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Iresso romance not acknowledged


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Another patch and no fix. No recognition of the problem. Guess I'll be sending in another report. Though at this point it feels like it's doing no good at all.


I'm so glad they could ignore this, quests that can't be completed, classes unable to recruit certain companions and in some cases (like 2 of my characters) losing them after recruitment and unable to summon them to complete the quest to advance their story, so they could do the all important companion nerf instead. /sarcasm


I would encourage everyone to submit their report on this issue again. Even though I think they won't answer, I don't want them to forget that there are people who have broken stories because of this issue.

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Another patch and no fix. No recognition of the problem. Guess I'll be sending in another report. Though at this point it feels like it's doing no good at all.


I'm so glad they could ignore this, quests that can't be completed, classes unable to recruit certain companions and in some cases (like 2 of my characters) losing them after recruitment and unable to summon them to complete the quest to advance their story, so they could do the all important companion nerf instead. /sarcasm


I would encourage everyone to submit their report on this issue again. Even though I think they won't answer, I don't want them to forget that there are people who have broken stories because of this issue.

In all my 3 and a half years of playing this game, I have never been more frustrated with it than I am now. How many in-game reports have been sent at this point?


How many times have I tried reaching out on Twitter? Well, there's always 4.0.3 coming up, I guess...

If anything, I want to make a bloody petition for this.

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I tweeted @swtor this weekend and was soundly ignored. As I've said repeatedly, for a company that touted this as "story is important" they sure are doing everything they can to prove otherwise.

I've tweeted both Tait and @swtor. If 4.0.3 is going to ignore this bug, I'm starting a petition.

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I've tweeted both Tait and @swtor. If 4.0.3 is going to ignore this bug, I'm starting a petition.


Count me in. My son has already referred to me as the Champion of Broken Romances. I am ready to champion this cause. My sage is my first baby and I do not like having her story broken and her romance ignored.

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I haven't started the story yet on my Warrior, but since I romanced DS Jaesa and she won't accept luxury gifts as better companion gifts than weapons, I won't start it until this is fixed. It does seem to be affecting characters that were created earlier than those that were created sooner though.
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I'm sure they are working on the problem, but i just cant understand IS IT REALLY SO DIFFICULT TO SAY A FCKING WORD TO SOOTHE US, huh BIOWARE? Either, if the thing wont be fixed for those characters who already started kotfe and lost their romances, i wont start another toon to replay, because its been too much with my main, too much... Probably then i will leave the game forever
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I'm sure they are working on the problem, but i just cant understand IS IT REALLY SO DIFFICULT TO SAY A FCKING WORD TO SOOTHE US, huh BIOWARE? Either, if the thing wont be fixed for those characters who already started kotfe and lost their romances, i wont start another toon to replay, because its been too much with my main, too much... Probably then i will leave the game forever


Darth Cynic says they have the answer, it's just delayed because the longer you don't know for sure that they broke your story, the longer you'll keep paying.

Edited by docbenwayddo
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Well, looks like this issue isn't fixed. Think I'll post another ticket, maybe give customer service a call. If nothing comes of it I think I'll unsubscribe till if/when its fixed. Figure since I have Fallout 4, I'll be more than happy to be finished with this game. Still a shame since I have been a subscriber since launch.
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I am still so angry that they thought the companion nerf was higher priority than people who have broken storylines while leveling and can't progress (i have one such character, myself). People who are missing companions they've recruited and can't summon them (i have 2 such characters). People whos romances are ignored by the game, therefore breaking their stories (that's why we're all here). Gifts not giving the proper influence with companions.


All of these things should have been more important than the nerf. But now they have that mess to clean up and we'll mostly likely be ignored while they fool with that. :mad:

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I am still so angry that they thought the companion nerf was higher priority than people who have broken storylines while leveling and can't progress (i have one such character, myself). People who are missing companions they've recruited and can't summon them (i have 2 such characters). People whos romances are ignored by the game, therefore breaking their stories (that's why we're all here). Gifts not giving the proper influence with companions.


