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Of all the BAD decisions in 4.0, the new alliance "conversations" has to be the worst


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As long as the cinematics and the voiced main quests, aswell as the important conversations with companions (you know, the main ones, the most important ones) still there, I find this new dialogue thing not only nice, but a very creative way to introduce some side-content more easily, and at the same time, it give me some nostalgia for the original KOTOR. Also, I know my character voice and tone, so, thanks to I thing I have, called "imagination" I can understand the tone of my char.


I don't know who think this is the worst, but It's nice to know this person (or persons) are not involved in game design.

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You must know that full Voice acting takes a serious amount of money.


SWTOR is still the most expensive game ever developed, due to the voice acting. There is no way in hell it will continue to be fully voice acted: be reasonable.



To say that full voice acting is a 'Major Draw' to swtor is frankly an overstatement. Star Wars is the draw, not voice acting, not bioware's reputation, and certainly not EA. I'm betting there aren't many people out there paying $15 a month to watch the same interactive movie over and over again with no regard to the intellectual property it represents. You can claim you are here for the story all you want, but the truth is, if this wasn't a Star Wars story, a big part of us wouldn't even be here.


Its still Star Wars, its still heavily narrative driven, its still an mmo, it just isn't fully voice acted at this point in its evolution. Accept it because: it was inevitable. The only other option would be for SWTOR to close down. If you want that, go ahead and uninstall. I think you are all being silly to think that the lack of voice acting is worth weeping and gnashing your teeth over.


Complaining for the sake of complaining, as usual. Nothing new to see here: /thread

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I disagree completely OP.


I view this as a compromise. This content (alliance building) likely wouldn't even exist if it had to be fully voice acted. It allows BioWare to crank out new side content without having to bring in all 16 main voice actors.


KOTFE cutscenes + Alliance classic conversations = perfect marriage of quality and then quantity.


Agreed. Some mighty spoiled kiddies around these parts.


Reading doesn't hurt, I promise.

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I really hate it too. I'll deal as long as it stays to this particular content, but if this is a sign of a new, coming trend, I'd likely lose interest and leave game.


Yes, yes, we spoiled brats for enjoying our voice overs. However, it's the one thing I 'do' really care about, and we're all entitled to our opinions- whether people agree or not.

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While having fully voiced dialog is nice, I dont mind this change too much. I can understand why its made. It reduces the amount of voice acting needed to just the NPC rather than the 16 different voices of player characters for every convo. As long as we still get our character voices in important storyline cutscenes, Im fine with this.


ps. I wonder how much the Voice actors strike affected this. Probably a lot.

Edited by Karkais
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I really hate it too. I'll deal as long as it stays to this particular content, but if this is a sign of a new, coming trend, I'd likely lose interest and leave game.


Yes, yes, we spoiled brats for enjoying our voice overs. However, it's the one thing I 'do' really care about, and we're all entitled to our opinions- whether people agree or not.


Not spoiled brats for enjoying a thing, but rather for throwing tantrums the second that thing is compromised in a way they clearly don't like.


There's no point attempting to explain potential upsides about it. None are going to care a bit that there's a voice actor strike going on affecting the entire broad industry at this time.


Being disappointed that the thing was not exactly what would have made one happiest? Reasonable way to feel.


Tantruming and threatening to quit because of something as trifling as this?


Reminds me of the people howling about quitting if level sync wasn't optional.


Protesting a thing one disagrees with is fine, but I think this merits a 2 on the 1-10 scale, not a 14 plus burn the draperies.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Yes the absence of full voice was "Jarring" to say the least... This isn't TSW where a bee flies down my throat and half the npcs in the game have a comment to say about my silence.... this is SWTOR where full VO was part of the selling point (although if I ever hear Huttese again I'll shot the npc) as was Companion customisation. Come on James Ohlen, you where once the best cRPG game dev in the business, you know this crap doesn't cut it. Edited by Wompoo
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you don't go from a fully voiced game to a mute if you want to give people the option that's fine but it was forced onto us.


let's see what happens come fallout 4 and battlefront and if you can pull me back in because so far alot of these changes suck *** like the the forced pvp......

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The only thing that bothers me about these, is the lack of the chat. Yay to immersion and all, but it's still an online game, and these conversations can be pretty long.


And let's be practical about it, BW doesn't have a limitless amount of finances. Voice actors are very expensive in a game like this (there is a reason SWTOR was one of the most expensive games ever made). I am totally fine with less voice acting and it being replaced by text or something, as long as the content and story are done well.

Edited by Diagorias
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I seriously hope you do. The only thing that is garbage is your idiotic attitude toward a really fun and immersive story. Do me a favor and get lost already. You won't be missed.


This kind of attitude is what will kill this game. If every time someone is unhappy with a change over the years they get told to leave and wont be missed, and then do leave, eventually the population will be low to non existent.


EA and BW have more than enough money to pay actors, they were just being greedy if that is why they did this. Typical corporation.

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I have to disagree. Not having a voice doesn't lessen the writing. If anything, having a VO is an extra stress on execution.


I'm so oldschool I'm even quite happy about it.

I played a lot of text-based games years past before voice overs became fashionate, and games back then were just as well written if not even better, because every line recorded did not cost you a days meals.

