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Overpowered companions 4.0


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So yeah, here were my final numbers:


Tank stats:

122,436 hp

3893-3926 Damage (Pri)


DPS stats:

105,763 hp

5303-5336 Damage (Pri)


He also pulled 5664 dps on a 5-minute training dummy fight. :cool:


Well a player could get over 4k on a dummy in 186 gear when 60 was the cap. I would expect DPS mode would be about what a player could do on a dummy in starting raid gear for 65 so it sounds about right. So the issue is players with a bunch of influence and presence distorting the field on lower level planets because how much those stats are increasing companion effectiveness relative to level.


HP totals are high, but not ridiculously high compared to raid gear. They probably buffed that so we didn't have to micro companions as much.


So in other words, everyone complaining should stop screwing around on the low level planets and do content for your level.

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I haven't read through all 21 pages so apologies if this has been mentioned already:


I think companions need to be toned down as well. They can solo a lot of mobs if you set them to dps mode which completely ruins the feeling of playing the game. My companion should be there to help me, not do it for me. The companion alone shouldn't be enough to take down a whole group of mobs imo.

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I think companions are working as intended. These are for new players. If you have played this game > 1 year, you probably have presence buffs and the content (especially lower planets) should be trivial. It was trivial before, it's trivial now.


We can't gear our companions, we lost their special abilities, yet you guys complain that it should be a harsher leveling process. That doesn't fly in today's MMOs. Sorry. They want to retain subs, not lose them because some tiny vocal minority wants artificial challenge.

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So in other words, everyone complaining should stop screwing around on the low level planets and do content for your level.


Oh wise one, tell me how I do it with my lvl 44 Sith Juggernaut, when he is...tadaa...on the planet of his level?

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Oh wise one, tell me how I do it with my lvl 44 Sith Juggernaut, when he is...tadaa...on the planet of his level?


You obviously have a bunch of alts that are adding to your presence buff, so really the content you should be aiming for is end game.


If those presence buffs bother you, start over on a new account if you want to stay on the same server. Without all your legacy, your companions will be very weak in comparison to you.

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Oh wise one, tell me how I do it with my lvl 44 Sith Juggernaut, when he is...tadaa...on the planet of his level?


Uh, he's talking about the max level toons that go back to lower level planets. No reason to try to play semantics when you know he's not talking about leveling.

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Uh, he's talking about the max level toons that go back to lower level planets. No reason to try to play semantics when you know he's not talking about leveling.


No, I'm talking about players with multiple alts at end game, rolling a new alt and expecting companions to be weak when their gear is essentially presence stat now, and legacy buffs give you a crap ton of it to start off with, even without influence.


If you have a brand new account; which is what this expansion is aimed at, new players; companions will not feel very strong at all. This has been repeated many times in all the threads by people that ACTUALLY TRIED IT.

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I agree with the OP 100%. The companions are way over powered. There is no way my companion should have 15 to 20K more hit points than my PC, in 192 armor.


Sure they should, you are undergeared considering the starting level of end game gear in this expansion is what 208 or 216?

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After I completed the smuggler's story back in 2.0, I started up a Sentinel. With the presence unlocks for companion conversations and the +100 presence unlock for completing a human character's story Kira's health and damage was a bit higher despite my Sentinel getting better gear. After I completed all Republic-side companion conversations it went up even higher.


Right now rank 10 influence gives a hefty presence bonus (+500) and I've unlocked most of the datacrons (including Presence ones) Pub-side so that's probably why my companions are doing a lot of damage and have a lot of health. I've also been just going through the bounties this week and prepping an Imp Agent for a run to complete that side's stories. So I haven't had an opportunity to go to the daily/weekly areas I was using last week.


Hm. Maybe I should take C2 as a companion since that bug brought him back w/rank 1 influence. Just to see what happens. But I suspect my other buffs will compensate for it.

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We are talking about an MMO here. Developers hope we stay here for a long(ish) time, right? There are MMO-players that make a lot of alts, well-known fact. I will pay no attention to any suggestions that I should have to behave somehow differently now because developers did not pay attention to the fact that people's playing experience is not straight-forward: make a character, play to end and leave. Yes, I have alts. So what? I have not anyway tried to make any of my characters overly powerful, neither my legacy is anyway full of buffs and unlocks.


