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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Well I must say that reading your thread while waiting for my bosses to leave so I can go home was a little too entertaining; apparently they left 30 minutes ago and I didn't notice...


I know when my Commando overtook my Sage and I'd switched mains it was tough to come up with a Legacy name. I had a group of friends waiting to do some quests on Alderaan who had sent me off to complete Act/Book/Episode/Part I first (for the lexp). An hour later I was sitting there realising I hadn't really thought of a name...

I knew it was server-wide across my alts (we weren't 100% sure aboot cross-faction but our Imperial alts are just that anyway) but my Legacy name is more tied to my Trooper. It still works for Republic (although it's a little more fantasy sounding than space opera) but looks a bit weird on my Zabrak SI.


I'd be happy with an option for non-Legacy surnames as long as they weren't unique.


Anyway I should really get out of here so I can actually play the game before the servers come down (again) tonight. Good luck with your quest to which I shall now contribute a small amount of effort.

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You can send an in-game Ticket and ask them to change it. They can change people's names that are inappropriate, so they can change yours if you ask for it.


A better idea would have been to choose a Legacy name that went well with all your character names. Only took me about 10 minutes to think of one.

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You can send an in-game Ticket and ask them to change it. They can change people's names that are inappropriate, so they can change yours if you ask for it.


A better idea would have been to choose a Legacy name that went well with all your character names. Only took me about 10 minutes to think of one.


I think what OPs saying is that it appears the Legacy name gets almost hardcoded to your account, to the point where the GMs aren't actually able to change or remove it.

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I think what OPs saying is that it appears the Legacy name gets almost hardcoded to your account, to the point where the GMs aren't actually able to change or remove it.


I think they are able to do it, but are unwilling/not allowed to. Otherwise, what would happen if someone chose something profane? Would that be allowed to persist? Or would they just out-and-out ban that person? If you start making a habit of doing that, you're costing your company thousands of dollars. A name change and a reprimand of some sort saves the company money.


So, yeah, I think they have a method of changing names, they just aren't allowing the people who behave to utilize it -- just the naughty ones.

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Hey is there a space prison? that's not a bad idea.. speaking of good ideas please add space-ship pvp, thanks.


That's similar to what FFXI did. Rather than having your account frozen for breaking ToS or other offenses, you were still permitted to log into the game and play your character HOWEVER that character was stuck inside of a jail cell in a doorless room with a GM npc telling you that you ****ed up and you'll be let out after the time for your offense has been expired. At which point a real GM would arrive (if you were online) and make sure you understand what you did wrong before letting you back in. I spent a few days in Jail for hardcore trolling >>

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Nobody here is trying to kill the legacy system. In fact, I think it has a lot of potential.




Pretty much. For the time being, they should allow name changes, in order to rectify the mistakes that many of us made. I am sure the CMs could change names, but only if they were allowed to. That's a policy -- rather than a game design -- issue, and it's something that could literally be rectified by a rubber stamp from somebody higher up on the food chain.


So, again, I hope for longterm change, but in the short term, I'd be perfectly happy to settle for a simple name change. I think that's fairly reasonable.


I agree completly. I love the idea of the Legacy system, but since it was pretty much new, many players didnt understand much about it. I had the same problem and opened a ticket and after waiting for 2 days, was told that I'm pretty much stuck with what I chose. Not saying I'm a computer genius, but I do know these changes are easy to make. I wouldnt really care if it was a mistake you made on a level 5 character that you can just reroll and be done with it, but when you've already dedicated long hours into your character, make one small typo and then BAM your stuck with what you typed and they wont allow you to fix it? Kind of frustrating. Dont get me wrong, I love the game, love the Legacy idea, but not fixing an error to a paid subscriber? Sounds like bad service to me

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I hear what you are saying OP, but rather than allow one to change their surname, why not make it so that you can have multiple legacies? Where by when you attain a legacy name, you can choose to add your next alt to the legacy or not. Those characters not added to the legacy are free to make their own legacy when they finish Act 1.


