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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Overpowered companions 4.0


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I think a patch before KoTFE goes live for everyone will nerf the companions. They are obviously WAY overtuned. The numbers on their new stat scaling system is way off (either influence or levels are contributing way too much).


They didn't fix it in the first patch after early access, cause they don't want to kneejerk reaction the numbers too hard.


We will see them nerf it by the end of early access or shortly after though.

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I'm not at all sure what you guys are seeing because the companions mum and I have (while we duo everything) are certainly not OP.


There is absolutely no hope in hell of any of them soloing the Heroic +2's we have been going to... not even the 2 we have out could do it -together-.


Is it different because we are going to 65 stuff and not early characters? Because, I'm just not seeing it.

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I'm not at all sure what you guys are seeing because the companions mum and I have (while we duo everything) are certainly not OP.


There is absolutely no hope in hell of any of them soloing the Heroic +2's we have been going to... not even the 2 we have out could do it -together-.


Is it different because we are going to 65 stuff and not early characters? Because, I'm just not seeing it.


I think the presence bonus may play a big part here. What is your basic/bonus value (if you mouse of the presence stat in your character sheet) and what rank of influence do you have with your companions?



Personally, I love doing my tactical weeklies solo and I don't want the comps to be nerfed. :D

Edited by KyaniteD
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I think the presence bonus may play a big part here. What is your basic/bonus value (if you mouse of the presence stat in your character sheet) and what rank of influence do you have with your companions?



Personally, I love doing my tactical weeklies solo and I don't want the comps to be nerfed. :D


I have 1697 (630/1067) presence and all the companions at 10 or above (that I use)

Same goes for my mother. I think she might have them higher rank.

Edited by Iantia
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I have only one regret now. That I have 5 months of sub left. I don't like wasting money. But, on the other hand, I like and respect myself, and when situation demands I just count my losses, learn, and move on.


This is so simple: companion should not, never, in any situation, have the double of my health, do more damage than I or be any way stronger than I am. This is now the case with my companions. There is nothing I can do to make them weaker. I can't turn the presence off. If the solution is to make MYSELF weaker this game is not for me anymore.


Don't you people defending this BS feel cheap cheaters? Because I do. Are you that kind of people who anyway cheat through life and always wait someone else to do the work for you? See, as you can twist and turn things around so can I. Me thinks EA would make tons of profit if they would just begin to sell real P2W-stuff for you. Like, weapons and armor that are really Godly and you can have them only through Cartel Market. I bet you guys would have your credit cards singing.


I don't really care what is not working here, level scaling or presence or whatever. Something is wrong. It might not affect everyone. It should be looked at and you people fighting against it are doing it for the reasons I can't understand, on the other hand, I have always had a problem to understand the mindset of greedy people. If your companion is not op, then good. My game is gimped and I'm needed only to do choices in cutscenes. That is not a reason I play games for. Stories are awesome thing to have, but I expect to have a gameplay too.


If your companion has double your health, or any other stats. Put some gear on and stop complaining. Companion stats are pretty much the same as if you had geared them in raid gear. You want to wear your crappy leveling greens and compare it to raid tier purples.

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I have 1697 (630/1067) presence and all the companions at 10 or above (that I use)

Same goes for my mother. I think she might have them higher rank.


You have more than I do then.


I just re-read your previous post, and I have to ask, do you mean you tried letting just your companions do the heroics? :confused:

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I don't think I - or anyone else, for that matter - should have to give myself a handicap in order to enjoy the game.
Simplest dev solution would be to remove presence from the game. I can already hear the storm of protests.


Next up is exchanging resources between legacy characters. I can hear the storm becoming a hurricane.

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I have 1697 (630/1067) presence and all the companions at 10 or above (that I use)

Same goes for my mother. I think she might have them higher rank.


You are experiencing close to what I am, with 1395 I think it was with Kira out, ran DPS/DPS in Black Hole H2. Had to stop after a few pulls to regen, but I was taking pretty much all the agro and all the damage. Still did twice the damage, and 3 times the kills.