Hour ago I took my lvl60 Sith Assassin to Tatooine to try to do the Kingpin-contract. I have tried it before, with same Assassin, with same level, with same Drellik with me. Assassin in the same gear as now. Before 4.0 I was beaten to pulp. I tried twice and then decided I will leave things like that to better gamers than me. I was now scaled to 30 now. I killed the crimeboss with ease and laughed while doing it. Drellik did not take a scratch. Only thing that was changed is level scaling to LOWER level and Drellik being in God-mode. Before level scaling I couldn't touch the same boss without him pulverizing my poor Assassin. And now me, without any rotation, skills or gear to boast with, pulverized the boss. IT DID NOT FEEL GOOD IN ANY WAY.


This will be the last time I say anything about the matter because I don't do things I find totally useless, and I don't have conversations with people who don't want to listen because they feel they benefit of not listening.

Edited by tahol
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From the patch notes -> http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/10202015/game-update-4.0-knights-fallen-empire-early-access

' Increasing your Influence Rank with a companion directly increases that companion's combat and crafting performance in the form of a bonus to Presence, Crafting Speed, and Crafting Critical. Each point of Presence now provides a percentage bonus to a companion's performance, rather than flat numerical bonuses. This means Presence will scale better at higher levels.'


I think this smoothing out of the companion buff (pre-4.0 it was far too much front loaded) has had quite an effect on combat effectiveness as has the ability to set the companions role. Even in the default healer stance they seem to do a reasonable amount of DPS and your health bar doesn't seem to move.


There is also the unfortunate situation that many who have subscribed over the last few months to meet the early access prerequisite are those that have been playing the game for sometime and possibly accumulated some, if not all of the buffs that go to increasing the power level of the character. Class Buffs, Presence buffs, Legendary buff, Legacy datacrons.


There is definitely a situation where players who have the play time and have the experience to cope with a harder game environment tend to have all the buffs unlocked thus trivialising the very content they want to find difficult.


I suggested many moons ago that it may be nice to put the presence buff as a toggle option so a player could choose whether they get the benefit from it or not. Without having to go to the ridiculous lengths of making a character on a server without their current legacy.


Just as an additional comment on Presence scaling...


From Dulfy's guide on companion Influence ->http://dulfy.net/2015/10/21/swtor-fallen-empire-companion-influences-guide/


Each rank of companion Influence gives +50 Presence.

There are 50 total Influence ranks to be gained. If people think Companions are overpowered at rank 10 (+500 Presence) they are going to awestruck at rank 50 (+2500 Presence).


I would like to know the precise impact each point of Presence has as a percentage buff to a companions base stats.


I previously mentioned the idea of being allowed to turn off the Presence Buff, this is in regards to those Presence Buffs that come from unlocking companions pre-4.0. To keep companions from running away on the power scale the easiest self-control would be to separate out those you want for crafting purposes (try and max out Influence for the crafting crit and efficiency bonus) and those for combat (keep their Influence close to 1). There should be more than enough companions to allow for this sort of segregation.


Second to this and probably harder is for the Devs to introduce some new solo-PvE content that allows a solo player to challenge themselves to the limits of the game and not by imposing self-handicaps.


I am surprised that there is no 'Wave' mechanic. I've seen it used in other games and enjoyed it. The enemies keep spawning and getting harder/ more numerous and the challenge is to see what wave you can survive till.

You could build this into the game story as an Arena challenge with achievements linked to it regarding whether you truly solo it without a companion (given the way different Disciplines of an Advanced Class play I would even go as far as to separate out the achievements by Discipline) or go into it with a companion.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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*before 4.0- "Companions are turning into useless dress up dolls! I've spent years tweaking their gear for optimal performance rotations and you're taking it awaaaaaay!!!"


*4.0 drops....watches companion solo gold mob....


"Companions hit to harrrrrrrrd! BW nerf harrrrrrrd!"




Companions are fine....nothing to see here....move along.

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*before 4.0- "Companions are turning into useless dress up dolls! I've spent years tweaking their gear for optimal performance rotations and you're taking it awaaaaaay!!!"


*4.0 drops....watches companion solo gold mob....


"Companions hit to harrrrrrrrd! BW nerf harrrrrrrd!"




Companions are fine....nothing to see here....move along.


Well, the vocal minority has to find something to scream and whine about, right?

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I think companions are working as intended. These are for new players. If you have played this game > 1 year, you probably have presence buffs and the content (especially lower planets) should be trivial. It was trivial before, it's trivial now.