It would seem more fair. The obvious benefits of addding more alts to the legacy would be more legacy XP, but at least it would be a choice as to whether to add an alt to the legacy. Or, make it so that Imperial and Republic Legacies are separate. This will allow two legacies per server and cap each legacy to 4 characters which will encourage you to make 4 republic and 4 Imperial characters to maximize the legacy XP.

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A box popped up I put some garbage in it.. fail. I really don't care but if BW think its ok for me to have a garbage legacy name so be it.


Nowhere on the popup did it state


1. It was permanent.

2. It was unchangeable.

3. That It spanned my other characters


Should I have clicked the ? I don't know I haven't clicked the ? In the main game so why should I on a pop up box with a picture a few words of jargon and a box where i can type asdareff

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I see a viable solution being:


Upon completing Chapter 1 you unlock your legacy name.


From that point on, any character you create will have the option of joining that legacy or chosing to start a new one.


After completing Chapter 1 on a character that has not been asigned to one of your other Legacy's, it unlocks the new one, allowing you to select another Legacy name.


The issues with this are the increased inavailability of names due to players being able to select multiple ones. On the player side, this also means that their Legacy XP would be divided between different Legacies. However, this would allow the Legacy name function to remain, for the most part, as is while opening the option of selecting different surnames for your characters.

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I see a viable solution being:


Upon completing Chapter 1 you unlock your legacy name.


From that point on, any character you create will have the option of joining that legacy or chosing to start a new one.


After completing Chapter 1 on a character that has not been asigned to one of your other Legacy's, it unlocks the new one, allowing you to select another Legacy name.


The issues with this are the increased inavailability of names due to players being able to select multiple ones. On the player side, this also means that their Legacy XP would be divided between different Legacies. However, this would allow the Legacy name function to remain, for the most part, as is while opening the option of selecting different surnames for your characters.


Any option would be superior to what we currently have.


Personally, I am in favor of having the Legacy Name 'divorced' from surnames, so that each character can choose a non-unique surname (which would allow players to start families across accounts, have different surnames for different characters, etc.), but maintain a legacy name that functions in essentially the same manner as the current system.


In this way, the Legacy System can be fleshed out in the manner that the developers had conceived, people can maintain all current titles, the functionality of the Legacy System will not be inherently offered, but choice and variety are restored to the players.

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It quite clearly states to be careful as its not changeable.


I believe that was the arguement against AC swapping too, so I assume it applies to this aswell.




I'm sorry that you have difficulty with reading.


Seeing as that is your fault, I do not see why the whole game needs to be shifted in order to aid a bunch of people who do not think about their choices.

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It quite clearly states to be careful as its not changeable.


I believe that was the arguement against AC swapping too, so I assume it applies to this aswell.


You'll assume wrong when a pay-to-change service debuts.


You know what companies love? Money. Know what they don't like losing? Money.


This isn't a religion; there is no 'doctrine' to violate here. It's a business, and businesses are built to make money. The more money they make, the better they're doing. Paid name changing services are the equivalent of a machine that prints $10 or $15 bills every few seconds. There is almost no cost to maintain them, and they pump out cash.


Bioware would have to be stupid to not opt for this.

Edited by AJediKnight
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You'll assume wrong when a pay-to-change service debuts.


You know what companies love? Money. Know what they don't like losing? Money.


This isn't a religion; there is no 'doctrine' to violate here. It's a business, and businesses are built to make money. The more money they make, the better they're doing. Paid name changing services are the equivalent of a machine that prints $10 or $15 bills every few seconds. There is almost no cost to maintain them, and they pump out money.


Bioware would have to be stupid to not opt for this.


You're right companies love money. My family owns one.


However... the company stated let me say that again "STATED" that there will be no changes in legacy names.


Now that is the company's word. A company's"word" is worth far more to them than any service they provide.


If they start going back on their word, their PR will tank. When a company's PR tanks, well ****. That's when you sell out and they go out of business.


Please learn that not everything in the business world revolves around money.

