...

It's just like going into a flashpoint or operation through group finder. I don't care if your DPS is low, so long as it looks like you're giving it at least half an attempt. Someone trying, I will help and give the benefit of the doubt. I am glad to see someone from a random team or a guild team be better.

BUT! If you blatantly ignore mechanics, or spam 1 attack, or go afk without announcing, or actively try to cause mechanics to fail... you'll get the same response out of me as the "PVP jerks".

Edited by azudelphi
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I'm really surprised at the amount of people that want these two characters so bad. I mean sure, I definitely want the droid back on my trooper (if I decide to take her through KotFE) but I've been planning Pierce's removal from my crew the moment they said you could pick your own team.


I've seen maybe 3 troopers with with MX41 during my many leveling adventures but none at max level - you know I actually thought he was a special reward pet before I leveled my own trooper. And Pierce I only saw once - I had to do a double take at that one.


Now just give me a way to stop that alert fist from glowing and I'll be happy.

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If you go into PvP, I don't care if you suck, I just care that you TRY!





No changes will come unless there is a lot of people complaining. The best way to force a change through is to make life hell for everyone. If BOTH pvpers and pve-ers are screaming about this, it'll get changed.



If I try, it'll just end in frustration for me. So why should I?


Why not just spend most of my time doing nothing? How would trying change the reward?

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