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(Please read, Bioware) Angry companion letter


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First off I just want to say it is not my intent to tell you how to run your game. That being said though, there is a lot in this expansion that angers me (and probably many others judging from the forums). One of the main things I'm upset about though is relating to romance-able companions.


So I just finished chapter 4 I believe it was of the main KotFE story and I received a letter in the mail from Kaliyo (who I had my agent romance). The letter was essentially a break-up letter yelling at my agent for cheating on her. Now, there are several major problems with this. Firstly, I never cheated on her with Lana. All I did was flirt a little bit with her. Secondly, I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


So it seems pretty strange that my agent would get dumped for "cheating" on her. Besides, he is and agent after all and seduction is a big part of that. Hopefully there is a way to resolve this and keep the relationship going but as it is it doesn't seem like it. The romances in my opinion are an important part of the story and had I known that flirting with Lana would cause this to happen, I never would have done it. However, you never warned us about this until after many people had already played SoR. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit cheated and lied to. As it is I'm considering deleting my character and starting completely over from scratch which I really don't want to have to do, but if it means that I can fix my character's story then I will.


I don't expect an answer, but if there will ever be a way to fix this without having to start completely over I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me and everybody else who is concerned about this know. Please, I really don't want to start my character over from scratch.

Edited by Oragummi
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First off I just want to say it is not my intent to tell you how to run your game. That being said though, there is a lot in this expansion that angers me (and probably many others judging from the forums). One of the main things I'm upset about though is relating to romance-able companions.


So I just finished chapter 4 I believe it was of the main KotFE story and I received a letter in the mail from Kaliyo (who I had my agent romance). The letter was essentially a break-up letter yelling at my agent for cheating on her. Now, there are several major problems with this. Firstly, I never cheated on her with Lana. All I did was flirt a little bit with her. Secondly, I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


So it seems pretty strange that my agent would get dumped for "cheating" on her. Besides, he is and agent after all and seduction is a big part of that. Hopefully there is a way to resolve this and keep the relationship going but as it is it doesn't seem like it. The romances in my opinion are an important part of the story and had I known that flirting with Lana would cause this to happen, I never would have done it. However, you never warned us about this until after many people had already played SoR. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit cheated and lied to. As it is I'm considering deleting my character and starting completely over from scratch which I really don't want to have to do, but if it means that I can fix my character's story then I will.


I don't expect an answer, but if there will ever be a way to fix this without having to start completely over I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me and everybody else who is concerned about this know. Please, I really don't want to start my character over from scratch.


you were playing with fire and got burned.


Don't try this approach IRL, women are known to change their mind. From time to time. :cool:

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you were playing with fire and got burned.


Don't try this approach IRL, women are known to change their mind. From time to time. :cool:


Yeah, this. My wife would nail my cojones to the wall if I were to flirt with another woman. Welcome to real world relationships. ;)

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I see everybody making jokes and saying things like "well kaliyo is crazy so this is expected" but that's not the problem.

The problem is that first of all this happens with pretty much any romance-able companion I'm assuming and secondly Bioware didn't even tell people this would happen until it was too late. That alone really pisses me off.

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I see everybody making jokes and saying things like "well kaliyo is crazy so this is expected" but that's not the problem.

The problem is that first of all this happens with pretty much any romance-able companion I'm assuming and secondly Bioware didn't even tell people this would happen until it was too late. That alone really pisses me off.


C'mon, dude. You screwed up your romance and you're blaming BW? I married her and everything went fine. But I knew enough not to flirt with other women; you didn't. In another incarnation I completely rejected her in favor of, umm, er, I forget, and there were no recriminations there either.


You messed up. You made the wrong decisions. You lose. Simple as that. Take some responsibility for your actions.

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First off I just want to say it is not my intent to tell you how to run your game. That being said though, there is a lot in this expansion that angers me (and probably many others judging from the forums). One of the main things I'm upset about though is relating to romance-able companions.