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i have been loving 4.0. The storyline was so enveloping and was non stop action, BUT....the alliance conversations were disappointing and felt super odd. I understand the homage, I loved KOTOR but to run through what was basically a non stop action movie for 9 chapters, only tonfind myself not talking suddenly was weird


Its not "game breaking" but it takes a lot away from the interactions and when its a companion you really want to talk to, it really just takes the personal relationship away and makes those missions feel out of place.


I tend to agree with this post. It was jarring and I did panic slightly. As a Gunslinger, sassing with Hylo Visz would have been amazing and hilarious if I'd had a voice.


I think I'll be fine with it if it's kept to a minimum. I guess I'm so used to voiced protagonists now, and that is all BW's fault, honestly, they made me love them. Playing KoToR/DA:O now, for instance, just feels.. odd.

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Let me try and make things simple, since you seem to fail to understand how businesses work.


- EA budgeted X towards marketing.

- EA budgeted Y towards making the expansion

- Neither X nor Y amounts could be used for anything other than what they were budgeted for.

- Due to increased costing of voice actor's, Y budget couldn't be met and still have everything voice acted

- the most expensive VA were cut so that Y budget could be met

- X budget was spent as budgeted for, on marketing material.


We might all grumble and wish that EA moved money from X to Y so as to have everything voice acted. But here's a reality check - that's not how the vast majority of multi-million/billion dollar companies work. They have specifdfic departments dealing with specific task's/projects/business-aspects, which have set budgets for doing things (for paying wages, hardware, doing projects, etc), and generally can't change those budget's without a very, very good/compelling business reason to do so.


BW makes games, EA makes money for it's shareholder's. BW is fully owned by EA, so is constrained by it's rules, it's budgets, directions/instructions by it's departments and decisions into what gets spent on what. End of story.


Which is just a longer-winded way of making the same excuses for EA deciding that marketing the product was more important than actually making the product worth buying.

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hmm yea i saw that. But honestly i think it is looks nice. it reminds me the KOTOR games. I personaly dosen't have any problem with that :) we are in the old republic so why not? :) how ever i miss the face to face conversation in this period of talk, but i can deal with that :). Just one more thing :D I hope it wont be this system all the way trhough the expansion :D
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It amuses me SO much when they actually believe this was done as a homage, or a special surprise for KOTOR fans...I laugh so hard I almost cry...


BW fanboys are the most complacent pleased with anything group of people I have ever seen. This would not fly in any other game, but with SWTOR, anything BW does is pure gold to the white knights.

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BW fanboys are the most complacent pleased with anything group of people I have ever seen. This would not fly in any other game, but with SWTOR, anything BW does is pure gold to the white knights.

Or the people who are not ranting about it are just old-school tex-based game players who just dont mind not having a voice over.

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Homage to KOTOR, my ***, that's total ********.....Ran out of funding and/or didn't have enough time to record VO for Alliance quests is what happened.


This just feels weird, like playing a game from 10 years ago. You can't have your main character speak up to a certain point, whereupon he becomes mute. It just doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't a Trooper talk to Admiral Aygo? Why wouldn't a Jedi talk to Sana-Rae or a Smuggler to Hylo Visz? I haven't had the option to recruit old companions yet (as I've only done Alliance stuff with my Smuggler so far), but what's going to happen on other characters?


Is there no VO when the Troopers talks to M1-4X or Yuun? When the Consular talks to Qyzen? When the Inquisitor talks to Talos Drellik or Xalek? When the agent talks to Dr. Lokin? Who the **** thought this was a good decision? How is this in any way an improvement over what we had previously? (If they wanted to open up more conversation options, they could have easily added dialogue choices to the left side of the wheel, or even make sub-menus with an "investigate" option. Just how they did in Mass Effect.)


The fact that it emulates KOTOR and creates a sense of nostalgia doesn't mean it's good. It is outdated. It feels incredibly out-of-place in a fully voiced game. You can't have parts of the game fully voiced and parts, where your protagonist is suddenly mute.


P.S: If you want to bring back elements from KOTOR, why do you stop at that arbitrary point? Why not reduce classes to 3 and make combat round-based? You know, as an homage...

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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No it is terrible. I'd much prefer those scenes taking longer to be released than have them shoved out the door in this shoddy, half-baked plan to cheat the customer in the name of "nostalgia" for a backwards system from a game released in 2003 that I'd bet the majority of the playerbase has never even touched.


I'm glad you'd prefer to wait longer and longer for more content but I don't think most people would agree with you.


Bioware knows what content they have coming in the future and what their time and cost budgets are. Have you considered that they are already working on new story content and pushing it back means pushing ALL their content back? They are committing to releasing monthly story updates which all have heavy voice acting. The Alliance system allows them to add a bunch of extra content without affecting their story content which absolutely requires the voice actors time to do.


They are not removing voice acting from the game, they've implemented a secondary system which doesn't use it. There is room for both systems in the game if it means we get more content.


Agreed. I started playing this game because it was fully voice acted at all times. Now my character is slowly becoming an emotionless husk / shell because BW is cutting corners.


Is this a joke post? Did you play the expansion content at all? There was 10 hours of fully voiced content and another dozen or more hours of content are coming next year. Your character is not slowly being an emotionless husk, good Lord.

Edited by DaRoamer
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