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Customer support about equipment removal


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Uff... Disappointed with the 4.0.1 changes. I'd expect to see something about the equipment vendors, but no.. nothing.


This thread has got a lot of attention BioWare, and it's not a coincidence. People want to get the equipment vendors back, or at least the ability to get the appearance in a form of non-bound to legacy.

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If CS cannot do anything about the issue, then just direct the caller to someone who can and not start arguing with him and use your own personal thoughts about the change.


However, I still think that the removal is just silly and can't understand the reason behind it. We need more, not less gear. Not everyone will ofcourse agree, but seen from the RP community, everyone looking the same is not a good thing. For example in the call, they used a dresscode for a military guild, which makes perfect sense. But everyone strolling around Nar Shaddaa wearing the equipments that goes below 350k on the gtn (( non subscribers )). There is only so much gear below the price and with removal of vendors providing gear for PVP comms or datacrystals, the available gear decreases drasticly.

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If CS cannot do anything about the issue, then just direct the caller to someone who can and not start arguing with him and use your own personal thoughts about the change. .


There isn't ANYONE who can do anything as it would take a fairly decent sized patch to code and fix. It isn't anything that is going to be fixed by a phone call.

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"Additional notes will be added during maintenance tomorrow."


Is it wrong that I have hope right now?


It's some exploits that they don't want to name. Don't start hoping that they are going to add the precious equipment vendors in.


Can't believe people called CS & started crap with them, when they have NO input on how this game is designed & who plans what. *smh*

Sad this community is that hostile. Especially over trivial gear.

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No offence Eric, but why don't you get off your back side and do some actual COMMUNITY stuff for 4.0? Talk about some changes, post some pictures of where popular items can be found and actually offer some guides for people who have lost stuff that your 'metrics' deem are important?


There's more to community than metrics.


How dare you talk to mr. musco like that. He's doing the best he can with the tools he's been given to work with. He is a spokesperson for the developer team. If they don't give him information or don't give him permission, he can't give it to us. You should be grateful for any olive branch overtures he deigns to release.

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Hey folks,


For the question at hand about why equipment was removed from various vendors, this is due primarily to stat changes. With the release of Fallen Empire, we essentially made that gear obsolete due to the new stat configurations and formulas. This meant the best option was to remove those items. Obviously, this raises the main concern of the support call which is the appearances of those armor sets.


The dev team informs us that virtually all of the core armor appearances previously on those vendors can still be located throughout the game. The majority of the old armor sets can be found via Crafting rewards, Missions, and Heroic Mission rewards. Now, there may be some variants of these core armor sets which are no longer available, but we’ll adjust that over time and slowly re-add pieces. If there are specific armor sets that can no longer be found, send the information to the Community Team and we’ll pass it along.


Taking a bite out of the people who can help with getting you back into the game, helping you restore missing items or characters, and addressing any billing issues, really isn’t a good use of your time, or theirs. As a general note, if you guys have feedback or questions about design decisions or development philosophy, come to the forums and raise it here. Going to Customer Support is not the correct place for that (and we will ask CS agents to direct you appropriately).


Thank you all for your understanding and hope that clears up any confusion on the issue.




I think one of the main issues was that those vendors sold customizable gear shells, that could be filled with the planetary modification vendor mods. Without those vendors, where are the players going to insert the mods, now that they can ONLY buy modifications? Sure, I guess they could buy that gear from other players at GTN, but I wouldn't bet on it..


ps. I seriously thought this change was done to give crafters something to do and trade, but I think it was overdone..

Edited by Karkais
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Well rakata gear is no longer obtainable in game, i am talking about this:




All rakata sets for all classes would be very nice, but without mods and armorings ofcourse.


If you can make it drop from flashpoints or make a vendor for it, i'd be very very happy.



Another question is, we get old Dread Guard gear as "drops".

Where are mainhands and offhands ?

I do not see offhands of mainhands in the database.






Where are mainhands ? and offhands ???

Edited by -Spc
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Why are we having to figure all of this out?


If you're gonna just yank the vendors off the fleet, etc, without letting us know beforehand, ok fine - then at least let us all know where/how each of the items can now currently be obtained. The CM message seems to imply it's all available somewhere else, so how about an official list that says where it all can be obtained? Not ask us to let you know if we don't happen to find something. If BW is confident it is all available through other means, shouldn't it be easy to provide a list and share with the group?

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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BW needs to tells us all that they SHOULD have from the onset.

Not let us go find out then complain.

This is like MicroShaft letting us be beta tester for new OS.


There needs to be a post about this and the MANY other things that are wrong/changed/nerfed/deleted/modified.


Come on BW, get to it all ready !!


PS. you may want to have the CS folks get on the same page so as not to tell different things to folks...makes you look bad.

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But the appearance is not the one I'd prefer. The main issue is that they removed so much good equipment which had a beautiful appearance.


I was addressing the "where to put the mods that I buy" query. I'm in the "you should have pulled the mods and sold the empty shells" camp of the comms vendors, after some early flirting with "well, the stats changed, so..." camp.

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When i submitted a ticket after 4.0 hit about all the missing content(orange gear gone from fp's, heroics, and vendors, dialogue gone from heroic missions.). The response they gave me was that all of it was due to a bug, and would be implemented back in at a later time. Not one of those tickets claimed it was from a design choice, and with reasons why. The orange gear from heroics could have been easily taken care of. The rewards had "always" been choice of an orange piece, or the lock box. Why not just update the lockboxes to have better stuff in them, so you could choose them if you wanted, instead of just updating the box, but trashing the orange?
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How dare you talk to mr. musco like that. He's doing the best he can with the tools he's been given to work with. He is a spokesperson for the developer team. If they don't give him information or don't give him permission, he can't give it to us. You should be grateful for any olive branch overtures he deigns to release.