Pretty much a repeat experience on my commando with Yuun, except I did die once. I'll try my ruffian scoundrel later, I expect that Risha will probably be closer in damage because of the ramp up that ruffian has compared to AS commando or focus guardian.


So people claiming companions are soloing everything for them.. why are you letting them? Yeah maybe my companions could solo Black Hole, if I let them but I'm not sitting here waiting for them to take their time with killing when I can do it three times faster alone, and together we get it done in a quarter of the time than if they did it solo. Sure you can set off your companion while you go do laundry, then come back and set them off again, blah blah blah. But you want to know something, while you were doing that I finished the run before you came back from laundry, and then started mine while my toon was sitting on the guild ship crafting.

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You have more than I do then.


I just re-read your previous post, and I have to ask, do you mean you tried letting just your companions do the heroics? :confused:



Only in response to all the people saying they can set their companions to kill everything for the heroics and walk away :) So I tested to see how my companion and mums did on their own .. and nope they sure don't survive it.


So I personally want to know how people are able to let their companions solo stuff ^^


I just don't see them as terribly OP. They keep my health up yes.. but not all the time and they are certainly not "soloing" anything w/o my input.

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BW:A should actually test this themselves, because I think alot of the "waaah way OP and here's a million ways how" comments are blowing this all way out of proportion, go to Oricon, try the H2+, even with a healer comp, it's no cakewalk, easier than it used to be, but you would not go afk in the heroic zone if you had any sense.
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BW:A should actually test this themselves, because I think alot of the "waaah way OP and here's a million ways how" comments are blowing this all way out of proportion, go to Oricon, try the H2+, even with a healer comp, it's no cakewalk, easier than it used to be, but you would not go afk in the heroic zone if you had any sense.


It's just the crowd that'd cry about anything whenever things change. This isn't remarkable or even unexpected. Watching Musco do Friends of Old on that live stream, I figured crying about something being overpowered was coming.


Turns out it was this.


Snore. Hopefully Bioware's people are as good at ignoring this crying as they are everything else.

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Only in response to all the people saying they can set their companions to kill everything for the heroics and walk away :) So I tested to see how my companion and mums did on their own .. and nope they sure don't survive it.


So I personally want to know how people are able to let their companions solo stuff ^^


I just don't see them as terribly OP. They keep my health up yes.. but not all the time and they are certainly not "soloing" anything w/o my input.


Take what they say with a grain of salt. There is a LOT of exaggeration and hyperbole flying around from the "nerf companions" crowd.

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It's just the crowd that'd cry about anything whenever things change. This isn't remarkable or even unexpected. Watching Musco do Friends of Old on that live stream, I figured crying about something being overpowered was coming.


Turns out it was this.


Snore. Hopefully Bioware's people are as good at ignoring this crying as they are everything else.


I really really hope so, I sooo love how comps are actually useful for a change.


If they need to do anything, I say that if BW:A wants to nerf comps, they should transfer that same nerfed power and HP to our characters, no-one loses out, so far as I can see. And it would actually help with the FPs...

Edited by sentientomega
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I really really hope so, I sooo love how comps are actually useful for a change.


If they need to do anything, I say that if BW:A wants to nerf comps, they should transfer that same nerfed power and HP to our characters, no-one loses out, so far as I can see. And it would actually help with the FPs...


Might not be a bad idea, that. I think it's ridiculous to see some people with all datacron, legendary presence bonus and all class companion presence bonuses crying about how companions are too strong now.


Do everything doable to make companions strong... Complain that they're strong.


Makes sense!

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Might not be a bad idea, that. I think it's ridiculous to see some people with all datacron, legendary presence bonus and all class companion presence bonuses crying about how companions are too strong now.


Do everything doable to make companions strong... Complain that they're strong.


Makes sense!


Oh I know, but I'm concerned about BW:A's intentions because of the sheer volume and number of threads hating on companions; I'd give anything, ANYTHING to know what they doom they were spelling for companion usefulness, if any. They made them this way, they must've had SOME idea of how things would turn out; especially as they seem to want people to be able to solo most content, even the post-story FPs in H2+ mode. To nerf them without compensating players by making up that loss, would defeat the whole idea of being able to solo those max-level H2+s.