We can't gear our companions, we lost their special abilities, yet you guys complain that it should be a harsher leveling process. That doesn't fly in today's MMOs. Sorry. They want to retain subs, not lose them because some tiny vocal minority wants artificial challenge.




If they nerf my companion again, not only will they lose my sub but also the $82 a month I spend on cartel coins!

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As someone who was opposed to most of 4.0, I have to admit I'm feeling a little schadenfreude here. Just wait until they nerf the crap out of companions and it starts taking people (especially new/returning players) three times as long to kill stuff as it does with current God-mode.


You shouldn't be surprised. They severely dumbed the game down with 3.0 and made it facerollable with this 4.0 ****.


Hm. Maybe I should take C2 as a companion since that bug brought him back w/rank 1 influence. Just to see what happens. But I suspect my other buffs will compensate for it.


He's probably still more powerful than your Jedi Master lol.

Edited by HarleysRule
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As someone who was opposed to most of 4.0, I have to admit I'm feeling a little schadenfreude here. Just wait until they nerf the crap out of companions and it starts taking people (especially new/returning players) three times as long to kill stuff as it does with current God-mode.


You shouldn't be surprised. They severely dumbed the game down with 3.0 and made it facerollable with this 4.0 ****.


Much longer in some cases, and impossible without a group in others. Because people have to remember, you can't over level or over gear anymore because of level sync.

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"Master, save me!" *dies to 2 standard enemies*


Hope they nerf companions into the ground outside of solos. Back in the day when this game first went live, you got used to re-spawning.


And then you started getting Presence bonuses from legacy related stuff and datacrons. To the point where you had 800+ Presence and your first companion did a lot more damage and had a lot more hit points.

Edited by Halinalle
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Why are people acting like if they balance companions more it will ruin them? Honestly? The updates notes say that they tried to make it so comps weren't super OP, but apparently someone messed up somewhere and now they are super duper OP. It's like they said "Your companions won't be like Super Saiyans anymore" but you log on and they are friggin' Super Saiyans 3. It's obviously a problem with the system.


If anything comps should be like playing with another player. They should have roughly the same health, stats, and damage as you do on that level. Perhaps a little more due to Presence. Right now it's like playing with someone twice your level. It's beyond easy. And I'm fine with being able to solo heroics and FPs, this is just too much. With such powerful companions I feel like I'm the companion. Like I'm there to help T7 fight the Emperor, not the other way around. My low level characters' companions could fight my high level characters and do decently.


You're supposed to lose games sometimes. It is your job as the player to win. Right now the only way to lose is to make yourself lose. This effects the longevity of the game negatively. Even if you find it fun now, it'll be a bore eventually.

Edited by Brodoin
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Why are people acting like if they balance companions more it will ruin them? Honestly? The updates notes say that they tried to make it so comps weren't super OP, but apparently someone messed up somewhere and now they are super duper OP. It's like they said "Your companions won't be like Super Saiyans anymore" but you log on and they are friggin' Super Saiyans 3. It's obviously a problem with the system.


If anything comps should be like playing with another player. They should have roughly the same health, stats, and damage as you do on that level. Perhaps a little more due to Presence. Right now it's like playing with someone twice your level. It's beyond easy. And I'm fine with being able to solo heroics and FPs, this is just too much. With such powerful companions I feel like I'm the companion. Like I'm there to help T7 fight the Emperor, not the other way around. My low level characters' companions could fight my high level characters and do decently.


You're supposed to lose games sometimes. It is your job as the player to win. Right now the only way to lose is to make yourself lose. This effects the longevity of the game negatively. Even if you find it fun now, it'll be a bore eventually.


Do ops if you want to lose the game sometimes.


Seriously, the story content hasn't been challenging since launch. It wasn't terribly difficult then either, H4s and flashpoints could be 2-manned with decently geared companions.


My girlfriend and I did the entire game at level 2 man from 1 to 50 on our first characters, all flashpoints except Colicoid War Games because the turrets at level were impossible without 4 people. The only time we had an issue was the bonus series H4s on Alderaan because of the way the mobs were where you could pull entire rooms if you did it wrong. We set out to challenge ourselves, and really it wasn't much of a challenge. This was at launch without any legacy buffs.


Sorry, you all are mis-remembering a difficulty that did not exist in this game, ever.

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guess i better start clearing content before the devs step in and nerf everything. i swear to god some of you people are impossible. with the level sync on you WILL die if they weaken companions. you absolutely will. it's not even a question. dying all the time will not be fun either but hey, it's what you're crying for and i hope you get it.
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