Your sarcasm was beautiful...

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If CS cannot do anything about the issue, then just direct the caller to someone who can and not start arguing with him and use your own personal thoughts about the change.


However, I still think that the removal is just silly and can't understand the reason behind it. We need more, not less gear. Not everyone will ofcourse agree, but seen from the RP community, everyone looking the same is not a good thing. For example in the call, they used a dresscode for a military guild, which makes perfect sense. But everyone strolling around Nar Shaddaa wearing the equipments that goes below 350k on the gtn (( non subscribers )). There is only so much gear below the price and with removal of vendors providing gear for PVP comms or datacrystals, the available gear decreases drasticly.


Answer...New Armor boxes on the CM...if you want your cool sets,start tossing out the cash...thats pretty much what theyre saying...


Also notice its only for toons below 60, thats because they expect(and are probably correct), that all the new players that theyre trying to pull in are gonna buy that insta-60...so seriously why not toss all that gear to the CM...

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Well, we just have to keep making a big deal about it, and hope it changes. I remember fighting for no restrictions on color crystals way back at release, and eventually they listened. So if we just keep posting about all those horrible changes eventually they may bring back all the content that they ripped out of the game. Because there were so many good sets from correlia and now all of it is just gone.
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My BHs and smugglers just want their arms dealers back. How they gonna get any r.e.s.p.e.c.t. on the galactic streets if they wield a pew-pew while wearing a boom-boom outfit, or worse, a violet outfit with a red-green blaster? :(


My agents and troopers also would like to file the request that standardized, reliable equipment requisition needs to be resumed asap since trafficked and smuggled contraband of dubious origins, marketed and distributed by unscrupulous profiteers, has already caused come near-fatal accidents among the various crews due to undocumented compatibility issues. :mad:

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3:46 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=3m46s - Customer Support guy states that BioWare removed all the equipment vendors, drops from NPCs, etc; in order to make the game more challenging. While in reality, the companion change where I am on Dromund Kaas with my level 15 Juggernaut which has 1500 HP makes my companion to have 8500 HP and is able to heal me without any issues. I am never below 90% HP.


4:11 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=4m11s - In regards to 3:46, here the customer support says that the companion system right now is pretty OP (Over powered) so in regards to previous statement it makes no sense?


6:35 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=6m35s - Client is making a real good case here. Why would BioWare remove all the equipment vendors, NPC drops, etc; in order to make the questing more difficult? This guy from the customer support is already digging holes, first he claims that BioWare is removing all the equipment vendors in order to make it more difficult, in a statement less than 30 seconds later, he claims that companions are "frickin' OP" (over powered). If you wanted to make the questing more difficult, there is actually a lot of ways that BioWare could have done this. For example, you didn't have to remove the equipment, but the armourings, mods, enhancements and eventual color crystals inside them instead. This way, you could still get the equipment, but you'd have to buy the modifications seperatedly.


7:21 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=7m21s - I really liked that sentence. "There's a difference of being transparent and spoiling the whole thing", this is something you need to work on BioWare.


7:57 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=7m57s - I don't understand what the customer support agent is trying to conclude here? The client was speaking about outfits and such and this guy comes in and says that gear will be useless when he hits 65 anyways. Such a ridiculous statement.


8:41 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=8m41s - "That's the nature of the beast(??) People wanted it" I agree with the client here, I never heard anyone saying they didn't want the equipment vendors anymore. Where is this even said?


9:16 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=9m16s - The customer support agent here says "you can garaunte all you want, these are the changes that were made because we listen to our players" Another ridiculous statement. Incredible. If you were listening to players, things like this would not happen. In regards to the client's statement which he is correct about that you will not find a single post where players say that they want the equipment vendors removed. Last time I checked, people were asking for more gear, not removal of the old, so customer support agent is wrong once again.


12:40 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=12m40s - Wait what? The customer support agent says "It's not that big of a deal to me" Who could care what the agent thinks? He was speaking with a founder who said he was there since day 1. Does the customer not have a voice in this? Seriously BioWare, this is just embarrassing. Your agents seriously need to go back to school and learn what Service is. Service is not comforting yourself, but your clients with their purchase and feeling that the money is well spent, and here you say that "it's not a big deal to you".


14:51 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=14m51s - "I never said the equipment change was a good or a bad thing, I am just saying it doesn't affect me personally" I understand why the client is so upset. Incredible. What an embarrasment BioWare.


15:53 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=15m53s - What the heck. "If people want to leave, then that's fine" Of course it's not fine BioWare. Without customers = NO BIOWARE! Without customers = NO SWTOR! Without customers = NO PROFIT! This is such a big embarrasment BioWare. This guy even claimed earlier that you are doing what the players want and you listen to them and here you say that if people want to leave then that is fine...... Wow


16:31 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=16m31s - Client: "None(as in no player) ever said anything about removing the equipment vendors" and this guy replies "How can you know that? These are tickets which is sent in directly" Does this guy handle tickets? No! He just stated earlier that he handles billing and account issues. How can he even know and claim that it's something the players wanted through sending tickets. Lying to your customers BioWare that is so bad.



This is so tragic BioWare.. Shame on you.



WOW. I do technical/customer support for a living...and THIS...this is on the level of a Comcast or Verizon rep...utterly and completely horrible, and makes the company look like a bunch of a-holes.


I'm only contracting right now EA/Bioware - if you guys need a bad@*** support rep, I am sure I could replace about half of the goons y'all have employed right now and do a far better job!!!

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