Edited by sentientomega
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I think companions are overpowered and there is to much XP being thrown around.


I went from lvl 60 to lvl 64 yesterday doing 2x Bounty Contracts, Yavin, Oricon, Czerka and The Black Hole and the only time my health dropped below 90/95% was when Mako was briefly CC.


I am only in a mix of 186/192 gear and Mako only has an influence rating of 10. When she is fully levelled up and I'm in lvl 65 gear I'm gonna be a god :confused:


So your saying that you want to take days, weeks, or even months to level, and you would rather be dead multiple times in evey fight? Am I hearing this right? Are you really saying that you are a sado masochist and would prefer self torture?

Well I don't and I don't think anybody else does either.


Is it so bad that SWTOR lets you be a Bad A&%? Or that they let you level with out havin to pull your hair out or go grey while you try?


I don't see a problem in the game here.

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Companions are fine. Nothing needs to be done to them.


Aggreed its about time that companions are strong enough to hold thier own and not need to be rescued all the time.


I used to use my companions as cannon fodder so I would survive long enough to finish the fight. Now I don't have to do that. My companions are now equals as they should be.

If you think that companions are OP then don't use them. End of problem...


No change is needed for companions...

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I really like this change, but I don't really care to much about the game play. Just the story. I hope they can give people an option though, because I just wanna experience story and not worry about being dominated by a boss. I kinda compare this change to telltale games, where is more about choice and consequences rather than the gameplay. But again, if I wanted the game play aspect i'd be pretty mad to. But the more I play this game the more I think that it's made for people like me and not the hardcore gaming audience.
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Companions overpowered....right.


My experience? No, not overpowered at all.


Maybe I am missing some bonuses somewhere, but my companions are not even close to the "god mode" some of you are claiming to have.




My recent Voss KP experience was very telling, I had my 58 arsenal merc with Mako tanking, we finished it, but barely; the target hit so hard...

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I think the problem is that we have a wide range of people who have a wide range of differences from gear, buff, to benefits they are getting from completing companion stories, class stories etc. For those vet who have all these benefits and are well geared they probably are feeling overpowered (something I personally enjoy). For those who haven't gotten all the benefits the companions probably don't feel so powerful. I support those saying don't nerf the companions, for one do we trust Bioware not to go over board. I don't, look at their track recorder for over doing the nerfs.


As other pointed out they are very easy already in game solutions to make the game more challenging for those wanting it. You can not wear the best gear, don't augment it, put companion on passive etc. Any of these will make the game more challenging for those seeking it but won't have a negative impact on those who like being overpowered as well as those new to the game who might need the extra power. I like being overpowered because I have to play very early in the morning and never can get anyone to help me do group content, I can't even get a warzone to pop up sometimes. My sister like sometime more of a challenge so in 12xp she simple didn't update her gear very often and was quite challenged by her class story boss. So everyone can have what they want if people simple take some steps to make the game more challenging.

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This picture perfectly describes my feelings on the matter...




The reality is...pre 4.0 we were all trying to make the companion(s) we use as powerful as possible. Now we simply do not have to worry about that, and our companions being so powerful is directly based on our "influence" on them... I think that is awesome.


Also, as long as I fight the way I always fight...my character is much more impressive than my companion. So sure, they may have increased stats, but they are not better than the main character, if the main character actually chooses to fight.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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They're not overpowered. The stuff in the game has had the difficulty lowered. They understand that not everyone needs a challenge to stroke their ego - sometimes games are about fun.


They have metrics, you don't.


This got my vote.

The people who now clamor about over-powered Companions will jump immediately onto another bandwagon once they get their will and have spoiled things for those of us who are happy with how things are right now.

So I wonder what is next?

I mean... to complain that something is too easy? Come on! Anyone who wants a challenge... do not be lazy and create your own Challenge and the Game provides ample of opportunity for that.

I recently had fun watching two 60 Imp players and their Companions taking on one of the Rep Stronghold Defenders on Tatooine. Mighty surprised was I... because it took the 2 plus Comps to take the ONE NPC Defender down and it took them more then 5 minutes. Want a challenge... try this.

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