All of these things should have been more important than the nerf. But now they have that mess to clean up and we'll mostly likely be ignored while they fool with that. :mad:


I hate to say it, but I understand their prioritization. The companion issues affect EVERYBODY.

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But was something that is an opinion. Not neccesarily broken. But that's not the topic and I shouldn't have brought it up.


Oh, you're fine. Technically, we are comparing the companion nerf to the romance bug, and debating if it is cause to fix the romance flags.



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Someone posted a new topic saying companions can't be romanced at all anymore. I guess this bug is worse than I thought. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=855285

I still haven't heard anything new about 4.0.3 as well. Expect that petition I talked about earlier to show up if they don't fix it by then

Edited by Swedguy
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I didint even realise it was bugged until way later myself as my Inquisitor was the first character with a romance I played. Now like alot of people im stuck with the possibility that my romance wont carry over later cause of this thing. as if I needed more reason not to pay the sub fee. My Ashara romance is the one im most invested in I REALLY do not care about the new compagnions Im already not too happy having to wait probably half a year before I hear about my romance again and even then from all the stuff I heard its not even definitive they will resume/come back so I keep putting money in a game that "maybe" will deliver what they announced.. if its not bugged.


Oh and I did receive the letter.. Bioware fix your stuff no one cares about balance

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Someone posted a new topic saying companions can't be romanced at all anymore. I guess this bug is worse than I thought. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=855285

If that really is the case then this is a new bug introduced with 4.0.2. I have created several new characters on 4.0.1 (SW, BH and SI) as well as finished the storylines of characters I hadn't touched for a while (JC and another BH). Most of them I just played to unlock the legendary player status - my SW made it to KotfE - and all of them were able to romance their companions, my SW's romance with DS Jaesa even got acknowledged in KotfE (as I've stated before in this thread). The only thing that was kinda odd was the fact that Mako skipped her "marriage-conversation" on both my old and new BH - I got every other conversation but not that one. The game apparently still considers my BH married to her as she sent me her mails and behaves as if we were married.


So, if companions really can't be romanced anymore then BW was able to ... well ... invent a new bug - we all know that Courting gifts don't work properly anymore since 4.0.

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Oh, you're fine. Technically, we are comparing the companion nerf to the romance bug, and debating if it is cause to fix the romance flags.




Thanks :cool:


Make sure to sign the petition! :p

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An easy way for them to "fix" this would be when you meet up with your love interest they give you the option to "confirm" your romance. Like a "flirt" option that confirms you had a previous romance. For example, say you meet up with Nadia you have several options like...


1.) Pleased to meet you again, padawan. (Saying this means you are on friendly terms with Nadia, but did not romance her. If you DID romance her, saying this essentially cancels the romance.)

2.) <Flirt Option> My dearest Nadia! I was so worried about you! (Saying this flags you having had a romance with Nadia in the original story. All future content related to your relationship will assume you have had a romance with her. This also applies if you in fact did NOT have a romance with her, giving lvl 60 characters to "Choose" old romance options.)

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An easy way for them to "fix" this would be when you meet up with your love interest they give you the option to "confirm" your romance. Like a "flirt" option that confirms you had a previous romance. For example, say you meet up with Nadia you have several options like...


1.) Pleased to meet you again, padawan. (Saying this means you are on friendly terms with Nadia, but did not romance her. If you DID romance her, saying this essentially cancels the romance.)

2.) <Flirt Option> My dearest Nadia! I was so worried about you! (Saying this flags you having had a romance with Nadia in the original story. All future content related to your relationship will assume you have had a romance with her. This also applies if you in fact did NOT have a romance with her, giving lvl 60 characters to "Choose" old romance options.)


I think this is an excellent suggestion. I think I might even have brought up a similar idea earlier in the thread, don't recall which page though. I hope the fix can be as simple as this! *crossing fingers*

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