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While I fail to see how a surname can actually be suitable for Jedi or Sith but not both, I still find it rather interesting that there's no possibility of actually changing the name. I understand that the surnames/legacies are there so people can recognize the person playing - but a "one change per account, no more no less" could actually work, free or payed doesn't matter
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You're right companies love money. My family owns one.


However... the company stated let me say that again "STATED" that there will be no changes in legacy names.


They never swore it was an unchangeable policy.


Now that is the company's word. A company's"word" is worth far more to them than any service they provide.


Doubtful. Do you mean to tell me that people like you are going to grab their pitchforks and quit if people are allowed to right mistakes they made? That's the thing that's going to push you over the edge -- a wholly-personal choice to spend some dough and right something that only matters to them?


If they start going back on their word, their PR will tank. When a company's PR tanks, well ****. That's when you sell out and they go out of business.


I... right. You're totally right. A paid legacy name change service will kill TOR. You've converted me, and, in the process, stopped mobs from forming in the streets and raiding Bioware, Austin. You're a hero.


everything in the business world revolves around money.


Fixed that for you.

Edited by AJediKnight
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You're right companies love money. My family owns one.


However... the company stated let me say that again "STATED" that there will be no changes in legacy names.


Now that is the company's word. A company's"word" is worth far more to them than any service they provide.


If they start going back on their word, their PR will tank. When a company's PR tanks, well ****. That's when you sell out and they go out of business.


Please learn that not everything in the business world revolves around money.


And because they said it you think it's carved in stone? Really?


BioWare will change this. I guarantee you it's on their list. The naming aspect of the legacy system is nearly universally hated by players. It doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that forcing players to have the same surname or even legacy names for all characters (especially across factions) is a bad idea.


It will change.

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how about you create every character you are going to play before you finish Chapter 1, then you make sure you have the names you want and without the last name. or does is add the name to characters already created also?


Every character on the server. You can choose to display it as a title, or not at all.


It's an awesome system - but lousy for people who want to roleplay. They should allow you to choose a surname as well, and uncouple it from the Legacy system. It can get tough to explain away the same surname across species and factions.

Edited by TrifKaylon
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First off, I was wrong. They didn't say it was set in stone. They said it would be difficult to change. At no time did they state you could change it through a survice.



This is what someone said


"is shared across all characters on that server – so choose carefully!”


I just looked at a screenshot and no where did it state it was perminate. But honestly? Why would you assume it can be changed?





BioWare needs to implement changes that surely come above this. Such as the issues people are facing that make this game unplayable to them.


So a few people who want to change their legacy name are going to have to wait at the end of the line in terms of "High Priority."


Sure you are waving money in there face. They like that. They don't like it when the hundred of thousands of people who claim they are quitting because of issues take said money out of their face.



Also FUN FACT!!!!!!!!!


WoW came out in 2004


The name change survice didn't come until 2007.



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WoW came out in 2004


The name change survice didn't come until 2007.




TOR came out in 2011. There are certain things that should have been in the game when it launched, simply because they improve the experience of other games with them.


Also - I don't think most people have a problem with the Legacy system in theory. But it shouldn't necessarily be a replacement for surnames.

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I think the whole single surname idea for the Legacy system should be scrapped entirely. It doesn't make sens if you play both factions, much less different races on the same faction. Make a surname option unlockable, but limiting us to a single one is just a waste.




The concept was decent, but the delivery sucked. I'd be fine even with 2 legacy names (one per faction), but this whole 'uniqueness per server' bit sucks. Last names aren't unique IRL and we're talking over a million players on what, 2-3 dozen servers?

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The concept was decent, but the delivery sucked. I'd be fine even with 2 legacy names (one per faction), but this whole 'uniqueness per server' bit sucks. Last names aren't unique IRL and we're talking over a million players on what, 2-3 dozen servers?


To be fair, if the delivery eventually includes a ton of game enriching content - like the rumored classes/species/customization options, let alone Legacy items, then I can get over it. I've already rationalized it out to a necessary concession to metagaming, and I planned my character names and Legacy name out in accordance with that.

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