So I just finished chapter 4 I believe it was of the main KotFE story and I received a letter in the mail from Kaliyo (who I had my agent romance). The letter was essentially a break-up letter yelling at my agent for cheating on her. Now, there are several major problems with this. Firstly, I never cheated on her with Lana. All I did was flirt a little bit with her. Secondly, I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


So it seems pretty strange that my agent would get dumped for "cheating" on her. Besides, he is and agent after all and seduction is a big part of that. Hopefully there is a way to resolve this and keep the relationship going but as it is it doesn't seem like it. The romances in my opinion are an important part of the story and had I known that flirting with Lana would cause this to happen, I never would have done it. However, you never warned us about this until after many people had already played SoR. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit cheated and lied to. As it is I'm considering deleting my character and starting completely over from scratch which I really don't want to have to do, but if it means that I can fix my character's story then I will.


I don't expect an answer, but if there will ever be a way to fix this without having to start completely over I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me and everybody else who is concerned about this know. Please, I really don't want to start my character over from scratch.


Haven't you figured out this is how a lot of females work IRL or maybe no IRL girlfriends yet? lol :cool:

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Thats weird... I straight (more like gay though) up cheated on andronikos with lana and in his letter to my sorc he dodn't mention anything, only that damn, where she is and that he believes that she didn't day and he was overall sweet. So it might be just Kaliyo being nuts. Or bugged game. Edited by MilwaHafnium
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Yeah, this. My wife would nail my cojones to the wall if I were to flirt with another woman. Welcome to real world relationships. ;)


not every real life relationship is the same way though. some people are "gasp" poly-amorous. some people have no problem with harmless flirting as long as it doesn't go anywhere past it. some people understand that work is work and relationship is relationship.


honestly? I was afraid that this would be the case. that a single flirt = cheating, even if you do not follow through.

sigh... ah, bioware.

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C'mon, dude. You screwed up your romance and you're blaming BW? I married her and everything went fine. But I knew enough not to flirt with other women; you didn't. In another incarnation I completely rejected her in favor of, umm, er, I forget, and there were no recriminations there either.


You messed up. You made the wrong decisions. You lose. Simple as that. Take some responsibility for your actions.


Maybe try reading what I wrote next time. In the class stories she never cared if you flirted of even slept with someone else. If I had known that her character was suddenly going to drastically change I wouln't have flirted but Bioware never told us anything of the sort until we had already done SoR. You can't seriously think I'm to blame here. The only thing I'm guilty of is not being psychic. It's pretty clear to me that you aren't interested in what I have to say though. All you are interested in is picking a fight with me it would seem.

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Bioware, I am angry that my choices have consequences.


I really can't believe the amount of idiotic comments I'm seeing here. Please for the love of god reread what I wrote and play the agent story to understand how this makes no sense for this particular character.


P.S. These actions have never had these consequences before so why would I assume that it suddenly would? My other charcters don't flirt with other people. Only my agent and smuggler because from my experience It had no consequences and it made sense for that class. An agent that doesn't flirt occasionally really doesn't make much sense, or have you forgotten that seduction is a part of their job?

Edited by Oragummi
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My question is .... how in the heck did she find out. I mean, were you dumb enough to introduce them to each other?


She was in the room. Funny part is my agent sleeps with random women across the galaxy, no ****s given by Kaliyo (who was in the room). I flirt one time with Lana, relationship over!

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Maybe try reading what I wrote next time. In the class stories she never cared if you flirted of even slept with someone else. If I had known that her character was suddenly going to drastically change I wouln't have flirted but Bioware never told us anything of the sort until we had already done SoR. You can't seriously think I'm to blame here. The only thing I'm guilty of is not being psychic. It's pretty clear to me that you aren't interested in what I have to say though. All you are interested in is picking a fight with me it would seem.


YES I SERIOUSLY THINK YOU ARE TO BLAME HERE AND DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T READ WHAT YOU WROTE!!! I read every self-serving, sniveling, whiny word. BW is not obligated to tell you in advance where your "relationship" is headed. If you had ANY sense of Kalio's character AT ALL you would have known, but you thought you could push her around and she wouldn't notice.


Your complaint here is ridiculous and you're being laughed out of the room. No. Sympathy. At. All.

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